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Damage represents how many hit points will be lost when an attack is successful, or when a condition is met. Damage is split into types. While all damage types reduce hit points, certain modifiers or effects are applied depending on the damage type. The exact amount of hit points lost from a single instance of damage varies depending on certain conditions. For example, the hazard level modifies the damage creatures receive and deal.

Common Damage Types

The most common damage types, available to both enemies and players. Some types are considered "Elemental Damage" and are resisted by specific perks, weapon upgrades, & armor upgrades.

Icon Damage Kinetic.png Kinetic

Kinetic damage is the standard damage type for bullets, pellets, and projectiles, for both players and creatures.

Weapons that deal Kinetic Damage
Weapon Source
Cryo Cannon with Ice Storm Bonus Damage to Frozen Targets
Cryo Cannon with Ice Spear Projectile Direct Damage
Corrosive Sludge Pump Normal Shot
Charged Shot
Charged Shot Fragment
Subata 120 Bullet Damage
Experimental Plasma Charger Normal Shot
Colette Wave Cooker with Blistering Necrosis Blister Damage Transfer
"Warthog" Auto 210 Pellet Damage
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG Bullet Damage
LOK-1 Smart Rifle Bullet Damage
Deepcore 40mm PGL with Spiky Grenade Projectile Direct Damage
Shredder Swarm Shredder Damage
LMG Gun Platform Bullet Damage
"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun Bullet Damage
"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon Bullet Damage
"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System Projectile Direct Damage
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver Bullet Damage
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun Bullet Damage
ArmsKore Coil Gun Bullet Damage
ArmsKore Coil Gun with Overcharger Bonus Overcharge Damage
ArmsKore Coil Gun with The Mole Bonus Damage from Terrain Penetration
Sticky Grenade Projectile Damage
Deepcore GK2 Bullet Damage
M1000 Classic Bullet Damage
Focus Shot Damage
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine Projectile Damage
Jury-Rigged Boomstick Pellet Damage
Zhukov NUK17 Bullet Damage
Nishanka Boltshark X-80 with Magnetic Shafts Bonus Damage to Electrified Targets
Flare Gun Projectile Damage
Other Equipment
Mine Head Sentry Turret Bullet Damage
Creature attacks that deal Kinetic Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Web Spitter Web Spit
Glyphid Acid Spitter Acid Spit
Glyphid Septic Spreader Sepsis Lob
Abdomen Rupture
Glyphid Menace Rapid Spit
Glyphid Oppressor Sonic Stomp
Rage Quake
Glyphid Dreadnought Lacerator Burrow
Rock Wave
Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard Rock Burst
Mactera Spawn Sting Shot
Mactera Brundle Sting Shot
Rival Tech
Rival Patrol Bot Plasma Laser Shot
Focus Shot Direct Damage
Rival Burst Turret Laser Barrage
Rival Sniper Turret Focus Shot Direct Damage
Korlok Sprout Korlok Spit
BET-C Precision Burst
Biome Features
Ejector Cacti Projectile Damage
Unstable Ice Area Damage
Unstable Crystal Area Damage

Icon Damage Melee.png Melee

Melee damage is the standard damage type for creature attacks done at close range, such as bites, slashes and stabs. Some perks are triggered when this damage type is dealt, such as Vampire, or Thorns.

Weapons that deal Melee Damage
Weapon Source
Reinforced Power Drills Drill Damage
Impact Axe Projectile Direct Damage
Other Equipment
Pickaxe Melee Attack
Power Attack
Drop Pod Landing Damage
Mine Head Landing Damage
Mobile Refinery Landing Damage
Creature attacks that deal Melee Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Spawn Slash
Glyphid Swarmer Slash
Glyphid Grunt Bite
Glyphid Grunt Slasher Crippling Slash
Glyphid Grunt Guard Bite
Glyphid Stalker Short-Circuit Slash
Glyphid Stingtail Tusk Slam
Sting Whip
Glyphid Praetorian Bite
Glyphid Oppressor Bite
Glyphid Bulk Detonator Dig
Glyphid Dreadnought Lacerator Bite
Glyphid Dreadnought Bite
Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard Bite
Glyphid Sentinel Bite
Naedocyte Hatchling Sting
Deeptora Bough Wasp Nest Insect Swarm
Deeptora Honeycomb Insect Swarm
Rival Tech
Rival Patrol Bot Bump
Rival Shredder Pouncing Peck
Stabber Vine Stab
Biome Features
Cave Urchin Contact Damage
Trapatactus Contact Damage
Unstable Ice Direct Damage
Unstable Crystal Direct Damage

