Egg Hunt

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This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 33: New Frontiers
Updated for U33

Alien Egg material as it appears on the wall
The Alien Egg after it has been extracted from the membrane
Egg-collection time, team. Alien eggs. The company wants them - don't ask why. Find them, stow them in Molly, and return. Simple.
— Mission Control

Egg Hunt is a mission type.

A cluster of Alien Egg Alien Eggs has been located, and the company wants the Dwarves to retrieve them, for unknown reasons. Egg Hunts are the first unlockable mission type, allowing new miners to play missions other than Mining Expeditions.

Collect Alien Eggs

The goal in Egg Hunt missions is to collect a number of Alien Egg Alien Eggs. The mission takes place in a nonlinear cave system, and the eggs can be collected in any order. The eggs are embedded in the center of a pinkish-magenta membrane, which can be destroyed with the pickaxe. The organic material enveloping the egg is treated like 1-hit terrain.

Freeing an egg from the membrane will cause the ground to shake, accompanied by an eerie, distant Glyphid scream. Shortly after, either a swarm or a small horde of enemies will attack. Which eggs are followed by a large swarm and which aren't is determined during map generation; there is no way to tell them apart, as all eggs look identical. However, each mission has a set total number of large swarms depending on the mission's length:

  • 4 eggs: 1 of the 4 eggs will cause a swarm
  • 6 eggs: 2 of the 6 eggs will cause a swarm
  • 8 eggs: 3 of the 8 eggs will cause a swarm

The Alien Eggs are visible on the Dwarves Terrain Scanner, making them easy to find and extract. They are a heavy object like Aquarq and Jadiz, and must be deposited into the M.U.L.E to count towards the primary quota.

While you must complete your primary objective to finish the mission, you can choose to collect an optional secondary objective resource for a Credit.png Credit and Experience Points Experience bonus upon mission completion.

After the primary objective is completed, a red button will light up on the M.U.L.E to begin the extraction phase. Once pressed, the Drop Pod will be called in to pick up the M.U.L.E and the Dwarves. It will wait 5 minutes before departing, though the door will only open once the M.U.L.E has been secured.


Egg Hunt caves generally consist of a main cavern or two, with tunnels leading around and occasionally to other rooms. It is a very disorganized cave system, with caves usually intersecting in odd ways. How spread out the caves are varies, generally having a condensed cave with 4 eggs up to very spread out cave with 8 eggs.


Primary Objective

The required quota of Alien Eggs depends on the mission variation. The payout is affected by Hazard Bonus.

Length Complexity Objective Primary Payout Secondary Payout
Cave length 1 Cave complexity 1 Collect 4 Alien Eggs Credit.png 300 Experience Points 950 Credit.png 200/250 Experience Points 700/685
Cave length 2 Cave complexity 2 Collect 6 Alien Eggs Credit.png 450 Experience Points 1425 Credit.png 300/250 Experience Points 1050/1010
Cave length 3 Cave complexity 2 Collect 8 Alien Eggs Credit.png 600 Experience Points 1900 Credit.png 400/250 Experience Points 1400/1335

Secondary Objective

Fossil Collect 10 Alien Fossil

Apoca bloom Collect 15 Apoca Bloom

Bha Barnacle Exterminate 16 Bha Barnacle

Boolo cap Collect 20 Boolo Cap

Ebonut Collect 14 Ebonut

Fleas Exterminate 10 Fester Fleas

Glyphid Egg Exterminate 40 Glyphid Egg

Gunk Seed Collect 12 Gunk Seed

Hollomite Collect 35 Hollomite
