Development Q&A/Archive Season 1

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Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Classes - 5th Class Pet/beastmaster class There are no plans for a new class 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Different voice actors for dwarves No, they like the way it works with the same voice and it makes it easier production-wise 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cosmetics like Warframe's ephemeras Not sure, sounds cool, but sounds hard on the frame rate too; besides, it might not fit DRG the way it fits Warframe 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Flare cosmetics Maybe, but not really 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Creatures More non-arachnid enemies, e.g. rats Maybe not as enemies, but as neutral critters? Possible 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Equipment - Crossbow Slo-mo radial wheel to choose arrow types It's pretty hard to slow down time for only one person in multiplayer 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades No, it leads to a bad choice between upgrading flares & guns, guns would win every time while flares are more important early on 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Features - Economy Sell excess Phazyonite at the Trade Terminal No, it's really difficult to add anything that sinks stockpiles from hundreds of hours; the season model is part of the solution to that 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Gameplay Change weapons mid-mission Probably not going to happen, missions don't last very long and you have to stick with your choice for the duration 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Gameplay More interactions with bots & machines They're aware the machines have personalities that can be played into, but no plans for now 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Bosco shooting flares Bosco can be a flare with the right upgrade 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Board game figurines sold separately Not sure if they are a separate item in the late pledge, maybe not; you can buy the STL files for 3D-printing them though 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Physical release for consoles No plans, but they don't have an answer; it depends on how big the market is for something like that 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve leveling up from killed bugs Steeve is already as powerful as they can allow; it's also just one perk, they can't improve it to the point where it's a must-have 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Progression More ways to get overclocks for new players Overclocks are not for new players; it's a matter of finding the right pace too, someone will be asking for more no matter the limit 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores Craft cosmetic cores from Phazyonite No, Phazyonite is a mineral to aid early player progression; matrix cores are a part of late gameplay loop 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores Exchange 3 matrix cores for 1 specific They don't want to give us full control over the overclock choice, but there's limited choice coming to the Forge with Season 2 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Space Rig Hub expansion It's something they'd like to do 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Technical Cross-progress between XBox and PC There is an unofficial fan tool that moves the savefile around to accomplish that (you can also do that manually) 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned, it's too big of a task for them 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
UI - Quick Message Radial voice line menu like in Overwatch No, they prefer the context-based system with the laser pointer 22.04.2022 Dev Stream 22.04.2022
Equipment More weapons They're not saying "no new weapons ever", but it's safe to bet it's going to be a long while before they're ready to add even more 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Gameplay Save cave configurations for replaying later Updates can change what the same seed can produce, and there are too many variables for enemy spawns to be the same 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Remove Beastmaster No 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Perks - Points Something to do with extra perk points It's intended that we have too many points, that way we don't have to hunt every milestone to max out all perks 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Progression Extra perk system for high-rank dwarves They don't really want to add more power to the dwarves 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay Connect Steam and XBox Sadly, not in the plans due to not really being possible 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay PlayStation/PC crossplay No news, no plans 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
UI - Keybinds Keybinds for weapon inspect animations Not planned 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
UI - Load-Outs More load-out presets No plans (at least not for season 2), but they'll keep an eye out for demand 21.04.2022 Dev Stream 21.04.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Passive banter lines like in Vermintide Would be cool, but no plans; It fits better in Vermintide because the classes there are actual characters with names & personalities 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Creatures More variety to neglected enemy types There is a want to do that, so - hopefully 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Creatures New regular enemies Some of them would like to make some 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Creatures - Bosses Dreadnought form that finished hatching Hopefully 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Creatures - Bosses More boss fights Would be cool, but it takes a lot of time and work to make a boss fight 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Drinks - Buff New mission beers Maybe 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Equipment New grenades or grenade overclocks Might be sweet to have at some future point; they'd rather do new grenades than overclocks 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Equipment New support tools No plans as of now 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Equipment Rework tier-5 upgrades for weapons Rebalancing is an on-going process, but it's not something that's going to happen exactly every update 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks for existing weapons Will be considered 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Gameplay - Hazard Level Higher difficulty content One of the reasons they're not seriously looking into it is that almost noone plays the currently most difficult content 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Miscellaneous Host community competitions for in-game content They're working on something, but not for in-game content 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Miscellaneous Selectable titles for global level No plans, but it's a cool idea 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Miscellaneous - Lore Geology/chemistry section in the Miner's Manual What would it have? "This is a rock". "This is a stone". 