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Health is a value determining the hit points of a dwarf, creature or amount restored/lost.

There's currently three hit point types:

  • Health - main hit points of a dwarf or creature, once this is depleted the dwarf will be incapacitated or the creature killed.
  • Shield - protective hit points for the dwarves which can fully regenerate passively, shield protects health points until depleted.
  • Armor - protective hit points for creatures which ignore any bonus weak point damage, armor protects health points until depleted.


Each class currently shares the same health and shield count.

The players status, displayed in the bottom left of their screen. Their red health bar Health Points is displayed below their current shield bar Shield Points.
Armor Modification Armor Masteries Red Rock Blaster Health Health Points Shield Shield Points
110 25
Overcharger 110 30
Healthy 130 25
1 115 25
2 120 25
3 125 25
Overcharger 3 125 30
Healthy 3 145 25
Yes 185.9 25
Overcharger 3 Yes 200.9 30
Healthy 3 Yes 220.9 25

For more detail about armor upgrades please see their respective Armor pages
Note: Each level of armor mastery adds 5 Health Points. Health added by armor mastery isn’t affected by Red Rock Blaster.
The Healthy upgrade adds 20 Health Points. Health added by Healthy isn’t affected by Red Rock Blaster.


Once a dwarf's health reaches zero, they will become incapacitated.

Incapacitated dwarves are unable to move or use any of their equipment. They will remain in the same location they were originally incapacitated. An incapacitated dwarf must be rescued by either a teammate or Bosco depending on the mode they are playing. When playing in a team of players, the game will end immediately after all the players have been incapacitated. If a player has the Iron Will perk, then a ten-second grace period is granted after all dwarves have been knocked out, offering the player a final opportunity to activate the perk.
To revive an incapacitated teammate, a player must walk up to them and hold the Activate button. After a short duration (six seconds without changes from perks), the incapacitated dwarf will be revived with a fraction of their overall health pool, with the percentage depending on the hazard level. The revive can only be interrupted by the savior becoming incapacitated themselves, or being forced away from the downed player.

Downed players can press the Shout button to call for help. They can also view their teammates in a third person perspective.


Creatures have their own individual hit points, although their damage resistance may change depending on the Hazard Level. Below creature base health values will be displayed with no damage resistances applied.

