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The milestones are the primary method to unlock new gameplay in Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor, be it new classes or subclasses, weapons and overclocks for them, or game changing artifacts, completing them is the way to unlock more options to explore Hoxxes (and rain down fire and hell on its denizens).

You can consult the milestones, their requirements, progress and rewards from the milestone menu (available from the main screen and the pause menu).

Unlocking Weapons

Weapon Unlock Milestones
Objective Reward
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 3 Corrosive Sludge Pump
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 6 Colette Wave Cooker
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 12 Impact Axe
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 15 Neurotoxin Grenade
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 21 Cryo Cannon
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 24 K1-P Viper Drone
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 27 Experimental Plasma Charger
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 3 Voltaic Shock Fence
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 6 LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 12 Deepcore PGL
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 15 Breach Cutter
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 21 Shard Diffractor
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 24 Plasma Burster
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 27 Shredder Swarm Grenade
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 3 BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 6 Tactical Leadburster
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 12 "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 15 Firefly Hunter Drone
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 21 "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 24 Seismic Repulsor
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 27 ArmsKore Coil Gun
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 3 M1000 Classic
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 6 Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 12 TH-0R Bug Taser
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 15 Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 21 Drak-25 Plasma Carbine
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 24 Nishanka Boltshark X-80

Unlocking Artifacts

Artifact Unlock Milestones
Objective Reward Artifact effect Corresponding Steam achievement
Survivor Milestone Gold.png Collect 250 Gold Gold Scanner You get a small chance to find Gold when mining any kind of rock! Get that Midas touch
Survivor Milestone Nitra.png Collect 250 Nitra Nitra Scanner You get a small chance to find Nitra when mining any kind of rock! Gotta stay Nitrated
Survivor Milestone Gold.png Collect 2,000 Gold Gold-Tipped Bullets Increase your damage done by 1% for every 5 Gold you have Au-fully rich
Survivor Milestone Nitra 2.png Collect 2,000 Nitra Nitragenic Powder Increase your critical chance by 0.5% for every Nitra you have Sprinkle of Nitra
Survivor Milestone Crit Chance.png Deal over 1,337 damage in one attack Pickled Nitra Increase your damage (2%) and decrease your move speed (0.5%) for every Nitra you have Relish the pain
Survivor Icon Damage Fire.png Deal 250,000 Fire Damage BRN Shield Belt Explode in a ring of fire dealing damage and burning nearby enemies when you take damage. 30 seconds cooldown. Hot, hot, hot!
Survivor Milestone Cryo Damage.png Deal 250,000 Cryo Damage FRZ Shield Belt Knock back and slow nearby enemies when you take damage. 30 seconds cooldown. A freeze is coming
Survivor Milestone Kills 2.png Kill 15,000 aliens while standing still Popup Tripod Increase your fire rate (+2%) and reload speed (+2%) while standing still. Lasts for 2s, stacks up to 15 times. Pillar of Society
Survivor Milestone Red Sugar.png Reach 300 Max HP BLT Ration Pack +70 Max HP, +2 Life Regen! Delicious BLT
Survivor Milestone Crit Chance.png Reach 75% Critical Chance Squint-EE5 +30% Critical Chance, +100% Cricital Damage, -30% Damage Squint and squeeze the trigger
Survivor Milestone Reload Speed.png Reach 50% Move Speed Barley Bulb Juice Gain a temporary movespeed buff when standing still. Gives +5% Movespeed for 3 seconds, up to 5 stacks It's got electrolytes
Survivor Milestone Reload Speed.png Reach 75% Reload Speed Ammo Rig +50% Fire Rate, -15% Move Speed Swift guns for swift hands
Survivor Icon Health.png Take 2,000 damage during a dive Reflex Calibrator Increase dodge chance while taking damage No pain, no gain
Survivor Icon Dodge.png Dodge 100 times during a dive Armor Grease Increase your dodge chance while you are moving (+2%) for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Slick, like butter
Survivor Ressource Gold.png Spend 20,000 Gold Pay2Win Console Continuously drains 10 gold every 10 seconds to increase damage by 100% Big spender
Survivor Milestone Kills 2.png Kill the Dreadnought while you have less than 30 HP The MoCap Increases your damage by (+1%) for every (%) of missing HP Close call
Survivor Icon Damage Status Effect.png Deal 2,500,000 Status Effect Damage in a single dive Chemist Kit +15% Potency, +15% Status Effect Damage Freezing hot acid
Survivor Ressource Gold.png Spend 2,500 Gold DRG Coupon Gives a 20% discount to all shop purchases Corporate discount
Survivor Icon XP Gain.png Reach level 50 during a dive Ancient Knowledge Gain 3 Levels Book of Experience
Survivor Icon Weapon Magnet.png Collect 25 Magnets Company-issued Magnet Spawns a magnet at the end of a stage that collects 50% of the XP Works 100% of the time
Survivor Icon Three Skulls.png Die 3 times Diver's Manual +10% Damage, +10% Reload Speed, +5% Critical Chance, +15% Critical Damage Hoxxes Manual
Survivor Icon Armor.png Reach 50 armor Salty Pretzel Increases your armor by 1 for every 2% of missing HP Why so Salty?
Survivor Icon Damage Plasma.png Deal 5 different damage types in a single dive Multi Tool -25% Reload Speed, +5% Reload Speed for every unique [Tag] equipped Multitool
Survivor OC locked.png Equip 10 Overclocks in a single dive Turbo Encabulator +3% Damage, +3% Reload Speed, -5% Mining Speed for every equipped Overclock Pro side wobble compensator
Survivor Icon Mastery Point.png Acquire 10 total Mastery Points Weapon Box Equip an additional random level 6 weapon with a random overclock What's in the box!?
Survivor Icon Fire Rate.png Fire 150,000 projectiles in a single dive Piercing Projectiles +50% Piercing Count 'em!
Survivor Icon XP Gain.png Level up 1,000 times Energy Bars You gain +1% Damage, -2 Max HP for every player level Hangry?

