Shard Diffractor

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment.
Requires Engineer Level 21
Purchased for:
Credit.png 8200 Credits
Jadiz 50 Jadiz
Magnite 110 Magnite
Enor Pearl 40 Enor Pearl

To keep it from detonating like a thousand pounds of TNT, the Shard Diffactor is limited to short, controlled bursts, but don't let that depress you - it's powered by a 12-pound chunk of Ommoran Heartstone, and is able to vomit forth thick beams of raw energy, reducing anything in it's path to a mound of cinders
— Weapon Description

The Shard Diffractor is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Engineer. It is an intricately designed laser cannon consisting of various electrical and mechanical components. A shard of Ommoran Heartstone rests in a central chamber and is surrounded by three plasma torches rigged with wiring. Upon using the weapon, the shard becomes superheated which emits a beam of destructive energy that incinerates enemies.

In addition to having infinite range, the Shard Diffractor inflicts continuous damage onto any target impacted by the beam along with anything surrounding the impact point. The beam will also cause an enemy's temperature to rise, eventually resulting in them being ignited. As the weapon description claims, slain enemies will be reduced to a rapidly-dispersing cloud of ash, preventing some on-death effects (such as the Praetorian's gas cloud) from occurring.

The Shard Diffractor also features a battery with a maximum charge capacity rather than a conventional magazine; firing the weapon drains the battery while releasing the trigger will automatically recharge the battery, which draws from the weapon's total capacity. Furthermore, the battery must be fully charged in between uses and there is a brief spinup delay before the weapon can begin firing.


Shard Diffractor Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png
Impact Splash
+2 Area Damage "Releasing a screw from the stability safety mechanism causes the beam to more forcefully rupture outward on impact, increasing area damage."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Umanite 20 Umanite
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Increased Energy Density
+2 Direct Damage "The energy density of the beam is increased, improving direct damage."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Jadiz 20 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Larger Battery
+100 Total Capacity "R&D custom fitted you with larger battery, increasing the max capacity."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Enor Pearl 20 Enor Pearl
Tier 2

Level 6

Icon Upgrade Weakspot.png
Soft tissue Disruption
+33% Weakpoint Damage Bonus "Hit'em where it hurts! Literally! We've upped the damage you will be able to do to any creature's fleshy bits. You are welcome."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Jadiz 20 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Area.png
Particle Spattering
+0.8m Effect Radius "By including a stronger gas flow through the beam particles the damage area around impact zone is increased."
Credit.png 1800 Credits
Croppa 12 Croppa
Tier 3

Level 10

Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
Aluminum Foil DIY
+50 Charge Capacity "Placing a simple aluminum ball between the battery and main capacitor was enough to transfer a lot more juice with each charge! Who even needs R&D anymore?"
Credit.png 2200 Credits
Umanite 20 Umanite
Enor Pearl 30 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Open Structure Battery
-0.8s Charge Time "Opening the structure of the battery with a new experimental material enables much faster charging!"
Credit.png 1800 Credits
Magnite 18 Magnite
Bismor 12 Bismor
Tier 4

Level 14

Icon Upgrade Heat.png
High-Intensity Heating
+75% Direct target heating "A tweaked beam oscillator increases the intensity of the thermal shockwaves on direct impact, transferring more heat to the target."
Credit.png 3800 Credits
Magnite 15 Magnite
Umanite 25 Umanite
Enor Pearl 36 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking.png
Nitrogen Vaporizer
+400% armor breaking "Rerouting nitrogen gas through the beam increases its pressure power density and enables it to melt armor plating."
Credit.png 3800 Credits
Umanite 36 Umanite
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Bismor 25 Bismor
Tier 5

Level 18

Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Hydrogen Rupturing
+33% additional damage against electrocuted enemies "By adding hydrogen to the gas mixture the beam molecules will be pushed apart with electrocuted enemies, increasing damage dealt."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Umanite 40 Umanite
Enor Pearl 110 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Bio-Mass Converter
+Bio-mass Converter "An invention with a purpose of making war more energy efficient has been added as a fancy attachment, enabling your weapon to extend the current beam duration with every kill."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Magnite 110 Magnite
Umanite 40 Umanite
Bismor 60 Bismor
Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
Dazzler Module
+80% Slow Movement On Hit "A special dazzler lens is attached to the weapon, making the beam emit a strong infrared light on impact, slowing down enemies in the area of effect."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Umanite 40 Umanite
Bismor 110 Bismor


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Shard.png Shard Diffractor [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Efficiency Tweaks
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png

Pos.svg +50 Ammo Capacity
Pos.svg +25 Charge Capacity

"Careful tweaking has resulted in greater charge capacity as well as an increase in total capacity."
Credit.png 7 650 Credits
Croppa 120 Croppa
Jadiz 90 Jadiz
Magnite 70 Magnite
Automated Beam Controller
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png

Pos.svg +100 Ammo Capacity
Pos.svg +4 Discharge Rate
Pos.svg -0.2 Recharge Time
Neg.svg 0.8x Charge Capacity
Neg.svg Beam continues Firing until the Charge Capacity is empty
Neg.svg Manually stopping the beam consumes 50% of the remaining Charge Capacity

