Q'ronar Shellback

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The Q'ronar Shellback is another example of evolution running wild on Hoxxes. Basically a three ton pill-bug with a bad stomach acid problem. Folds itself into a wheel shape and is able to propel themselves with great speed, using their enormous weight and sturdy armor to crush anything unlucky enough to be in their path to paste. And once it tires of that, it might let loose sizzling volleys of ghastly globules of intense acid. A truly awful creature that should be avoided at all costs.
— Miner's Manual Description

The Q'ronar Shellback (also known as a Space Lobster by the Dwarves) is a hostile creature found on Hoxxes IV. It can appear in any biome except for the Salt Pits and the Sandblasted Corridors.

The Q'ronar Shellback is quite the abnormal resident of Hoxxes, and is unlike any other species on the planet. Described by the Miner's Manual as a "three ton pill-bug", the Shellback's topside is covered in black chitinous plates while its underbelly is soft and fleshy. It has a huge mouth which stretches vertically along its underside. It has three bulbous "eyes" at its top end and four spindly, clawed legs stationed around the middle of its body. The end of its tail has a glowing sac on the tip which serves an unknown purpose.


The Q'ronar Shellback is capable of adopting two forms in combat. It is usually seen curled up and rolling around at high speeds, using its body armor as a battering ram to crash into its targets. The Shellback can achieve incredible speeds in this form, even using sloped terrain to jump off high into the air. Every so often the Shellback will come to a stop and stand on its legs. This stops it completely and exposes its weakpoints, but it can fire highly damaging globs of acid from its mouth.

The Shellback also has a chance of walking normally, its loud footsteps easily alerting nearby players of its presence. It is incapable of attacking in any way while in this form.

Health and Armor

The chitinous plating on the Shellback completely covers its whole body while it is in rolling mode. It is able to fully block the damage of most weapons, though pieces can be broken off if damaged with enough firepower. This will cause any shots done to unarmored sections to take a full 100% damage.

The Shellback's damage resistances can change depending on whether it is in rolling or walking mode. While rolling it resists 30% fire and ice damage, 80% explosive damage and 100% electrical damage. However, when walking it takes 50% more fire damage and 70% more ice damage. The Shellback is partly immune to freezing in both modes - freezing it will not stop it from moving or attacking, but will cause it to take 3x damage from many sources, like most other Frozen enemies. It also cannot be stunned, and ignores Pheromones.


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 202.5 292.5 360 450 540 810 945 360 382.5 495 540 585
Dwarfcount2.png 247.5 337.5 405 450 540 810 945 405 427.5 495 540 585
Dwarfcount3.png 315 405 450 540 630 945 1102.5 450 495 585 630 675
Dwarfcount4.png 382.5 450 495 585 675 1012.5 1181.25 495 540 630 675 720


  • Acid Spit: While in standing form, the Shellback fires a burst of three acidic projectiles at any distant dwarves, all of which can cause devastating splash damage.
Acid Spit
Damage Amount Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 10 14 24 40 56 84 112 24 30 46 56 60
Dwarfcount2.png 10 16 26 43 60 90 120 26 32 49 60 64
Dwarfcount3.png 10 18 28 46 64 96 128 28 34 52 64 68
Dwarfcount4.png 10 20 30 50 68 102 136 30 36 56 68 72
Damage Type Explosive + Poison
AoE projectile
Damage Amount Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 10 14 24 40 56 84 112 24 30 46 56 60
Dwarfcount2.png 10 16 26 43 60 90 120 26 32 49 60 64
Dwarfcount3.png 10 18 28 46 64 96 128 28 34 52 64 68
Dwarfcount4.png 10 20 30 50 68 102 136 30 36 56 68 72
Damage Type Explosive + Poison
  • Rolling Strike: The Shellback curls itself into a ball-like shape and rolls across the ground with tremendous speed. In this form it is capable of ramming any dwarves in its path, dealing moderate damage and knocking them back. This attack cannot be blocked by the Gunner's Shield Generator, as the Shellback will simply roll straight through it.
Rolling Strike
Direct Attack
Damage Amount Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 5 7 12 20 28 42 56 12 15 23 28 30
Dwarfcount2.png 5 8 13 21.5 30 45 60 13 16 24.5 30 32
Dwarfcount3.png 5 9 14 23 32 48 64 14 17 26 32 34
Dwarfcount4.png 5 10 15 25 34 51 68 15 18 28 34 36
Damage Type Typeless
