Magma Core

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Among the deepest of our mining sites, the Magma Caves are a mellow 250-400 degrees and helpfully lit by the churning, molten innards of the planet. We advise that you do not touch anything not mandated by the mission objectives, as your employee insurance does not cover burns.
— Ingame description

Magma Core is one of the biomes of Hoxxes IV. It features many hazards relating to fire and/or magma. The rock forming the caves is sturdy, taking 3 hits to destroy. Many of the caves feature large rooms with 2 layer plateaus and large circular indents in the surrounding terrain.


The most common and prominent hazard in Magma Core is the Hot Rock, which can cover much of the floors of caverns. When stepped on, it will cause burning damage periodically. Additionally, more Hot Rock is created when explosions destroy the natural rock of the terrain, leaving more hazardous floor in their wake.

Another hazard are Lava Geysers which erupt fire at regular intervals. Destroying the center of a Lava Geyser will instantly cause an explosion dealing a massive amount of damage, leaving a crater where the geyser used to be. An imminent eruption announces itself with a rumbling noise. There are also groups of small lava geysers or jets, which deal a minor amount of damage while standing in the lava jet, which activates periodically.

Occasionally, the entire cave shakes violently in a quake, dramatically slowing all dwarves and creatures movement speed to a crawl. The quake may crack the ground open, exposing large crevices of Magma Rock.

Magma Core also has Explosive Plants, which explode violently when sufficiently damaged. These explosions are able to trigger other nearby plants, which can then cause a deadly chain-reaction. These however are not entirely unique to Magma Core, as the same or similar explosive plants are located in other biomes.


Quakes makes Dwarves x0.5 slower, and creatures x0.75 slower. The start (in seconds) of the first Quake of a mission is decided by squaring a value between 3 and 60, with later Quakes having a delay of 2 - 6 minutes.


Most Glyphids can be encountered in Magma Core, including Spitball Infectors, Cave Leeches, and Glyphid Dreadnoughts.

Biome Features

Item Description
BF Red Exploding Plant MC.png
Exploding Plant
Glowing plants of varying size that explode violently when damaged. The larger the plant, the less damage needed to detonate it and the larger the explosion.
Also found Dense Biozone and Fungus Bogs.
BF Lava Geyser.png
Lava Geyser
Rocky geysers which periodically spit out lava upward and burn anyone near it or in direct contact with it. Once destroyed they will explode violently, dealing large amounts of damage to any enemy or dwarf in the vicinity.
BF Hot Rock.png
Hot Rock
Hot rock that damages and slightly speeds up anything stepping on it. It can be found naturally in large patches, but also appears from explosive damage made to the terrain. Enemies will attempt to avoid hot rock patches and craters when pathfinding.
BF Earthquake.png
The cave violently shakes, slowing down the dwarves and creatures movement. It can also create crevices around the dwarves.
Spicy Hole.jpg
Small Lava Geysers
Groups of small holes in the ground which periodically shoot lava a short distance upwards and deal a small amount of burn damage to anything standing in the jets.
BF Yellow Tubel.png
Yellow Tubel
Tube shaped plant sucking in particles through the yellow tip.
BF Chromepuff.png
Puffy flowers with chrome coloring.
BF Mineral Chimney.png
Mineral Chimney
Tubular rock formations letting out smoke from their holes. Also found in Crystalline Caverns.


As with every biome, some of the Ores that can be found in Magma Core are determined by the mission type, such as Morkite Morkite and Aquarq Aquarq. The crafting materials found in Magma Core are Magnite Magnite and Croppa Croppa, with Magnite being abundant and Croppa being scarce.

Deep Dive Sentences

When Magma Core is selected as the biome for a Deep Dive, one of those sentences can be seen in the terminal:

  • "It burns! It buuurns!"
  • "The heat should make it impossible for anything to live here... and yet there are monsters everywhere."
  • "Greenbeards passing through the Magma tunnels, leave behind their scruples and a decent amount of skin."
  • "Bringing extra explosives on a Magma Core run seemed like a good idea at the time."
  • "I've never had a bad experience digging straight down."
  • "I shouldn't have brought my woolly undies."
  • "Anyone got some spare deodorant? Asking for a friend."
  • "I like my lunchmeats medium rare, but with this heat it's getting overcooked."
  • "If my beard gets singed, I'm calling in sick tomorrow."


  • Reworked during the Early Access period with Update 7: Alpha Launch on the 28th February 2018.
  • The deep dive sentence "I've never had a bad experience digging straight down." Is a reference to the game Minecraft, where the “number one rule” is “never dig straight down”, because you may fall in lava.