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The most nimble of dwarves, the Scout relies on long range weapons and increased mobility to faster explore and escape the dangers of Hoxxes IV
— Class description

The Scout is one of four playable classes in DRG Survivor, being unlocked by default.

The Scout class

Scout specializes in mobility and evasion, dodging around enemies while his weapons passively do damage. Scout also has a higher base Critical Damage multiplier than the other classes. His starting weapons consist of the Deepcore GK2, Jury-Rigged Boomstick, Zhukov NUK17, and Cryo Grenade. His class mods are Classic, Recon, and Sharp Shooter, with Classic being unlocked by default.


The Scout Class's baseline stats are below. Stats may be altered by upgrades or by choosing a Class Mod.

Starting Stats
Health 120
Dodge Chance 5%
Critical Chance 5%
Critical Damage 200%

Available Weapons

Scout has a set of ten weapons that, once unlocked by ranking up in the class, can always be found by him during regular dives.

The Recon Scout also has access to all unlocked [LIGHT] weapons.

Survivor Icon Move Speed.png
Starting Weapon
Survivor GK2.png Deepcore GK2
Default Scout Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Cryo Grenade.png Cryo Grenade
Survivor Zhukovs.png Zhukov NUK17
Survivor Boomstick.png Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Survivor M1000.png M1000 Classic (Scout Rank 03)
Survivor Voltaic Stun Sweeper.png Voltaic Stun Sweeper (Scout Rank 06)
Survivor THOR Bugzapper.png TH-0R Bug Taser (Scout Rank 12)
Survivor Cryo Drone.png Arc-Tek Cryo Guard (Scout Rank 15)
Survivor DRAK Carbine.png Drak-25 Plasma Carbine (Scout Rank 21)
Survivor Nishanka Boltshark.png Nishanka Boltshark X-80 (Scout Rank 24)

Survivor Icon Dodge.png
Starting Weapon
Survivor Zhukovs.png Zhukov NUK17
Default Scout Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Cryo Grenade.png Cryo Grenade
Survivor GK2.png Deepcore GK2
Survivor Boomstick.png Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Survivor M1000.png M1000 Classic (Scout Rank 03)
Survivor Voltaic Stun Sweeper.png Voltaic Stun Sweeper (Scout Rank 06)
Survivor THOR Bugzapper.png TH-0R Bug Taser (Scout Rank 12)
Survivor Cryo Drone.png Arc-Tek Cryo Guard (Scout Rank 15)
Survivor DRAK Carbine.png Drak-25 Plasma Carbine (Scout Rank 21)
Survivor Nishanka Boltshark.png Nishanka Boltshark X-80 (Scout Rank 24)

Other Weapons Available: [LIGHT]

Survivor Subata.png Subata 120 (Driller Rank 01)
Survivor EPC.png Experimental Plasma Charger (Driller Rank 27)
Survivor Stubby.png "Stubby" Voltaic SMG (Engineer Rank 01)
Survivor BRT7.png BRT7 Burst Fire Gun (Gunner Rank 03)

Survivor Icon Crit Chance.png
Sharp Shooter
Starting Weapon
Survivor M1000.png M1000 Classic (Scout Rank 12)
Default Scout Weapons (Always Available)

Survivor Cryo Grenade.png Cryo Grenade
Survivor Zhukovs.png Zhukov NUK17
Survivor GK2.png Deepcore GK2
Survivor Boomstick.png Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Survivor Voltaic Stun Sweeper.png Voltaic Stun Sweeper (Scout Rank 06)
Survivor THOR Bugzapper.png TH-0R Bug Taser (Scout Rank 12)
Survivor Cryo Drone.png Arc-Tek Cryo Guard (Scout Rank 15)
Survivor DRAK Carbine.png Drak-25 Plasma Carbine (Scout Rank 21)
Survivor Nishanka Boltshark.png Nishanka Boltshark X-80 (Scout Rank 24)

Class Mods

Class Mods alter a Class's base stats and weapon availability. Currently there are three Scout Class Mods: Classic, Recon, and Sharp Shooter.


Survivor Icon Move Speed.png

This Class Mod is unlocked by default at the start of the game.
Classic Scout begins with +10% Move Speed and +20 Max HP.
This class mod starts with a Deepcore GK2 and only has access to the Scout's default weapon pool.

Deepcore GK2
Survivor GK2.png
Unlocked by: Scout Rank 01


Survivor Icon Dodge.png

This Class Mod is unlocked at Scout Class Rank 9.
Recon Scout has +25% Dodge chance. Upon dodging, Scout gains +35% Move Speed and +35% Reload Speed for 5 seconds.
This class mod starts with the Zhukov NUK17 and also has access to all currently unlocked [LIGHT] weapons.

Zhukov NUK17
Survivor Zhukovs.png
Unlocked by: Scout Rank 01
Subata 120
Survivor Subata.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 01
Experimental Plasma Charger
Survivor EPC.png
Unlocked by: Driller Rank 27
"Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Survivor Stubby.png
Unlocked by: Engineer Rank 01
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Survivor BRT7.png
Unlocked by: Gunner Rank 03

Sharp Shooter

Survivor Icon Crit Chance.png

This Class Mod is unlocked at Scout Class Rank 18.
Sharp Shooter Scout has +15% Critical Strike Chance and +50% Critical Strike Damage. In addition, a shrapnel explosion occurs when Sharp Shooter deals overkill damage.
This class mod starts with the M1000 Classic and only has access to the Scout's default weapon pool.

M1000 Classic
Survivor M1000.png
Unlocked by: Scout Rank 03


  • The Scout is the only Class with no [TURRET] weapons in its default pool.
    • Additionally, none of Scout's current Class Mods gain access to that weapon type, meaning Scout has absolutely no access to [TURRET] weapons.
