Biome Features

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Biome Features are features within the Planetary Regions of Hoxxes IV that can be aesthetic, beneficial, or hazardous to the players. They vary between biome with the majority being exclusive to particular biomes.

Crystalline Caverns

Item Description Statistics
BF Blue Crystals.png
Blue Crystals
Blue crystals emitting bright light which greatly helps with navigation. Hardness: 2
BF Electrocrystal.png
Blue crystals that shock and slow anything that comes in contact. Electricity arcs off and on between nearby electrocrystals. Health: 350

Damage: 4
x0.3 Movement Speed

BF Spider Web CC.png
Spider Web
Thin webs that slow anything passing through them and impair the vision of dwarves. Can be burnt with the Flamethrower or other sources of fire damage. Health: 1

x0.5 Movement Speed

BF Pink Crystals.png
Plain Quartz
Pink crystals that can be easily destroyed. Hardness: 1
BF Crystal Circle.png
Plain Quartz
Circle structure formed of crystals. They can spawn on their own, or in a group. Hardness: 1
BF Mineral Chimney.png
Mineral Chimney
Tubular rock formations letting out smoke from their holes. Also found in Magma Core. Hardness: 2
BF Wall Eye.png
Wall Eye
Organic eyes with purple bits surrounding them covering the walls of a cave. Damaging an eye will make it close for a short while. Also found in Radioactive Exclusion Zone. Health: 50

Dense Biozone

Item Description Statistics
BF Elevator Plant.png
Elevator Plant
Large plants capable of moving Dwarves up or down when stepped on, or when the glowing bulb on the plant is damaged. Health: 1 000
BF Glowlit.png
Once approached, it will open up with a glowing purple bulb lighting up a small area. The bulb will close up if it is hit. TBD
BF ExplodingPlant Blue.png
Exploding Plant
Glowing plants of varying size that explode violently when damaged. The largest plant needs less damage to detonate it, and larger plants have bigger and more damaging explosions.

Different color to the explosive plants found in the Magma Core and Fungus Bogs, but functionally identical.

Health: 20/30

Damage: 150/200/400 Radius: 3m/4.5m/6m

BF Ejector Cacti.png
Ejector Cacti
Plants that launch spiked projectiles in many directions at once, capable of damaging Dwarves, enemies, and detonating Exploding Plants. Health: 150

Damage: 30

BF Spider Web.png
Spider Web
Thin webs that slow anything passing through them and impair the vision of dwarves. Can be burnt with the Flamethrower or other sources of fire damage. Health: 1

x0.5 Movement Speed

BF GlyphidEggs.png
Glyphid Eggs
Glyphid Swarmers burst out if an egg is damaged. Random chance all the nearby eggs will burst as well. Health: 20
BF Cave Urchin.png
Cave Urchin
Small spiky cactus-like plants which damages any dwarves that come into contact with it. Health: 35

Damage: 4-7

BF Spiky Plant.png
An egg shaped plant with many small holes around it. When attacked or approached spikes will shoot out of each hole and retract, damaging and knocking back dwarves. Health: 400

Damage: 60

BF Coral Tongue.png
Coral Tongue
Small cyan colored tentacles which aimlessly wiggle around. Health: 30
BF Tiny Glowing Flora.png
Glowing Flora
Tiny green flora that glows in the dark, which can assist with cave navigation. N/A
BF Cave Coral.png
Cave Coral
Large coral formations often found in large caves. Hardness: 2
Biozone corals 1.png
Cave Coral
Medium cave coral often found in larger caves. Hardness: 2
Biozone corals (3).png
Cave Coral
Medium cave coral often found in larger caves. Hardness: 2
Biozone corals 2.png
Cave Coral
Medium cave coral often found in larger caves. Hardness: 2
Biozone corals (1).png
Cave Coral
Medium cave coral often found in larger caves. Hardness: 2