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Deep Dive that refreshes every 30 min & gives no OCs They don't want people to play only Deep Dives all the time, plus making it like any other mission devalues its uniqueness 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Mission types unique to Deep Dives No plans 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Caretaker mission in assignments No, it would mean that players might not be able to finish assignments until they unlock the Sabotage mission 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Missions - Mutators Mutator like less health but more Red Sugar There might've been some experiments in that direction, but no plans for now 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Perks - Points Use for excess perk points No, the excess is intentional so that you don't have to complete all milestones 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Progression - Assignments Assignments that are "Do X thing" instead of missions There are no plans to rework the assignment system like that 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Progression Special currency for high levels That's basically what season scrip is: a new currency to earn and spend on rewards 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Progression Unlockable content/cosmetics for levels 100+ Seasons will offer something to unlock for everyone, high level and low; adding level-gated stuff to the shop isn't a good solution 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Progression - Endgame More endgame content Deep Dives are the closest DRG has to endgame-ish content; there are no plans to add new systems like it as of now 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Soundtrack More soundtrack Maybe at some point, but it's a lot of work to make a whole volume 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans, it's something they probably won't be able to do 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Technical - Engine Transition to Unreal Engine 5 Unlikely, things break when you upgrade engines 08.04.2022 Dev Stream 08.04.2022
Biomes New biomes Not in Season 2, and Season 3 content isn't decided yet either 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Classes - 5th Class New classes No, they're pretty happy with the four they have; adding another one would be too much work 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Classes - Voice Lines More music and Mission Control voice lines Voice lines - yes, soundtrack - unlikely due to how much work has to go into it (but who knows? maybe) 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Cosmetics Skin pack to add a new race (e.g. kobolds) Not for playable classes, DRG in general will probably only have dwarves (and glyphids, and robots) 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Change flare colors Not likely, they're color-coded to each class to give information on who's been where in a cave 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Customizable tool colors They're considering it, it's a matter of prioritization 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Cosmetics - Machinery Bosco variations If we mean skins, then likely 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Creatures New enemies Yes 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Creatures - Variants Biome-specific glyphid variants They might do more of them if they find something interesting; "it's a glyphid but red" doesn't quite clear the bar anymore 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Creatures - Variants More Bulk Detonator versions It's been considered; the design part is harder than implementing, the variants have to do something the regular Bulk doesn't 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Drinks - Goofy More places for Wormhole Special to teleport to Not before the Space Rig has new places at all; the same effort could also go to making more beers instead 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Equipment Explosives for Scout Scout will never have good wave-clear, so even if there are, they won't do much for clearing waves 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Equipment More weapons after Season 2 Not for a while, if ever; adding one means adding one for each class 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Equipment New traversal tools Not in the plans, tools are pretty central to class identity 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Features - Economy Exchange beer hops like minerals No plans 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Gameplay - Disputes Option for only the host to call the Drop Pod They probably don't want to put one teammate above others in that sense; it could also lead to issues of its own 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Miscellaneous More things for the Steam Points shop Would be cool, no plans 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Missions - Escort Duty Doretta's head always beeping Might be an idea 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Perks More perks No plans now, but more in the future wouldn't be a big surprise 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Soundtrack More music Would be cool, but not planned due to the large scope 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Space Rig Rival space rig in the distance They've talked about it, but didn't do it for one reason or another (and would the rival corp even need one with their teleportation tech?) 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Technical - Assets DRG dwarf Vtuber persona It's a grey area, it highly depends on many things; if someone's making one, they should get in touch with GSG 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Technical - Engine Switch to Unreal Engine 5 Yes, if there's a very good reason to do so; not a reason like "there are shiny lights", but more like "the game doesn't work in UE4" 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Technical - Platform Steam Deck port They're not working on it, but hoping it would run on it (they also don't support Linux, DRG just happens to work on Proton) 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Technical - Water Physics Water No plans still; it's not just about the hardware, but also about network code and the whole gameplay design 07.04.2022 Dev Stream 07.04.2022
Biomes Bornholm biome Jacob would take offense at that (no idea which Jacob though) 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Biomes Other planets Probably not, Hoxxes IV is the richest planet; more biomes are likely though not planned 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pirate/space pirate cosmetics Not yet, but there have been a lot of hat ideas, it could be among them 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Flare skins and textures They're not adding those 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Equipment Items increasing support ability at the cost of power Not in the plans 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Gameplay Emotes If we're talking about missions, then no, we're generally supposed to focus more on the objective 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Gameplay Replace gold with Dystrum No 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Gameplay - Minerals A use for Error Cubes Maybe someday 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They'll keep adding little bits here and there, but concrete lore isn't something they do all that often 01.04.2022 Dev Stream 01.04.2022
