Core Stone

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Core Stones are a bonus item introduced with the Season 05: Drilling Deeper update. Every Core Stone collected gives 1 Scrip (up to a maximum of 15 Scrip, claimed at the Season Terminal on the Space Rig) if collected while Season 5 is active. When deposited, they will give 1 250 Performance Points (Performance Points) to the team upon mission completion (350 Performance Points if the mission is failed) regardless of which Season is active. Additionally, they reward 1 000 Experience Points and 500 Credit.png, which is multiplied by the Hazard Bonus.

If a mission is failed, as long as the Core Stone was deposited, players will still be able to claim their Scrip from the Season Terminal, as well as gain some of the experience and credits they grant.


There is currently only one Core Stone event that can randomly happen during missions, which is the Core Stone event itself.

Core Stone Event

Stay clear of the rifts! They are dangerous!
— Dwarf Shout

An exposed Core Stone with a rift behind it

The Core Stone appears in missions as a dark, pulsing, purple pillar of stone. The Core Stone's outer shell can be mined with a pickaxe, drills, or explosives to reveal the inner Core Stone. Once the inner Core Stone is revealed for the first time, it will begin to float above the ground in place and summon multiple Core Rifts in the nearby walls. After the rifts have been summoned, the Core Stone will become vulnerable to damage. Additionally, Corespawn Crawlers will begin to crawl out of the rifts.

The Core Stone has three total health phases. There is no functional difference between each phase, but once damaged enough to change phases, it will become temporarily invulnerable to damage as the outer shell rebuilds. The Core Stone can not be damaged past a phase, and any excess damage will be ignored. Once the shell is fully rebuilt, it must be destroyed again in order to continue damaging the Core Stone. Standing near the Core Stone while the shell is being rebuilt will damage you, and destroying the new shell causes a shockwave which can push players away.

Once the Core Stone is destroyed, all Core Rifts will close, and any remaining Corespawn Crawlers will be killed. Afterward, the Core Stone will drop as a carryable object on the ground, and a Retrieval Pod in which you deposit the Core Stone will be dropped nearby. Notably, you can not deposit the Core Stone in the M.U.L.E, or any other deposit point.

 •  The objective is to neutralize the Core Stone.


A Core Stone spawns randomly, with chances based on mission scale - a hidden value set for each combination of mission type and cave complexity. Whether or not a mission has a Core Stone is decided during cave generation (load screen). Only one Core Stone can spawn in each mission.

The following numbers are listed for lobbies where the host has Season 5 active (in which Core Stones are the main event).

Mission Scale Spawn Chance Mission Type
0.7 17.5% Point Extraction ( 7 Aquarq icon.png)
1 25% Mining Expedition ( 200 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 4 Alien egg icon.png) Point Extraction ( 10 Aquarq icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 1) Deep Scan ( 3 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.1 25.8% Mining Expedition ( 225 Morkite icon.png)
1.2 26.6% Mining Expedition ( 250 Morkite icon.png) Elimination ( 2 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.3 27.4% Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.4 28.2% Salvage ( 2 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.5 29% Egg Collection ( 6 Alien egg icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.6 29.8% Mining Expedition ( 325 Morkite icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.67 30.36% Deep Scan ( 5 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.7 30.6% Elimination ( 3 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png)
1.8 31.4% Salvage ( 3 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
2 33% Mining Expedition ( 400 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 8 Alien egg icon.png)

If the host has a season where Core Stone is not one of the main events (Seasons 1-4 or Unseasoned), the game will first check for a chance of spawning an out-of-season event, and then pick only one event from a list to spawn. The size of that list can vary from 4 to 7 events depending on the season used.

Spawn Chance (out of season)
Mission Scale Spawn Chance Mission Type
0.7 4.2% Point Extraction ( 7 Aquarq icon.png)
1 6% Mining Expedition ( 200 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 4 Alien egg icon.png) Point Extraction ( 10 Aquarq icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 1) Deep Scan ( 3 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.1 6.2% Mining Expedition ( 225 Morkite icon.png)
1.2 6.4% Mining Expedition ( 250 Morkite icon.png) Elimination ( 2 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.3 6.6% Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.4 6.8% Salvage ( 2 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.5 7% Egg Collection ( 6 Alien egg icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.6 7.2% Mining Expedition ( 325 Morkite icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.67 7.34% Deep Scan ( 5 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.7 7.4% Elimination ( 3 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png)
1.8 7.6% Salvage ( 3 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
2 8% Mining Expedition ( 400 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 8 Alien egg icon.png)


The Core Stone has the following health, with each phase being a third of its health bar.


Health Scaling

Hazard Level
Normal Mission Icons Difficulty ToughEnemies.png DD EDD
1 2 3 4 5 TE 1

TE 2

3 3.5 4.5 5 5.5
Player Count Dwarfcount1.png 900 1350 1800 2700 2700 4050 4725 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dwarfcount2.png 1800 1800 2250 3150 3150 3150 3150 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dwarfcount3.png 2700 3150 4050 4050 4500 6750 7875 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dwarfcount4.png 3600 4050 5400 7200 7200 10800 12600 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


  • The Core Stone is said to come from deeper within Hoxxes, and is likely a hint of what Rogue Core will contain.