Cryo Cannon

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment
Requires Driller Level 10
Purchased for:
Credit.png 7600 Credits
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Bismor 120 Bismor

Mad geniuses have tried perfecting this implement for as long as anyone can remember, but our lads at R&D seem to have perfected it! Handily portable (for a dwarf, anyway), it does exactly what you think: It's a friggin' freeze ray. Let 'em have it.
— Item Description

The Cryo Cannon is an unlockable primary weapon for the Driller. It is a huge, barely-portable freeze ray constructed out of various alloys. The drums on the front of the weapon rotate when it is firing.

The Cryo Cannon ejects a freezing cold stream which deals damage and decreases the temperature of enemies, eventually causing them to freeze. Frozen enemies will receive triple (x2.5 for Dreadnoughts) damage (but lose any weak-points they had before) and are completely immobilized. Being frozen also prevents several enemies from performing unique abilities; for example frozen Glyphid Exploders and Glyphid Bulk Detonators cannot detonate. Flying enemies like Mactera will drop to the floor and shatter instantly when frozen. Enemies in the Glacial Strata are also more resistant to this weapon's freezing effect. More information about the frozen status here.

The Cryo Cannon does not utilize a reloading system and instead draws from one pool of reserve ammo, indicated by a curved fuel meter which depletes with use. Upon pressing the fire button the weapon has a brief "charge-up" period as it spins up a turbine before it spews its stream of icy mixture. The stream is affected by a pressure gauge; prolonged firing will eventually empty this meter and require a "repressurization" phase before it can start firing again. After firing the weapon the turbine will remain partially spun up, indicated by a secondary gauge, and will only require the full spin-up period after a few seconds without firing.


There are five tiers of modifications and each tier has two to three upgrades. Only one modification can be equipped per tier.

Cryo Cannon Modifications
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
Larger Pressure Chamber
x0.33 Pressure Drop Rate "Lets you shoot for a longer time before needing to refill the pressure chamber."
Credit.png 1200 Credits
Croppa 25 Croppa
Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Faster Turbine Spinup
-0.4s Chargeup Time "Start freezing things as soon as you pull the trigger with a near-instant turbine response."
Credit.png 1200 Credits
Enor Pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Cold.png
Stronger Cooling Unit
+1 Freezing Power "Freeze things at a faster rate."
Credit.png 1200 Credits
Bismor 25 Bismor
Tier 2
Level 4
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Larger Reserve Tank
+75 Tank Capacity "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Jadiz 24 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Overclocked Ejection Turbine
+5m Cold Stream Reach "Increases the effective range of the weapon."
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Magnite 24 Magnite
Enor Pearl 15 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade TemperatureCoolDown.png
Bypassed Integrity Check
-1s Repressurization Delay "If you completely empty the pressure chamber, the weapon will immediately start repressurizing, safety be dammed!"
Credit.png 2000 Credits
Croppa 24 Croppa
Bismor 15 Bismor
Tier 3
Level 8
Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Improved Pump
x1.75 Pressure Gain Rate "Refill the pressure chamber faster."
Credit.png 2800 Credits
Croppa 50 Croppa
Jadiz 35 Jadiz
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png
Increased Flow Volume
+1.6 Flow Rate "We overclocked your gun. It fires faster. Don't ask. Just enjoy. Also probably don't tell Management, please."
Credit.png 2800 Credits
Umanite 35 Umanite
Bismor 50 Bismor
Tier 4
Level 12
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Hard Mixture
+3 Damage "Promotes Ice-crystal formation in the stream resulting in more direct damage."
Credit.png 4800 Credits
Croppa 48 Croppa
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Bismor 72 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Cold.png
Supercooling Mixture
+1 Freezing Power "Improves the heat capacity of the stream so you can freeze things at a faster rate."
Credit.png 4800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 48 Magnite
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Larger Reserve Tank
+150 Tank Capacity "You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased!"
Credit.png 4800 Credits
Jadiz 72 Jadiz
Magnite 50 Magnite
Umanite 48 Umanite
Tier 5
Level 16
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
+Frozen Targets can Shatter "There is a chance that frozen targets will spontaneously shatter!"
Credit.png 5600 Credits
Croppa 70 Croppa
Magnite 140 Magnite
Bismor 64 Bismor
Icon Upgrade Cold.png
Cold Radiance
+4m Area Cold Range "Any enemy that strays close to you while firing the Cryo Cannon will start to freeze."
Credit.png 5600 Credits
Jadiz 70 Jadiz
Umanite 64 Umanite
Enor Pearl 140 Enor Pearl


Overclock calculations happen after modifiers.