Biomes New areas on the map At some point, probably (not on the surface though) 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Classes - Gender Lady dwarves It's on their wishlist, but it's a huge task that also needs to be done right; saying both genders look the same feels like a cop-out 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Beards for female dwarves Sure, that or a knitted option for everyone 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Drinks - On Missions Beer stuff on missions The gags belong in the Space Rig, but the missions are supposed to be less silly 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Equipment Armor options with mechanical effects No plans 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Equipment Buff Driller grenades Driller will get to choose between three different-looking axes, but they're all the same 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Equipment Healing weapon Probably not, the health system works fine as it is 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Equipment - Melee Dedicated melee weapon Most likely not 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for support tools and armor Not planned, especially not for support tools, they want to preserve the class dynamic of how people expect classes to work 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Features Turn DRG into a Pokemon game with Steeve No plans, but only because the question was in Danish 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement option for one class at Legendary III Play the damn classes 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Perks More perks Maybe in the future, but nothing planned; the pile of unused perk points is intentional so that you don't have to do all milestones 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Progression Unlockable voice lines If you set them as a reward, players will want to play them over and over, and nothing kills a joke faster than repetition 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Space Rig Space Rig decoration No plans, but it would be neat 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Technical - Crossplay Console crossplay No plans 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Technical - Platform Apple/Mac support No plans (not for Linux either, but it seems to work under Proton) 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Technical - Platform Samsung Smart Fridge port No plans, but we are encouraged to send them some free smart fridges for development purposes 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Technical - Water Physics Water aspect Probably never (they do have rain the caves though, it made someone really angry) 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
UI Change season UI to prevent skipping to claim scrip It's not supposed to let us scroll the rewards before claiming all of them; if we can, it's a bug 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
UI Display missing overclocks There's a website that can do that if you feed it your savefile, 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
UI Mark cosmetics as favorite They'll probably have to add some sorting options in the future 31.03.2022 Dev Stream 31.03.2022
Biomes - Cavegen More cave shapes Most likely 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Biomes New map locations or a new world to explore Not planned; more biomes are possible 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Classes Subclasses The weapon variety is supposed to act as that 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Classes - 5th Class Another class Nope 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics Saddle for Steeve and a jetpack for science Mark likes that line of thinking 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Armor painjobs accessible early in the game The reason there aren't any is because paintjobs as a thing were added relatively late; keep an eye out for cargo crates 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Dr. Who character costume That's a very specific request 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Golden blonde hair color Possible 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves More non-DLC armors Who knows? If they are added, it's unlikely to be put in a DLC pack 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves RGB hair The art director doesn't want hair colors to be too crazy 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for tools No plans yet; they want to do it, but the question is whether they're ready to do it instead of other content 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Creatures - Bosses New Dreadnoughts The latest Dreadnought variants aren't that old; more would be cool 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Equipment Alternative utility tools (e.g. drone instead of turret) No plans, the tools define class identity, they want them to stay consistent 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Equipment Level up weapons by using them They're pretty happy with the system they have when you unlock stuff by buying mods for weapons 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Equipment New grenades No immediate plans, but maybe someday 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Equipment Quality pass over the old weapon models No plans, maybe at some point? 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features Community map editor Wouldn't make much sense since all maps are randomly-generated 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features Make DRG a top-down RTS No plans 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features - Competitive PvP mode with bugs against dwarves That's essentially an "absolutely not", it's too fundamental a change at this point in development 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features - Miners' Union Unions for console The main issue that Discord doesn't exist on Xbox or PS in the capacity needed for the Unions to finction 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features - Miners' Union Unions independent from Discord for all game versions While not ideal, it is intended to be an experimental Discord community feature; untying it requires writing a back-end for it 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Would be cool, but it's a lot of work, and they have to figure out how to do it so that it's not exclusive to Twitch 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Gameplay Autosprint No 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Gameplay Drop fake minerals to lure teammates under leeches Might as well create a way to drop actual minerals, they don't have to be fake 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Play with 3 Boscos Don't think so; if you want to do nothing in DRG, you can watch someone else play 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Gameplay - Call-Downs More uses for Nitra or a new spendable mineral Nitra's staying as is; they'd like to avoid scenarios where a PUG can spend its last Nitra on something and it's not ammo 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Gameplay - Call-Downs Re-add spotlight call-ins No, they were removed for a reason 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Events 5NaF Mission Control dream sequence for Halloween Do we just watch security footage of four dwarves being very drunk? 