Nishanka Boltshark X-80

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment
Requires Scout Level 21
Purchased for:
Credit.png 8200 Credits
Croppa 80 Croppa
Magnite 60 Magnite
Umanite 60 Umanite

An extremely versatile, modern crossbow designed for large game and built especially to fire a wide selection of bolts. Electric bolts, fire bolts, triple bolts, bolts that make enemies blow up, you name it! A fresh, deadly spin on a tried and tested classic.
— Item Description

The Nishanka Boltshark X-80 is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Scout. It is a modernized compact crossbow with a lightweight framework and an adjustable stock. In the center, a single bolt is loaded and drawn by an orange bowstring, which requires a reload after every shot. With certain modifications and overclocks, the Boltshark is capable of firing a wide range of bolt variants that each possesses a unique effect.

The Boltshark features a secondary ammo pool consisting of specialized bolts which can be swapped to by pressing the Reload button ("R" by default). These bolts are obtained exclusively in the first tier of the weapon's modifications and does not affect the primary ammo pool. Using a resupply pod will replenish both ammo pools separately.

The Boltshark also features the ability to retrieve ammo in a similar fashion as the Driller's Impact Axes, where most bolt variants that do not strike enemies can be returned to its respective ammo pool by pressing the Use button ("E" by default). Retrievable bolts will produce a small amount of light in order for players to locate them more easily and will completely despawn after a certain amount of time.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Status Pheromones.png
Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart
+Special Bolt: Pheromone
+9 Special Ammo
"A bolt filled with a mixture of pheromones which releases in contact with targets, making its allies turn against it and increases the chance of a fight breaking out."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Magnite 20 Magnite
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion
+Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion
+9 Special Ammo
"A bolt filled with a volatile chemical that is injected into the target's bloodstream and causes a chemical reaction when they die, turning them into ticking time bombs."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Bismor 20 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Special Bolt: Taser
+Special Bolt: Taser
+12 Special Ammo
"A bolt fitted with small generators that electrify targets and are able to connect to other nearby Taser Bolts through an electric arc. The electric surge renders the bolts unretrievable after use."
Credit.png 1000 Credits
Jadiz 20 Jadiz
Tier 2
Level 6
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Broadhead Bolts
+25 Damage
+15 Radial Damage
"More mass, greater impact and able to dig just a tad deeper into enemies, increasing the overall damage."
Credit.png 1800 Credits
Jadiz 12 Jadiz
Magnite 18 Magnite
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Increased Quiver Capacity
+7 Max Ammo "It took a bit of rearranging, but you can now carry more bolts."
Credit.png 1800 Credits
Croppa 18 Croppa
Jadiz 12 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Expanded Special Quiver
+4 Special Ammo (Pheromone)
+4 Special Ammo (Chemical Explosion)
+5 Special Ammo (Taser)
"It's a bit on the heavier side, but your total special bolt capacity is increased."
Credit.png 1800 Credits
Magnite 18 Magnite
Bismor 12 Bismor
Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade Speed.png
Stabilizing Arm Brace
-0.4 Reload Time "R&D has fitted you with an arm brace that stabilizes your arm, which enables flawless motion allowing you to reload and switch ammo types faster, without risk of injuries."
Credit.png 2200 Credits
Croppa 30 Croppa
Magnite 20 Magnite
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png
Reinforced String
+50% Projectile Velocity "A reinforced synthetic fiber string that increases the velocity of your bolts, making them travel faster and further."
Credit.png 2200 Credits
Jadiz 20 Jadiz
Bismor 30 Bismor
Tier 4
Level 14
Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
Battle Frenzy
+Battle Frenzy "Move faster for a short time after killing an enemy."
Credit.png 3800 Credits
Jadiz 25 Jadiz
Magnite 15 Magnite
Bismor 36 Bismor
Icon Upgrade RemoteMechanism.png
Radio Transmitter Module
+Radio Transmitter Module "All Bolts and your crossbow are fitted with a small radio transmitter that allows calling back retrievable bolts from a distance by hovering your crosshair over them."
Credit.png 3800 Credits
Magnite 15 Magnite
Umanite 36 Umanite
Enor Pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Tier 5
Level 18
Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png
Potent Special Bolts
+2.5 Special Effect Duration (Pheromone)
+3.5 Special Effect Duration (Chemical Explosion)
+3 Special Effect Duration (Taser)
"A more potent version of your special bolt that increases its duration."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Jadiz 40 Jadiz
Magnite 60 Magnite
Bismor 110 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Magnetic Shafts
+Magnetic Shafts