Fungus Bogs

Item Description Statistics
BF Glow Tree.png
Glow Tree
A tree with five bioluminescent bulbs at the ends of its branches. The bulbs will emit a purple light for a time if shot or hit with a pickaxe. Hitting all five bulbs will make the tree light up permanently. Health: 2 500
BF Steam Geyser.png
Steam Geyser
Rocky geysers which periodically spray hot gas and steam, propelling dwarves in the direction of the stream (usually upwards). If destroyed, they explode violently, dealing large amounts of damage to any enemy or dwarf nearby. Hardness: 2

Damage: 200
Radius: 3m

BF ExplodingPlant Red.png
Exploding Plant
Glowing plants of varying size that explode violently when damaged. The largest plant needs less damage to detonate, and larger plants have bigger and more damaging explosions.
Also found in Dense Biozone and Magma Core.
Health: 20/30

Damage: 150/200/400 Radius: 3m/4.5m/6m

BF StickyGoo.png
Sticky Goo
Thick bubbly green gunk. Slows down any dwarves or glyphids attempting to pass through it. It also reduces fall damage if landed on. x0.3 Movement Speed
BF Poison Fungus Spores.png
Poison Spores Fungus
Sickly yellow fungi that release harmful green lingering vapors when a dwarf gets too close, causing poison damage over time. They also release vapors when destroyed. The vapors are flammable. Health: 50

Damage: 3

BF GlyphidEggs.png
Glyphid Eggs
Glyphid Swarmers burst out if an egg is damaged. When an egg pops open, there is a random chance all nearby eggs will burst as well. Health: 20
BF Xenofungus FlatBlue.png
Blue Plateau Xenofungus
Large, flat, plate-shaped fungus that grows out of the walls and can support a dwarf's weight indefinitely. Hardness: 2
BF giant mushroom.png
Giant Xenofungus
Giant fungal formation with an abundance of purple spots on its cap. Hardness: 2
BF Xenofungus ThinTurtle.png
Tall Helmet Xenofungus
Tall fungi with an irregular texture that are often surrounded by smaller fungi of the same kind. Health: 50
BF Xenofungus BellGrey.png
Grey Bell Xenofungus
Tall fungi that are grey and black and are often surrounded by smaller fungi of the same kind. Health: 30
BF Xenofungus Puffball.png
Brown Puffball Fungus
Tall and chunky fungi that are brown with purple gasses emitting from the largest in the family. Health: 70
BF Grassy Vines.png
Hanging Grassy Vines
Masses of grassy material that hang down from the roof and obstruct vision. N/A
BF hollow mushroom.png
Hollow Xenofungus
Hollowed out fungus greatly resembling a cage, comes with striking colors making it stand out. Health: ?
BF Rare Xenofungus.png
Rare Glowing Xenofungus
Rare xenofungus. Glows blue in the darkness, making it easy to spot. Health: 90

Glacial Strata

Item Description Statistic
BF Oasis.png
Warm heat vent with lush red vegetation growing in close proximity. Raises a dwarves temperature meter quickly when they are near. N/A
BF Cryo Foamer.png
Cryo Foamer
Cyan colored plants containing a liquid. When damaged sufficiently, it will burst and the liquid inside will immediately freeze, forming a stable platform to stand on. Health: 10

Hardness: 2

BF Cryo Bulb.png
Cryo Bulb
Blue bulb plants that explode when damaged, releasing icy gas. This gas will chill or freeze any dwarves or creatures nearby before dissipating. Health: 40

Damage: 80 Cold
Radius: 4m

BF Cold Vent.png
Cold Vent
Cracks in the walls periodically releasing blasts of freezing air that lower the temperature of anything standing in it. TBD
BF Smooth Ice.png
Smooth Ice
Slippery ice with low friction that dwarves can slide upon. Sliding speed is not restricted to a dwarf's normal movement speed. x1.5 Movement Speed
BF Unstable Ice.png
Unstable Ice
Large green icicles jutting out of the ceiling which fall down if damaged or an explosion occurs nearby. They shatter on impact. Damage: 1 000/20