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Miscellaneous DRG convention in a cave Sounds amazing 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Missions 5-player Dungeon Master mode No plans 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Missions A mission solely about killing a boss monster Industrial Sabotage is pretty much that 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Missions Doretta & Refinery in more mission types They're kind of central to their respective mission types; maybe not with them exactly, but something similar is not improbable 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Missions Wave-based endless survival mode Addressed that during the anniversary Q&A 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Terminal to replay old Deep Dives without rewards Wouldn't really work, updates can change what a level seed generates, so even saving the seed wouldn't guarantee the same cave 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Perks Rework the perk system They might tweak some of them or add some more, but no plans for overhauls so far 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Space Rig Statue of the Discord EotM in the Memorial Hall Fun idea, but the audience for it is so small (basically 12 people per year) that it doesn't justify the hours needed to make it happen 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Technical Game branch with old beta designs They don't think they want to revisit those, just watch DRG Historian's videos if you want to look at old stuff 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Technical Host migration No plans 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Technical More intuitive matchmaking Yeah, the Deep Dive setup is a little rigid in the sense that it's easier to find matches on the day the Dives refresh 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
UI - Load-Outs Load-outs for cosmetics Would be a nice addition 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
UI - Missions Class-specific HUDs Showing unmined minerals might go against the whole exploration angle (maybe a flare timer that screams at Scout at 30+ sec) 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
UI - Missions Kill stats at the end of a mission The game does track kills in the Miner's Manual, but they don't want to display those at the mission end screen 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
UI - Missions UI for Scout to predict fall damage That would encourage Scouts to take more fall damage in cases they know it's non-lethal, which might not be desirable behavior 25.03.2022 Dev Stream 25.03.2022
Biomes - Water Water level Sounds wet 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Classes - 5th Class 5th character They're not going to make a 5th character 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Skin customizations for gadgets No plans right now, but it's something some of them want to do 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Creatures New monsters and biomes Most likely 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Creatures - Bosses Lloyd boss fight What would he even do? Shoot beer? 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Creatures - Variants Grunt resistance tweaks for all biomes It was probably considered at some point 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Drinks More beers Hopefully 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Drinks New beers It needs to be prioritized over other content to get done; hopefully, but no solid plans 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Equipment - Melee Melee DRG is not going to take the melee route, it's a game with combat largely centered around getting away from enemies 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Rework overclocks for BRT-7 There could be a balance pass in the future, but no plans to review BRT's overclocks now 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Traversal tool overclocks No plans 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Features - Streaming Prime gaming items and Twitch drops They want to have something along those lines, but not if it's exclusive to one streaming platform 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch integration They had Mixer integration before Mixer died, and then someone made a Twitch mod that was better than what GSG would've done 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Pet Bosco Johan suggested it once and got a "Keep Hands Out Of Machinery" warning sign as a response 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs D&DRG Don't know, could be cool 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs DRG x Barotrauma What would that even look like? 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs DRG x Satisfactory There might or might not perhaps be some sort of something or other 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Franchise TV show set in DRG They won't, but if a studio that actually has the skills to produce a show approached them, there could be a conversation 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Art book Would be cool 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Industrial Sabotage in assignments They haven't heard anything about it 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Tame more kinds of bugs and Macteras No 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Space Rig Vending machines with snacks on the Space Rig Dwarves don't need more calories, they're only going to grow outwards, not upwards 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Space Rig - Activities Select dance moves for the dance floor Depends on whether they want to do it or not, the technical implementation isn't the hardest part about this idea 24.03.2022 Dev Stream 24.03.2022
Drinks - On Missions Drink beers during missions No, they'd rather keep the goofy stuff in the Space Rig 18.03.2022 Dev Stream 18.03.2022
Features - Modding Integrate essential QoL mods into the base game What's "essential"? If they were truly essential, they probably would've already added them 18.03.2022 Dev Stream 18.03.2022
Missions More buildings like pipes Maybe, could be fun 18.03.2022 Dev Stream 18.03.2022
Perks Perk rework Humor is subjective; there are players who take It's A Bug Thing unironically 18.03.2022 Dev Stream 18.03.2022
Features - Competitive PvP mode Not going to be in the game (but Driller already is) 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