+25% Kinetic Bolt Damage Vs Electrified Targets

"Bolt shafts made of a magnetic material that is attracted by electricity, pulling them towards electrified enemies or enemies affected by an electric field. The magnetic pull causes them to deal more damage on impact."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Umanite 110 Umanite
Bismor 40 Bismor
Icon Upgrade ScareEnemies.png
Banshee Module
+33% Fear Chance "Tiny devices are attached to your bolts that emit a fear inducing high pitched noise for a limited time. Can be reset and reused if picked up."
Credit.png 4400 Credits
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Magnite 40 Magnite
Enor Pearl 110 Enor Pearl


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Crossbow.png Nishanka Boltshark X-80 [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Quick Fire
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png

Pos.svg -0.2s Reload Time
Pos.svg 2x Projectile Velocity

"R&D improved the reload mechanism of the crossbow, making it pull back sooner for you to put a bolt in the chamber. They also reinforced the string free of charge, enabling the crossbow to fire bolts with little to no drop."
Credit.png 8 400 Credits
Croppa 95 Croppa
Umanite 125 Umanite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
The Specialist
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg 1.25x Special Ammo
Pos.svg 1.3x Special Effect Duration

"Extra potent special bolts and more of them. What more could you want?"
Credit.png 7 900 Credits
Croppa 65 Croppa
Magnite 130 Magnite
Umanite 90 Umanite
Cryo Bolt
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Pos.svg Bolts freeze enemies. Effect stacks.
Neg.svg Bolts are no longer retrievable
Neg.svg -50 Direct Damage

"A small module based on the Cryo Grenade tech has been strapped to your bolts, enabling them to cool and freeze enemies. Pin them to the ground or the face of enemies and turn any bugs in near proximity into popsicles. The intense cold takes a toll on the bolt, reducing overall damage and destroying it after use."
Credit.png 7 350 Credits
Croppa 75 Croppa
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Magnite 135 Magnite
Fire Bolt
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Pos.svg Bolts ignite enemies. Effect stacks.
Neg.svg Bolts are no longer retrievable
Neg.svg -50 Direct Damage

"Bolts with highly advanced cannisters full of volatile chemicals, with the ability to radiate intense heat. Shoot it at your enemies or the ground to activate it. The high temperature comes at a cost though, reducing overall damage and rendering the bolt useless after impact."
Credit.png 7 100 Credits
Croppa 90 Croppa
Magnite 70 Magnite
Umanite 130 Umanite
Bodkin Points
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Pos.svg Normal bolts ricochet to nearby enemies up to two times
Neg.svg -75 Direct Damage
Neg.svg 1.5x Reload Time

"The crossbow has been modified so it can fire a thinner bodkin point bolt with the ability to penetrate targets and ricochet to the nearest target. Its thin frame makes it do less damage and requires a slower reload process. This however does not affect special bolts."
Credit.png 8 400 Credits
Croppa 110 Croppa
Jadiz 80 Jadiz
Magnite 140 Magnite
Trifork Volley
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock LastShellHigherDamage.png

Pos.svg 3x Normal Projectiles
Pos.svg 20% more ammo capacity
Neg.svg Bolts are no longer retrievable
Neg.svg 15% less damage per projectile
Neg.svg 1.5x Reload Time

"With a few adjustments to the firing mechanism and the string you can load a volley of three bolts into the chamber. The bolts do a tad less damage, but are packed compactly enough for you to carry more of them. The modification and size of the rounds make reloading slower, and the bolts are ruined after firing them, making them unretrievable. This does not affect special bolts."
Credit.png 7 650 Credits
Jadiz 100 Jadiz
Magnite 65 Magnite
Bismor 130 Bismor

Stats Breakdown

The Boltshark deals Piercing rather than Kinetic damage, which Oppressors (50%) and Praetorians (30%) have some resistance to.

