"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon

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This page is up to date for Season 05: Drilling Deeper
Updated for S5

Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment.
Requires Gunner Level 10
Purchased for:
Credit.png 7 600 Credits
Croppa 80 Croppa
Magnite 120 Magnite

A peculiar but devastating weapon. The slow rate of fire is made up for by heavy damage, delivered with glee by the belt-fed .50-caliber tungsten rounds. The Thunderhead is a somber weapon for the sophisticated executioner, delivering death as inexorably as the passage of time itself.

— Item Description

The "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon is an unlockable primary weapon for the Gunner. It is an oversized heavy machine gun with two massive barrels extending outwards which fire in sequence. The weapon is loaded by a huge double ammo drum.

The Autocannon fires explosive rounds which detonate upon hitting the world or a target. Enemies hit directly by rounds take both the damage of the bullet and the explosive damage at once. The rounds fired start out with a sluggish fire rate, but this can build up over time the longer the trigger is held.

Pressing the reload key while the weapon is full will cause the Gunner to pull a bullet out of his pocket and balance the tip on his hand for a moment before returning the bullet to his pocket.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Increased Caliber Rounds
+3 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Bismor 25 Bismor
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
High Capacity Magazine
x2 Magazine Size "The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants."
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Enor Pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+220 Max Ammo "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Croppa 25 Croppa
Tier 2
Level 4
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
Tighter Barrel Alignment
x0.7 Base Spread "Improved accuracy"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Croppa 24 Croppa
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Improved Gas System
+2 Top Rate of Fire
+0.3 Starting Rate of Fire
"We overclocked your gun. It fires faster. Don't ask. Just enjoy. Also probably don't tell Management, please."
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Jadiz 24 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Lighter Barrel Assembly
+50% Rate of Fire Growth Speed
+0.6 Starting Rate of Fire
"Reach the max rate of fire faster"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Enor Pearl 24 Enor Pearl
Bismor 15 Bismor
Tier 3
Level 8
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Supercharged Feed Mechanism
+2 Top Rate of Fire
+0.3 Starting Rate of Fire
"We overclocked your gun. It fires faster. Don't ask. Just enjoy. Also probably don't tell Management, please."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Croppa 50 Croppa
Jadiz 35 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png
Loaded Rounds
+2 Area Damage "Increased splash damage"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Magnite 35 Magnite
Umanite 50 Umanite
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
High Velocity Rounds
+4 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Magnite 50 Magnite
Enor Pearl 35 Enor Pearl
Tier 4
Level 12
Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking.png
Hardened Rounds
+400% Armor Break Bonus "We're proud of this one. Armor shredding. Tear through that high-impact plating of those big buggers like butter. What could be finer?"
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 48 Magnite
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Area.png
Shrapnel Rounds
+0.6m Effect Radius "Greater splash damage radius"
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 50 Magnite
Umanite 48 Umanite
Tier 5
Level 16
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Feedback Loop
+10% Damage at Top Rate of Fire "Increased damage when at max rate of fire"
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 140 Croppa
Magnite 64 Magnite
Bismor 70 Bismor
Icon Upgrade ScareEnemies.png
Suppressive Fire
+Impact Fear AoE
(50% Fear within 1m of a bullet impact)
"Chance to scare creatures next to a bullet impact"
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Magnite 64 Magnite
Umanite 140 Umanite
Bismor 70 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Resistance.png
Damage Resistance At Full RoF
+50% Damage Resistance at Full Rate of Fire "Take significantly less damage when at max rate of fire."
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 64 Croppa
Jadiz 140 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Autocannon.png "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Composite Drums
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png

Pos.svg +110 Max Ammo
Pos.svg -0.5s Reload Time

"Lighter weight materials means you can carry even more ammo!"
Credit.png 7 850 Credits
Croppa 135 Croppa
Magnite 105 Magnite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Splintering Shells
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png

Pos.svg +1 Area Damage
Pos.svg +0.3m Effect Radius

"Specially designed shells splinter into smaller pieces increasing the splash damage range."
Credit.png 7 300 Credits
Croppa 95 Croppa
Jadiz 125 Jadiz
Magnite 65 Magnite
Carpet Bomber
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png