Gameplay Iron sights on right-click The story goes that some of the designers just plain don't like iron sights, so they're not in the game 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
Technical Dedicated servers It's not something they feel warrants spending so much development time on 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
Technical Host migration It was considered at some point but not tried for one reason or another 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
UI A button to rejoin in case of a lost connection The game already prompts the player to rejoin - if it detects they had a connection drop 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
UI Ping in the LFG menu In a peer-to-peer game every player is a "server", it's not realistic to have every machine ping every other machine for a number 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
UI - Class Icons Class portraits changing with cosmetics Not impossible, but they prefer to keep them static to make the classes more identifiable at a glance 17.03.2022 Dev Stream 17.03.2022
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans, it'll be four for the forseeable future, and it becomes less and less likely the longer they go 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Cosmetics - Victory Moves Change the mug in the beer victory move Maybe they can convince someone on the art team; not at the top of the to-do list though 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Equipment New traversal tools No plans 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs DRG DLC for Smash Bros. Doubtful that it'll happen very soon 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Beer mugs from the game as merch The mugs in the game aren't made for real human hands and would require custom molds too, not easy to do 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Deep Dives more than once a week They don't want Deep Dives to be something you have to play several times a week to have optimal gains 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Missions - Escort Duty Oxygen tank on Doretta's head Would be nice 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
UI - Crosshair Customizable crosshairs No plans, it's tricky with their crosshairs being dynamic; the ability to replace it with a JPG would be cool though 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
UI - Missions Expand HUD-less gameplay Probably not; how would the game show the objective without HUD? Bosco pestering you like the fairy in Legend of Zelda? 11.03.2022 Dev Stream 11.03.2022
Biomes - Cavegen Higher cave complexity Complexity can affect mission time a lot due to getting lost, and they don't want missions to take too long; three is a good limit 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Bring back Stone & Rock clips Probably not going to happen, they'd rather add new lines 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Cosmetics More cosmetic cores Yes 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Customizable hats Very unlikely 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pirate hat One day we might see a special triangulation hat for Salvage Operation only that brings extra triangles to it 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins/recolors for basic tools Hopefully 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Creatures Elite enemies outside of their warning They tried that and it didn't work out; maybe if they decide to do more with it - but then they might as well design new enemies 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Creatures Wall/floor leech They had some old prototypes 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Creatures - Bosses New dreadnoughts Sounds awesome; whether or not they'll do it is another question 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Creatures - Neutral Lootbugs with cowboy hats Hopefully, but the technology for that might not exist yet 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Drinks - On Missions Cosmetic effects visible during missions If they're not disruptive? Don't know 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment A way of customizing weapons beyond mods & OCs No, don't think so, balancing is hard as is; if they decided a weapon needed more upgrade options, they could make more OCs 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment Alternatives for utility tools No, players must be able to expect what each class can bring without it creating friction around someone's tool choice 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment Big wave-clear weapons for Scout No, they don't want to put that on Scout 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment New grenades Possible 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Flare overclocks No, sorry 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Equipment - Shard Diffractor Customizable beam color for the Diffractor No plans, not until Samuel L. Jackson plays this game 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Features - Competitive PvP mode Never (maybe like soccer in the Space Rig, but Anders wants us to drink one million Leaf Lover's Specials first) 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Features - Economy Lazy Leaf Lover NFTs If there were any, there'd be just one and it'd make you drink Leaf Lover's 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Features - Economy Simulated mineral stock market Probably not; the "deal of the day" idea is probably the furthest they'll go in that direction 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Features - Team Size 5-man lobbies No, not on purpose 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Gameplay Setting to remove random Rival events from missions Let them know if there are design issues with them, but otherwise - no, they can't do that, just ignore the events 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Event Currently no 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Beer mug designs as merch They don't think so, but it would be cool; the ingame mugs aren't very mouth-friendly though 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Sabotage in assigments No, it's a bit too long for weekly assignments, plus you have to unlock it first 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Progression Cosmetics for unlocking achievements No 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Progression - Promotions Reset & badge for 4 dwarves at Legendary III No plans; that's asking for a lot of play time, plus they'd sooner add more ranks that a rank reset 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Progression - Seasons Indicators for players who completed the pass No, that goes a bit against the idea of not forcing players to finish the track 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Soundtrack Physical or streamed versions of OST Mikkel & Soren addressed that during the anniversary Q&A, go watch that 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range Highly unlikely 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range in the Space Rig Probably not 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Technical Cross-save Not a hard "no", but it's complicated enough that there haven't been any plans for cross-save so far 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Technical Further optimization for the game It's something they keep doing along the way, not like "now we're doing content", "now we're doing optimization" 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Technical - VR VR mod No plans for a VR mode, it's a lot of work; they've added a component that enables modders to make a mode like that 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
