"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver

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A custom revolver firing rounds so large it only holds 4 shots. More or less nothing can stand before a direct hit from one of these 26mm monstrosities.
— Item Description

The "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver is the Gunner's default sidearm. It is a revolver handgun with a huge foregrip that never gets used. Its 26mm bullets (translating to 1.02 caliber) are so huge that only four can be held in the cylinder at once; fortunately, cylinders are discarded and new ones inserted as opposed to requiring players to load each cartridge individually. It has a very distinctive firing sound and can be heard throughout the caves.

The Revolver deals high damage and has a high stun chance.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Speed.png
Quickfire Ejector
-0.7s Reload Time "Experience, training, and a couple of under-the-table design "adjustments" means your gun can be reloaded significantly faster."
Credit.png 1 000 Credits
Bismor 20 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
Perfect Weight Balance
x0.3 Base Spread "Improved Accuracy"
Credit.png 1 000 Credits
Enor Pearl 20 Enor Pearl
Tier 2
Level 6
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Increased Caliber Rounds
+10 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 1 800 Credits
Croppa 18 Croppa
Jadiz 12 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Recoil.png
Floating Barrel
x0.75 recoil
-80% Spread per Shot spread per shot
"Sweet, sweet optimization. We called in a few friends and managed to significantly improve the stability of this gun."
Credit.png 1 800 Credits
Enor Pearl 12 Enor Pearl
Bismor 18 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+12 Max Ammo "Expanded Ammo Bags"
Credit.png 1 800 Credits
Jadiz 18 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 12 Enor Pearl
Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png
Super Blowthrough Rounds
+3 Max Penetrations "Shaped projectiles designed to over-penetrate targets with a minimal loss of energy. In other words: Fire straight through several enemies at once!"
Credit.png 2 200 Credits
Croppa 20 Croppa
Jadiz 30 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Explosive Rounds
+30 Area Damage
x0.5 Damage
"Bullet detonates creating a radius of damage but deals less direct damage."
Credit.png 2 200 Credits
Croppa 20 Croppa
Jadiz 30 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade Weakspot.png
Hollow-Point Bullets
+35% Weakpoint Damage Bonus "Hit 'em where it hurts! Literally! We've upped the damage you'll be able to do to any creature's fleshy bits. You're welcome."
Credit.png 2 200 Credits
Croppa 30 Croppa
Jadiz 20 Jadiz
Tier 4
Level 14
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+12 Max Ammo "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 3 800 Credits
Jadiz 25 Jadiz
Magnite 15 Magnite
Enor Pearl 36 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
High Velocity Rounds
+10 Damage "The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased."
Credit.png 3 800 Credits
Magnite 15 Magnite
Enor Pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Bismor 36 Bismor
Tier 5
Level 18
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
+Dead-Eye "No aim penalty while moving"
Credit.png 4 400 Credits
Umanite 110 Umanite
Enor Pearl 60 Enor Pearl
Bismor 40 Bismor
Icon Overclock Neuro.png
Neurotoxin Coating
+Neurotoxin Coating "Chance to poison your target. Affected creatures move slower and take damage over time."
Credit.png 5 600 Credits
Magnite 64 Magnite
Umanite 140 Umanite
Bismor 70 Bismor


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Revolver.png "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Chain Hit
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Pos.svg +75% Ricochet chance on bullets that hit weakpoint

"Any shot that hits a weakspot has a chance to ricochet into a nearby enemy."
Credit.png 7 300 Credits
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
Magnite 120 Magnite
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Homebrew Powder
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Overclock ChangeOfHigherDamage.png

Pos.svg +Randomized Damage
   (between x0.75 and x2 damage)

"More damage on average but it's a bit inconsistent."
Credit.png 7 350 Credits
Croppa 135 Croppa
Magnite 70 Magnite
Enor Pearl 105 Enor Pearl
Volatile Bullets
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Pos.svg +300% Damage Vs Burning
Neg.svg -10 Damage

"Fuel on the fire! These rounds are extremely effective against burning targets but at the cost of direct damage dealt to unaffected creatures."
Credit.png 7 350 Credits
Croppa 130 Croppa
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
Magnite 60 Magnite
Six Shooter
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png

Pos.svg +2 Magazine Size
Pos.svg +6 Max Ammo
Pos.svg +2 Rate of Fire
Neg.svg +0.5s Reload Time
Neg.svg x1.5 Base Spread

"An updated casing profile lets you squeeze 2 more rounds into the cylinder and take a few more rounds with you, but all that filling and drilling has compromised the accuracy of the weapon and it takes longer to reload."
Credit.png 7 750 Credits
Croppa 60 Croppa
Magnite 100 Magnite
Bismor 120 Bismor
Elephant Rounds
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg x2 Damage
Pos.svg x0.5 Base Spread
Neg.svg -12 Max Ammo
Neg.svg -1 Magazine Size
Neg.svg +0.5s Reload Time
Neg.svg x2.5 Recoil
Neg.svg +71% Spread per Shot

"Heavy tweaking has made it possible to use modified autocannon rounds in the revolver! The damage is crazy but so is the recoil and you can't carry as many rounds. Also, only 3 rounds fit in the gun and reload time is a bit slower but base accuracy is improved."
Credit.png 7 300 Credits
Magnite 90 Magnite
Umanite 65 Umanite
Enor Pearl 140 Enor Pearl
Magic Bullets
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Pos.svg +Magic Bullets
Pos.svg +8 Max Ammo
Neg.svg -20 Damage

"Smaller, bouncy bullets ricochet off hard surfaces, hitting nearby enemies like magic! Overall, the damage of the weapon is reduced, but you can carry a few more rounds due to their compact size."
Credit.png 8 750 Credits
Croppa 105 Croppa
Magnite 130 Magnite
Umanite 75 Umanite

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the Weapon

Unique Modifications

Unique Modifications
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Explosive Rounds
Explosive Rounds decreases the bulldogs direct damage, in exchange each shot creates a small explosion when impacting a creature or terrain.
Icon Overclock Neuro.png
Neurotoxin Coating
Neurotoxin Coating gives the Bulldog a 50% chance to apply the Neurotoxin effect on any creature it damages.
  • Neurotoxin Chance: 50%
  • Damage per tick: 12 Poison
  • Duration: 10s
  • Tick interval: 0.75 - 1.25s
  • Movement speed: x0.7

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Chain Hit
Whenever a bullet hits the weakpoint of a creature, it has a chance to ricochet to the closest creature (non hostile creatures are ignored, excluding Huuli Hoarders). Bullets do full damage before a ricochet.
  • Chance: 75%
  • Range: 5m
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Magic Bullets
Whenever a bullet hits terrain, it has a chance to ricochet to the closest creature (non hostile creatures are ignored, excluding Huuli Hoarders, targets that were hit via blowthrough will also be ignored). It will not ricochet if it hits a creature.
  • Chance: 100%
  • Range: 5m


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (12) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.


Hollow point bullets can be seen inside the barrel of the gun even without the upgrade equipped


Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 34: Modest Expectations
Updated for U34