Icon Damage Explosive.png Explosive

Explosive damage includes most explosions and grenades, most sources of that damage type are also Area damage.

Weapons that deal Explosive Damage
Weapon Source
CRSPR Flamethrower with Scorching Tide Scorching Tide Projectiles
Cryo Cannon with Ice Spear Projectile Area Damage
Corrosive Sludge Pump with Combustive Goo Mix Puddle Explosion
Experimental Plasma Charger Charged Shot Area Damage
Colette Wave Cooker with Boiler Ray Boiler Ray Explosion
Impact Axe Area Damage
High Explosive Grenade Area Damage
Springloaded Ripper Ripper Hit
Satchel Charge Area Damage
"Warthog" Auto 210 with Turret Whip Area Damage
LOK-1 Smart Rifle with Explosive Chemical Rounds Area Damage
Deepcore 40mm PGL Area Damage
Breach Cutter with Explosive Goodbye Explosive Goodbye
Shard Diffractor with Plastcrete Catalyst Area Damage
Plasma Burster Burst Area Damage
Proximity Mine Area Damage
"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon Area Damage
"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System Area Damage
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver with Explosive Rounds Area Damage
ArmsKore Coil Gun with Shockwave Front Shockwave Area Damage
Sticky Grenade Area Damage
Cluster Grenade Bomblets Area Damage
Jury-Rigged Boomstick Front Shockwave Area Damage
Nishanka Boltshark X-80 with Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion Death Explosion Area Damage
APD-B317 Rocket Area Damage
Creature attacks that deal Explosive Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Exploder Self-combustion
Glyphid Radioactive Exploder Irradiated Self-combustion
Glyphid Bulk Detonator Hellfire
Final Blow
Final Blow Cluster Bomb Area Damage
Glyphid Crassus Detonator Hellfire
Golden Final Blow
Golden Final Blow Cluster Bomb Area Damage
Glyphid Dreadnought Trembling Stomp
Ignited Projectile
Glyphid Dreadnought Arbalest Explosive Barrage
Fireball Fan
Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard Fire Mortar
Rock Burst Area Damage
Mactera Tri-Jaw Triple Barrage
Mactera Goo Bomber Blob Shot
Mactera Frost Bomber Blob Shot
Q'ronar Shellback Acid Spit
Rival Tech
Rival Patrol Bot Focus Shot Area Damage
Missile Attack Area Damage
Rival Sniper Turret Focus Shot Area Damage
Rival Nemesis Failsafe Bombardment
Rival Caretaker Phase Bomb Barrage
Spitball Infector Mortar Spit
Barrage Infector Acid Barrage
BET-C Quick Bomb
Biome Features
Exploding Plant Explosion Damage
Geyser Explosion when Destroyed
Exploding Plant Explosion Damage
Lava Geyser Explosion when Destroyed
Explosive Spore Explosion Damage

Status fire.png Fire

Elemental damage type. Many sources of Fire Damage often apply Heat as well, which increases a target's temperature and may burn the target (see: On Fire). The Heat may cause Temperature Shock when applied to a Frozen enemy. Not all sources of Fire Damage will apply Heat, and not all sources of Heat will directly deal Fire Damage.

