LOK-1 Smart Rifle

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment
Requires Engineer Level 18
Purchased for:
Credit.png 8200 Credits
Jadiz 35 Jadiz
Magnite 65 Magnite
Umanite 100 Umanite

Take a standard, high-grade submachine gun, bolt a semi-sentient AI Core to the side of it, and rig it up with several sophisticated tracking packages. Arm that resulting abomination with prototype rounds that interface directly with the onboard systems, and you have the aptly named LOK-1 Smart Rifle - a glorious bit of kit any Engineer worth their salt would be happy carrying.

— Item Description

The LOK-1 Smart Rifle is an unlockable primary weapon for the Engineer. It is a heavily augmented submachine gun with multiple electronic attachments and wiring surrounding the weapon. In the front, a small mechanical "eye" rests on top of the barrel with a foregrip attached below. A hinged metal arm supports a loaded magazine that contains a munitions window and a pull tab.

The Smart Rifle is one of the few weapons that has an alternative firing mode, although it is a lot more unique. Tapping the fire button will cause a single shot to be fired normally. Holding down the fire button however, will cause a targeting interface to appear and begin placing incremental indicators onto enemies within range, along with visible tracers that lead from the gun barrel to the enemy. Upon releasing the fire button, the weapon fires at all enemies that were locked on with the amount of bullets corresponding with the number displayed on each indicator. When a locked on enemy is killed, any excess locks will not cause additional bullets to be fired.

When using this alternative firing mode, bullets follow the path of the tracer which means that firing at weakpoints will require you to position the tracer appropriately. This also means that anything blocking the tracer will be impacted instead, which can include terrain, teammates, or other enemies.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

LOK-1 Smart Rifle Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Increased Caliber Rounds
+6 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 1200 Credits
Bismor 25 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+72 Max Ammo "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 1200 Credits
Magnite 25 Magnite
Tier 2
Level 4
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
Macro Lens
x2 Lock-On Range

+Tight Lock-On Field

"The Macro Lens decreases the size of the lock on area for extra tight control and focused targeting while also greatly extending the lock on range."
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Umanite 24 Umanite
Bismor 15 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Angle.png
CCD Array Add-On
x1.5 Lose Lock Threshold

+1.3° Acquire Lock Threshold

"The CCD Array Add-On enables the camera to keep track of enemies in a wider angle and also expands the angle at which new locks can be acquired."
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Magnite 15 Magnite
Enor Pearl 24 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Zoom Lens
+10m Lock-On Range "The Zoom Lens increases the range of your camera, enabling you to lock on to targets farther away."
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Croppa 15 Croppa
Jadiz 24 Jadiz
Tier 3
Level 8
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Electro-Chemical Rounds
+Bonus Damage to Electrified and Burning Targets "A simple copper wire and some reactive chemicals makes your rounds pack an extra punch with electricity and high temperatures."
Credit.png 2800 Credits
Jadiz 50 Jadiz
Umanite 35 Umanite
Icon Upgrade Light.png
Smяt Targeting Software™
+Smart Targeting "This premium software update makes your camera prioritize targets with lower health and avoids placing more locks necessary. Now that's SmЯt(TM)!"
Credit.png 2800 Credits
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Bismor 35 Bismor
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png
Super Blowthrough Rounds
+3 Max Penetrations "Shaped projectiles designed to over-penetrate targets with a minimal loss of energy. In other words: Fire straight through an enemy!"
Credit.png 2800 Credits
Umanite 35 Umanite
Bismor 50 Bismor
Tier 4
Level 12
Icon Upgrade Duration.png
Shutter Speed Sensor
x0.85 Lock-On Time "The shutter speed sensor reduces the time between lock ons, helping you reach a full lock on faster."
Credit.png 4800 Credits
Jadiz 50 Jadiz
Magnite 48 Magnite
Enor Pearl 72 Enor Pearl

