List of Terms

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This is a list of terms and definitions that can be found in game.



  • Glyphid - The most common family of bugs on Hoxxes.
  • Mactera - A flying family of bugs living on Hoxxes.
  • Swarm - A Swarm is an event that can occur on some mission types which briefly increases enemy spawn rates. Swarms are announced by Mission Control.
  • Core Infuser - A square block of whiteish colors. Receives the Tritilyte Key to start a Machine Event, and allows players to infuse a Blank Matrix Core after completing it.
  • Mission Control - Mission Control is the only character voiced but not seen. Explains things, gives orders, and warnings.
  • Perk - A gameplay modifier that can be unlocked via the KPI terminal.
  • Scrip - The name given to season specific currency. Comes from a historically accurate corporate currency used by mining companies in the past.
  • Deep Dive - A series of three missions in a row, both comprised of two primary objectives. Exist in normal and Elite versions.
  • Matrix Core - An object granted by completing a weekly Assignment or Deep Dives, that can come as a Blank, Infused or Mineral version.
  • Overclock Infused Matrix Core - An Infused Matrix Core that can be used to unlock an Overclock at the Forge.
  • Cosmetic Infused Matrix Core - An Infused Matrix Core that can be used to unlock a Cosmetic at the Forge.
  • Overclock - Weapon modifications that range from minor to major, unlocked by forging Infused Matrix Cores in the Forge.
  • Clean Overclock - A type of Overclock that only has benefits, but no downsides.
  • Balanced Overclock - A type of Overclock that brings in notable changes to a weapon, both good and bad.
  • Unstable Overclock - A type of overclock that brings in a game-changing effect to a weapon, but cripples its other functions in exchange.
  • Anomaly - A Mutator that can be beneficial or neutral, without the goal to increase challenge.
  • Warning - A Mutator that increases the difficulty. A mission can have up to two, but some are mutually exclusive.
  • Management - The obscure entity that decides everything, yet is only ever mentioned by Mission Control.
  • Rock and Stone - An expression used by the Dwarves as a rally cry.
  • Karl - The name of a legendary figure, often evoked as one might call upon the name of a deity or a hero.
  • R&D - An abbreviation of Research and Development, the teams that develop new weapons and equipment for the Dwarves to use.


This is a non-exhaustive list of the most common acronyms used by the community in discussions about the game.

General Terms

DD Deep Dive, a weekly end-game activity that consists of three pre-seeded missions that must be completed in a row
DRG Deep Rock Galactic, the name of this video game and the eponymous space mining megacorporation
EDD Elite Deep Dive, a more challenging version of a Deep Dive
GSG Ghost Ship Games, the studio developing Deep Rock Galactic
ME Machine Event, a structure sometimes randomly found during missions
OC Overclock, a type of weapon upgrade
PP Performance Pass, the game's battle pass mechanic
Performance Points, one of the two types of experience that measure player progression
"Rock and stone (brother)", a phrase used by the dwarves to express approval, gratitude, support or triumph
XP Experience Points, one of the two types of experience that measure player progression

Mission types

IS Industrial Sabotage, a mission type centered around crippling and defeating a stationary Rival-themed boss.
PE Point Extraction, a mission type about digging up big mineral chunks in a large open cavern under near-constant pressure of enemies.
OSR On-Site Refinery, a mission type where the players build and maintain pipelines to extract liquid Morkite from underground wells.


IW Iron Will, a popular perk that allows a downed dwarf to come back to action for a few seconds
SYIH See You In Hell, a perk that allows triggering an explosion around your dwarf while downed.

