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The smartest of the lot, the Engineer survives by using his gadgets: Turrets, drones, and a lot of plasma make quick work of any hostiles
— Class description

The Engineer is one of four playable characters in DRG Survivor, unlocking when reaching Player Rank 5.

The Engineer Class

Engineer focuses around area control and lockdown gameplay. This makes him ideal for holding a single area, but struggles during exploration and resourcing. His starting weapons consist of the LMG Gun Platform, "Warthog" Auto 210, "Stubby" Voltaic SMG, and Hi-Volt Thunderbird. His class mods are Maintenance Worker, Tinkerer, and Demolitionist, with Maintenance Worker being unlocked by default.


Baseline stats for the Engineer Class are below. Stats may be altered by upgrades or by choosing a Class Mod.

Starting Stats
Health 130
+XP Gain 5%
Critical Chance 5%
Critical Damage 150%

Available Weapons

Engineer has a set of eleven weapons that, once unlocked by ranking up in the class, can always be found by him during regular dives.

The Maintenance Worker Engineer also has access to all unlocked [CONSTRUCT] weapons, and the Demolitionist has access to all unlocked [EXPLOSIVE] weapons.

Survivor Icon Drone.png
Maintenance Worker
Starting Weapon
Survivor LMG Turret.png LMG Gun Platform
Default Engineer Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Warthog.png "Warthog" Auto 210
Survivor Stubby.png "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Survivor Eletrical Drone.png Hi-Volt Thunderbird
Survivor Voltaic Fence.png Voltaic Shock Fence (Engineer Rank 03)
Survivor LOK1.png LOK-1 Smart Rifle (Engineer Rank 06)
Survivor Deepcore PGL.png Deepcore PGL (Engineer Rank 12)
Survivor Breach Cutter.png Breach Cutter (Engineer Rank 15)
Survivor Shard Diffractor.png Shard Diffractor (Engineer Rank 21)
Survivor Plasmaburster.png Plasma Burster (Engineer Rank 24)
Survivor Shredder Grenade.png Shredder Swarm Grenade (Engineer Rank 27)

Other Weapons Available: [CONSTRUCT]

Survivor Krakatoa Turret.png Krakatoa Sentinel (Driller Rank 01)
Survivor Viper Drones.png K1-P Viper Drone (Driller Rank 24)
Survivor Fire Drone.png Firefly Hunter Drone (Gunner Rank 15)
Survivor Seismic Repulsor.png Seismic Repulsor (Gunner Rank 24)
Survivor Cryo Drone.png Arc-Tek Cryo Guard (Scout Rank 15)

Survivor Icon XP Gain.png
Starting Weapon
Survivor Warthog.png "Warthog" Auto 210
Default Engineer Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Stubby.png "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Survivor Eletrical Drone.png Hi-Volt Thunderbird
Survivor LMG Turret.png LMG Gun Platform
Survivor Voltaic Fence.png Voltaic Shock Fence (Engineer Rank 03)
Survivor LOK1.png LOK-1 Smart Rifle (Engineer Rank 06)
Survivor Deepcore PGL.png Deepcore PGL (Engineer Rank 12)
Survivor Breach Cutter.png Breach Cutter (Engineer Rank 15)
Survivor Shard Diffractor.png Shard Diffractor (Engineer Rank 21)
Survivor Plasmaburster.png Plasma Burster (Engineer Rank 24)
Survivor Shredder Grenade.png Shredder Swarm Grenade (Engineer Rank 27)

Survivor Icon Damage Explosive.png
Starting Weapon
Survivor Deepcore PGL.png Deepcore PGL (Engineer Rank 12)
Default Engineer Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Warthog.png "Warthog" Auto 210
Survivor Stubby.png "Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Survivor Eletrical Drone.png Hi-Volt Thunderbird
Survivor LMG Turret.png LMG Gun Platform
Survivor Voltaic Fence.png Voltaic Shock Fence (Engineer Rank 03)
Survivor LOK1.png LOK-1 Smart Rifle (Engineer Rank 06)
Survivor Breach Cutter.png Breach Cutter (Engineer Rank 15)
Survivor Shard Diffractor.png Shard Diffractor (Engineer Rank 21)
Survivor Plasmaburster.png Plasma Burster (Engineer Rank 24)
Survivor Shredder Grenade.png Shredder Swarm Grenade (Engineer Rank 27)

Other Weapons Available: [EXPLOSIVE]

Survivor HE Grenade.png High Explosive Grenade (Driller Rank 01)
Survivor Impact Axe.png Impact Axe (Driller Rank 12)
Survivor Acid Grenade.png Neurotoxin Grenade (Driller Rank 15)
Survivor Incendiary Grenade.png Incendiary Grenade (Gunner Rank 01)
Survivor Hurricane.png "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System (Gunner Rank 21)
Survivor Cryo Grenade.png Cryo Grenade (Scout Rank 01)

Class Mods

Class Mods may alter a Class's base stats and weapon availability. Currently there are three Engineer Class Mods: Maintenance Worker, Tinkerer, and Demolitionist.

Maintenance Worker

Survivor Icon Drone.png

This Class Mod is unlocked at Player Rank 5.
Maintenance Worker grants +10% Damage and +10% Reload Speed to all Construct weapons.
This class mod starts with the LMG Gun Platform and also has access to all currently unlocked [CONSTRUCT] weapons.

LMG Gun Platform
Survivor LMG Turret.png
Unlocked by: Engineer Rank 01
Krakatoa Sentinel
Survivor Krakatoa Turret.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 01
K1-P Viper Drone
Survivor Viper Drones.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 24
Firefly Hunter Drone
Survivor Fire Drone.png
Unlocked by: Gunner Rank 15
Seismic Repulsor
Survivor Seismic Repulsor.png
Unlocked by: Gunner Rank 24
Arc-Tek Cryo Guard
Survivor Cryo Drone.png
Unlocked by: Scout Rank 15


Survivor Icon XP Gain.png

This Class Mod is unlocked at Engineer Class Rank 9.
Tinkerer grants +10% XP gain.
This class mod starts with a "Warthog" Auto 210 and only has access to the Engineer's default weapon pool.
When using this Class Mod, all weapons begin at level 3.

"Warthog" Auto 210
Survivor Warthog.png
Unlocked by: Engineer Rank 01


Survivor Icon Damage Explosive.png

This Class Mod is unlocked at Engineer Class Rank 18.
Demolitionist grants +20% Explosion Radius and +20% Reload Speed to all Explosive weapons.
Demolitionist begins with a Deepcore PGL and also has access to all currently unlocked [EXPLOSIVE] weapons.

Deepcore PGL
Survivor Deepcore PGL.png
Unlocked by: Engineer Rank 12
High Explosive Grenade
Survivor HE Grenade.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 01
Impact Axe
Survivor Impact Axe.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 12
Neurotoxin Grenade
Survivor Acid Grenade.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 15
Incendiary Grenade
Survivor Incendiary Grenade.png
Unlocked by: Gunner Rank 01
"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Survivor Hurricane.png
Unlocked by: Gunner Rank 21
Cryo Grenade
Survivor Cryo Grenade.png
Unlocked by: Scout Rank 01