Aperture Extension
+6 Max Targets "The aperture extension helps the camera sort out more light and minimizes distortion, increasing the amount of lock ons you can place on targets."
Credit.png 4800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 72 Magnite
Umanite 48 Umanite
Tier 5
Level 16
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Electric Generator Mod
+Targets With 3 Locks Are Electrocuted When Shot "An electrical generator has been wired into the lock on mechanism, turning rounds electrical when a lock on threshold is passed."
Credit.png 5600 Credits
Jadiz 140 Jadiz
Magnite 64 Magnite
Umanite 70 Umanite
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Unstable Lock Mechanism
+Full Lock Adds 20% Damage To All Shots "Loosening a screw in the lock on mechanism bypasses the safety at a full lock on, making your rounds do more damage."
Credit.png 5600 Credits
Magnite 70 Magnite
Enor Pearl 64 Enor Pearl
Bismor 140 Bismor
Icon Upgrade ScareEnemies.png
Fear Frequency
+Fear Frequency "Denting a cavity in the bullets cause them to emit a fear inducing high pitched sound when fired en masse affecting all enemies around the shooter. Both the strength of the effect and it's range are affected by how many rounds are fired in the burst."
Credit.png 5600 Credits
Croppa 140 Croppa
Magnite 64 Magnite
Bismor 70 Bismor


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Lok-1.png LOK-1 Smart Rifle [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png

Pos.svg +12 Magazine Size
Pos.svg x1.33 Max Targets

"Clean up the caves with an extended magazine combined with the ability to acquire more locks."
Credit.png 8 000 Credits
Croppa 135 Croppa
Magnite 70 Magnite
Enor Pearl 90 Enor Pearl
Armor Break Module
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking.png

Pos.svg More Damage against Armor when all Locks are engaged

"Shots do extra damage against armor when all locks are engaged."
Credit.png 7 850 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 90 Magnite
Umanite 80 Umanite
Explosive Chemical Rounds
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png

Pos.svg +Explosive Chemical Rounds
Neg.svg -5 Damage
Neg.svg -36 Max Ammo

"Every enemy with 3 locks triggers an explosion on the last shot."
Credit.png 8 500 Credits
Croppa 65 Croppa
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
Magnite 95 Magnite
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Sticky.png

Pos.svg +Slowdown Locked Targets
Neg.svg Limited Lock-On Duration of 8 seconds

"Slow down enemies by locking on to them, the more locks the slower an enemy gets! However the locks can only be maintained for a limited time before the system resets."
Credit.png 8 950 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 80 Magnite
Umanite 100 Umanite
Seeker Rounds
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Aim.png

Pos.svg +Seeker Rounds
Pos.svg x1.33 Lose Lock Threshold
Neg.svg 47% slower Burst Fire Rate
Neg.svg +0.5 Reload Time

"Locked shots will always hit their target even finding their way around heavy armor and the system can maintain locks at more extreme angles. However the extra processing load reduces the rate of fire for locked shots and more care must be taken when reloading the advanced rounds."
Credit.png 8 150 Credits
Magnite 135 Magnite
Umanite 95 Umanite
Bismor 60 Bismor
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Weakspot.png

Pos.svg +50% Weakpoint Damage Bonus at Full Lock
Pos.svg x0.5 Lock-On Time
Neg.svg -12 Max Ammo
Neg.svg -12 Magazine Size
Neg.svg x0.66 Max Targets

"Tweaks to the firecontrol mechanism and camera software bring lightning fast lock acquisition and more weakspot damage when all locks are used, However the max number of locks is reduced as is the magazine and total ammo capacity."
Credit.png 8 750 Credits
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Magnite 65 Magnite
Enor Pearl 130 Enor Pearl
Smяt Trigger OS™
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Light.png

Pos.svg +Auto-Fire
Pos.svg +Fire Rate affected by Lock-On Time
Pos.svg x0.05 Lock-On Time
Neg.svg x0.2 Max Targets

"A sleek new operating system from the Smяt Corporation gives the weapon near-instantaneous lock-on, and automatically fires shots at locked-on targets. This system is quite CPU-intensive, however, lowering the maximum number of lock-ons."
Credit.png 7 050 Credits
Croppa 60 Croppa
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Bismor 130 Bismor

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

The LOK-1 will sequentially target all enemies in its scanning range, prioritizing enemies closest to the center of the 'crosshair', and will not target passive or friendly creatures. If the SmЯt upgrade is not taken, it will paint as many locks as possible per target until reaching the maximum lock capacity. Note however that the LOK-1 will only ever use the number of bullets needed to actually kill an enemy, essentially meaning that no ammo is wasted on "overkilling". Lock-on shots may not reach their target if something else blocks their path such as other enemies, players, or terrain (without the Seeker Rounds overclock).

Holding the trigger will initiate 'scanning' mode to target enemies and acquire locks, this is visually represented on screen by a loading bar with the text "SCANNING". While scanning a lock will engage every 0.095 seconds.