Weapons that deal Fire Damage
Weapon Source
CRSPR Flamethrower Direct Stream Damage
Sticky Flames Damage
CRSPR Flamethrower with Heat Radiance Heat Radiance Damage
CRSPR Flamethrower with Targets Explode Target Explosion Damage
CRSPR Flamethrower with Scorching Tide Scorching Tide Projectiles
Corrosive Sludge Pump if puddles are ignited Burning Goo Puddle
Subata 120 with Volatile Bullets Bonus Damage to Burning Targets
Experimental Plasma Charger Charged Shot Damage
Experimental Plasma Charger with Thin Containment Field Thin Containment Field Damage
Experimental Plasma Charger with Plasma Splash Normal Shot Area Damage
Experimental Plasma Charger with Persistent Plasma Persistent Plasma Field
Colette Wave Cooker Microwave Damage
Neurotoxin Grenade if ignited. Explosion Damage
LOK-1 Smart Rifle with Electro-Chemical Rounds Bonus Damage to Burning Targets
Breach Cutter Projectile Damage
Breach Cutter with Explosive Goodbye Plasma Field Damage
Breach Cutter with Plasma Trail Plasma Trail Damage
Breach Cutter with Inferno Extra Damage Over Time
Shard Diffractor Beam Damage
Shard Diffractor with Volatile Impact Reactor Magma Trail Damage
"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun with Burning Hell Front Area of Effect Damage
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver with Volatile Bullets Bonus Damage to Burning Targets
ArmsKore Coil Gun Bullet Damage
Trail Damage
ArmsKore Coil Gun with Necro-Thermal Catalyst Bonus Damage to Burning Targets
Necro-Thermal Catalyst Death Explosion
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine with Plasma Splash Area Damage
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine with Aggressive Venting Aggressive Venting Damage
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine with Thermal Exhaust Feedback Bonus Damage when over 50% Heat
Jury-Rigged Boomstick with White Phosphorus Shells Pellet Damage
Creature attacks that deal Fire Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Dreadnought Ignited Projectile
Glyphid Dreadnought Arbalest Fireball Fan
Glyphid Dreadnought Lacerator Flame Breath
Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard Fire Mortar
Biome Features
Hot Rock Contact Damage
Lava Geyser Contact during Eruption
Small Lava Geysers Flame Damage

Status frozen.png Frost

Elemental damage type. Sources of Frost Damage often apply Cold, which lowers a target's temperature and may freeze the target (see: Frozen). The Cold may cause Temperature Shock when applied to an On Fire enemy.

Weapons that deal Frost Damage
Weapon Source
Cryo Cannon Direct Stream Damage
Creature attacks that deal Frost Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Praetorian Death Cloud Freeze
Glyphid Frost Praetorian Frost Spray
Mactera Frost Bomber Blob Shot

Icon Damage Electrical.png Electric

Elemental damage type. Most sources of Electric Damage can also apply the electrocution status effect.

  • Electric Damage and Electrocution Chance are two distinct stats, though Electric Damage may come as a byproduct of electrocution. The following tables only list sources that deal the Electric damage type directly.
Weapons that deal Electric Damage
Weapon Source
Experimental Plasma Charger Normal Shot
Charged Shot Direct Damage
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG with Conductive Bullets Bonus Damage to Electrocuted Targets
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG with EM Refire Booster Bullet Damage
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG with Micro-Conductor Add-On Electric Current Damage
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG with Turret EM Discharge Area Damage
LOK-1 Smart Rifle with Electro-Chemical Rounds Bonus Damage to Electrocuted Targets
Shard Diffractor with Hydrogen Rupturing Bonus Damage to Electrocuted Targets
L.U.R.E. Area Damage Upon Health Depleted
ArmsKore Coil Gun with Electric Trail Trail Damage
Deepcore GK2 with Electrifying Reload Embedded Capacitor Detonation Damage
Zhukov NUK17 with Conductive Bullets Bonus Damage to Electrocuted Targets
Nishanka Boltshark X-80 with Taser Bolts Proximity Damage
Electric Beam Damage
Voltaic Stun Sweeper Projectile Damage
Creature attacks that deal Electric Damage
Creature Attack
Naedocyte Shocker Shock
Rival Tech
Rival Repulsion Turret Plasma Force Field
Rival Caretaker Plasma Barrier Wave
Rival Nemesis Seize and Destroy Protocol
Defensive Shield Barrier
Biome Features
Electrocrystals Beam Damage

Icon Damage Poison.png Poison

Elemental damage type is much more common in creatures than in dwarven weaponry. The following tables only show sources that deal Poison damage directly, but the damage type is also a result of the Poison and Neurotoxin status effects, which may be dealt by sources not found in the tables.

