"Warthog" Auto 210

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This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 34: Modest Expectations
Updated for U34

Living up to its name, this pig of a weapon never fails to satisfy. Holds six wide-spread shells for rapid-fire death dealing.
— Weapon description

The "Warthog" Auto 210 is a primary weapon for the Engineer. It is a sleek and powerful semi-automatic shotgun (its pump-action mechanism is only used to cycle the action during a reload) that performs best at close range, though it is serviceable at mid to long range. It is magazine-fed, meaning that reloading is quick and consistent, as Dwarves do not need to load shells one by one.

It has a decent base chance of stunning enemies (which can be improved upon further with mods) which can help players keep Glyphids at bay.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

"Warthog" Auto 210 Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Supercharged Feed Mechanism
+1 Rate of Fire "We overclocked your gun. It fires faster. Don't ask. Just enjoy. Also probably don't tell Management, please."
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Bismor 25 Bismor
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
Overstuffed Magazine
+2 Clip Size "The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants."
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Enor Pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Tier 2
Level 4
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+42 Max Ammo "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Croppa 24 Croppa
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Shotgun Pellet.png
Loaded Shells
+2 Pellets "More pellets in each shell"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Jadiz 24 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
x0.5 Base Spread "Decreased shot spread"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Magnite 24 Magnite
Umanite 15 Umanite
Tier 3
Level 8
Icon Upgrade Recoil.png
Recoil Dampener
x0.4 Recoil "Quality engineering, the best lasercut parts, the tender loving care of a dedicated R&D Department. The recoil of your gun is drastically reduced."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Croppa 35 Croppa
Jadiz 50 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Speed.png
Quickfire Ejector
-0.5s Reload Time "Experience, training, and a couple of under-the-table design "adjustments" means your gun can be reloaded significantly faster."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Magnite 35 Magnite
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
High Capacity Magazine
+2 Clip Size "The good thing about clips, magazines, ammo drums, fuel tanks ...you can always get bigger variants."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Enor Pearl 35 Enor Pearl
Bismor 50 Bismor
Tier 4
Level 12
Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking.png
Tungsten Coated Buckshot
+400% Armor Break Bonus "We're proud of this one. Armor shredding. Tear through that high-impact plating of those big buggers like butter. What could be finer?"
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 48 Magnite
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Bigger Pellets
+1 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Croppa 48 Croppa
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Bismor 72 Bismor
Tier 5
Level 16
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Turret Whip
+Turret Whip

(160 Explosive damage)

"Shoot your turrets to make them create an overloaded shot"
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 64 Croppa
Jadiz 140 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Miner Adjustments
+0.5 Rate of Fire
+Automatic Fire
"Fully automatic with an increased rate of fire"
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 140 Croppa
Magnite 64 Magnite
Bismor 70 Bismor


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Shotgun.png "Warthog" Auto 210 [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Stun.png

Pos.svg +Stun Chance occurs on all body parts
Pos.svg +Bonus Damage Vs Stunned
   (+30% Kinetic damage)

"Heavier rounds allow for Stun chance on all body parts, not just weakpoints. Shooting already stunned enemies with this overclock will deal extra damage."
Credit.png 7 350 Credits
Jadiz 135 Jadiz
Magnite 60 Magnite
Bismor 100 Bismor
Light-Weight Magazines
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png

Pos.svg +18 Max Ammo
Pos.svg -0.4s Reload Time

"It's amazing how much material can be removed without affecting anything and lighter magazines means more magazines and faster reloading."
Credit.png 7 250 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 105 Magnite
Umanite 60 Umanite
Magnetic Pellet Alignment
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Aim.png

Pos.svg x0.5 Base Spread
Pos.svg +30% Weakpoint Damage Bonus
Neg.svg x0.75 Rate of Fire

"Electromagnets in the chamber greatly reduces shot spread and increases weakpoint damage at the cost of a slower rate of fire."
Credit.png 7 900 Credits
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Umanite 75 Umanite
Enor Pearl 120 Enor Pearl
Cycle Overload
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png

Pos.svg +1 Damage
Pos.svg +2 Rate of Fire
Neg.svg +0.5s Reload Time
Neg.svg x1.5 Base Spread

"Heavy modification to the chamber greatly increases the maximum rate of fire and increases raw damage but reduces the weapon's accuracy and reload speed as a consequence."
Credit.png 8 050 Credits
Croppa 100 Croppa
Umanite 80 Umanite
Bismor 125 Bismor
Mini Shells
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock SmallBullets.png

Pos.svg +78 Max Ammo
Pos.svg +6 Magazine Size
Pos.svg x0.5 Recoil
Neg.svg -2 Damage
Neg.svg -10% Stun Chance
Neg.svg x0 Stun Duration

"Smaller shells designed around a new charge type reduce recoil and increase overall ammo and magazine capacity at the cost of raw damage."
Credit.png 7 700 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 90 Magnite
Enor Pearl 65 Enor Pearl
Pump Action
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png

Pos.svg +5 Damage
Pos.svg +2 Pellets
Pos.svg Adds Blowthrough
Neg.svg x0.67 Max Ammo
Neg.svg x0.8 Magazine Size
Neg.svg x0.45 Rate of Fire

"Converts the weapon into a whopping 6-gauge pump action capable of dealing massive damage and punching through enemies. The intrusive old-school pump mechanism requires a smaller magazine, and you can't fit as many of these big ol' shells in your pockets."
Credit.png 8 550 Credits
Umanite 135 Umanite
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Bismor 100 Bismor

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

Due to Weapon's stun Chance being per Pellet, the chance of a stun happening (before considering any resistances) increases when more Pellets hit a target.

Pellets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Stun Chance 10% 19% 27.1% 34.39% 40.95% 46.85% 52.17% 56.95% 61.25% 65.13%

The Mini Shells overclock disables stun altogether. Mechanically this is achieved by setting the stun duration to 0 seconds. Even though the stat changes for Mini Shells list "-10% Stun Chance", this chance reduction has no practical effect, since even if the stun triggers, its duration is set to zero.

Unique Modifications

Unique Modifications
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Turret Whip
Turret Whip is an upgrade for the Warthog that allows the Engineer to manually fire a powerful shot from a Sentry. If a single pellet from a shotgun with this upgrade hits a Sentry, it will cause the Sentry to consume 5 ammo from its reserves to fire a fast-moving projectile in the direction it is currently facing. If the Sentry does not have 5 ammo, it will not fire. The Sentry does not need to be targeting an enemy for this projectile to fire, and can be shot from the barrel while the Sentry is in its idle sweep. Turret Whip can be triggered on any Turret by any Engineer in the party that has the upgrade equipped.


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (12) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.