UI Add ping for the server browser No plans; not sure it's even feasible with the peer-to-peer structure 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
UI Filter who can join your lobby They don't particularly like the idea of filters like that; maybe informing new players treading out of their depth would work better 10.03.2022 Dev Stream 10.03.2022
Cosmetics New Lost Pack cosmetics The plan it to put some of the Season 1 stuff that you missed into it 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Cosmetics - Machinery Molly cosmetics They talked about it; if only the host can set it, it might not be super interesting, and if everyone sees their own, does it really matter? 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Creatures - Bosses New Dreadnought fight No plans 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Equipment 4th grenades Not in season 2, if ever (possible though) 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Equipment Throwable one-use turret for Engi He has turrets already, why have them again as throwables? 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Equipment - Satchel Charge Ammo counter for C4 and shields Sounds nice, will probably happen some day 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch integration They had one with Mixer until that went down, and now there's a cool mod 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs Hollow Knight crossover with DRG We have Hollomite in the game 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Missions New mission types Not in the immediate future 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Missions Tower defense-like mission Not sure how that would work; although puzzles and random generation don't mesh very well 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Increase Sabotage rewards Don't think so 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Progression - Promotions New prestige ranks No plans 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Space Rig Sandwich bar Would be cool, but it's not something we should expect, no plans 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range Indefinitely on-hold; it's a cool idea, but they think their time would be better spent adding other content than a shooting range 03.03.2022 Dev Stream 03.03.2022
Biomes - Cavegen Expand cave generation Maybe, although making hand-crafted pieces for the generator to combine is time-consuming 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Biomes New playable region/planet New biomes are possible; hypothetically they could work differently from other biomes, akin to Sabotage being a special mission 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Different voice actor for each dwarf No; it was a cost-saving measure at first, but later they grew fond of the concept of the dwarves being homogenous like that 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines for pinging in-game objects They add new voice lines as they add new content that requires them 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Cosmetics Unique rewards unattainable after season 1 They're not huge fans of missable cosmetics (with the exception of anniversary hats) 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for non-weapon equipment They've talked about wanting to do it, but it's not happening in season 2, if at all 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Creatures Crassus dropping compressed gold to save time It's supposed to take time to mine out a Crassus crater; you can use mods if you want a different experience 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Drinks New beers No plans for new beers currently 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Equipment - Grappling Hook Ammo for the grappling hook Scout's tool is designed around being ammo-less, if they'd wanted to limit that they'd have done so 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Equipment - Grappling Hook Make grappling hook move objects to the player Do you really need collecting aquarqs to be easier? It's a good thing that dwarves depend on each other 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for non-weapon equipment Not likely, support tools need to act in a predictable fashion 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for support/traversal tools This could lead to hosts kicking players for not using their preferred overclock, e.g. the drills always have to drill 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Features - Modding Mod loader for consoles While there is a chance, it is currently undecided 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Features - Modding Mod support for PS Not ruled out, but not in the works either; consoles also have a lot more rules around user-generated content than Steam 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Would be cool; first, they need to figure out a way for it not to be completely exclusive to Twitch viewers 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Features - Team Size 5 or 6 player modes No plans (who has that many friends anyway?) 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay Input seed to replay specific missions Highly doubtful they'll add that for players, they don't even have that tool for themselves outside of the editor 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - Call-Downs Resupply animations Would be cool, but tricky to make look good 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - Hazard Level Higher difficulties for long-term players No plans; stat tweaks aren't going to work beyond hazard 5, and mods that add challenge do that job well enough 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Molly dropping oxygen canisters during extraction No 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Molly releasing swarmers as an April's Fools gag That's a lot of work for a gag; also, they keep forgetting April is a month that happens 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events More Machine Events Could happen, but not in the plans now; they'll look into it if they feel there isn't enough variation in Machine Events 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Increase the value of gold Don't think that's going to happen 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Gameplay - Objectives Make Hollomite take 3 hits to break Sounds exhausting; there's no apparent reason to do that 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Digital art book Would be cool, but their production philosophy has been to move to modelling ASAP, there aren't many sketches to show 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Real-life brewery with flavors from the game None of them are all that skilled at brewing beer 