Weapons that deal Poison Damage
Weapon Source
Colette Wave Cooker with Blistering Necrosis Blister Pop Damage
Creature attacks that deal Poison Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Praetorian Acid Spray
Death Cloud
Glyphid Septic Spreader Puddle DoT
Q'ronar Shellback Acid Spit
Toxic Maggot Death Cloud
Spitball Infector Mortar Spit
Barrage Infector Acid Barrage
Biome Features
Poison Spores Fungus Cloud Damage

Icon Damage Radiation.png Radiation

Elemental damage type. Usually caused by the Radiation status effect. The Radioactive variants of the Glyphid Exploder and Glyphid Praetorian will emit Radiation, with the Exploder on explosion and Praetorian during its Radiator attack or on death.

Weapons that deal Radiation Damage
Weapon Source
Colette Wave Cooker Microwave Damage
Colette Wave Cooker with Gamma Contamination Radiation Field Damage
Deepcore 40mm PGL with Fat Boy Radiation Field Damage
Creature attacks that deal Radiation Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Radioactive Praetorian Radiator
Death Cloud
Radioactive Glyphid Exploder Irradiated Self-combustion Cloud
Biome Features
Volatile Uranium Radiation Field Damage

Icon Damage Corrosive.png Corrosive

Elemental damage type. Sources include the Corrosive Sludge Pump, and the Corrosion status effect.

Weapons that deal Corrosive Damage
Weapon Source
Corrosive Sludge Pump Normal Shot
Charged Shot
Charged Shot Fragment
Puddle DoT


Damage type used when no other types are selected.

Weapons that deal Typeless Damage
Weapon Source
Corrosive Sludge Pump with Combustive Goo Mix Enemy Explosion
Subata 120 with Neuro-Corrosive Toxic Catalyst Death Explosion
Other Equipment
Resupply Pod Landing Damage
Fuel Cells Landing Damage
Drilldozer Drill Damage
APD-B317 Bullet Damage
Creature attacks that deal Typeless Damage
Creature Attack
Glyphid Dreadnought Swarm Bladder
Q'ronar Youngling Rolling Strike
Q'ronar Shellback Rolling Strike
Nayaka Trawler Fin Tackle
Rival Tech
Rival Patrol Bot Missile Attack Direct Damage
Cave Leech Tentacle Snatch

Uncommon Damage Types

Damage types unique to dwarven equipment.

Icon Damage Piercing.png Piercing

Damage type for the Nishanka Boltshark X-80 and Tactical Leadburster. The Mactera Spawn, Mactera Goo Bomber and Glyphid Stingtail are weak to it, while the Glyphid Oppressor and Glyphid Praetorian resist it.

Weapons that deal Piercing Damage
Weapon Source
Cryo Cannon with Crystal Nucleation Sticky Frost Damage
Tactical Leadburster Bullet Damage
Nishanka Boltshark X-80 Projectile Damage


Damage type that changes death animations for killed creatures. This can prevent the triggered on-death effects of some enemies. For example, after being disintegrated, Glyphid Praetorians (including regional varieties and the Glyphid Oppressor) will not release their "Death Cloud" attack. Caused by Temperature Shock, which occurs when Heat is applied to a Frozen enemy, when Cold is applied to an On Fire enemy, or when Colette Wave Cooker using Exothermic Reactor is used on a Frozen/On Fire enemy. It is also dealt directly by certain weapons.

