Zipline Launcher

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Fully portable and constructed from lightweight components, this handy gadget will fire a steel-reinforced tether across any chasm you might happen upon in the depths.
— Item Description

The Zipline Launcher is the Traversal Tool used by Gunner. It creates long-ranged ziplines which are designed to facilitate travel through the caves. The weapon features two barrels which fire the Zipline mount and cable from the bottom and front respectively.


To fire a zipline, the user must be standing on solid ground and aim the reticle at terrain within the length and angle limitations. The zipline will then shoot out quickly and can be used near-instantly after firing. The line connects from the point of impact to an elevated mount placed at the user's end. Ziplines are invincible – they will not be targeted by enemies nor will they break when the ground beneath them is destroyed.

Once deployed, they can be used an infinite amount of times and it is possible to reverse directions when riding one by pressing [USE] ("E" by default). Holding [USE] will automatically snap to the nearest zipline when one comes into reach, eliminating the need to spam [USE] or to wait for the pop-up. Additionally, this can be used to escape a Mactera Grabber.

Additionally, the sliding speed is relative to the angle of the zipline. In other words, if a zipline is steeply angled, going down a zipline will make you go mildly faster, and vice versa, with the addition of "releasing the brake" while going down a zipline by holding [FORWARD] ("W" by default) if the zipline is at a minimum angle of 5°. This will significantly increase your speed as you quickly slide down the cable.

The base travel speed on a zipline is 1.75m/s, which increases by a base of 1.1m/s while holding [FORWARD] while moving down the zipline. This speed boost increases by 0.3m/s for every degree of steepness, up to a total of 12.45m/s at the max un-upgraded angle of 32°, and 14.25m/s at the max upgraded angle of 36°.

The travel speed on a zipline is not inhibited by movement-slowing effects such as Sticky Goo, earthquakes in the Magma Core or – most importantly – while carrying heavy objects such as Gemstones (Aquarq, Compressed Gold, Jadiz etc.), Mini-M.U.L.E. Legs or Cargo Crate Batteries.

If a Dwarf takes too much damage while riding a zipline they will get knocked off the cable and fall. Macteras and walking enemies that can shoot are more likely to target players on ziplines. Freezing over while riding a zipline (for example, from a blizzard) will force the Dwarf to disconnect from it, but no fall damage will occur.


There are three tiers of modifications and each tier has one to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Gunner Upgrades
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+1 Max Ammo "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 420 Credits
Jadiz 10 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Angle.png
Upgraded Connection Joint
+6° Max Angle "Increases the operational angle of the zipline"
Credit.png 420 Credits
Bismor 10 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Reinforced Anchor
+10m Max Range "Zipline can span a greater distance"
Credit.png 420 Credits
Umanite 10 Umanite
Tier 2
Level 5
Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Reinforced Cable
+10m Max Range "Zipline can span a greater distance"
Credit.png 780 Credits
Enor Pearl 22 Enor Pearl
Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade FallDamage Resistance.png
Disconnection Protection
+25% Fall Damage Resistance "Take less damage if you fall off the zipline"
Credit.png 960 Credits
Jadiz 16 Jadiz
Magnite 12 Magnite
Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
Increased Motor Traction
+75 Movement Speed "Improved acceleration and speed when riding Ziplines."
Credit.png 960 Credits
Croppa 12 Croppa
Umanite 16 Umanite

Unique Modifications

Disconnection Protection

Icon Upgrade FallDamage Resistance.png

Disconnection Protection grants an extra 25% of Fall Damage Resistance to any team member that disconnects from a Zipline. Although it was probably intended to be a temporary buff (perhaps only for 3 seconds, or until fall damage is taken?), it's currently bugged out and becomes a semi-permanent buff for the rest of the mission. Being downed is the only way to remove this status effect, but once you're revived just attach & detach from a Zipline and you'll have the 25% Fall Damage Resistance again.



  • Because the Status Effect provided by Disconnection Protection is bugged out to be semi-permanent (instead of temporary), Gunners can provide their whole team with a 25% Fall Damage Resistance buff for an entire mission with just one Zipline (provided that no one gets downed).

Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 34: Modest Expectations
Updated for U34