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This page is up to date for Season 05: Drilling Deeper
Updated for S5
Player Rank Icon

Experience is an essential element of progression in Deep Rock Galactic. Level ups will unlock the ability to purchases Upgrades and Vanity items, allowing players to attempt greater challenges with new or improved abilities and equipment.

Mission Objectives

  • Completing the primary/secondary objective of a mission will give experience, both are affected by Hazard Bonus.
Mission Type Cave Base Experience
Length Complexity Primary Secondary Total
Apoca Bloom Fossil Boolo Cap Ebonut
Gunk Seed Fleas Glyphid Egg Bha Barnacle
Mining Expedition Mining Expedition Morkite icon.png 200 Cave length 1 Cave complexity 1 1700 700 685 2400
Morkite icon.png 225 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 1 1875 770 750 2645
Morkite icon.png 250 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 2050 840 815 2890
Morkite icon.png 325 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 2725 1120 1075 3845
Morkite icon.png 400 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 3400 1400 1335 4800
Egg Collection Egg Hunt Alien egg icon.png 4 Cave length 1 Cave complexity 1 950 700 685 1650
Alien egg icon.png 6 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 1425 1050 1010 2475
Alien egg icon.png 8 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 2 1900 1400 1335 3300
Salvage Salvage Operation Salvage Mules icon.png 2 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 1820 980 945 2800
Salvage Mules icon.png 3 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 2340 1260 1205 3600
Point Extraction Point Extraction Aquarq icon.png 7 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 3 1225 490 490 1715
Aquarq icon.png 10 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 1750 700 750 2500
Elimination Elimination Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png 2 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 2100 840 815 2940
Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png 3 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 2975 1190 1140 4165
Escort Escort Duty FuelCannister icon.png 1 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 2990 909 879 3899
FuelCannister icon.png 1 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 3 3220 980 945 4200
FuelCannister icon.png 2 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 2 3680 1120 1075 4800
FuelCannister icon.png 2 Cave length 3 Cave complexity 3 4140 1260 1205 5400
Refining On-site Refining PumpingJack icon.png 3 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 1800 840 880 2680
PumpingJack icon.png 3 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 3 2400 1120 1075 3520
Sabotage Industrial Sabotage DataRack icon.png 1 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 1 2800 700 685 3500
DataRack icon.png 1 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 4200 1050 1010 5250
Deep Scan Deep Scan ResonanceScannerPod icon.png 3 Cave length 1 Cave complexity 2 2200 700 685 2900
ResonanceScannerPod icon.png 5 Cave length 2 Cave complexity 3 3674 1169 1143 4843

Other ways to obtain XP

Hostiles Killed - 1 XP gained per enemy killed by the team. This is not affected by Hazard Bonus.
Mined Minerals - XP gained from all deposited minerals. This value can be calculated with the following table below. This is not affected by Hazard Bonus.

Resource XP each
Regular Nitra Nitra 2
Gold Gold 2
Crafting Material Bismor Bismor 2
Croppa Croppa 2
Enor pearl Enor pearl 2
Jadiz Jadiz 2
Magnite Magnite 2
Umanite Umanite 2
Primary Resources (Stash) Morkite Morkite 1
Primary Resources (Carried) Aquarq Aquarq 25
Alien egg Alien Egg 30
Secondary Resources (Stash) Dystrum Dystrum 1
Hollomite Hollomite 1
Fossil Alien Fossil 3
Apoca Bloom Apoca Bloom 3
Boolo Cap Boolo Cap 3
Ebonut Ebonut 3
Secondary Resources (Carried) Gunk_Seed Gunk Seed 3
Miscellaneous Bittergem Bittergem 0
Oilshale icon.png Oil shale 1
ERR://23¤Y%/ ERR://23¤Y%/ 4000

Events - The following table shows Random Events that grant XP. All of the following are effected by Hazard Bonus.

Resource XP each
Season Event Rewards Datacell Data Cell 1000
Plagueheart Plagueheart 250
Core Stone Core Stone 1000
Miscellaneous Tyrant Shard Tyrant Shard 500
Matrix Core Machine Events 1000

Notes: Mineral values are always rounded down before XP calculations. The calculated XP is rounded down as well. Undeposited minerals held in pockets are auto-deposited when completing the mission aboard the drop pod. This does not include secondary objective items if the secondary objective has not been completed. Failing the mission does not grant XP for any undeposited minerals or secondary resources. Undeposited carriable minerals and resources are not counted if carried into the drop pod at mission completion.

Player Rank

Player Badge.png

Your progress as a player is also tracked at the top right of the screen on the Player Badge, the blue gem which shows your name and player rank in title and number form, as well as your current credit balance. You rank up each time the blue gem fills all three of its sections up, and one section fills up each time you gain a level with one of the four classes or promoting a character. In one playthrough, the level you'll be after unlocking all promotions for all characters is 599. Although you can continue promoting and increasing your Player Rank

Prestige Assignments are unlocked at Rank 5, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100.

The player rank titles are as follows:

Rank Rank Title
1 Greenbeard
2 Rock Hauler
3 Cave Runner
4 Stone Breaker
5 Pit Delver
6-7 Rookie Miner
8-9 Authorized Miner
10-11 Senior Miner
12-13 Professional Miner
14-15 Veteran Miner
16-17 Expert Miner
18-20 Elite Miner
21-23 Supreme Miner
24-26 Master Miner
27-30 Epic Miner
31-35 Legendary Miner
36-40 Mythic Miner
41-45 Stone Guard
46-50 Honor Guard
51-55 Iron Guard
56-60 Giant Guard
61-65 Night Carver
66-70 Longbeard
71-75 Gilded Master
76+ Lord of the Deep

Required Experience Per Level

The required experience for each level is increased as player characters level up. The max level for characters is 25
The shown Experience value is the Experience needed at that level to reach the next.

Level Experience To Next Level Total Required Experience Percent towards Promotion
1 3,000 0 0%
2 4,000 3,000 0.95%
3 5,000 7,000 2.22%
4 6,000 12,000 3.81%
5 7,000 18,000 5.71%
6 8,000 25,000 7.94%
7 9,000 33,000 10.48%
8 10,000 42,000 13.33%
9 11,000 52,000 16.51%
10 12,000 63,000 20.00%
11 13,000 75,000 23.81%
12 14,000 88,000 27.94%
13 15,000 102,000 32.38%
14 15,500 117,000 37.14%
15 16,000 132,500 42.06%
16 16,500 148,500 47.14%
17 17,000 165,000 52.38%
18 17,500 182,000 57.78%
19 18,000 199,500 63.33%
20 18,500 217,500 69.05%
21 19,000 236,000 74.92%
22 19,500 255,000 80.95%
23 20,000 274,500 87.14%
24 20,500 294,500 93.49%
25 N/A 315,000 100%