Cargo Crate

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Be on the lookout for lost Cargo Crates in the caves of normal missions - they are known to contain copious amounts of minerals and weapon skins!
Update 25 Patch notes

A Cargo Crate can spawn inside of normal missions. Along with it, two batteries will spawn wedged into the ground within 30 meters of the Cargo Crate (in any direction, so not necessarily in the same room) that need to be dug out and inserted into the crate. The batteries themselves emit a pulsating sound to help locate them. When a player holds a battery, it emits a different pulsating sound that increases in frequency as the player gets closer to the Cargo Crate; the sound stops once the battery is inserted. Once both batteries are in, the crate needs to be manually repaired (holding the USE key, "E" by default).


A Cargo Crate spawns randomly, with chances based on mission scale - a hidden value set for each combination of mission type and cave complexity. Whether or not a mission has a Cargo Crate is decided during cave generation (load screen). Only one Cargo Crate can spawn in each mission.

Mission Scale Spawn Chance Mission Type
0.7 7% Point Extraction ( 7 Aquarq icon.png)
1 10% Mining Expedition ( 200 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 4 Alien egg icon.png) Point Extraction ( 10 Aquarq icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 1) Deep Scan ( 3 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.1 10.5% Mining Expedition ( 225 Morkite icon.png)
1.2 11% Mining Expedition ( 250 Morkite icon.png) Elimination ( 2 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.3 11.5% Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.4 12% Salvage ( 2 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 1 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.5 12.5% Egg Collection ( 6 Alien egg icon.png) Sabotage ( 1 DataRack icon.png Cave complexity 2)
1.6 13% Mining Expedition ( 325 Morkite icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 2) Refining ( 3 PumpingJack icon.png Cave complexity 3)
1.67 13.35% Deep Scan ( 5 ResonanceScannerPod icon.png)
1.7 13.5% Elimination ( 3 Kill Dreadnought Objective icon.png)
1.8 14% Salvage ( 3 Salvage Mules icon.png) Escort ( 2 FuelCannister icon.png Cave complexity 3)
2 15% Mining Expedition ( 400 Morkite icon.png) Egg Collection ( 8 Alien egg icon.png)


After completing the repair, the Cargo Crate will offer a special Weapon Framework or a Victory Move. Each dwarf has to interact with the Cargo Crate to claim their reward. If all cosmetic rewards have been obtained, interacting with a Cargo Crate will trigger a pop-up informing the player that all possible rewards have been collected.

Each player will receive a reward based off of the first person who opens the crate; however, if the next player to claim already owns it, they will be rewarded with a different one. The received reward is not linked to the class of the player opening the crate, it’ll simply be a cosmetic that the player doesn’t have.

Currently, there are 208 possible rewards in total available from Cargo Crates:

 •  168 Weapon Frameworks in 7 sets, plus 4 "Waster" Weapon Frameworks for the 3rd secondary weapons added in Season 2 - for a total of 172 Weapon Frameworks.

 •  36 Victory Moves in 9 sets.

Weapon Frameworks

Icon Skin Mesh Custom Engineered.png Custom Engineered
Icon Skin Mesh Fourth Relic.png Fourth Relic
Icon Skin Mesh Glyphid Trophy Hunter.png Glyphid Trophy Hunter
Icon Skin Mesh Mechanized.png Mechanized

Icon Skin Mesh Neon.png Neon Band
Icon Skin Mesh Scale Brigade.png Scale Brigade
Icon Skin Mesh Danger Dice.png Danger Dice

Victory Moves

  • Beer Toss
  • Classic Flex
  • Handstand
  • Praise Me
  • Sharp Salute
  • Smug Pushups
  • Swarmer Infestation
  • Swarmer Kick
  • Three Point Landing

Note: The cosmetics obtained from Cargo Crates cannot be obtained by any other means.


The Cargo Crate will dispense from 40 to 50 chunks, each chunk chosen randomly between gold and both of the biome's crafting minerals. The value of each chunk ranges from 1 to 3 (also chosen randomly). Check the table below for the minerals in each biome.

On average, the team can expect a total of 90 units worth of minerals from one Cargo Crate, spread more or less equally between all three resources. However, due to the many random rolls involved, theoretically the total can land anywhere between 40 and 150 units.

Biome Mineral 1 Mineral 2 Mineral 3
Azure Weald Croppa Umanite Gold
Crystalline Caverns Jadiz Bismor Gold
Dense Biozone Bismor Umanite Gold
Fungus Bogs Croppa Jadiz Gold
Glacial Strata Magnite Umanite Gold
Hollow Bough Jadiz Bismor Gold
Magma Core Magnite Croppa Gold
Radioactive Exclusion Zone Umanite Enor Pearl Gold
Salt Pits Enor Pearl Bismor Gold
Sandblasted Corridors Enor Pearl Magnite Gold


CargoCrateBattery.png CargoCrateStart.png CargoCrateMed.png CargoCrateDone.png CargoCrateReward.png
A Cargo Crate Battery Starting state With both Batteries inserted Fully repaired Dispensing reward


  • Similar encounter as Lost Pack.
    • Lost Packs and Cargo Crates spawn independently of each other, and can sometimes both be in the map.
  • Frameworks and Paintjobs were formerly called Meshes and Skins, and were listed under the same equip menu, meaning custom colors could only be applied to the stock weapon model and meshes could only be used with their base color schemes. Update 28 allowed Frameworks and Paintjobs to be equipped independently on the same weapon.
  • The Neonband mesh was accidentally leaked during Experimental and removed, only to be re-added in Update 26.
  • Cargo Crates used to be able to reward duplicate skins to the players who did not open the crate first, because the skin rewarded is based on the first player to claim the crate. Now, a player will always be rewarded a skin, given they do not already own every possible reward from the crate.
  • The developers at one point intended beer licenses for the Craft(able) Beers to be gained from Cargo Crates.
  • Cargo Crates used to only give mineable crafting materials as a reward but as of Update 27 it can now give JadizJadiz & Enor Pearl Enor Pearl.
  • For a very long time the length-dependent mechanic wasn't actually used, and until the Season 1 update Cargo Crates used to have a static 1/6 chance to spawn regardless of any factors.
  • Prior to the February Maintenance Update, Bosco Frameworks and the Lemon Clean Bosco Paintjob appeared in Cargo Crates instead of Lost Packs due to a bug.
  • It is possible for Cargo Crate batteries to spawn in the ceiling due to the game detecting it as a valid cave layer above the crate.