Unlocking Classes and Class Mods

Class Unlocks
Objective Reward Class effect Class starting Weapon
Survivor Icon Player Rank.png Reach Player Rank 1 Classic Class Mod +10% Move Speed, +20 Max HP Deepcore GK2
Survivor Icon Player Rank.png Reach Player Rank 3 Weapons Specialist Class Mod Fire 8 high damage projectiles after firing 100 projectiles "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Survivor Icon Player Rank.png Reach Player Rank 5 Maintenance Worker Class Mod +10% Damage/Reload Speed to all Construct weapons LMG Gun Platform
Survivor Icon Player Rank.png Reach Player Rank 7 Foreman Class Mod +2% Mining Speed for 2 seconds each time Driller mines, stacks up to 25 times Subata 120
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 9 Interrogator Class Mod +100% Status Effect Damage, -30% Damage CRSPR Flamethrower
Survivor Driller Portrait.png Reach Driller Rank 18 Strong Armed Class Mod +20% Weapon Range Bonus Impact Axe
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 9 Juggernaut Class Mod +10 armor, +50 Max HP, Grants +10% damage for 10 seconds when taking damage, stacks up to 5 times "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Survivor Gunner Portrait.png Reach Gunner Rank 18 Heavy Gunner Class Mod -10% Movement speed, +25% Weapon Range/Reload Speed to Heavy Weapons "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 9 Tinkerer Class Mod +10% XP gain, makes all weapons start at level 3 "Warthog" Auto 210
Survivor Engineer Portrait.png Reach Engineer Rank 18 Demolitionist Class Mod +20% Explosion Radius/Reload Speed to all Explosive weapons Deepcore PGL
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 9 Recon Class Mod +25% Dodge chance. Upon dodging, Scout gains +35% Move Speed/Reload Speed for 5 seconds Zhukov NUK17
Survivor Scout Portrait.png Reach Scout Rank 18 Sharp Shooter Class Mod +15% Critical Strike Chance, 50% Critical Strike Damage M1000 Classic

Unlocking Masteries

Mastery Unlock Milestones
Objective Reward
Survivor Cristalline Caverns.png Complete a dive in Crystalline Caverns on HAZ 3+ Crystalline Caverns Mastery
Survivor Magma Core.png Complete a dive in Magma Core on HAZ 3+ Magma Core Mastery
Survivor Hollow Bough.png Complete a dive in Hollow Bough on HAZ 3+ Hollow Bough Mastery
Survivor Salt Pits.png Complete a dive in Salt Pits on HAZ 3+ Salt Pits Mastery
Survivor Icon Fire Rate.png Complete a dive with the Weapons Specialist on HAZ 2+ Weapons Specialist Mastery
Survivor Icon Damage Status Effect.png Complete a dive with the Interrogator on HAZ 2+ Interrogator Mastery
Survivor Icon Throwable.png Complete a dive with the Strong Armed on HAZ 2+ Strong Armed Mastery
Survivor Icon Damage Explosive.png Complete a dive with the Demolitionist on HAZ 2+ Demolitionist Mastery
Survivor Icon Drone.png Complete a dive with the Maintenance Worker on HAZ 2+ Maintenance Worker Mastery
Survivor Icon Mining Speed.png Complete a dive with the Foreman on HAZ 2+ Foreman Mastery
Survivor Icon Heavy.png Complete a dive with the Heavy Gunner on HAZ 2+ Heavy Gunner Mastery
Survivor Icon Armor.png Complete a dive with the Juggernaut on HAZ 2+ Juggernaut Mastery
Survivor Icon Move Speed.png Complete a dive with the Classic on HAZ 2+ Classic Mastery
Survivor Icon Dodge.png Complete a dive with the Recon on HAZ 2+ Recon Mastery
Survivor Icon Crit Chance.png Complete a dive with the Sharp Shooter on HAZ 2+ Sharp Shooter Mastery
Survivor Icon XP Gain.png Complete a dive with the Tinkerer on HAZ 2+ Tinkerer Mastery
Survivor Icon Mastery Point.png Acquire 5 total Mastery Points Bloody Learner Anomaly Dive
Survivor Icon Mastery Point.png Acquire 10 total Mastery Points Hardcore Anomaly Dive
Survivor Icon Mastery Point.png Acquire 15 total Mastery Points No Movement Anomaly Dive
Survivor Icon Mastery Point.png Acquire 20 total Mastery Points Vanilla Anomaly Dive
Survivor Zhukovs (cropped).png Upgrade [ANY WEAPON] to level 12 [WEAPON] Mastery

Biome Goals

Any Biome Goals that were completed by the end of a dive are listed under "Milestones" for the completion report. Finishing Biome Goals unlocks more hazardous biomes by awarding the player Biome Points.


All the weapons in the game used to be provided without overclocks available, and would need to be brought up to weapon level 12 during a run to unlock overclocks for subsequent runs. A seperate milestone for each weapon would be completed when it first reached the level 12.