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Perks Drop kick active perk Sounds awesome; you use it and then you go down, and it's powered by Iron Will so you have to equip both of them 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Progression - Endgame Adjust the overclock system for more choice There's something on the drawing board but they aren't ready to share it just yet 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Progression - Endgame Guaranteed overclock each week No; matrix cores are content for dedicated long-term players; they're doing something to help the grind, but no more info for now 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Progression - Promotions Rewards for achieving max rank No plans, prestige is the reward for highly-promoted characters (and, up to rank 100, cosmetics too) 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Progression - Seasons Seasonal challenges for weapon kills Sounds cool, but they probably don't want to focus on kills to that degree; using specific weapons might limit the gameplay too much 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Soundtrack OST on streaming services There are pros and cons to it; they're looking into it 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Soundtrack Soundtrack vol. 3 They're not against it and have talked about it, but nobody's working on it right now 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Space Rig Major expansion to the Space Rig They feel it is working very well from a gameplay perspective currently, but they could easily see updates to it 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Space Rig Sandwiches at the Abyss bar Would be cool if you could bring lunch on a mission - would cost you some ammo space, though 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Space Rig - Activities Expanded social aspects of the Space Rig It'll expand as time goes on; it used to be that they worked on it when they had time, and they have less of it now 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical Couch co-op/split-screen No; it's usually something you have to build into the game from the ground up 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform No plans; it mostly has to do with the way they produce the game, ultimately it'd mean slower updates and longer reaction time 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform gameplay It's not as simple as people would like to believe, it's pretty resource-intensive 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Linking accounts between consoles and PCs Unlikely, unless you're in the MS ecosystem, a feature like this isn't something you just do 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical - Platform Linux compatibility They're leaving it up for Proton to deal with that 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Technical - Rendering Settings for low-end machines They're keeping an eye on ways to improve performance here and there, but they mostly rely on UE's settings to handle that 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
UI Access to chat log on PS without a keyboard Sounds like a good idea 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
UI Mod load-outs that works like weapon load-outs There might be something it the works, and this something might not be working properly right now... maybe 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
UI - Missions Add damage numbers mod into the base game Damage numbers were considered early on but ultimately rejected, they don't really fit the game that DRG is 25.02.2022 Dev Stream 25.02.2022
Creatures New enemy types Nothing planned now, but the season model implies things like that are possible 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Creatures Spitballer chasing players on long spindly legs Not even the worst suggestion they've ever heard 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Creatures - Bosses Acid Spitter queen The concept of this enemy turned into the Menace that we have today 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Creatures - Neutral Elite lootbug Jacob wants to ride one (it's not up to him though) 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Drinks - Buff Rework Dark Morkite to be less situational It does its job; sometimes you don't get a useful beer and that's okay 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Equipment More stuff for the support tools They want people to have a clear idea of what the team gets when a Driller joins it, so no 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Equipment - Platform Gun Different platform shapes Probably not 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Gameplay Proper model for the disconnect container The existing model is the proper model 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Swap Bosco rocket for Scout flares They've been meaning to talk about more variety for Bosco - doesn't mean anything will change though 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Miscellaneous - Events St. Patrick's Day event Not sure; they did an Oktoberfest event once though 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Soundtrack DRG OST on Spotify They talked about it, not sure what the conclusion was; it's possible 24.02.2022 Dev Stream 24.02.2022
Classes - 5th Class New classes Most likely no; it's a huge task at this point, they'd rather expand on the classes they have; 4 players and 4 classes make sense 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Dwarf armor as a season reward Not sure, maybe? 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Customize colors on paintjobs (e.g. Rival Tech) With glowing elements there is a technical limitation on the color range, but they'll probably do more paintjobs in general 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Twin drill appearance conforming to paintjob Would be cool, but it's something they'd have to prioritize over other content to make it 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Creatures Change the Brood Nexus to be like in the board game They'd love that, the Brood Nexus has the oldest model in the game at this point 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Creatures Ebonite Cave Leech That sounds horrible 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Creatures - Bosses Dreadnought-class Mactera It sounds cool, hopefully some day 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Equipment - Lok-1 More ammo for the Lok-1 Still not convinced it's an ammo issue; don't try to always shoot everything on the screen 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Equipment - Satchel Charge Bigger radius for C4 Why should they? 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Features - Miners' Union Miners' Unions on PlayStation Unlikely, it's an experimental Discord integration feature; linking PSN accounts doesn't give access to the necessary data 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch integration There's a mod for that and it works better than how they'd have done it, so they aren't going to add it natively 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Trade Bosco revives for Scout flares No, but they've had some discussion about Bosco upgrade pick rates 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events Expand on the Kursite stuff Maybe 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Perks More perks Possibly; not in season 2 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Soundtrack More soundtrack No plans for now 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Soundtrack OST on Spotify & Apple Music They're looking into it, no guarantees 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Space Rig Forge cutscene skip No, it's complicated for some reason 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No crossplay planned 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between XBox and Steam Currently not planned 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