Radius: 2m

BF Snow.png
Deep Snow
Piles of deep snow that impede the movement of anything walking through it. Deep snow will also reduce fall damage if landed on. x0.95 Movement Speed
BF Blizzard.png
Impairs vision and slowly freezes all dwarves in the cave, while also reducing movement speed of creatures and dwarves. Fog will become much more dense seconds before a blizzard hits. TBD
BF Crevasse Crack.png
Crevasse Crack
Once stepped on will break into a deep crevasse that dwarves can fall into. Rock platforms form inside the crevasse for easier escape. N/A
BF Stalacite GS.png
Small diagonal stalactites jutting out of the ceiling. N/A

Magma Core

Item Description
BF Red Exploding Plant MC.png
Exploding Plant
Glowing plants of varying size that explode violently when damaged. The larger the plant, the less damage needed to detonate it and the larger the explosion.
Also found Dense Biozone and Fungus Bogs.
BF Lava Geyser.png
Lava Geyser
Rocky geysers which periodically spit out lava upward and burn anyone near it or in direct contact with it. Once destroyed they will explode violently, dealing large amounts of damage to any enemy or dwarf in the vicinity.
BF Hot Rock.png
Hot Rock
Hot rock that damages and slightly speeds up anything stepping on it. It can be found naturally in large patches, but also appears from explosive damage made to the terrain. Enemies will attempt to avoid hot rock patches and craters when pathfinding.
BF Earthquake.png
The cave violently shakes, slowing down the dwarves and creatures movement. It can also create crevices around the dwarves.
Spicy Hole.jpg
Small Lava Geysers
Groups of small holes in the ground which periodically shoot lava a short distance upwards and deal a small amount of burn damage to anything standing in the jets.
BF Yellow Tubel.png
Yellow Tubel
Tube shaped plant sucking in particles through the yellow tip.
BF Chromepuff.png
Puffy flowers with chrome coloring.
BF Mineral Chimney.png
Mineral Chimney
Tubular rock formations letting out smoke from their holes. Also found in Crystalline Caverns.

Radioactive Exclusion Zone

Item Description Statistics
BF Volatile Uranium.png
Volatile Uranium
Active uranium crystals that glow and deal radiation damage when something gets close. Can be disabled by digging out the crystal's glowing center. Hardness: 1

Damage: 6

BF Spider Web REZ.png
Spider Web
Thin webs that slow anything passing through them and impair the vision of dwarves. Can be burnt with the Flamethrower or other sources of fire damage. Health: 1

x0.5 Movement Speed

BF Inert Uranium.png
Inert Uranium
An exhausted uranium crystal. Hardness: 1
BF Radipuff.png
A pale green puffy flower. Health: 30
BF Breather.png
Pale green flora/fauna that breathes slowly. Can be petted. Health: 70
BF Tumorous Growth.png
Tumorous Growth
Grey tumors with green spots embedded into the cave's walls. Health: 70
BF Rock-Tree.png
A fossilised tree that shatters when mined. Health: 20/45
BF Wall Eye.png
Wall Eye
Organic eyes with purple bits surrounding them covering the walls of a cave. Damaging an eye will make it close for a short while. Also found in Crystalline Caverns. Health: 50
BF error dna.png
Rare phenomenon of a jet black, helix formation with shiny studs littered around the surfaces it touches. Hardness: 2

Salt Pits

Item Description Statistics
BF Glowing Salt Crystals.png
Glowing Salt Crystal
White crystals emitting bright light which greatly helps with navigation. Hardness: 2
BF Unstable Crystal.png
Unstable Crystal/White Crystal
Large white crystals jutting out of the ceiling which can fall down if damaged or an explosion occurs nearby. Once the crystal falls its name changes to "White Crystal" from "Unstable Crystal". Damage: 1 000/20

Radius: 1.5m

BF Unstable Platform.png
Unstable Platform
Jagged platform which can temporarily hold a dwarf. Cracks in multiple stages before shattering. N/A
BF Red Crystals.png
Red Crystals
Large amount of tiny red crystals which break when running through them. N/A
BF Red Salt Crystal.png
Red Salt Crystal
Big red salt crystal that can be easily destroyed. Hardness: 1
BF Salt Crystal.png
Salt Crystal
Salt crystal formations. Hardness: 1
BF Stalacite.png
Harmless red rock formations hanging from the ceiling. N/A