Cryo cannon.png Cryo Cannon [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Improved Thermal Efficiency
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png

Pos.svg +25 Tank Capacity
Pos.svg x0.75 Pressure Drop Rate

"Get all you can from your fuel and lose pressure slower from the main chamber."
Credit.png 8 350 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 110 Magnite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Tuned Cooler
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Pos.svg +1 Freezing Power
Pos.svg +0.8 Flow Rate
Neg.svg +0.2 Chargeup Time
Neg.svg x0.5 Pressure Gain Rate

"Freeze things faster at the cost of a slower pump and turbine."
Credit.png 8 750 Credits
Magnite 65 Magnite
Umanite 130 Umanite
Bismor 110 Bismor
Flow Rate Expansion
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Duration.png

Pos.svg x2.7 Pressure Gain Rate
Pos.svg +0.8 Flow Rate
Neg.svg x2.25 Pressure Drop Rate

"A low volume high pressure chamber paired with a high power pump increase the flow rate and repressurization speed but lower the max duration of sustained flow."
Credit.png 8 900 Credits
Jadiz 100 Jadiz
Magnite 125 Magnite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Ice Spear
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png

Pos.svg +Ice Spear
Neg.svg +1s Repressurization Delay

"Pressing the reload button dumps all the fluid in the chamber directly into the turbine, flash freezing it and launching an ice projectile. Side effects include an increased recharge delay and of course the large amount of fuel used."
Credit.png 8 950 Credits
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
Umanite 110 Umanite
Enor Pearl 60 Enor Pearl
Crystal Nucleation
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg +Crystal Nucleation
Neg.svg x0.8 Max Ammo

"A new cryoctane fuel blend creates razor-sharp formations of ice crystals on impact with terrain, which damage and slow enemies attempting to walk through them. These ice crystals melt over time, but can be maintained by cooling them. This modification results in a smaller overall fuel tank capacity to make room for the new fuel injector."
Credit.png 8 300 Credits
Croppa 65 Croppa
Jadiz 100 Jadiz
Enor Pearl 135 Enor Pearl
Ice Storm
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg x2 Damage
Pos.svg +100% Damage (as Kinetic damage) to Frozen Targets
Neg.svg -3 Freezing Power
Neg.svg -75 Tank Capacity
Neg.svg x1.5 Pressure Drop Rate

"A change in the fuel mixture along with some heavy cooler unit tweaks means a lot more damage especially to frozen targets. However, freezing takes longer and the capacity of the pressure chamber is reduced."
Credit.png 7 200 Credits
Magnite 105 Magnite
Umanite 75 Umanite
Enor Pearl 130 Enor Pearl
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png

Pos.svg +Snowball
Neg.svg -100 Tank Capacity
Neg.svg +1s Repressurization Delay

"Pressing the reload button shoots all the cryofuel in the chamber at once as an AoE cryo-projectile. Besides the very large amount of fuel consumed, the operation overloads the whole system resulting in a much longer delay before regaining pressure and the modifications restrict the total amount of fuel you can carry."
Credit.png 8 400 Credits
Jadiz 90 Jadiz
Magnite 70 Magnite
Umanite 130 Umanite

Stats Breakdown

Understanding the weapon

  • Chargeup Time is the time needed before the weapon starts shooting.
  • Flow Rate is the equivalent of fire rate for other weapons. The weapon will deal 8 instances of damage per second with the base flow rate.
  • Pressure Drop Rate is the equivalent of the magazine size for other weapons. It represent how long you can fire before you need to 'reload' your weapon by repressurizing it. The lower the better.
  • Freezing Power is what will allow you to freeze the enemies. It won’t do any damage by itself. 1 point in freezing power will lower the temperature of an enemy by 1° for each instance of damage done. Once you reach an enemy's freeze temperature it’ll be frozen solid.
  • Tank Capacity is the equivalent of max ammo for other weapons.
  • Repressurization Delay is how long you need to wait in seconds after you reached the minimum pressure before you can fire again.
  • Pressure Gain Rate is the equivalent of reload for other weapon, except that you can stop midway in case you need to fire early. It represents how fast the pressure will go up after the repressurization time.
Total Time for 100% pressure drop and gain
Modifications Overclocks
None Improved Thermal Efficiency Tuned Cooler Flow Rate Expansion Ice Storm
Drop Gain Drop Gain Drop Gain Drop Gain Drop Gain
None ~6.42s 5s ~8.57s 5s ~6.42s 10s ~2.85s ~1.85s ~4.28s 5s
Larger Pressure Chamber ~19.48s ~5s ~25.97s 5s ~19.48s 10s ~8.65s ~1.85s ~12.98s 5s
Improved Pump ~6.42s ~2.85s ~8.57s ~2.85s ~6.42s ~5.71s ~2.85s ~1.05s ~4.28s ~2.85s
LPC + IP ~19.48s ~2.85s ~25.97s ~2.85s ~19.48s ~5.71s ~8.65s ~1.05s ~12.98s ~2.85s

