Glyphid Praetorian

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This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Season 02: Rival Escalation
Updated for U36

The Glyphid Praetorian is two tons of armor, teeth, and claws. It is extremely aggressive and highly territorial. It vomits up powerful sprays of corrosive poison and is mostly resistant to bullet fire from the front - both very good reasons to flank Praetorians at all times. Furthermore, R&D advises standing well back once one of these beasties go down - their poison sacks tend to rupture, covering the surrounding area in a deadly cloud of poisonous vapor.
— Miner's Manual Description

The Glyphid Praetorian is a hostile creature found on Hoxxes IV. It is found in every region of the planet, though some biomes (the Radioactive Exclusion Zone and the Glacial Strata) have unique variants. They are similar in body shape to Glyphid Grunts, being an arachnid creature with two overly developed front legs and no apparent eyes.

Being noticeably larger than the majority of the Glyphid species, the Praetorian is an imposing creature with the majority of its body covered in thick chitinous plating. It has a much larger mouth than most Glyphids with bigger teeth and two massive fangs. The creature's abdomen is noticeably developed and sticks out at the rear, with no plating to protect it.

As their name suggests, Praetorians hold a notable presence in enemy ranks. Despite their power they are fairly common, and often seen accompanied into battle by Glyphid Grunts (plus their varieties) and Glyphid Swarmers. There is also a rare type of swarm that heavily spawns Praetorians, with a few Glyphid Oppressors. These special swarms are always prefaced by an alert from Mission Control.


Health and Armor

Praetorians occupy a tanky role, using their big health pools and Heavy Armor to soak up lots of damage while fighting the Dwarves.
Unlike the Light Armor found on Grunts, Heavy Armor will fully block all damage to the Praetorian until its own health is depleted. The Heavy Armor on the Praetorian's body is broken up into segments, and will expose the vulnerable flesh underneath which will receive the full damage of a weapon.
Unlike the rest of their body, their mouths have no plating and can be fired at to deal damage; going for the abdomen can give you more damage only if your weapon has a weakpoint damage bonus.


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 337.5 487.5 600 750 900 1350 1575 600 637.5 825 900 975
Dwarfcount2.png 412.5 562.5 675 750 900 1350 1575 675 712.5 825 900 975
Dwarfcount3.png 525 675 750 900 1050 1575 1837.5 750 825 975 1050 1125
Dwarfcount4.png 637.5 750 825 975 1125 1687.5 1968.75 825 900 1050 1125 1200


Their primary attack is an Acid Spray. The Praetorian backs up for a second before spewing out a spray of acidic chemicals which can quickly cut through a player's health pool. This spray has a deceptively long range - Praetorians will often seek to close the gap in distance before using it, so that they can catch even retreating players in the spray. The Gunner's Shield Generator will not block the spray attack of Praetorians.

They can also fight by using their forelegs to strike or biting with their huge mouths - similar to Grunts, though they deal much more damage with their melee attacks.

Finally, on death they will release a cloud of toxic gas at the location of their body, a couple seconds after they die. This Gas Cloud lingers on surfaces for a few seconds, obscuring vision and dealing constant damage to anything which lingers in the cloud. The gas is highly flammable, and weapons which inflict heat damage (such as the Driller's CRSPR Flamethrower) can ignite it to produce a large fiery explosion, which damages players and enemies alike. When the gas is quickly cooled it will Flash Freeze, damaging and cooling any player or creature caught in its area. A Frozen or disintegrated Praetorian will not release its Death Cloud.

Despite their strong offensive and defensive capabilities, Praetorians are slow, often lagging behind their smaller and nimbler cohorts. While using their Acid Spray attack they are completely stationary and cannot turn around.

