Proximity Mine

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A timeless classic. Sticks to any surface and explodes shortly after an enemy enters its trigger area. And if it fails to find a target, it can be safely disarmed and retrieved. Note: proximity trigger requires a few seconds for calibration.
— Item Description

The Proximity Mine is an unlockable throwable for the Engineer. It is a spherical mine with a large ringpull at the top. When thrown onto a surface, several nodes will expand out of the holes on the device which act as motion sensors. The mine will be armed once these nodes are fully expanded, and it projects a yellow circle which traces along the shape of the floor, representing the radius in which it will detect enemies and create an explosion.

The Proximity Mine can stick to any surface it is thrown upon.

When a creature bigger than a Glyphid Swarmer crosses the detection radius, it will explode. Indeed, small creatures like Glyphid Swarmers are not able to set off the motion sensors on the mine and will slip by undetected.

Each mine is able to detonate four times before disappearing. One mine can deal 440 aoe damage in its lifetime. There is a small delay between explosions of a few seconds.

Prox Mines also have a moderate Fear Factor, creatures on the edge of the explosion might flee if they survive the blast.

Mines that didn't detonate can be recovered by holding the [USE] key ("E" by default). If a mine detonated at least once, it will explode after three minutes.

Allied Dwarves cannot trigger the mine, but they can be damaged in the resulting explosion.

Level Unlocked through a level cap.
Requires Engineer Level 10
Purchased for:
Credit.png 3400 Credits
Enor Pearl 20 Enor Pearl


Proximity Mine Demonstration

This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 34: Modest Expectations
Updated for U34