Weapons that deal Disintegrate Damage
Weapon Source
Experimental Plasma Charger Charged Shot Damage
Deepcore 40mm PGL with Hyper Propellant Projectile Damage
Shard Diffractor Beam Damage
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine Projectile Damage
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine with Plasma Splash Projectile Area Damage


Damage type used for the Explosive Reload overclock on the Subata 120 and the Embedded Detonators overclock on the Zhukov NUK17.

Special Damage Types

Damage types that are not available to enemies or dwarven weaponry. Additionally each type is unique to one source.

Icon Upgrade FallDamage Resistance.png Fall

Fall is a special damage type which can only occur to Dwarves when they hit the ground after falling from a great height. It scales with fallling velocity, and can be mitigated by Upgrades, the Low Gravity Mission Anomaly, & by landing on certain surfaces (e.g. Deep Snow in Glacial Strata Biome, Sticky Goo in Fungus Bogs, and Plastcrete MKII). There are a few ways to completely negate fall damage: falling on top of a dwarf/enemy you can bounce off of (such as a Glyphid Praetorian), catching a zipline or pipeline, grabbing a terrain ledge, the perk Hover Boots, or using the Grappling Hook.

Status Oxygen.png Suffocation

Only present with the Low Oxygen mission mutator. Only affects Dwarves, and bypasses their Shield.


Damage type used for the Nanite Bombs used on the Tritilyte Crystal Machine Event.

Sugar Toxin

Only present with the Blood Sugar mission mutator. Only affects Dwarves, and bypasses their Shield.

Other Damage Types

Damage types not available to dwarven equipment, but are available to enemies and other damage sources.

Icon Damage Rockpox Infection.png Rockpox Infection

Damage type dealt by the Rockpox creatures.

Creature attacks that deal Rockpox Damage
Creature Attack
Lithophage Rockpox Praetorian Infectious Vomit
Lithophage Rockpox Corruptor Rockpox Corruption


The damage type dealt to a player when they come into contact with Creeper Vines or Bloated Vine Thorns.

Damage Modifiers

Hazard level & Player count

Below is a table listing damage modifiers for each Hazard Level and player count. Please note: 3.5, 4.5, & 5.5 Hazard Levels are unique to Deep Dives & Elite Deep Dives.

1 Player (Solo) / 2 Players / 3 Players / 4 Players
Hazard Level Enemy Damage Friendly
Enemy Resistance
Enemy Resistance
Extra Large
Enemy Resistance
Extra Large 2
Enemy Resistance
1 — Low Risk 0.50 / 0.50 / 0.50 / 0.50 0.10 0.75 0.70 0.45 / 0.55 / 0.70 / 0.85 0.20 / 0.40 / 0.60 / 0.80 0.20 / 0.40 / 0.60 / 0.80
2 — Challenging 0.70 / 0.80 / 0.90 / 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 0.65 / 0.75 / 0.90 / 1.00 0.30 / 0.40 / 0.70 / 1.00 0.30 / 0.40 / 0.70 / 1.00
3 — Dangerous 1.20 / 1.30 / 1.40 / 1.50 0.30 1.00 1.10 0.80 / 0.90 / 1.00 / 1.10 0.50 / 0.55 / 0.90 / 1.20 0.50 / 0.50 / 0.90 / 1.10
4 — Extreme 2.00 / 2.15 / 2.30 / 2.50 0.40 1.33 1.20 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.20 / 1.30 0.70 / 0.75 / 1.00 / 1.60 0.70 / 0.70 / 1.00 / 1.30
5 — Lethal 2.80 / 3.00 / 3.20 / 3.40 0.70 2.00 1.20 1.20 / 1.20 / 1.40 / 1.50 0.75 / 0.80 / 1.20 / 1.70 0.70 / 0.70 / 1.00 / 1.30
1 Player (Solo) / 2 Players / 3 Players / 4 Players
Hazard Level Enemy Damage Friendly
Enemy Resistance
Enemy Resistance
Extra Large
Enemy Resistance
3.5 — DD Hazard 1.50 / 1.60 / 1.70 / 1.80 0.30 1.15 1.10 0.85 / 0.95 / 1.10 / 1.20 0.60 / 0.65 / 0.95 / 1.40
4.5 — DD Hazard 2.30 / 2.45 / 2.60 / 2.80 0.55 1.66 1.20 1.10 / 1.10 / 1.30 / 1.40 0.70 / 0.75 / 1.10 / 1.60
5.5 — DD Hazard 3.00 / 3.20 / 3.40 / 3.60 0.70 2.20 1.20 1.30 / 1.30 / 1.50 / 1.60 0.75 / 0.80 / 1.20 / 1.70