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 7.5 10.5 18 30 42 63 84 18 22.5 34.5 42 45
Dwarfcount2.png 7.5 12 19.5 32.25 45 67.5 90 19.5 24 36.75 45 48
Dwarfcount3.png 7.5 13.5 21 34.5 48 72 96 21 25.5 39 48 51
Dwarfcount4.png 7.5 15 22.5 37.5 51 76.5 102 22.5 27 42 51 54
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 6 8.4 14.4 24 33.6 50.4 67.2 14.4 18 27.6 33.6 36
Dwarfcount2.png 6 9.6 15.6 25.8 36 54 72 15.6 19.2 29.4 36 38.4
Dwarfcount3.png 6 10.8 16.8 27.6 38.4 57.6 76.8 16.8 20.4 31.2 38.4 40.8
Dwarfcount4.png 6 12 18 30 40.8 61.2 81.6 18 21.6 33.6 40.8 43.2
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
Acid Spray
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 2.5 3.5 6 10 14 21 28 6 7.5 11.5 14 15
Dwarfcount2.png 2.5 4 6.5 10.75 15 22.5 30 6.5 8 12.25 15 16
Dwarfcount3.png 2.5 4.5 7 11.5 16 24 32 7 8.5 13 16 17
Dwarfcount4.png 2.5 5 7.5 12.5 17 25.5 34 7.5 9 14 17 18
Damage Type Poison
Interval 0.5-1.0 s
Duration 2.65 s
Death Cloud
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 1.5 2.1 3.6 6 8.4 12.6 16.8 3.6 4.5 6.9 8.4 9
Dwarfcount2.png 1.5 2.4 3.9 6.45 9 13.5 18 3.9 4.8 7.35 9 9.6
Dwarfcount3.png 1.5 2.7 4.2 6.9 9.6 14.4 19.2 4.2 5.1 7.8 9.6 10.2
Dwarfcount4.png 1.5 3 4.5 7.5 10.2 15.3 20.4 4.5 5.4 8.4 10.2 10.8
Damage Type Poison
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Cloud Radius: 4 m

Interval 1.0-1.5 s
Lifetime 10 s
Death Cloud Explosion
AoE Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 32.5 45.5 78 130 182 273 364 78 97.5 149.5 182 195
Dwarfcount2.png 32.5 52 84.5 139.75 195 292.5 390 84.5 104 159.25 195 208
Dwarfcount3.png 32.5 58.5 91 149.5 208 312 416 91 110.5 169 208 221
Dwarfcount4.png 32.5 65 97.5 162.5 221 331.5 442 97.5 117 182 221 234
Damage Type Fire + Heat
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 3.5 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 2 m
Minimum Area Damage: 25 %

Death Cloud Flash Freeze
AoE Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 32.5 45.5 78 130 182 273 364 78 97.5 149.5 182 195
Dwarfcount2.png 32.5 52 84.5 139.75 195 292.5 390 84.5 104 159.25 195 208
Dwarfcount3.png 32.5 58.5 91 149.5 208 312 416 91 110.5 169 208 221
Dwarfcount4.png 32.5 65 97.5 162.5 221 331.5 442 97.5 117 182 221 234
Damage Type Frost + Cold
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 3.5 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 2 m
Minimum Area Damage: 25 %


The regional variants of this enemy don’t have the Acid Spit attack and don’t leave a Gas Cloud behind on death; instead they acquired some unique attack and features representatives to the biome they live in.
The regional variants also react differently to temperature.

Glacial Strata Variant

Some Praetorians have adapted to the bone-chilling cold of Hoxxes' permafrost layers, replacing much of their bodily fluids with an organic compound not too unlike commercial anti-freeze. The Frost Praetorian will violently exhale gouts of freezing by-product of this process, capable of flash-freezing almost anything in their tracks before moving in for the kill.
— Miner's Manual Description

The Glyphid Frost Praetorian is a variant of the Glyphid Praetorian exclusively found in the Glacial Strata. They appear nearly identical to Glyphid Praetorians, but with dark blue colored armor, and a light blue colored body. They posses a higher resistance to frost damage, and are more resistant to being frozen, but are much weaker against fire damage.


AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 7.5 10.5 18 30 42 63 84 18 22.5 34.5 42 45
Dwarfcount2.png 7.5 12 19.5 32.25 45 67.5 90 19.5 24 36.75 45 48
Dwarfcount3.png 7.5 13.5 21 34.5 48 72 96 21 25.5 39 48 51
Dwarfcount4.png 7.5 15 22.5 37.5 51 76.5 102 22.5 27 42 51 54
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 6 8.4 14.4 24 33.6 50.4 67.2 14.4 18 27.6 33.6 36
Dwarfcount2.png 6 9.6 15.6 25.8 36 54 72 15.6 19.2 29.4 36 38.4
Dwarfcount3.png 6 10.8 16.8 27.6 38.4 57.6 76.8 16.8 20.4 31.2 38.4 40.8
Dwarfcount4.png 6 12 18 30 40.8 61.2 81.6 18 21.6 33.6 40.8 43.2
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
  • Frost Spray: The Glyphind Frost Praetorian opens its mouth and spews forth an icy mixture that damages and quickly cools any creature (excluding Praetorians, Oppressors, and Sentinels) or player hit by the attack, potentially freezing them. This cooling is an environmental cooling source, with an intensity value of -2. Decreasing the targets temperature by 12 every second.
Frost Spray
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 1 1.4 2.4 4 5.6 8.4 11.2 2.4 3 4.6 5.6 6
Dwarfcount2.png 1 1.6 2.6 4.3 6 9 12 2.6 3.2 4.9 6 6.4
Dwarfcount3.png 1 1.8 2.8 4.6 6.4 9.6 12.8 2.8 3.4 5.2 6.4 6.8
Dwarfcount4.png 1 2 3 5 6.8 10.2 13.6 3 3.6 5.6 6.8 7.2
Damage Type Frost
Interval 0.5-1.0 s
Duration 2.65 s
Status Effect ×0.35 Movement Speed
Death Cloud
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 2/s
Damage Type Cold
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Cloud Radius: 4 m