Pos.svg x1.35 Area Damage
Pos.svg x1.45 Effect Radius
Neg.svg -7 Damage

"A few tweaks here and there and the autocannon can now shoot HE rounds! Direct damage is lower but the increased splash damage and range lets you saturate an area like no other weapon can."
Credit.png 7 350 Credits
Croppa 120 Croppa
Magnite 105 Magnite
Umanite 70 Umanite
Combat Mobility
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png

Pos.svg +35% Movement Speed While Using
Pos.svg x0.7 Base Spread
Pos.svg x1.5 Rate of Fire scaling
Pos.svg +0.9 Starting Rate of Fire
Neg.svg x0.5 Magazine Size

"Fancy custom ammo drums improve weapon balance making it more accurate and easier to handle on the move while the improved feed motor increases the speed with which the max fire rate is reached. All this however comes at the cost of magazine capacity."
Credit.png 7 650 Credits
Croppa 70 Croppa
Jadiz 120 Jadiz
Magnite 95 Magnite
Big Bertha
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg +12 Damage
Pos.svg x0.7 Base Spread
Neg.svg x0.5 Magazine Size
Neg.svg -110 Max Ammo
Neg.svg -1.5 Top Rate of Fire

"Extensive tweaks give a huge bump in raw damage at the cost of ammo capacity and fire rate."
Credit.png 8 400 Credits
Croppa 105 Croppa
Umanite 80 Umanite
Bismor 125 Bismor
Neurotoxin Payload
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock Neuro.png

Pos.svg +Neurotoxin Payload (50% Chance)
Pos.svg x1.25 Effect Radius
Neg.svg -6 Area Damage
Neg.svg -110 Max Ammo

"Channel your inner war criminal by mixing some neurotoxin into the explosive compound. The rounds deal less direct damage and splash damage, but affected bugs move slower and take lots of damage over time."
Credit.png 8 100 Credits
Croppa 100 Croppa
Jadiz 75 Jadiz
Magnite 135 Magnite
Mortar Rounds
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock LastShellHigherDamage.png

Pos.svg Weapon fires mortar projectiles
Pos.svg x7 Area Damage
Pos.svg x1.25 Effect Radius
Neg.svg -14 Damage
Neg.svg x0.318 Magazine Size
Neg.svg x0.318 Max Ammo
Neg.svg x0.5 Top Rate of Fire

"The weapon has been reworked to fire heavy mortar projectiles. These modifications slow down the rate of fire significantly -- but even if you can't carry as many, the high-explosive rounds more than make up for it in damage. Just remember to account for drop."
Credit.png 7 300 Credits
Croppa 140 Croppa
Jadiz 70 Jadiz
Magnite 110 Magnite

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

  • Damage is how much damage is dealt upon direct impact of the shot.
  • Area Damage is how much damage is dealt in addition to the direct damage within the damage radius around the impact.
  • Top Rate of Fire is the max rate of how quickly shots can be fired after sustained firing.

Rate of Fire Mechanics

  • The Autocannon has two hidden stats regarding rate of fire, which is its Starting Rate of Fire and Rate of Fire Scaling. They play an important role in determining how quickly max rate of fire bonuses are applied, and can be changed depending on which modifications/overclocks are taken.
  • Starting Rate of Fire default is 3.4
    • This determines how quickly shots are initially fired as its rate of fire starts to ramp up.
  • Rate of Fire Scaling default is 0.4
    • This is the coefficient of the exponential function that is used during the rate of fire rampup. The Autocannon's initial rate of fire continues to be scaled until the top rate of fire has been reached, which would then allow max rate of fire bonuses to be applied.
  • Rate of Fire Formula
    • Let S be the Starting Rate of Fire
    • Let C be the Rate of Fire Scaling
    • Let M be the Max Rate of Fire
    • Let t represent the amount of seconds that has elapsed since the Fire button has been held down.
    • The Rate of Fire at any given time, t, can be represented as such:
      • R(t)=min(S*eCt,M)
    • Such that when enough time has elapsed and S*eCtM, time is no longer a factor in the Rate of Fire. At this point, the "Max Rate of Fire" Bonuses should kick in.
Rate of Fire Graph
Modifications Starting Rate of Fire Rate of Fire Scaling Max Rate of Fire Time to reach Max Rate of Fire
Base 3.4 0.4 5.5 1.2s
IGS or SFM 3.7 0.4 7.5 1.76s
LBA 4 0.6 5.5 0.53s
IGS + SFM 4 0.4 9.5 2.16s
LBA + SFM 4.3 0.6 7.5 0.92s

