Pickaxe Customization

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The Pickaxe Customization terminal

The Pickaxe Customization terminal allows the modification of the Pickaxe model regarding 7 different parts: Frontblade, Head, Backblade, Shaft, Handle, Pommel and Paintjob.

Parts are obtained from Lost Pack, Prestige Assignments or Cosmetics DLC.

You can randomize the pickaxe with the button below the pickaxe.

Pickaxe Sets

A custom Pickaxe example

Unique Parts and Paintjobs

The Frontblade and Backblade parts for a specific set are awarded together. Prestige Pickaxe set Backblades comes with a unique model and a copy of the Frontblade.

Unique Backblades from Lost Pack: Chop-Chop, Hole Digger, Obsidian Mallet, Skull Buster.

Unique Paintjobs from Lost Pack: Lemon Clean.

Season Performance Pass

The pickaxe parts rewarded at various levels of each Season's Performance Pass.

Pickaxe Arc Welder's Delight.jpg

Season 01: Arc Welder's Delight
Back Blade: Level 4
Front Blade: Level 33
Icon Skin Pickaxe Arc Welder's Delight.png Paintjob: Level 46
Pommel: Level 51
Head: Level 71
Handle: Level 82
Shaft: Level 93

Pickaxe Core Hound.jpg

Season 02: Core Hound
Front Blade: Level 19
Back Blade: Level 24
Handle: Level 35
Head: Level 53
Shaft: Level 76
Icon Skin Pickaxe Core Hound.png Paintjob: Level 81
Pommel: Level 91

Pickaxe Blight Guard.jpg

Season 03: Blight Guard
Back Blade: Level 8
Handle: Level 15
Head: Level 38
Front Blade: Level 45
Shaft: Level 55
Pommel: Level 79
Icon Skin Pickaxe Blight Guard.png Paintjob: Level 85

Pickaxe Foundry Grinder.jpg

Season 04: Foundry Grinder
Front Blade: Level 19
Shaft: Level 31
Handle: Level 55
Pommel: Level 75
Head: Level 83
Icon Skin Pickaxe Foundry Grinder.png Paintjob: Level 91
Back Blade: Level 96

Pickaxe Guerrilla.jpg

Season 05: Guerrilla
Front Blade: Level 5
Back Blade: Level 12
Handle: Level 23
Head: Level 36
Icon Skin Pickaxe Guerrilla.png Paintjob: Level 53
Pommel: Level 79
Shaft: Level 95

DLC Paintjobs



Icon Skin Pickaxe Company Standard.png Company Standard

Lost Pack

Icon Skin Pickaxe Bug Hide.png Bug Hide
Icon Skin Pickaxe Carven Pride.png Carven Pride
Icon Skin Pickaxe Diamond Cutter.png Diamond Cutter
Icon Skin Pickaxe Hammerblow.png Hammerblow
Icon Skin Pickaxe Incorruptible.png Incorruptible
Icon Skin Pickaxe Jagged Son.png Jagged Son
Icon Skin Pickaxe Lemon Clean.png Lemon Clean
Icon Skin Pickaxe Pneumatic.png Pneumatic
Icon Skin Pickaxe Spring Loaded.png Spring Loaded

Prestige Assignement

Icon Skin Pickaxe Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger.png Chasm-Borne Cliffhanger
Icon Skin Pickaxe Drift Crusher.png Drift Crusher
Icon Skin Pickaxe Gadgeteer's Favorite.png Gadgeteer's Favorite
Icon Skin Pickaxe Reaper's Claw.png Reaper's Claw

The Yuletide Elf Hunt (2022)

Icon Skin Pickaxe Chillaxe.png Chillaxe

Season Performance Pass

Icon Skin Pickaxe Arc Welder's Delight.png Arc Welder's Delight
Icon Skin Pickaxe Blight Guard.png Blight Guard
Icon Skin Pickaxe Core Hound.png Core Hound
Icon Skin Pickaxe Foundry Grinder.png Foundry Grinder
Icon Skin Pickaxe Guerrilla.png Guerrilla


Icon Skin Pickaxe MegaCorp.png MegaCorp
Icon Skin Pickaxe Roughneck.png Roughneck
Icon Skin Pickaxe Dawn of the Dread.png Dawn of the Dread
Icon Skin Pickaxe The Supporter.png The Supporter
Icon Skin Pickaxe Rival Tech.png Rival Tech
Icon Skin Pickaxe Robot Rebellion.png Robot Rebellion
Icon Skin Pickaxe Biohazard.png Biohazard
Icon Skin Pickaxe GSG Guardian.png GSG Guardian
Icon Skin Pickaxe Decontaminator.png Decontaminator
Icon Skin Pickaxe Order Of The Deep.png Order of the Deep


In the Space Rig by the Pickaxe Station one can see unreleased and potentially upcoming pickaxe parts.