Sandblasted Corridors

Item Description
BF Explosive Spore.png
Explosive Spore
Plant holding a large explosive spore which will pop out if damaged. The spore explodes on impact and regenerates after a few seconds.
BF Sandstorm.png
Impairs vision and slows down movement of all dwarves in the cave. Creatures only have their movement speed affected. Fog will become much more dense seconds before a sandstorm hits.
BF Wind Tunnel.png
Wind Tunnel
Holes in the walls that periodically blast air and sand out. This can launch dwarves very far, which can be fatal.
BF Fossilized Xenoform.png
Fossilized Xenoform
Fossilised giant bones of alien creatures.
BF Rock-Tree.png
A fossilised tree that shatters when mined.

Hollow Bough

Item Description
BF Dry Thorn Tumble.png
Dry Thorn Tumble
A tumble weed-like plant which can be kicked around by the dwarves.
Bough Cone.png
Bough Cone
Giant acorns that grow in bunches on the ceiling. They detach when damaged and can be kicked around by the dwarves.
Creeper Vine.png
Creeper Vine
A thin red parasitic vine. Deals damage on contact and rapidly retracts when damaged by the player.
Bloated Vine.png
Bloated Vine
A bloated, stationary form of the creeper vine, sometimes studded with white thorns that retract and extend. Deals damage on contact and when stabbed by white thorns.
BF Thorn Pot.png
Thorn Pot
A red plant mass with a cluster of yellow thorns at the head. Deals damage on contact and explodes into thorns when damaged sufficiently.
BF Goo Sack.png
Goo Sack
A yellow, five-segmented plant. Bursts into slowing goo when damaged enough.
BF Thorny Weed.png
Thorny Weed
Red and brown weeds growing on the ground.
BF Lichen A.png
Small brown tubular lichen growing on the floor and wall.
BF Lichen B.png
Pale, round lichen growing on the floor and wall.
BF Lichen C.png
Dark, leafy lichen growing on the floor and wall.
BF Lichen D.png
Brown and green leafy lichen growing on the floor and wall.
BF Corpse Feeder.png
Corpse Feeder
A strange larva-like creature that wriggles and retreats into the wall when a dwarf comes near.

Azure Weald

Item Description
Pillars in a circle emitting light.
Provides a 50% damage reduction buff to both dwarves and creatures inside the radius of its effect. The effect, visible by motes of light circling the target, lasts 15 seconds after leaving the area.
Magic Hole
Magic Hole
A large hole emitting bright light.
Grants low gravity to dwarves and gives +30% movement speed to dwarves and creatures for 15 seconds.
Bloopy Fruit
Bloopy Fruit
Small red-pink fruits clinging to the ground and walls that splatter when walked over by a dwarf.
Callow Seeder
Callow Seeder
Yellow-petalled flowers drooping while closed. They stand up, open, and release pollen/spores when approached.
Comba Charm
Comba Charm
Large rotund plants with glowing pink points. Can be broken to release comba buds.
Comba Bud
Comba Bud
Large oval buds with glowing pink points that can be kicked around by the dwarves.
Gurken Shuck
Gurken Shuck
A teardrop-shaped plant that glows and emits spores with a shake when approached.
Nectar Rind
Nectar Rind
A large pink flower with large leaves. Spins and closes up when approached.
Orchey Shy
Orchey Shy
Large white flowers that shrink closed when approached.
Round, pink fruits clinging to the ground and walls that splatter when walked over by a dwarf.
Pulsa Stickpod
Pulsa Stickpod
Green bowl-like fruits clinging to the ground and walls that splatter when walked over by a dwarf.
Umbra Seeker
Umbra Seeker
A tall, thin plant with luminescent coloration swaying back and forth.
Void Basket
Void Basket
A basket like plant emitting purple light and a low humming noise.
Wall Azaph
Wall Azaph
Small and large leaves hanging off the wall. Dwarves can stand upon or climb them.