Rival Sniper Turret

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Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Season 02: Rival Escalation
Updated for U36

The Sniper Turret protects the Power Stations that keep the shield around the Data Vault intact. Once an intruder enters a room with a Power Station these turrets will immediately set their sights on their target and shoot them with a powerful plasma laser shot.
— Miner's Manual Description

The Rival Sniper Turret is a point defense emplacement from Rival Tech. A small number will appear exclusively on Industrial Sabotage missions guarding the Power Stations, mounted to the ceiling. The Caretaker is also able to spawn several at a time on the cave ceiling above it in its second and third phases. Upon spotting a dwarf they will aim their lasers and fire after a delay.


Sniper Turrets, upon spotting a dwarf, will aim and track with their laser for a short period before delivering a high damage Focus Shot.

Health and Armor


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png to Dwarfcount4.png 210 300 330 360 360 360 478.8 330 330 360 360 360


Focus Shot
Damage Amount Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 3.5 4.9 8.4 14 19.6 29.4 39.2 8.4 10.5 16.1 19.6 21
Dwarfcount2.png 3.5 5.6 9.1 15.05 21 31.5 42 9.1 11.2 17.15 21 22.4
Dwarfcount3.png 3.5 6.3 9.8 16.1 22.4 33.6 44.8 9.8 11.9 18.2 22.4 23.8
Dwarfcount4.png 3.5 7 10.5 17.5 23.8 35.7 47.6 10.5 12.6 19.6 23.8 25.2
Damage Type Kinetic
AoE Projectile
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 3.5 4.9 8.4 14 19.6 29.4 39.2 8.4 10.5 16.1 19.6 21
Dwarfcount2.png 3.5 5.6 9.1 15.05 21 31.5 42 9.1 11.2 17.15 21 22.4
Dwarfcount3.png 3.5 6.3 9.8 16.1 22.4 33.6 44.8 9.8 11.9 18.2 22.4 23.8
Dwarfcount4.png 3.5 7 10.5 17.5 23.8 35.7 47.6 10.5 12.6 19.6 23.8 25.2
Damage Type Explosive
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 1 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 0.75 m
Minimum Area Damage: 50 %