Interval 0.5 s
Lifetime 10 s
Status Effect ×0.5 Movement Speed while inside the Cloud

Radioactive Exclusion Zone Variant

Praetorians found in the radioactive exclusion zones of Hoxxes display all the usual tenacity and adaptiveness of their misbegotten kind. In short, they lap up rads like candy, and use it in their attacks to devastating effect. A minimum safe distance of at least 15 meters is advised at all times - both their beard-curdling radioactive breath, and the lethal burst of radiation they release on death makes the Radioactive Praetorian a formidable enemy for the dwarf caught unawares.
— Miner's Manual Description


Radioactive Praetorians create an aura of radiation around their body in a fairly large radius. Upon death, they will leave behind the same radiation aura for a few seconds.

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 7.5 10.5 18 30 42 63 84 18 22.5 34.5 42 45
Dwarfcount2.png 7.5 12 19.5 32.25 45 67.5 90 19.5 24 36.75 45 48
Dwarfcount3.png 7.5 13.5 21 34.5 48 72 96 21 25.5 39 48 51
Dwarfcount4.png 7.5 15 22.5 37.5 51 76.5 102 22.5 27 42 51 54
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 6 8.4 14.4 24 33.6 50.4 67.2 14.4 18 27.6 33.6 36
Dwarfcount2.png 6 9.6 15.6 25.8 36 54 72 15.6 19.2 29.4 36 38.4
Dwarfcount3.png 6 10.8 16.8 27.6 38.4 57.6 76.8 16.8 20.4 31.2 38.4 40.8
Dwarfcount4.png 6 12 18 30 40.8 61.2 81.6 18 21.6 33.6 40.8 43.2
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

Max. Angle 180°
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 3 4.2 7.2 12 16.8 25.2 33.6 7.2 9 13.8 16.8 18
Dwarfcount2.png 3 4.8 7.8 12.9 18 27 36 7.8 9.6 14.7 18 19.2
Dwarfcount3.png 3 5.4 8.4 13.8 19.2 28.8 38.4 8.4 10.2 15.6 19.2 20.4
Dwarfcount4.png 3 6 9 15 20.4 30.6 40.8 9 10.8 16.8 20.4 21.6
Damage Type Radiation
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Cloud Radius: 4 m

Interval 0.5-1.0 s
Lifetime 7 s
Death Cloud
Damage per Tick Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 3 4.2 7.2 12 16.8 25.2 33.6 7.2 9 13.8 16.8 18
Dwarfcount2.png 3 4.8 7.8 12.9 18 27 36 7.8 9.6 14.7 18 19.2
Dwarfcount3.png 3 5.4 8.4 13.8 19.2 28.8 38.4 8.4 10.2 15.6 19.2 20.4
Dwarfcount4.png 3 6 9 15 20.4 30.6 40.8 9 10.8 16.8 20.4 21.6
Damage Type Radiation
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Cloud Radius: 2.75 m

Interval 0.5-1.0 s
Lifetime 7 s

Rockpox Variant

Carrying advanced Lithophage infection, the Rockpox Praetorian has grown extremely resistant to physical harm. Symptoms observed in Rockpox Praetorians include but are not limited to surfacing of blisters rooted to its host's internals, sprouting of groping tendrils, projectile vomiting, increased appetite, agitation, pale greenish skin, necrosis, lethargy, and a sore throat. Although the Rockpox infection makes the Praetorian almost impervious to damage, R&D has observed that the destruction of all its Rockpox blisters result in sudden expiration of the host.
— Miner's Manual Description

Rockpox variants are covered in blisters, which have a fix health of 5 and deal 150 damage when destroyed. These Praetorians cannot be damaged anywhere else besides on the blisters.

Ebonite Mutation Variant

It's long been theorized that the organic silicate known as Ebonite can induce psychotropic effects, but only recently has it been seen to infect and basically mindcontrol several subspecies of local Glyphids. How and why this happens is still being hotly debated, but the effects are clear: It makes already dangerous Glyphids even worse, covering them in layers of ablative, rock-like growths capable of withstanding pretty much any standard caliber rounds. The only solution R&D has so far is to get in close with supercharged mining equipment such as pickaxes, and literally break the things apart with sustained, physical impacts. This is of course highly dangerous - but that is why we are sending in the dwarves.
— Miner's Manual Description

Ebonite Glyphid Praetorians are Glyphid Praetorians that were infected with the organic silicate parasite known as Ebonite. The resulting exo and endoparasitic takeover has turned these Praetorians into literal living rock. Whilst they no longer have the Praetorian's deadly vomit and toxic clouds, these Ebonite mutants are now nearly invulnerable to all attacks save for the sharpened tip of a pickaxe.


