"Fox" Armor Rig

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This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Season 03: Plaguefall
Updated for U37

Each set of DRG issue armor is mounted on a highly modifiable undersuit, capable of transforming the capabilities of the armor considerably. Regrettably, R&D has as yet proven unable to utilize the suit's stillsuit capacity towards onboard production of alcohol.
— Item Description

The "Fox" Armor Rig is the Scout's piece of undersuit armor. It can be upgraded to improve its resistance against fall damage.


There are four tiers of modifications and each tier has one to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Scout Upgrades
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Duration.png
Improved Generator
-1s Regeneration Delay "Shield begins to regenerate sooner."
Credit.png 1 400 Credits
Magnite 10 Magnite
Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Boosted Converter
+2s Regeneration Delay
+100% Regeneration Rate
"Shield regenerates at a much faster rate but after a longer initial delay."
Credit.png 1 400 Credits
Umanite 10 Umanite
Icon Upgrade Capacity.png
Bigger Mineral Bag
+5 Carry Capacity "You can collect more of each mineral before needing to deposit."
Credit.png 1 400 Credits
Bismor 10 Bismor
Tier 2
Level 5
Icon Upgrade Resistance.png
+5 Shield "Your shield can absorb more damage before breaking."
Credit.png 1 800 Credits
Bismor 15 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Resistance.png
+20 Health "Max health increased."
Credit.png 1 800 Credits
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade FallDamage Resistance.png
Shock Absorbers
+33% Fall Damage Resistance. "Built-in shock absorbers make falling less painful."
Credit.png 2 060 Credits
Jadiz 10 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 12 Enor Pearl
Tier 4
Level 15
Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png
+ AoE Damage on Shield Break "Your shield breaks violently, damaging all enemies around you in the process."
Credit.png 2 150 Credits
Magnite 14 Magnite
Umanite 22 Umanite
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Static Discharge
+ AoE Stun on Shield Break "Whenever your shield breaks it releases a static discharge that has a chance to stun nearby enemies."
Credit.png 2 150 Credits
Croppa 22 Croppa
Bismor 14 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Revive.png
Breathing Room
+3s Revive Invulnerability "Temporary invulnerability after being revived."
Credit.png 2 150 Credits
Jadiz 14 Jadiz
Umanite 22 Umanite


Each purchased modification advances the mastery bar by one unit. Modifications can be puchased in any order.

Mastery unlocks:

Mastery unlock
3 +5 Health
4 Dusty Winds Armor Paintjob Icon Skin Armor Dusty Winds.png
6 +5 Health
7 Azure Draft Armor Paintjob Icon Skin Armor Azure Draft.png
9 +5 Health

Stats breakdown

Unique Modifications


Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png


  • Damage: 8-16
  • Damage Type: Explosive
  • Radius: 5m

Static Discharge

Icon Upgrade Electricity.png

Static Discharge

  • Damage: 0.2 per tick
  • Damage Type: Electric
  • Interval: 0.2
  • Duration: 2s
  • Total Damage: 2
  • Radius: 2m
  • Status Effect: Electrocution (Movement Speed x0.2)

Armor Paintjob

Main article: Armor Skins#Scout