Development Q&A

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This is a collection of responses that the developers of Ghost Ship Games have given to community suggestions made in chat during weekly developer streams (broadcast to both Twitch and YouTube). All links include timestamps.

Disclaimer: please remember that the responses below should not be taken as gospel truth.

  • The developers who stream the game don't know (or sometimes can't talk about) every detail about the state of everything currently in the works, and reply with their thoughts and opinions.
  • GSG's development process is flexible enough that not every decision is set in stone. Plans may change as the game changes, and what had been shared in the past may not be true some time later.
  • The stream team is splitting its attention between playing the game and answering questions. Miscommunication happens, and sometimes people simply forget or mix things up.
  • Some responses are straight-up jokes. Use your judgement.

What is not on this list:

  • Questions along the lines of "When is the next update?" or "Is the next update going to have X?" You can view the latest roadmap here.
  • Questions like "What is your favorite weapon?" and other open-ended questions not phrased as suggestions or ideas for Deep Rock Galactic.
  • Questions about adding features that are already in the game and that the question asker wasn't aware of.
  • Questions that were misinterpreted, and the response didn't really answer the question.
  • Questions which nobody could really comment on.

If you'd like to contribute to the list, please follow the guidelines.

To group duplicates together, click the "Category" header. Otherwise the responses are sorted by date from newest to oldest, then by category, then by suggestion alphabetically. Refresh the page to return to the default sorting.

Use [Ctrl] + [F] to search for specific keywords. If you want to search through the entire history of over 3 200 comments filtered by category, there's a Google spreadsheet better suited for that.

Older entries

Archive Season 4 709 entries Jun 2023 - Jun 2024
Archive Season 3 531 entries Nov 2022 - Jun 2023
Archive Season 2 442 entries Apr 2022 - Oct 2022
Archive Season 1 711 entries Nov 2021 - Apr 2022
Archive Update 34 294 entries Apr 2021 - Oct 2021
Archive Update 33 204 entries Feb 2021 - Apr 2021
Archive Update 32 200 entries Oct 2020 - Jan 2021
Archive Update 31 75 entries Sep 2020 - Oct 2020

