"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment
Requires Gunner Level 18
Purchased for:
Credit.png 8 200 Credits
Croppa 80 Croppa
Magnite 60 Magnite
Umanite 60 Umanite

The Hurricane has quickly gotten a reputation for being a very crowd-pleasing weapon - unless we're talking about the crowd it is being aimed at. It stows a weapons package usually reserved for heavy-duty tripods into something a hearty dwarf can carry with ease and has even been upgraded with sophisticated tracking software.
— Item Description

The "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System is an unlockable primary weapon for the Gunner. It is a portable missile silo/rocket launcher with tracking software and a laser pointer on its grip, allowing for its missiles to be manually guided. It consists of 9 rocket pods in the front, a large drum on the side that feeds missiles into the weapon, and a laser pointer attached to a handle.

The most notable feature of this weapon is its ability to guide missiles to wherever the crosshair is aiming, which can include enemies. This tracking feature is applied to all missiles that are fired and cannot be disabled without the use of overclocks, although unequipping the weapon will cause any in-flight missiles to lose their guidance. The guidance of these missiles can then be re-acquired by swapping back to the weapon while they remain in flight. Upon exceeding the homing duration, missiles stop reacting to the guidance, gradually turn down and inevitably collide with terrain. The same happens to the oldest guided missile the moment player launches a new missile that goes over the maximum amount of simultaneous homing missiles in the air.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Missile Belt
+72 Max Ammo "Extra missiles stored in fancy belts. One for each shoulder!"
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Bismor 25 Bismor
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Pressurized Gas Cylinders
+4 Direct Damage "With gas cylinders filled to the brim your missiles really pack a punch!"
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Croppa 25 Croppa
Icon Upgrade Area.png
Increased Blast Radius
+0.8 Effect Radius "R&D improved the fuel consumption rate of your missiles, leaving more fuel on impact and a bigger explosion."
Credit.png 1 200 Credits
Magnite 25 Magnite
Tier 2
Level 4
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png
Bigger Jet Engine
+7.5m/s Max Projectile Velocity, +225% Turn Rate "The engines in your missiles have been replaced with a more powerful variant, increasing their max velocity and turn rate."
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Croppa 15 Croppa
Magnite 24 Magnite
Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking.png
Anti-Tank Missiles
+100% Armor Break Bonus "These anti-tank missiles will crack those big bugs' plating like an egg"
Credit.png 2 000 Credits
Jadiz 24 Jadiz
Bismor 15 Bismor
Tier 3
Level 8
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
Nano Missles
+36 Magazine Size "Half the size, but just as lethal. Your magazines can store a lot more missiles now."
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Umanite 50 Umanite
Enor Pearl 35 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Improved Feed Mechanism
+1 Rate of Fire "R&D improved the feed mechanism of this bad boy, making it fire faster!"
Credit.png 2 800 Credits
Croppa 50 Croppa
Magnite 35 Magnite
Tier 4
Level 12
Icon Upgrade Weakspot.png
Shrapnel Load
+50% Weak Spot Bonus "R&D packed a little surprise in the missile heads that will tear those creature's fleshy bits to shreds."
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Croppa 50 Croppa
Umanite 72 Umanite
Bismor 48 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png
Zip Fuel
+4 Area Damage "With this high energy fuel the impact force of your missiles hit like a truck."
Credit.png 4 800 Credits
Magnite 50 Magnite
Umanite 72 Umanite
Enor Pearl 48 Enor Pearl
Tier 5
Level 16
Icon Upgrade Heat.png
Napalm-Infused Rounds
+33% Damage Coverted to Heat "33% damage converted to heat. This will reduce direct damage, but can set enemies on fire."
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 70 Croppa
Jadiz 64 Jadiz
Bismor 140 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Stun.png
Uncontrolled Decompression
+25% Stun chance,

+3s Stun Duration

"R&D furiously hit each missile with a wrench to give the impact shockwaves some more oomph."
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Magnite 64 Magnite
Umanite 70 Umanite
Enor Pearl 140 Enor Pearl
Icon Overclock LastShellHigherDamage.png
Nitroglycerin Compound
+ Nitroglycerin Compound "With a pinch of nitroglycerin added to the fuel your missiles become ticking time-bombs, doing increased damage the longer they stay in the air."
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Croppa 64 Croppa
Magnite 70 Magnite
Bismor 140 Bismor


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Hurricane.png "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Overtuned Feed Mechanism
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png

Pos.svg x1.2 Max Velocity
Pos.svg +1 Rate of Fire

"With some slight tinkering, both your weapon and projectiles are faster."
Credit.png 8 950 Credits
Croppa 65 Croppa
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Magnite 130 Magnite
Fragmentation Missiles
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png