The LOK-1 will display a trajectory highlighting the bullet pathfinding for each locked enemy. This orange glowing line can be manipulated by continuing to hold down the lock button and changing the player's perspective. This allows targeting specific areas on enemies. Additionally, the targeting line will turn yellow if it is blocked by terrain, informing the player of anything that could stop the bullet. The maximum angle the view can be turned before locks disengage is governed by the "Lose Lock Threshold" statistic.

After releasing the trigger the weapon begins firing to each locked target. There is a 0.06 second delay between each shot, putting the weapons rate of fire at 16.67 during the burst.

There is a 0.25 second delay after the last shot in a burst before the LOK-1 can start scanning again.

Unique Modifications

Unique Modifications
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Electro-Chemical Rounds
Electro-Chemical Rounds grants bonus fire damage against enemies that are burning, and bonus electric damage against enemies that are electrocuted. The bonus damage is equal to 20% of the base damage. Each status grants its own bonus, allowing them to stack.

The bonus damage against burning enemies also applies an equal amount of Heat.

Icon Upgrade Light.png
Smяt Targeting Software™
Smяt Targeting Software™ prevents 'overlocking' of enemies. By default, the LOK-1 will put as many locks as possible on targeted enemies, but will only use the necessary amount of bullets needed to kill them. The Smяt thus acts a quality of life assurance so all bullets are equally dispersed between locked targets, saving time to scan and refire should the player opt to use it.
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png
Super Blowthrough Rounds
Super Blowthrough Rounds will not penetrate any targets en route to the locked target. Once they have hit the locked target, they will continue their trajectory in a straight line and penetrate like normal blowthrough rounds.
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Electric Generator Mod
Electric Generator Mod applies its status on the first bullet that damages the target.
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Unstable Lock Mechanism
Unstable Lock Mechanism applies bonus Kinetic damage equal to 20% of the base damage. The bonus applies if the burst starts with all locks engaged, and applies to all shots in the burst. The bonus damage does not benefit from the penetration effect of Seeker Rounds.
Icon Upgrade ScareEnemies.png
Fear Frequency
Fear Frequency will only apply the fear effect after the burst has finished firing and the Fear radius is centered on the player. The mod's effectiveness scales from bullets fired and not locks engaged.
  • Effect Radius: 2.4m + 0.15m per bullet fired
  • Fear Factor: 15% + 15% per bullet fired

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png

Explosive Chemical Rounds

Explosive Chemical Rounds is a Balanced Overclock that causes targets with 3 or more Locks on them to trigger an explosion on the last shot locked onto the enemy (or the locked-on shot that kills the enemy), dealing 50 Explosive-element Area Damage and 50% Base Fear Chance in a 4m radius around them (2m Max Damage Radius, 50% Falloff).

The explosion is a property of the projectile, rather than the target, and will explode when hitting any other solid object en route to the target.

Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Aim.png

Seeker Rounds

Seeker Rounds is a Balanced Overclock that causes locked shots to always hit their targets, ignoring armor, terrain, and any other creatures en route to the target. The interval between shots in a burst is multiplied by 1.9 which reduces the Burst Fire Rate from 16.67 (1/0.06) to 8.77 (1/0.114), which is approx. -47% Burst Fire Rate.
Seeker Rounds' bonus to Lose Lock Threshold stacks multiplicatively with CCD Array Add-On, for a total of 200% Lose Lock Threshold if both are equipped.

Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Sticky.png


Neuro-Lasso is an Unstable Overclock that applies a Status Effect, which causes each Lock on an enemy to slow it down by 10% (x0.9). Instances of this Status Effect stack together multiplicatively, but there's a maximum of 10 instances of this Status Effect per creature, which results in a 65% max slowdown for one creature. LOK-1 applies that effect only at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th locks per creature which is exactly 10 instances at most which meets the aforementioned limit. Thus, it encourages putting locks on different targets, since this way you get more instances out of it overall.

Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Light.png

Smяt Trigger OS™

Smяt Trigger OS™ is an Unstable Overclock. It drastically improves Lock-On Time and Fire Rate to the point of basically instant and enables Auto-Fire. When at a full lock on, LOK-1 will automatically initiate a burst and start locking onto new targets afterwards, enabling the user to easily fire rapid bursts in quick succession. The Auto-Fire will also trigger if the burst will spend all remaining ammo in the magazine or if Smяt Targeting Software™ prevents the gun from adding any more locks.


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All 13 modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of all Frameworks and Paintjobs can be seen at Weapon Cosmetics.
