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Squish the bugs - for Karl!

Mobile Enemies

Grunts are basic melee enemies who will constantly walk towards the player, dealing damage when within biting range.

Slashers are upgraded melee enemies, featuring more health and higher damage than Grunts.

Spitters keep a medium distance from the player and fire purple acid shots. Spitters will not approach to melee.

Exploders are larger, orange Glyphids who will approach the player and then explode in a large AOE. They can be killed from a distance to trigger their explosion, or a careful player can dodge in and out of their trigger range to cause them to explode instantly. Exploders are very valuable for clearing swarms of enemies, as their explosion will damage other bugs. Most swarm events will spawn medium to large waves of Exploders that can herded into groups to trigger chain reactions.

Praetorians are large, durable melee enemies that can break weakened terrain in their pursuit of the player.

Mactera are flying melee enemies who can passively fly over terrain. Walls, vines, and voids mean nothing to Mactera, who will pursue you relentlessly until destroyed and cannot be slowed by obstacles. They also will sometimes fly in groups in a random direction, not pursuing you.

Q'ronar Younglings are melee enemies that can be most commonly found in the Salt Pits. They travel aimlessly, bouncing off of the walls and hurting the player should they run into you.

Static Enemies

Stabber Vines are stationary melee enemies, attacking the player should you get close.

Spitballers are stationary ranged enemies that fire large green shots at the player.


Lootbugs are passive creatures that mind their own business, not bothering to pursue the player. Getting within mining range allows you to attack the Lootbug, and killing it gifts you with some gold and nitra.

Mini Elite versions of grunts, spitters, slashers, and younglings can spawn occasionally instead of their normal counterparts. They have increased stats, as well as some other unique differences for certain mini elites.

  • Mini Elite Spitters shoot a spread of three shots rather than just one.
  • Mini Elite Younglings can break terrain when rolling, often carving out long tunnels in the stone. They also have a slight ability to steer themselves towards the player.

Elite versions of Slashers, Spitters, Praetorians, and Mactera can spawn as boss encounters on each layer of your dive. One Elite will spawn per layer at the end of the timer, with the exception of the final layer, Layer 5. They have much increased stats compared to their regular counterparts, as well as some other changes.

  • Elite Slashers and Elite Praetorians can break all forms of terrain (except red vines).
  • Elite Spitters shoot five shots in a spread pattern.

The Dreadnaught spawns at the end of layer 5 and acts as the final boss of a dive. It has a lot of health, deals a lot of damage, and has a long distance leap attack with good tracking that can also break terrain. Investing in at least a bit of movement speed during your dive is highly recommended to assist in dodging the Dreadnaught's leap.