Pos.svg +2 Area Damage
Pos.svg +0.5m AoE Radius

"With a thicker casing your missiles spread more fragments at higher speeds, increasing AoE efficiency"
Credit.png 7 150 Credits
Croppa 135 Croppa
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Bismor 100 Bismor
Plasma Burster Missiles
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png

Pos.svg +Plasma Burster Missiles
Pos.svg x1.3 Turn Rate
Neg.svg x0.5 Direct Damage
Neg.svg x0.5 Area Damage
Neg.svg x0.5 AoE Radius
Neg.svg x0.75 Max Velocity
Neg.svg -108 Max Ammo

"Turn the battlefield into a plasma apocalypse with these penetrating multi-burst missiles! They fly slower, don't hit as hard, and there is a limit to how many can be controlled at one time, but in the right hands even a single missile can do a lot of damage."
Credit.png 8 500 Credits
Croppa 105 Croppa
Umanite 140 Umanite
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Minelayer System
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg +Minelayer System
Neg.svg Missiles are now unguided
Neg.svg -36 Max Ammo

"When your missiles hit the ground they are planted as mines that explode when damaged or if enemies are in close proximity. Keep in mind that the new warheads do not have guidance. The total ammo capacity is also reduced."
Credit.png 7 500 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Enor Pearl 90 Enor Pearl
Bismor 80 Bismor
Rocket Barrage
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Distance.png

Pos.svg x3 Rate of Fire
Pos.svg +216 Max Ammo
Pos.svg x0.5 Horizontal / Vertical Spread
Neg.svg No Missile Guidance
Neg.svg -8 Direct Damage
Neg.svg -9 Area Damage

"Unleash a torrent of small unguided rockets. What they lack in sophistication and explosive power is more than made up for in the sheer volume and rate of fire."
Credit.png 7 050 Credits
Jadiz 105 Jadiz
Umanite 130 Umanite
Bismor 75 Bismor
Jet Fuel Homebrew
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png

Pos.svg x2.5 Direct Damage
Pos.svg x1.5 Max Velocity
Pos.svg Projectiles Start at Max Speed
Neg.svg x0.5 Area Damage
Neg.svg -0.5m AoE Radius
Neg.svg x0.75 Magazine Size
Neg.svg -72 Max Ammo

"Grandpa's recipe. Highly unstable and heavy, but works like a charm! Your missiles get a much higher top speed and reach it instantly. The extra energy greatly improves direct damage but all that extra fuel reduces the missile payload capacity. Due to the extra weight both magazine and total ammo capacity are also reduced."
Credit.png 7 250 Credits
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
Umanite 130 Umanite
Bismor 70 Bismor
Salvo Module
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Shotgun Blast.png

Pos.svg Holding down the trigger now charges up a shotgun like blast of faster, unguided missiles that get a damage bonus the more missiles are in the salvo

"Enables your weapon to load up to 9 missiles and launch them at once! As an added bonus the overloaded exhaust ports increase missile velocity and boost damage based on how many missiles are in the salvo. However the missiles in the salvo cannot be guided."
Credit.png 8 650 Credits
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
Umanite 130 Umanite
Enor Pearl 65 Enor Pearl
Cluster Charges
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock Special Magazine.png

Pos.svg Missiles can release 7 bomblets by holding reload
Pos.svg x2 Direct Damage
Pos.svg x2 Area Damage
Neg.svg x.44 Magazine Size
Neg.svg x.44 Max Ammo
Neg.svg -1 Rate of Fire
Neg.svg x0.5 Projectile Velocity

"Each missile has had their explosives replaced with cluster munitions, and will eject these bomblets when you hold the reload button. The heavy payload has reduced the forward propulsion power of the missiles, as well as both total ammo and magazine capacity. On the bright side, all the extra weight and explosives mean the missiles hit like a truck if you don't release their payload before impact."
Credit.png 8 150 Credits
Jadiz 75 Jadiz
Umanite 95 Umanite
Enor Pearl 120 Enor Pearl

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

  • Direct Damage is how much damage is dealt upon direct impact of a missile.
  • Area Damage is how much damage is dealt in addition to the direct damage within the damage radius around the impact.