The above table shows time to fully re-pressurize from minimum pressure (gain), and time to fully depressurize from maximum pressure (drop).

Ice Path

In the same manner as the CRSPR Flamethrower, the Cryo Cannon will leave behind a trail of ice that’ll linger for a few seconds. It won’t do any damage but it can potentially freeze enemies. This does not act as an environmental source and as such does not replace the base warming rate of the enemy.

Unique Modifications

Unique Modifications
Icon Upgrade Cold.png
Cold Radiance
Cold Radiance is a modification that will cool things down in a radius around you, eventually freezing any creature close to you.

The effect is only active after the weapon has spun up and will activate once per second thereafter.

  • Cold Radiance Effects
    • Area Damage: 60 Cold
    • Radius: 4m
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Fragile is a modification that gives a chance to deal extra damage to frozen enemies for every instance of damage done by the Cryo Cannon. The chance and damage dealt are calculated after the damage from the Cryo Cannon has been dealt.

Chance in %: 100RemainingBaseHP
Damage: RemainingEffectiveHP

RemainingBaseHP is the creature HP before Difficulty scaling is considered. RemainingEffectiveHP does apply Difficulty scaling, ensuring the damage will finish off creatures with Resistance scaling modifiers greater than 1 (check Difficulty Scaling: Resistance Scaling for values).

Unique Overclocks

Unique Overclocks
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png

Ice Spear

Ice Spear is a Balanced Overclock that has 2 damage components: one single target and one in a small AoE. Both types can hit the same target. Ice Spear's damage is a fixed value, it doesn't scale in any way. You cannot fire a projectile if you have equal or less than the required Fuel cost.

Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Crystal Nucleation

Crystal Nucleation is a Balanced Overclock that modifies the Cryo Cannon's Ice Path. Enemies in contact with Crystal Nucleation's ice path are cooled, damaged, and slowed. This OC gains unique benefits when Stronger Cooling Unit, Supercooling Mixture, and/or Hard Mixture is equipped.
Stronger Cooling Unit and Supercooling Mixture each increase the Ice Path's cooling when equipped. Hard Mixture increase the Ice Path's damage when equipped.
Crystal Nucleation's Ice Path has a variable duration, the duration is decreased when bugs walk over the path, or when heat is applied, but it is also extended when cold is applied.

Crystal Nucleation Ice Path

  • Slowdown: 30%
  • Damage (per Tick): 4 Cold + 12 Piercing
  • Tick Interval: 0.5s

Stronger Cooling Unit bonus

  • Damage (per Tick): +4 Cold

Supercooling Mixture Bonus

  • Damage (per Tick): +4 Cold

Hard Mixture Bonus

  • Damage (per Tick): +6 Piercing
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png


Snowball is an Unstable Overclock that shoots ranged AoE cryo-projectiles that flash-cool everything in the impact zone at the cost of significantly decreased tank capacity and an increased repressurization delay.

Additionally, every hit non-friendly creature receives an instance of a special Status Effect that continuously deals Cold Damage over time, which prevents them from warming back for at least the effect's duration minus the effect's tick interval. This effect cannot prolong freeze duration since it gets deactivated after its application upon any creature's temperature state change: freeze, unfreeze, fire douse (temperature shock). When it is applied to an already frozen target, it only insignificantly reduces temperature, which doesn't trigger creature's Warming Cooldown.


Lingering Cold

  • Tick damage: 1 Cold
  • Tick interval: 0.5s
  • Duration: 6s


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (13) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.


Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png This page is possibly not up to date. It was last updated for Update 34: Modest Expectations
Updated for U34