"Removing manual control and automating the fire sequence improves speed of opperation and allows for a significant expantion of the total battery capacity. However the charge capacity had to be reduced to prevent overheating. Manually interrupting the beam stresses the capasitor, resulting in a loss of some of the remaining charge."
Credit.png 8 050 Credits
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
Magnite 65 Magnite
Bismor 90 Bismor
Feedback Loop
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png

Pos.svg +Feedback Loop
Neg.svg -100 Total Capacity

"Heavy modifications to the weapon keeps excess energy within the beam, increasing the radius and damage of the area of effect while the beam is fired. However the changes leave little room for the battery, reducing the maximum energy capacity of the weapon."
Credit.png 7 200 Credits
Magnite 65 Magnite
Umanite 100 Umanite
Enor Pearl 125 Enor Pearl
Volatile Impact Reactor
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg +Volatile Impact
Neg.svg 0.5x Area Radius
Neg.svg 0.5x Charge Capacity

"A mixture of high energy and atomic frequency tuning lets you temporarily turn dirt and rock into magma, damaging and potentially igniting any enemy that walks across it."
Credit.png 8 300 Credits
Magnite 125 Magnite
Enor Pearl 105 Enor Pearl
Bismor 65 Bismor
Plastcrete Catalyst
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png

Pos.svg +Plastcrete Explosion and Damage/Range Boost
Neg.svg -50 Total Capacity
Neg.svg +0.8 Recharge Time

"The beam has been finely tuned to violently react with plascrete platforms, increasing AoE damage and range. If the beam is held long enough the reaction becomes unstable causing a significant explosion at the impact point. The tweaks come with a limited charge rate to avoid frying the circuits and both the charge capacity and total capacity are reduced."
Credit.png 7 950 Credits
Croppa 110 Croppa
Jadiz 125 Jadiz
Magnite 75 Magnite
Overdrive Booster
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg +Overdrive Booster
Neg.svg Can't move while boosting
Neg.svg Longer recharge after boosting
Neg.svg Boosted beam continues firing until capacitor is fully discharged

"Drastically increase the energy throughput by pressing the reload button while a beam is firing. Unfortunately maintaining control requires that you stand still while firing a boosted beam and the weapon cannot stop firing while boosted until the capacitor is fully discharged. Manually interrupting the beam stresses the capacitor, resulting in the loss of some of the remaining charge."
Credit.png 7 900 Credits
Croppa 110 Croppa
Jadiz 75 Jadiz
Bismor 120 Bismor

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

  • Damage is how much damage is dealt upon direct impact of the beam.
    • Damage Type: 25% Fire, 75% Disintegrate
    • Material Flags: Weakpoint, Frozen
  • Area Damage is how much damage is dealt in addition to the direct damage within the damage radius around the impact.
    • Damage Type: 25% Fire (conversion bonus: no radial flag, no fall-off), 75% Disintegrate
    • Area Damage Behavior: Radial
    • Material Flags: none
  • Charge Up Time: 0.2s
  • Recharge Time: 1.6 seconds
    • Recharge Time is reduced by a % relative to the charge capacity left when the trigger is released.
  • Movement Speed While Using: 50%

Unique Modifications

Bio-mass Converter

Bio-mass Converter is a tier 5 modification that refunds 3 ammo each time an enemy is killed.

Cooldown: 0.25s

Excluded enemies include:

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png
Feedback Loop
For every second that the beam is continuously held, the Shard Diffractor gains a bonus to area damage and damage radius. There is no limit to the amount of stacks that can accrue over time, and all stacks will reset once the Shard Diffractor stops firing.

Stacking bonus gained each second:

  • +1 Area Damage
  • +0.3m Radius
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Volatile Impact Reactor
When the Shard Diffractor's beam comes in contact with terrain, it leaves behind a trail of hot magma which deals both Fire and Heat damage while slowing enemies that come into contact with it.

Magma Trail:

  • Duration: 7s
  • Radius: 0.3m
  • Damage: 5 Fire and 5 Heat per tick
  • Tick interval: 0.1-0.15s
  • Slowdown: 30% (0.7x Movement Speed)
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Plastcrete Catalyst
While the Shard Diffractor's beam is in contact with any amount of platform material, the area damage and damage radius are boosted by 50%. After one second of uninterrupted contact, the beam will trigger an explosion centered on the point of contact, dealing a significant amount of damage and carving a small amount of terrain.

Plastcrete Explosion:

  • Damage Conversion Bonus: 150 Area Disintegrate (no radial flag, no fall-off)
  • Damage: 150 Area Explosive
  • Damage Radius: 5m
  • Max Damage Radius: 3.5m
  • Minimum Damage: 25%
  • Friendly Fire Multiplier: 25%
  • Armor Damage: 50%
  • Fear Factor: 100%
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Overdrive Booster
Pressing the reload button while firing will put the beam into Overdrive, increasing damage output and ammo consumption at the cost of movement speed and recharge time. The beam will also fire until the charge is drained. Similar to Automated Beam Controller, manually stopping the beam by swapping to another weapon or using the pickaxe will consume 50% of the remaining charge.

Overdrive Effects:

  • Movement speed is set to 0
  • Ammo consumption is increased by 1
  • Damage output multiplied by x2.5
  • Beam continuously fires until charge runs out
  • Requires an extra 1.5s to recharge


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.