*Explosive friendly fire is reduced by a further 50%


Weakspots (or Weakpoints) are special spots on creature that increase damage depending on the creature, and the damage source's weakspot damage bonus. Refer to the creature page to learn more about a given enemy's weakspot(s). Area Damage, Damage over Time and Spray Damage (including Cryo Cannon and CRSPR Flamethrower) are not boosted by weakspots (mostly).

Bonuses to Weakpoint Damage (e.g. Hollow-Point Bullets) are multiplicative. For example:

  • With the Hollow-Point Bullets upgrade, the Subata 120 has a +75% Weakpoint damage bonus (totalling +100% Weakpoint damage) and does 12 kinetic damage per bullet. A Mactera Spawn has Weakspot that multiplies damage by 3x. 12*3*2 totals to 72 damage.

Damage Category/Class & Timing

The method of applying a Damage type can fall into one or more of these categories, and is applied either Instantly or over time. These categories describe how damage behaves, but not necessarily what the damage will and will not interact with when damaging an enemy.

Area of Effect

There are three major groups for Area of Effect damage.

  • Radial: See Area Damage to see how Radial Damage behaves.
  • Cleaving: Cleaving projectiles simply penetrate creatures and sometimes even surfaces that they hit and continue to travel in a line. Weapons such as the Coil Gun or those using a Blowthrough mod show this type of behavior.
  • Ray Tracing: This sort of behavior denotes when a damage source will draw a ray between itself and creatures within its area of effect to deal damage. So long as a part of the creature is exposed then a ray may be drawn to it. The rays drawn will not penetrate through creatures, and as such it is possible for a creature that is behind the body of another creature to escape damage.

Single Target

Usually kinetic. Hits one target and is used by many weapons. Most creature attacks fall under this too.

Damage over Time

Damage is applied in multiple "Ticks" over an interval. Usually related to a status effect.

Each form of Damage Over Time has a minimum and maximum tick rate that determines how often damage is applied. Damage is applied instantly when a Damage Over Time effect is activated and then some period of time between the minimum and maximum tick rate there will be another instance of damage, and this cycle will repeat for as long as the Damage Over Time is active.


Damage is applied in a single tick when conditions are met. Includes most explosive and kinetic damage.

Material Flags

Every enemy hitbox is made up of different materials under the hood. These Materials are what describe how different sources of damage will interact with the enemy and will modify damage that has the appropriate Flags.

Enemy Material Types

  • Flesh: 1x damage taken
  • Armor: see Creature Armor page
  • Weakpoint: Weakpoints are special spots on creature that increase damage depending on the creature, and the damage source's weakspot damage bonus
  • Frozen: +200% damage taken (Dreadnoughts have 16.7% resistance to it, which results in +166.6% damage bonus)

If a creature is under the effects of the Frozen status effect then all of its bodies materials are replaced with the Frozen material.

Damage Flags

  • Armor
  • Weakpoint
  • Frozen

If damage hits a material without the matching flag, then the damage will simply treat that material as Flesh.

For example, the Breach Cutter deals damage in an Area of Effect and only posesses the Weakpoint material flag. As a result the Breach Cutter will treat both Armor and Frozen materials as flesh deal normal damage against them effectively ignoring armor and the Frozen status, but it will deal bonus damage against Weakpoints because it has the matching material flag.