Special Bolt Effect Durations
Modifications Pheromone Bolt Chemical Explosion Bolt Taser Bolt
Base 10s 14s 12s
Potent Special Bolts 12.5s 17.5s 15s
The Specialist 13s 18.2s 15.6s
PSB + TS 16.3s 22.8s 19.5s

Unique Modifications

Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart

Icon Upgrade Pheromones.png

Pheromone Bolts cause enemies struck by the bolt to become affected by its own unique version of the Pheromones status effect.


  • Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 10 Piercing
  • Retrievable: True


  • Max total affected targets: 18
  • Move Speed: 0.7x

Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion

Icon Upgrade Explosion.png

Chemical Explosion Bolts cause a Poison DoT to affect any enemy they strike. Should the enemy die while affected by the Poison DoT, it will have a unique death effect that causes an explosion which can damage nearby creatures.


  • Direct Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 12 Piercing
  • Retrievable: True

Poison DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Poison
  • Tick Rate: 0.2s

Death Explosion:

  • Damage: 165 Explosive
  • Damage Radius: 4m
  • Max Damage Radius: 2.5m
  • Minimum Damage: 30%
  • Fear Factor: 100%
  • Armor Break: 300%
  • Stun Chance: 100%
  • Stun Duration: 1s
  • Friendly Fire Modifier: 25%

Special Bolt: Taser

Icon Upgrade Electricity.png

Taser Bolts are able to create a beam of electricity when placed within a certain distance of one another (shown as a blue sphere projected around the fired bolts). The electric beam will connect the Taser Bolts together, and if it passes through an enemy it will deal electricity damage over time for as long as the enemy is touching the beam. The Taser Bolts are also able to individually deal elecicity damage over time to enemies they are in close proximity with. The two DoT effects are separate from one another.


  • Direct Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 10 Piercing
  • Retrievable: False

Proximity DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Electric
  • Tick Rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Move Speed: 0.5x
  • Radius: 0.35m
  • Stackable: True

Electric Beam:

  • Connection Range: 5m
  • Damage: 6 Electric
  • Tick Rate: 0.2s
  • Move Speed: 0.2x
  • Stackable: True
  • Stack Limit: 2

Electric Beam vs Players:

  • Damage: 1 Electric
  • Move Speed: 1x

The Proximity DoT will stack with itself should two or more arrows be touching the same enemy. This will cause the damage to add together for every arrow affecting an enemy, and the move speed modifiers will multiply together for each arrow touching the enemy.

The Electric Beam is able to stack with exactly one additional copy of itself for a total of 12 damage every 0.2 seconds. It is also able to stack unconditionally with the similar effects caused by the Engineer's Turret Arc overclock and the Electric Crystals of the Crystal Caverns.

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Cryo Bolt
Cryo Bolt causes the normal bolts to apply Cold damage both to the struck target and within the area around the bolt itself in exchange for reducing the normal bolts' damage output. Cold damage gets dealt via a couple of Status Effects, one of which gets applied only when Bolt hits a target directly.

Bolt begins to apply Status Effects when it gets stuck after a collision. In this state, it scans its surroundings within its Search Radius and applies an instance of Radiance DoT with the defined Tick rate to all hostile creatures that happen to be inside the area. The first tick happens at the 0.1s mark of Bolt's Uptime. If an affected creature leaves the area while Bolt is active, Bolt will take away one instance of Radiance DoT from that creature.