Current entries

Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Miscellaneous - Collabs Reference to Wind Rose in the game No plans; it has to make sense within the fictional universe 12.07.2024 Dev Stream 12.07.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG in a fantasy setting A very early prototype of this game was actually in a fantasy setting; the name was "Project Dwarka", there's still some footage online 12.07.2024 Dev Stream 12.07.2024
Missions - Deep Scan Make Deep Scan beatable without scanning crystals It might already be? the geode would be hard to find though 12.07.2024 Dev Stream 12.07.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay and cross-progression Not likely, it would require a major change of how they actually develop the game 12.07.2024 Dev Stream 12.07.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves More items in the shop terminal No big plans to put anything in the shop, new cosmetics are likely to go into the performance pass and stuff like that 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Split goggles from the head slot Requires too big or a rework, not planned (but would be nice) 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Features - Economy Buff gold to make players play more Unlikely; the economy works only for early game; their concern is that change is going to break it for newcomers and do nothing for veterans 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level More modifiers for Haz 5+ Might be too early for that, they're pretty happy with where Haz 5+ is right now; maybe? 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Gameplay - Minerals More uses for Nitra No, they don't want players to spend their ammo resource on something and end up unable to order ammo 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Wind Rose's "Rock & Stone" song in the Space Rig Would be cool, but currently unlikely due to intellectual rights and stuff 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG game but in the style of Helldivers 2 They're pretty similar as they are (and no, there won't be surface missions in DRG) 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Progression - Assignments More assignments past rank 100 No plans at the moment 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Space Rig - Activities Play with Steeve on the Space Rig The Space Rig has a strict "no pets" policy 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Technical Cross-save No plans for official support, but there are tools to move save files between Steam and the MS Store (at our own risk) 11.07.2024 Dev Stream 11.07.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines cut off by subsequent voice lines The way it's set up now is so that players don't miss a voice line for something important because of another voice line 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Equipment - Flares Flare skins Unsure if they want to do that, but there are mods 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Utility or traversal overclocks No, they want travesal tools to act predictably and avoid situations where one overclock changes the entire meta around traversal 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Features - Miners' Union Big terminal for guilds They don't want to bring too much attention to the Unions - they break every once in a while and aren't available on consoles anyway 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Features - Streaming Channel redeems for viewers to spawn stuff Mark thinks they should do a stream like that at some point 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Gameplay - Bosco More Bosco upgrades Mark hasn't heard it being discussed, so probably shouldn't be expected 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Miscellaneous Voice lines for the Discord soundboard They've opted out of the soundboard because people would spam it; maybe one day 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab costumes like in TF2 Would be cool, but it has to make sense for the setting - the game director is very protective of this sort of thing 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Perks Rework the perk system The perk system needs some love, but they don't know when they'll get around to it 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Soundtrack Core Stone event OST on Spotify Undecided, things change all the time 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Space Rig Customization for the personal quarters No plans; they talked about Space Rig customization a bunch, but never reached a point where it would make sense to prioritize it 05.07.2024 Dev Stream 05.07.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Paintjobs for utility tools No plans 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Creatures Enemies fighting each other, like a faction war It might not be as fun as it sounds when a player enters a cave and there's, like, one robot left because they all killed each other 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Creatures Ranged attack for the Corespawn No plans, but they can see how the zipline cheese can be an issue 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Drinks - On Missions Beer pod Beers on missions won't be a thing, they are for the Space Rig only 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Equipment Alternative tools for classes Most likely not, each class has to have a basic function everyone can expect (same reason why tool overclocks are off the table) 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Equipment New weapons It's not a definite "no", but a probable "no"; at this point adding a set of weapons is a huge task with a lot of upkeep 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration No plans on working with Steam Workshop, they use for mod integration 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Miscellaneous Stream with mods They've done it occasinally and they're open to the idea of doing it again 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Missions - Escort Duty Outline for Dotty's head like for other dwarves It shouldn't be too easy, finding the head without UI assistance is part of the charm 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Space Rig Secrets in the Space Rig How do we know there isn't a secret in the Space Rig already? 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Space Rig - Shooting Range Weapon testing range There's a technical limitation where having access to working guns requires a loading screen, so - no 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Technical A way to transfer PS5 progress to Steam Unfortunately, no; the effort of making progress on PlayStation is apperciated, but we'll have to start over on Steam 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Technical - Accessibility Option to disable screen shake It's been decided by the game director that there should always be some amount of screen shake 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
UI Separate filters for Haz 5 and Haz 5+ lobbies Sounds like a cool QoL feature 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
UI - Crosshair Overheat indicator on the aim cursor No plans (Mark thinks it would be sick) 04.07.2024 Dev Stream 04.07.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for utility tools Probably not going to happen, those tools aren't out on the screen enough (unlike weapons) to justify the effort 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Buff Conductive Thermals It's a little too soon, they haven't looked at it yet 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Gameplay Hold Space to bunny-hop Probably not 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Gameplay - Bosco Bosco repairs Doretta at half speed Bosco's capabilities were considered when Escort was designed; maybe it was deemed too powerful to repair by just pointing Bosco 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mugs as physical merch They thought about it, but logistics and fulfillment are tricky; a fan running Scorched Steel Studio can get them custom-made 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Perks Perk rework/rebalance Hopefully they can work on that for Season 6, but planning for that won't start until Rogue Core early access 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Soundtrack Add the Core Stone track to the OST Possible 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Soundtrack New tracks on Spotify For Spotify it's a question of who composed it; Journey of the Prospector has a different comopser so it's unlikely to be added 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Space Rig Add secrets to the Space Rig How can they answer that while still keeping potential secrets secret? 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Technical - Accessibility Auto-run option Some of them are for it, some are against it, but it's not going to be a base game feature 21.06.2024 Dev Stream 21.06.2024
Biomes No bullet terrain impact in Sandblasted Corridors Mark thinks it's a good point 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Classes - 5th Class Fifth class No, not going to happen 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Add back the barrel armor & helmet The honest answer is that noone knows if that'll happen; the armor was made as a test, it was never meant to be obtainable 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Short option for armors They're dwarves - all options are short options 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Sleeveless option for the Order of the Deep Probably not, it's the art director's call whether or not each armor set has a sleeveless option or not 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Buff the Burst Fire overclock Overclocks will probably get a balance pass at some point, but it's too soon to say 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Features Bounty for players to help out low-hazard missions On the other hand, it's also part of the greybeard learning experience to spend 50 minutes on a simple mining mission 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC Release the DLC early for consoles They can't, the thing causing the delay is the console certification process; they ship the update to all platforms at the same time 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise More merch It's a bit of a sore point; they want to offer merch internationally, but finding a logistics partner is a lot of work 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Missions Leave the Drop Pod during some missions They have to be sent back and sanitized so that other dwarves can use them; it's kind of like a RyanAir jet 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Missions More missions with jet boots We can find jet boots in any mission, but the super-juiced-up ones? probably only in Deep Scan 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Perks Update the perk system There's no argument that it needs to get looked at, but they didn't have time for Season 5; maybe one day 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Technical Optimization for PC Nothing planned for now 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform No, sorry 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
UI A way to clear all new item notifications It's a hot topic in the office, and the people who are against it are the ones calling the shots 20.06.2024 Dev Stream 20.06.2024
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons That's basically a hard "no", it just wouldn't be their game 14.06.2024 Dev Stream 14.06.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for secondary weapons They're not making any promises; planning for Season 6 won't start until Rogue Core goes into early access 14.06.2024 Dev Stream 14.06.2024
Technical - Accessibility Auto-sprint No, there's no consensus in the team about it and Mikkel is against it 14.06.2024 Dev Stream 14.06.2024
UI Option to reduce overlay intentisy to 0 Not something they discussed, but if a lot of people complain about the new status effect UI they'll look into it 14.06.2024 Dev Stream 14.06.2024
UI - Missions Stats for Bosco in the mission end screen Probably won't happen, sorry 14.06.2024 Dev Stream 14.06.2024
Equipment More guns for Gunner No plans 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
Miscellaneous "Behind the scenes" videos Mark would like that, especially leading up to Rogue Core; read Aaron's Steam posts and stay tuned 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
Miscellaneous Grant those who have the game on PS a copy for PC No 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
Missions - Deep Scan Jukebox on the Drillevator No, that's too big of a business expense 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
Technical Ultra full wide support What, is our mom going to play Deep Rock Galactic? 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
Technical - Accessibility Setting to remove tinnitus for Mortar Rounds They forgot to take care of that before release, so - of course 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024
UI A way to revert the UI changes for status effects Not going to happen, sorry (but they promise we'll get used to it) 13.06.2024 Dev Stream 13.06.2024