Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard

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This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Season 02: Rival Escalation
Updated for U36

The Dreadnought Hiveguard is an interrupted progression in the Dreadnought metamorphosis. Currently R&D is not in agreement on what the final form would be like but everyone agrees that it is bad enough. Besides its own attacks, the Hiveguard is able to summon reinforcements to aid it in battle. Previously unknown to us, these new Glyphids have been dubbed the Sentinels and they are very mobile and aggressive. The Hiveguard is slower than the basic Dreadnought but it has even better survivability, exposing its vulnerable areas only occasionally and being completely immune to damage at all other times. Engage with extreme caution and plenty of ammunition.
— Miner's Manual Description

The Glyphid Dreadnought Hiveguard is a hostile boss Creature encountered on Hoxxes. It has a 1 in 3 chance to spawn when the first Glyphid Cocoon is broken in the Elimination gamemode, and a 1 in 2 chance for each subsequent cocoon, unless it was spawned by the previous cocoon. It will begin attacking the Dwarves once it spawns. It also has a very rare chance to spawn in place of a Swarm in Mining Expedition, Point Extraction, and On-Site Refining mission types.

The Hiveguard has a very spiky appearance, with a unique feature of dual claws on each front leg. It is slightly larger than the standard Dreadnought, and has 4 huge teeth as part of its mouth.

Similarly to its other Dreadnought counterparts, the Hiveguard is heavily armored and has a variety of means to combat the Dwarves. However, it differs in the fact that it is not nearly as aggressive or fast, but features a larger number of obstacles that the Dwarves must deal with in order to damage its main health pool. These obstacles include a sizeable number of hostile minions called Glyphid Sentinels that will assist the Hiveguard in dealing with players.

When it spawns, the Hiveguard will be accompanied by several Sentinels that will begin going after the Dwarves. These sentinels are slightly larger than a Glyphid Grunt and have similar stats and behavior to the Glyphid Grunt Guard. But smaller than the Glyphid Praetorian. They drop a pool of sticky goo when killed, which slows you down similar to the Mactera Goo Bomber, the yellow plants in planetary region Hollow Bough and the sticky goo in Fungus Bogs but without the terrain instead of it. Once all the Sentinels have been killed, the Hiveguard will roar and expose three glowing protrusions that can be attacked. After all three protrusions have been destroyed, the Hiveguard will roar again and expose its main abdomen which is what players must attack in order to deal damage to its main health pool. The abdomen's shell will close back up after a certain amount of time has passed or a substantial amount of damage has been dealt, at which point another wave of Sentinels will appear, thus repeating the cycle of obstacles that must be dealt with until the Hiveguard's main health pool is completely drained.

The Hiveguard itself has a few basic combat moves like Slash and Bite, along with some ranged attacks. Its Fire Mortar will launch damaging fireballs at players, while the Rock Burst will create several explosive rocks that is launched in various directions. As with the regular Dreadnought variant, the Hiveguard is capable of digging through terrain in order to reach the Dwarves more easily. Just like the other Dreadnoughts the Hiveguard takes 2.5x damage when frozen unlike most other enemies taking 3x. The Glyphid Sentinels are also capable of digging to their targets.

The Hiveguard follows one player at a time, switching targets at semi-regular intervals. A new target is picked randomly, but the choice is affected by distance from the dreadnought to potential targets and by how many other creatures are attacking them. There is no explicit "aggro" meter that players can directly affect.[1]


Health and Armor

Dreadnought Hiveguard


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 1000 1500 2500 3500 3750 5625 6562.5 2500 3000 3500 3750 3750
Dwarfcount2.png 2000 2000 2750 3750 4000 6000 7000 2750 3250 3750 4000 4000
Dwarfcount3.png 3000 3500 4500 5000 6000 9000 10500 4500 4750 5500 6000 6000
Dwarfcount4.png 4000 5000 6000 8000 8500 12750 14875 6000 7000 8000 8000 8500

Glyphid Sentinel


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 202.5 292.5 360 450 540 810 945 360 382.5 495 540 585
Dwarfcount2.png 247.5 337.5 405 450 540 810 945 405 427.5 495 540 585
Dwarfcount3.png 315 405 450 540 630 945 1102.5 450 495 585 630 675
Dwarfcount4.png 382.5 450 495 585 675 1012.5 1181.25 495 540 630 675 720


During one of the fight stages, the Hiveguard will expose 3 protrusions that has a 50% resistance to Area damage.