Unique Modifications

Unique Modifications
Icon Overclock LastShellHigherDamage.png
Nitroglycerin Compound
Nitroglycerin Compound is a modification that gives the Hurricane bonus Area Damage the longer it flies.
  • Bonus: +1 Area Damage every 0.75s (or +0.5 if paired with Plasma Burster Missiles OC)
  • Max bonus ticks: 10

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Minelayer System
When missiles impact terrain, they transform into mines that will detonate when enemies get too close.
*Mines will stop getting the Nitroglycerin Compound Bonus after impacting Terrain.
  • Mine stats:
  • Lifetime: 15s
  • Area Damage : x2.75
  • Radius: x1.5
  • Trigger Range: 2m
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png

Plasma Burster Missiles
Plasma Burster Missiles (PBM) have three damage modes: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Primary damage mode is limited with 7 hits and 0.1s cooldown. It deals PBM's damage upon any collision (except when hitting Dwarves) when it's not on cooldown. Chance-based and HP-based armor don't affect PBM's damage in this mode, although the armor plates receive direct and area damage from the missiles.  The number of remaining hits gets decremented every time PBM hits a creature, a critter, or a Dwarf, when PBM is not on the cooldown. Upon every creature hit in this mode, PBM becomes indestructible for one second, which allows it to slide along creatures' bodies while dealing damage in the process. It also protects PBM from being destroyed upon terrain collisions. PBM stops dealing damage in this mode after 7 damage hits; however, it enters the next mode only after a creature hit, which for the last time makes PBM indestructible for 1s. When PBM is destructible, it can be destroyed upon any collision with terrain or a Dwarf. In this case, right after dealing the primary mode's damage, PBM additionally deals another instance of direct and area damage upon destruction.

Secondary damage mode gets activated the moment PBM hits a creature in primary damage mode with 0 or 1 remaining damage hits. In this damage mode PBM doesn't slide but bounces off terrain, creatures, and dwarves. It is limited with 0.5s cooldown and lasts while PBM is indestructible, i.e. for the next second. While in primary damage mode, that 0.5s cooldown gets activated upon any terrain collision; therefore, when PBM enters secondary damage mode, it can already be on the secondary mode's cooldown. After entering the mode, the cooldown gets activated upon any collision, and when the cooldown is off, PBM can deal damage only when it hits creatures directly. Thus, considering the cooldown and the indestructibility time, there can be a maximum of two damage hits in this mode. The first damage hit happens a moment after the hit that makes PBM enter the mode, if it's not on 0.5s cooldown. In this mode, PBM still ignores chance-based and HP-based armor, it deals only area damage to it.

Tertiary damage mode gets activated upon expiration of secondary damage mode, i.e. when PBM loses the ability to bounce upon every collision. In this mode, PBM acts like a normal missile: it can deal damage only once, and right after that, it gets destroyed. That damage is affected by creatures' armor of any type; PBM deals damage to armor plates as usual in this mode.

PBM's area damage scales throughout the whole impact radius. Thus, even on direct hits area damage may get reduced. Also, there's an intentional drawback that Tier 5 modification Nitroglycerin Compound produces half as much bonus damage per tick when this OC is equipped.

  • Primary mode: 2-7 damage hits
  • Secondary mode: 0-2 damage hits
  • Tertiary mode: 1 damage hit
  • Nitroglycerin Compound
    • Bonus damage per tick: 0.5
  • Maximum Damage Radius: 0.01m
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Shotgun Blast.png

Salvo Module
Holding the trigger allows multiple missiles to be released at once, those in the salvo get bonus damage for every missile loaded but lose manual guidance.
  • Bonus Direct and Area Damage Formula: 0.625 + (0.375 x missiles loaded)
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Overclock Special Magazine.png

Cluster Charges
Cluster Charges is an unstable overclock that allows Hurricane's missiles to explode into several bomblets. When equiped a player can hold [Reload] for 0.1 seconds to explode all active missiles, dealing no damage, but causing each to scatter several bomblets. Bomblets explode on contact with creatures or terrain, and inherent their parent missiles velocity.

Bomblets gain bonuses when Zip Fuel is equipped. When Zip Fuel is equipped bomblet damage is increased by 8. Bomblets can stun if Uncontrolled Decompression is equipped, and are effected by Napalm-Infused Rounds if equipped.

When the overclock is equipped, a visual inductor will be projected onto the ground below each missile, indicating the area in which the bomblets will be scattered upon activation. The indicator is only displayed when one or more missiles are active, and are only visible to the player who fired the missile. This indicator appears as an orange circle.

  • Bomblets Dropped: 7
  • Damage per Bomblet: 18


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.



  • Pressing the reload key while the weapon is full will cause the Gunner to remove the middle rocket from the exposed top and "fly" it slowly through the air like a toy, occasionally mimicking rocket sounds before returning it to its place. If the weapon has no ammo left, the Gunner will reach for a rocket and shake his fist angrily upon realizing there are none left, usually accompanied by angry grumbling.
    • The Hurricane is the only weapon in Deep Rock Galactic to have a unique out-of-ammo interaction.
  • The Hurricane's weapon prototype used an early version of the Fuel Canister model.