Combat terms

AB Armor breaking, a type of modification found on many weapons that makes it more effective at destroying creature armor
AoE Area of effect, a term usually referring to weapons that deal damage not only at the point of impact, but also in an area around it (e.g. "10 AoE damage")
BT Blowthrough, a type of modification found on many weapons that makes its projectiles pass through the target and hit other targets behind it (the number of penetrations varies)
CC Crowd control, a general term encompassing abilities that impair the enemies' movement or restrict their damage output: stun, slow-down, fear, etc.
HVT High-value target, a non-boss creature that introduces a considerably larger threat than other targets; therefore, eliminating it quickly is a priority
LST Large slow target, a creature that presents danger up close, but can be safely kited due to its low movement speed
RoF Rate of fire, a metric of how many projectiles a weapon fires per second
WP Weak point or weak spot, a specific part of a creature that, when hit, multiplies incoming damage

Weapons & Grenades

AC "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon, Gunner's second primary weapon
BC Breach Cutter, Engineer's second sidearm
BRT BRT7 Burst Fire Gun, Gunner's second sidearm
CRSPR CRSPR Flamethrower, Driller's default primary weapon
CWC Colette Wave Cooker, Driller's third sidearm
DRAK DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine, Scout's third primary weapon
EPC Experimental Plasma Charger, Driller's second sidearm
GK2 Deepcore GK2, Scout's default primary weapon
GRS "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System, Gunner's third primary weapon
IFG Inhibitor-Field Generator, Scout's default grenade
LURE L.U.R.E., Engineer's default grenade
M1000 Classic, Scout's second primary weapon
PGL Deepcore 40mm PGL, Engineer's default sidearm