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 40 60 100 140 150 225 262.5 100 120 140 150 150
Dwarfcount2.png 80 80 110 150 160 240 280 110 130 150 160 160
Dwarfcount3.png 120 140 180 200 240 360 420 180 190 220 240 240
Dwarfcount4.png 160 200 240 320 340 510 595 240 280 320 320 340


Dreadnought Hiveguard

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 12.5 17.5 30 50 70 105 140 30 37.5 57.5 70 75
Dwarfcount2.png 12.5 20 32.5 53.75 75 112.5 150 32.5 40 61.25 75 80
Dwarfcount3.png 12.5 22.5 35 57.5 80 120 160 35 42.5 65 80 85
Dwarfcount4.png 12.5 25 37.5 62.5 85 127.5 170 37.5 45 70 85 90
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 2.5 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 2 m
Minimum Area Damage: 50 %

Fire Mortar
AoE Projectile
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 10 14 24 40 56 84 112 24 30 46 56 60
Dwarfcount2.png 10 16 26 43 60 90 120 26 32 49 60 64
Dwarfcount3.png 10 18 28 46 64 96 128 28 34 52 64 68
Dwarfcount4.png 10 20 30 50 68 102 136 30 36 56 68 72
Damage Type Explosive + Fire
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 2.5 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 1.5 m
Minimum Area Damage: 20 %

Rock Burst
Damage Amount Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 5 7 12 20 28 42 56 12 15 23 28 30
Dwarfcount2.png 5 8 13 21.5 30 45 60 13 16 24.5 30 32
Dwarfcount3.png 5 9 14 23 32 48 64 14 17 26 32 34
Dwarfcount4.png 5 10 15 25 34 51 68 15 18 28 34 36
Damage Type Kinetic
AoE Projectile
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 25 35 60 100 140 210 280 60 75 115 140 150
Dwarfcount2.png 25 40 65 107.5 150 225 300 65 80 122.5 150 160
Dwarfcount3.png 25 45 70 115 160 240 320 70 85 130 160 170
Dwarfcount4.png 25 50 75 125 170 255 340 75 90 140 170 180
Damage Type Explosive
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Radius: 1.2 m
Maximum Damage Radius: 0.5 m
Minimum Area Damage: 25 %

Glyphid Sentinel

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 10 14 24 40 56 84 112 24 30 46 56 60
Dwarfcount2.png 10 16 26 43 60 90 120 26 32 49 60 64
Dwarfcount3.png 10 18 28 46 64 96 128 28 34 52 64 68
Dwarfcount4.png 10 20 30 50 68 102 136 30 36 56 68 72
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 7.5 10.5 18 30 42 63 84 18 22.5 34.5 42 45
Dwarfcount2.png 7.5 12 19.5 32.25 45 67.5 90 19.5 24 36.75 45 48
Dwarfcount3.png 7.5 13.5 21 34.5 48 72 96 21 25.5 39 48 51
Dwarfcount4.png 7.5 15 22.5 37.5 51 76.5 102 22.5 27 42 51 54
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m

AoE Melee Attack
Area Damage Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty PlayerVulnerability.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 PV 1 PV 2 3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 7.5 10.5 18 30 42 63 84 18 22.5 34.5 42 45
Dwarfcount2.png 7.5 12 19.5 32.25 45 67.5 90 19.5 24 36.75 45 48
Dwarfcount3.png 7.5 13.5 21 34.5 48 72 96 21 25.5 39 48 51
Dwarfcount4.png 7.5 15 22.5 37.5 51 76.5 102 22.5 27 42 51 54
Damage Type Melee
Dwarf for scale (1.5 m)

Attack Radius: 1.5 m


