Brands and Organizations

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This page lists all the known companies, unions and trade groups in Deep Rock Galactic.


Weapon Brands


Red Rock Blaster label

Other Brands


Mineral Trade Groups

Many of the collectives and coalitions mentioned in the news feed ticker battle against each other in economic, legal, and sometimes violent mineral wars. Their alliances to each other and support of Karl's Mineral Treaty Act change constantly.

  • Ambassadors of Aquarq
  • Bismor Brotherhood
  • Bittergem Batallion
  • Board of Bismorians
  • Church of Nitra
  • Compacted Dirt Community
  • Council of Magnite
  • Croppa Collective
  • Cult of Croppa
  • Dystrum Dominion
  • Dystrum Dynasty
  • Enor Pearl Foundation
  • Followers of Phazyonite
  • Guardians of Gold
  • Hollomite Horde
  • House of Jadiz
  • Knights of Nitra
  • Legion of Liquid Morkite
  • Masters of Morkite
  • Order of the Deep (see DLC)
  • Order of Umaknights
  • Protectors of Enor Pearl
  • Raiders of Bittergems
  • Red Sugar Syndicate
  • Rock and Stone Sovereignty
  • Tyrant Shard Society
  • Umanite Union


  1. Description of Engineer's S.S.G. grenade calls this company "Rival Tech"
  2. Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor voice line on obtaining the Voltaic Shock Fence – "I love Voltaic's products."