Weapon Mods & Overclocks

ABM Armor Break Module, a clean overclock for the LOK-1 Smart Rifle
AISE AI Stability Engine, an unstable overclock for the Deepcore GK2
ALMO A Little More Oomph, a clean overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
ASS Active Stability System, a balanced overclock for the M1000 Classic
AV Aggressive Venting, a clean overclock for the DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
Aggressive Venting, a tier-5 modification for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
BB Big Bertha, an unstable overclock for the "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
BH Bullet Hell, an unstable overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Burning Hell, a balanced overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
BN Burning Nightmare, a tier-5 modification for the Experimental Plasma Charger
BOM Bullets of Mercy, a balanced overclock for the Deepcore GK2
Bullet Hell, an unstable overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Burning Hell, a balanced overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
CATG Cold As The Grave, a tier-5 modification for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
CMF Controlled Magnetic Flow, a tier-2 modification for the Armskore Coil Gun
CO Cycle Overload, an unstable overclock for the "Warthog" Auto 210
CR Compact Rounds, a balanced overclock for the Deepcore 40mm PGL
CR Cold Radiance, a tier-5 modification for the Cryo Cannon
DC Disperser Compound, a balanced overclock for the Corrosive Sludge Pump
ECR Electro-Chemical Rounds, a tier-3 modification for the LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Explosive Chemical Rounds, a balanced overclock for the LOK-1 Smart Rifle
ED Embedded Detonators, an unstable overclock for the Zhukov NUK17
EFS Electrocuting Focus Shots, an unstable overclock for the M1000 Classic
EMD Turret EM Discharge, an unstable overclock for the "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
EMR EM Refire Booster, a balanced overclock for the "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
ER Electrifying Reload, an unstable overclock for the Deepcore GK2
Elephant Rounds, an unstable overclock for the "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Energy Rerouting, a clean overclock for the Experimental Plasma Charger
Exothermic Reactor, a tier-5 modification for the Colette Wave Cooker
Experimental Rounds, a balanced overclock for the BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Explosive Reload, an unstable overclock for the Subata 120
EV Exhaust Vectoring, a balanced overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Exec Executioner, an unstable overclock for the LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Exo Exothermic Reactor, a tier-5 modification for the Colette Wave Cooker
FM Face Melter, an unstable overclock for the CRSPR Flamethrower
FSD Fuel Stream Diffuser, a balanced overclock for the CRSPR Flamethrower
HB Hot Bullets, a tier-5 modification for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
HH Heavy Hitter, a balanced overclock for the Experimental Plasma Charger
HIA Hydrogen Ion Additive, a clean overclock for the Corrosive Sludge Pump
HR Heat Radiance, a tier-5 modification for the CRSPR Flamethrower
HVC High Voltage Crossover, a balanced overclock for the Breach Cutter
ITE Improved Thermal Efficiency, a clean overclock for the Cryo Cannon
JFH Jet Fuel Homebrew, an unstable overclock for the "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
LCS Liquid Cooling System, a clean overclock for the Colette Wave Cooker
LSLS Lead Storm, an unstable overclock for the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
LWC Light-Weight Cases, a clean overclock for the Breach Cutter
MCU Magnetic Cooling Unit, a clean overclock for the Experimental Plasma Charger
MGC Manual Guidance Cutoff, a retired overclock for the "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System replaced with Rocket Barrage
MPA Magnetic Pellet Alignment, a balanced overclock for the "Warthog" Auto 210
MPS Mega Power Supply, a balanced overclock for the Colette Wave Cooker
NCTC Neuro-Corrosive Toxic Catalyst, a tier-5 modification for the Subata 120
Neuro Neurotoxin Coating, a balanced overclock for the "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Neuro-Lasso, an unstable overclock for the LOK-1 Smart Rifle
NTC Necro-Thermal Catalyst, a tier-5 modification for the Armskore Coil Gun
NTP Neurotoxin Payload, a tier-5 modification for the "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
ODB Overdrive Booster, an unstable overclock for the Shard Diffractor
OFM Overclocked Firing Mechanism, a balanced overclock for the Deepcore GK2
Overtuned Feed Mechanism, a clean overclock for the "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
OPA Overturned Particle Accelerator, an unstable overclock for the DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
PBM Plasma Burster Missiles, a balanced overclock for the "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
PP Persistent Plasma, an unstable overclock for the Experimental Plasma Charger
RC Roll Control, a clean overclock for the Breach Cutter
RJ RJ250 Compound, a balanced overclock for the Deepcore 40mm PGL
RTS Return to Sender, a balanced overclock for the Breach Cutter
SBB Shield Battery Booster, an unstable overclock for the DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
SCC Supercooling Chamber, an unstable overclock for the M1000 Classic
SD Spinning Death, an unstable overclock for the Breach Cutter
SF Sticky Fuel, an unstable overclock for the CRSPR Flamethrower
SFL Super Focus Lens, a clean overclock for the Colette Wave Cooker
SPC Stronger Plasma Current, a clean overclock for the Breach Cutter
Turret Arc, an unstable overclock for the "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
TCF Thin Containment Field, a tier-5 modification for the Experimental Plasma Charger
TEF Thermal Exhaust Feedback, an unstable overclock for the DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
TTC Triple-Tech Chambers, an unstable overclock for the Armskore Coil Gun
VB Volatile Bullets, a balanced overclock for the "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
VIM Volatile Impact Mixture, a balanced overclock for the Corrosive Sludge Pump
VIR Volatile Impact Reactor, a balanced overclock for the Shard Diffractor
WPS White Phosphorous Shells, a tier-5 modification for the Jury-Rigged Boomstick

Weapon Build Notation

The notation for this build would be "33212" or "CCBAB".

In discussions of weapon builds it's common to see notations like 21232 or BABCB, often followed by an overclock name. Those are shorthands that code the modification choices for the weapon in question.

Every weapon has five tiers of upgrades with 2-3 options per tier, and in each tier only one upgrade can be equipped. Thus, the first character notes which upgrade is picked from the first tier, the second character - from the second tier, and so on. 1 or A corresponds to the first upgrade in any given tier, 2 or B - to the second option, and 3 or C - to the third option (if it exists). Both number and letter notations are established practices in the community and mean the same thing.

If a build is suggested in which some choices aren't crucial or important, X can be used instead of a number/letter. For example, 21X32 would mean that any upgrade from the third tier can be picked.

When talking about a specific modification and not the full build, it's common to refer to it like T3B or T3.B. It means the second upgrade (B) in the third tier (3). The letter "T" stands for "tier".