Creature Health Health Points or Shield Points Health Label
Omen Modular Extermination Tower.webp OMEN Modular Exterminator 600 Tanks
LootBug.png Loot Bug 100
Huuli Hoarder.png Huuli Hoarder 1500
Golden LootBug.png Golden Loot Bug 200
Corespawn Crawler.png Corespawn Crawler 280
Deeptora Bough Wasp Swarm.png Deeptora Bough Wasp Swarm 10
Deeptora Swarm.png Deeptora Swarm 10
Bough Wasp Nest.png Deeptora Bough Wasp Nest 400
Deeptora honeycomb.png Deeptora Honeycomb 400
Yuletide PP.png Yuletide Elf 750
Halloween Skull1.png Halloween Skull 750
Glyphid swarmer.png Glyphid Swarmer 12
Glyphid Frost Swarmer.png Glyphid Frost Swarmer 12
Glyphid Radioactive Swarmer.png Glyphid Radioactive Swarmer 12
Glyphid acid spitter.png Glyphid Acid Spitter 120
Glyphid acid spitter.png Glyphid Elite Acid Spitter 120
Glyphid Slasher.png Glyphid Grunt Slasher 148
Frost Glyphid Slasher.png Glyphid Frost Grunt Slasher 148
Radioactive Glyphid Slasher.png Glyphid Radioactive Grunt Slasher 148
Glyphid Slasher.png Glyphid Elite Grunt Slasher 148
Nexus.png Glyphid Brood Nexus 1800
Eye (each)
Glyphid exploder.png Glyphid Exploder 20
Glyphid Exploder Radioactive.png Glyphid Radioactive Exploder 20
Glyphid Grunt Guard.png Glyphid Grunt Guard 270
Glyphid Frost Grunt Guard.png Glyphid Frost Grunt Guard 270
Glyphid Radioactive Grunt Guard.png Glyphid Radioactive Grunt Guard 270
Glyphid Grunt Guard.png Glyphid Elite Grunt Guard 270
Glyphid Septic Spreader.png Glyphid Septic Spreader 270
Ebonite Praetorian.png Glyphid Ebonite Praetorian 300
Kursite Glyphid Acidspitter.png Glyphid Kursite Acid Spitter 320
Glyphid Stalker.png Glyphid Stalker 360
Glyphid spitter.png Glyphid Web Spitter 39.9
Glyphid Stingtail.png Glyphid Stingtail 400
Glyphid Bulk Detonator.png Glyphid Bulk Detonator 4000
Glyphid Bulk Detonator.png Glyphid Elite Bulk Detonator 4000
Unknown Horror.png Glyphid Unknown Horror 4000
Sentinel.png Glyphid Sentinel 450
Dreadnought Lacerator.png Glyphid Dreadnought Lacerator 4500
Dreadnought Arbalest.png Glyphid Dreadnought Arbalest 4500
Glyphid baby.png Glyphid Spawn 5
Glyphid Dreadnought.png Glyphid Dreadnought 5000
Regenerating Shell
Dreadnought Hiveguard.png Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard 5000
Prostrusion (each)
Glyphid Crassus Detonator.png Glyphid Crassus Detonator 6000
Glyphid Menace.png Glyphid Menace 700
Glyphid Menace.png Glyphid Elite Menace 700
Glyphid Praetorian.png Glyphid Praetorian 750
Glyphid Praetorian Ice.png Glyphid Frost Praetorian 750
Glyphid Praetorian Radioactive.png Glyphid Radioactive Praetorian 750
Glyphid Praetorian.png Glyphid Elite Praetorian 750
Kursite Glyphid Praetorian.png Glyphid Kursite Praetorian 800
Glyphid Warden.png Glyphid Warden 800
Glyphid grunt.png Glyphid Grunt 90
Glyphid ice warrior.png Glyphid Frost Grunt 90
Glyphid Grunt Radioactive.png Glyphid Radioactive Grunt 90
Ebonite Grunt.png Glyphid Ebonite Grunt 90
Glyphid Oppressor.png Glyphid Oppressor 900
Korlok Healing Pod.png Korlok Healing Pod 250
Korlok Tyrant-Weed Open.png Korlok Tyrant-Weed 3000
Korlok Sprout.png Korlok Sprout 550
Rockpox Larvae.png Rockpox Larvae 10
Rockpox Acid Spitter.png Rockpox Spitter 120
Rockpox Spitter
Blister (each)
Rockpox Naedocyte Breeder.png Rockpox Naedocyte Breeder 1500
Rockpox Naedocyte Breeder
Blister (each)
Rockpox Exploder.png Rockpox Exploder 20
Rockpox Exploder
Blister (each)
Rockpox Praetorian.png Rockpox Praetorian 750
Rockpox Blister
Rockpox Goo Bomber.png Rockpox Goo Bomber 800
Rockpox Bomber
Blister (each)
Rockpox Grunt.png Rockpox Grunt 90
Blister (each)
Mactera spawn.png Mactera Spawn 223
Mactera spawn.png Mactera Elite Spawn 223
Mactera Tri-Jaw.png Mactera Tri-Jaw 350
Mactera Tri-Jaw.png Mactera Elite Tri-Jaw 350
Kursite Mactera Spawn.png Mactera Kursite Spawn 400
Mactera grabber.png Mactera Grabber 500
Mactera grabber.png Mactera Elite Grabber 500
Mactera Brundle.png Mactera Brundle 600
Mactera Brundle.png Mactera Elite Brundle 600
Mactera goo bomber.png Mactera Goo Bomber 800
Mactera ice bomber.png Mactera Frost Bomber 800
Naedocyte Roe.png Naedocyte Roe 120
Naedocyte Breeder.png Naedocyte Breeder 1500
Naedocyte Hatchling.png Naedocyte Hatchling 5
Jelly Shocker.png Naedocyte Shocker 5
Trawler.png Nayaka Trawler 300
Maggot.png Maggot 1
Maggot red.png Magma Maggot 1
Maggot green.png Toxic Maggot 1
Maggot Azure.png Azure Maggot 1
Maggot HollowBough.png Hollow Maggot 1
Cave vine.png Cave Vine 100
Mobula Cave Angel.png Mobula Cave Angel 100
Bha Barnacle icon.png Bha Barnacle 25
Silicate harvester.png Silicate Harvester 250
Jelly.png Naedocyte Cave Cruiser 35
Fleas.png Fester Flea 80
Hexawing Gniffer.png Hexawing Gniffer 80
Vartok Scalebramble.png Vartok Scalebramble
ParasiteSplit.png Carnivorous Larva 10
Cave leech.png Cave Leech 100
Barrage Infector.png Barrage Infector 1200
Flying Rock.png Flying Rock 250
Stabber Vine.png Stabber Vine 300
Spitterplant.png Spitball Infector 800
Q'ronar Youngling.png Q'ronar Youngling 100
Q'ronar Shellback.png Q'ronar Shellback 450
Sniper Turret.png Rival Sniper Turret 300
Prospector Drone.png Rival Prospector Drone 3000
Shredder.png Rival Shredder 35
Nemesis.png Rival Nemesis 3500
Caretaker.png Rival Caretaker 5500
Intake (each)
Repulsion Turret.png Rival Repulsion Turret 600
Robotic Appendage.png Rival Robotic Appendage 675
Burst Turret.png Rival Burst Turret 750
Patrol Bot.png Rival Patrol Bot 900
Homing Drone1.webp Homing Drone 20
GreatEggHunt PP.png Spring Bunny 750
BET-C Infected.png Xynarch Charge-Sucker 1 300

Healing Sources

There's a few ways the dwarves can restore any of their missing health and/or shield.

Method Health Shield
Mining Red Sugar Red Sugar +1-60 -
Claiming a Resupply Rack from a Resupply Pod +50% -
Claiming a Resupply Rack from a Resupply Pod, with the Resupplier Perk +60-75% -
Inside a Shield Generator's bubble - +10/s
Mining Red Sugar with Sweet Tooth perk equipped +1-72 -
Melee killing a medium-sized creature with Vampire perk equipped +2-5 -


These are meant to regenerate a certain amount of missing health or shield passively (or upon revival).

Upon Effect
Dropping below 15% health, then avoiding damage for 10 seconds Health regenerates at a rate of 1 health every 0.5 seconds, up to 15% of maximum health when the hazard level is below 5 (1-4).

It regenerates up to 10% of maximum health when the hazard level is 5.

Receiving damage, then avoiding damage for 7 seconds.
(6s with Improved Generator / 9s with Boosted Converter)
The player regenerates 3 shields per second (6 shields with Boosted Converter).
Being revived Health is restored to 60 / 50 / 40 / 20 / 10 % of maximum for Hazard 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5, respectively