Autocannon Rate of Fire over Time Graph.png

Rate of Fire Graph (with Big Bertha)
Modifications Starting Rate of Fire Rate of Fire Scaling Max Rate of Fire Time to reach Max Rate of Fire
Base 3.4 0.4 4 0.4s
IGS or SFM 3.7 0.4 6 1.2s
LBA 4 0.6 4 0s
IGS + SFM 4 0.4 8 1.73s
LBA + SFM 4.3 0.6 6 0.55s

Autocannon Rate of Fire over Time (with Big Bertha) Graph.png

Rate of Fire Graph (with Combat Mobility)
Modifications Starting Rate of Fire Rate of Fire Scaling Max Rate of Fire Time to reach Max Rate of Fire
Base 4.3 0.6 5.5 0.41s
IGS or SFM 4.6 0.6 7.5 0.81s
LBA 4.9 0.9 5.5 0.12s
IGS + SFM 4.9 0.6 9.5 1.10s
LBA + SFM 5.2 0.9 7.5 0.4s

Autocannon Rate of Fire over Time (with Combat Mobility) Graph.png

Rate of Fire Graph (with Mortar Rounds)
Modifications Starting Rate of Fire Rate of Fire Scaling Max Rate of Fire Time to reach Max Rate of Fire
Base 1.36 0.4 2.75 1.76s
IGS or SFM 1.48 0.4 3.75 2.32s
LBA 1.6 0.6 2.75 0.9s
IGS + SFM 1.6 0.4 4.75 2.72s
LBA + SFM 1.72 0.6 3.75 1.29s

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock Neuro.png

Neurotoxin Payload

Neurotoxin Payload is an Unstable Overclock. It grants all shots a 50% chance to inflict Neurotoxin onto an enemy. When an enemy is affected by Neurotoxin, they will take 12 Poison damage every 0.75 - 1.25 seconds for 10 seconds, as well as having their movement speed reduced by x0.7. Hitting an enemy who is already affected by Neurotoxin with another round which inflicts the debuff will reset its timer.

Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock LastShellHigherDamage.png

Mortar Rounds

Mortar Rounds is an Unstable Overclock. It replaces hitscan shots with slow-moving projectiles that fly in an arch and can deal both self-damage and friendly fire.


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (14) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.



  • Mission Control's dialogue upon completing the Weapon License Assignment for the Autocannon reads as follows:
    • "Good work. Management believes you're ready to handle our Heavy Autocannon, the "Thunderhead"... Be mindful not to blow off your own legs with it. This thing has a proper kick to it."
  • In older versions of the game the Powered Minigun also fed from a large ammo drum which needed to be reloaded, on top of its overheating issues. This was changed in Update 11: Dead and Gun to the current system where the Minigun feeds from a single drum and does not reload. It is likely that the Minigun's older reloading system influenced the Autocannon's design when it was added to the game a few months later in Update 19: Guns! Lots of Guns!
  • Before Season 01: Rival Incursion, the Autocannon was incapable of dealing friendly fire to teammates.
  • The minimum caliber for an autocannon is normally considered to be 20mm. The Thunderhead's description states it shoots .50 cal, and as such the Thunderhead is either a heavy machinegun or shoots actual 20mm rounds (which would normally induce a devastating recoil). It is possible the thunderhead fires 20 mm or above and uses sub calibre rounds like apcr.