Ebonite variants as aforementioned, lack the powerful vomit and afterdeath gas leak of its more normal variants. Instead, they are entirely melee focus and their near-impenetrable armor makes them immune to all but melee attacks. As such, dealing with these mutants can be quite dangerous especially when swarmed as the player must forgo traditional ranged armor-busting weapons for something more up close and personal. Given their high health, power attacks are the most efficient at removing a chunk of their health, but care must be taken to not be swarmed by the lesser Ebonite Grunts.

Pickaxes are the only tool and weapon in which most of the playable dwarves could inflict and deal damage to the Ebonites. Of the playable classes, the Driller is the best suited against Ebonite mutants as his Reinforced Power Drills could act as the melee equivalent of a minigun; a sustained damage dealer that quickly chips away the health of an Ebonite. Moreover, his Impact Axe does melee damage, making it the only 'range' weapon capable of harming these mutants.

Kursite Infection Variant

Kursite Analyser booting up! Volatile Kursite deposits in the area are infecting the local wildlife! Get as many samples as you can from the infected beasties, we need to get to the bottom of this!
— Mission Control

Kursite Glyphid Praetorian are rare Glyphid Praetorians infected with the parasitic crystalline Kursite biomineral that often appear when a Kursite Analyser is activated. It is unknown if these specimens were infected only when the Analyser is activated or has long been infected but stayed dormant until the machine's activation.

What is known is that these infected Praetorians are easily distinguishable from its non-infected kin by the presence of large glowing Kursite deposits emerging from its back and legs as well as its blue vulnerable abdomen.


Other than visual appearances, Kursite Glyphid Praetorians behave almost exactly the same as a regular Praetorian, with the only exception being that it lacks a death cloud leakage and explosion after its subsequent death; instead, dropping a giant chunk of Kursite to be used and extracted.

Caution still needs to be taken however, as during the event, multiple Kursite Glyphid Praetorians alongside grunts and guards will spawn, so care must be taken to not be overwhelmed. Moreover, these Kursite-infected individuals still retain the Praetorian's deadly venomous spray. Of the Kursite varieties, the Praetorians are the most powerful but rarest of the lot and due to this, the Analyser requires less Kursite from these Praetorians than usual.

Elite Variant

The Elite Glyphid Praetorian is the elite version of the regular Glyphid Praetorian. Like all Elite enemies, the Elite Glyphid Praetorian looks almost identical to its regular counterparts; being only distinguished by its aura of distinct vertical red lines with the words 'elite' above their healthbar when scanned and looked at.


In addition to all the benefits that all Elite enemies receive, Elite Praetorians have two additional enhancements:

  • Their Armor is greatly increased. All of their Heavy Armor plates have their Armor Health increased from 100 to 500.
  • Their melee attacks have a bonus knockback. Their Bite attack adds 1 m/sec horizontal impulse and 1.25 m/sec vertical impulse, and their Stab attack adds 4 m/sec horizontal impulse and 5 m/sec vertical impulse.


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 642.86 964.29 964.29 1178.57 1392.86 2089.29 2437.5 964.29 1017.86 1232.14 1392.86 1446.43
Dwarfcount2.png 803.57 1178.57 1178.57 1178.57 1392.86 2089.29 2437.5 1178.57 1232.14 1232.14 1392.86 1446.43
Dwarfcount3.png 910.71 1178.57 1392.86 1392.86 1607.14 2410.71 2812.5 1392.86 1446.43 1446.43 1607.14 1660.71
Dwarfcount4.png 1178.57 1392.86 1392.86 1607.14 1767.86 2651.79 3093.75 1392.86 1446.43 1660.71 1767.86 1821.43



  • Ghost Ship Games released a video to introduce the Glyphid Praetorian, Deep Rock Galactic - Meet the Glyphid Pretorian
  • Before update 24 hotfix 7, Praetorian abdomen used to be designed to take 150% damage, but wasn't registered as a weakpoint for the purpose of weapon modifications (such as Hollow Point Bullets).
  • The Glyphid Praetorian's Steam Card, unlike the game, spells its name as "Glyphid Pretorian", likely as a misspelling.
  • Praetors, or praetorians, were Ancient Greek officials who were either a commander of an army or an elected magistrate assigned to discharge various duties.