Bolt keeps records of currently affected creatures. Upon Bolt's end of Uptime, Bolt does two operations. The first operation: Bolt attempts to take away one instance of Radiance DoT from the creature that it has affected the longest. It is not necessarily the first affected creature, since the creature may leave the area and then the second affected creature will take its place, and if the first creature re-enters the area, then it will be deemed the last affected creature. All other affected creatures keep Radiance DoT instances that then naturally expire according to the Radiance DoT's duration. Upon expiration, an instance of Radiance DoT additionally deactivates all active instances of the same Status Effect on the same target.

If Bolt hits a creature directly, then it will instantly apply an instance of the Main DoT to it, and that creature will always be deemed the longest affected by the Bolt while it's active. Therefore, it won't apply an instance of Radiance DoT to that creature while the Bolt is active. Upon expiration, an instance of the Main DoT additionally deactivates all active instances of the same Status Effect on the same target. The second operation that Bolt does at the end of its uptime is apply a number of Radiance DoT instances, corresponding to the number of currently active Bolts that are directly stuck on the longest affected target, to that target. The acting Bolt at the end of its Uptime doesn't count itself when it executes that operation, and it doesn't need to be directly stuck on the target to apply that number of Radiance DoT instances to it.

These two Bolt's end-of-uptime operations, at least, compensate for the loss of active Main DoT instances in the case when one Main DoT instance deactivates a whole stack of Main DoT's instances upon its own expiration. This way, Radiance DoT instances get added as sort of continuations of Main DoT instances upon Bolt's end-of-uptime. Several compensating Radiance DoT instances get popped as other Bolts do their end-of-uptime operations on the same target, including the Bolts that originally put the stack of Main DoT instances on the target. Radiance DoT instances that remain on the target after all Bolts' end-of-uptime operations get deactivated upon the expiration of the first compensating Radiance DoT instance, whose timer starts the moment Main DoT instances get collectively deactivated.

As a result, three or more Main DoT instances' stacks get compensated with even more Radiance DoT instances since each bolt, upon its own end-of-uptime, removes just one Radiance DoT instance and then potentially adds multiple Radiance DoT instances.

Cryo Bolt

  • Tick rate: 0.1s
  • Search radius: 2m
  • Uptime: 6s

Main DoT

  • Applies to: Creatures
  • Damage: 2.25 Cold
  • Tick rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True
  • Max stacked instances: 10

Radiance DoT

  • Applies to: Hostile creatures
  • Damage: 2 Cold
  • Tick rate: 0.1s
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True
  • Max stacked instances: 10
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Fire Bolt
Fire Bolt causes the normal bolts to apply Heat damage both to the struck target and within the area around the bolt itself in exchange for reducing the normal bolts' damage output. Heat damage gets dealt via a couple of Status Effects, one of which gets applied only when Bolt hits a target directly. The logic of applying these Status Effects is identical to that of Cryo Bolts, as is the behavior of these Status Effects.

Fire Bolt has a couple of special interactions. When it penetrates the Flammable Gas Cloud's hitbox (Praetorian's Death Cloud, Neurotoxin Grenade's Gas Cloud, etc.), it makes such a gas cloud combust instantly. And when it penetrates the hitbox of a Sludge Pump's puddle, it immediately sets the puddle on fire. That allows Player to ignite multiple Sludge Pump's puddles with one Fire Bolt by shooting slightly above them.

Fire Bolt

  • Tick rate: 0.1s
  • Search radius: 2m
  • Uptime: 6s

Main DoT

  • Applies to: Creatures
  • Damage: 2 Heat
  • Tick rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True
  • Max stacked instances: 10

Radiance DoT

  • Applies to: Hostile creatures
  • Damage: 2 Heat
  • Tick rate: 0.1s
  • Duration: 5s
  • Stackable: True
  • Max stacked instances: 10


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (13) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.



  • The Nishanka Boltshark X-80's weapon prototype used the Flare Gun model.