UI Quick play Might be technically possible, not sure if it's something they want to make 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
UI - Missions Alien-like proximity radar Unlike the radar in Alien, a proximity radar in DRG would just be constantly beeping, you'd have to turn it off for a wave 17.02.2022 Dev Stream 17.02.2022
Biomes More continents New biomes are not out of the question, but it's a big undertaking 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Classes - Gender Beards for female dwarves It's something they really want to do, but it needs to be done correctly while not becoming an insurmountable technical task 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Mission Control with Jamaican accent Can they do it? Yes. Should they do it? Maybe not. 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Cosmetics Ways to obtain limited-time cosmetics Holiday hats are recurring, anniversary hats are only for those who were there (until they change their mind) 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Adding community-made cosmetics Probably not due to copyright laws, plus they want to retain creative control over which cosmetics are in; use mods for that 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Creatures - Humanoid AI rival team of dwarves Not with how cave generation works; spiders? sure; weird aliens? they got you; enemies that act like humans? problematic 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Equipment New weapons each season Aside from season 2, if they ever decide to add even more weapons, it won't be anytime soon 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Features - Economy NFTs No 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Features - Team Size Increase team size No plans; four players and four classes, it's a good number 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned at the moment 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Technical - Platform Xbox Series X upgrade They'd like to do it, but with how Xbox works it'd be another separate version to maintain and do QA for; they hear us though 11.02.2022 Dev Stream 11.02.2022
Classes Inter-class abilities Sounds cool but probably not going to happen, the flare gun isn't supposed to be a weapon 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Customize tool appearance Would be cool, but it's a matter of prioritization 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Creatures - Bosses Acid Spitter queen That's the Menace actually 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Creatures - Bosses Rare randomly-spawning lootbug queen boss Sounds like a lot of work for not a lot of pay-off (Johan thinks it's cool) 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Drinks - On Missions Beers during missions No, the fun beer effects are intended for the Space Rig 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Equipment More grenades More likely than grenade upgrades in any case 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Equipment Weapon rebalance Not until they release the new weapons and collect enough data for them 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Equipment - Boomstick Move Special Powder from OC to upgrade No plans, it's not intended to be a regular upgrade 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Equipment - Sentry Turret Perks for the sentry gun Probably not, too specific 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch subscription Not sure, they have to watch out for how many ads that entails; emotes would be cool, but then they can't stream to YouTube 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Gameplay Input seeds to generate specific missions Highly doubtful 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Gold mineable in one hit There have been arguments about that, but the decision is "no" 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Miscellaneous Dedicated Q&A on Reddit/Twitter Might happen around the anniversary, not sure; these things take a lot of attention 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Perks Class-specific perks No, not likely 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Perks New perks Not in season 2, but there has been some brainstorming 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Perks Perk buffs and more perk slots No more perk slots; buffs/rebalances not plannet, but never say never 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Space Rig - Activities More games in the Space Rig Would be cool 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Technical Better aim assist options for the controller It's on their to-do list, although there are more pressing issues for consoles right now 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Technical - Engine Unreal Engine 5 upgrade Not anytime soon and maybe not at all 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Technical - Platform Next-gen upgrade for consoles Possible for PS; would make sense for XBox at some point, but it's more difficult, not on the drawing board right now 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Technical - VR DRG VR Not planned, but they've enabled a plug-in so that modders could do it 10.02.2022 Dev Stream 10.02.2022
Biomes - Surface Caves that push towards the surface But then it wouldn't be Deep Rock Galactic, would it? 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Cosmetics More cosmetic slots Not planned, but maybe some hats would be better as beards, that sort of thing 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Industrial Facemask for beard slot Definitely not against the change, but they need to see how to do it better 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for the repair hammer Probably not important enough to get done (there are mods for that) 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Utility tool skins Could happen at some point, but that time is being spent of skins for new weapons instead (weapons get more "air time" anyway) 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Cosmetics - Machinery Cake cosmetic for Molly Why? 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Creatures New enemy factions No plans 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Equipment Improve flashlight It's supposed to be weak, your main sources of light are supposed to be flares, environment and Scout 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Equipment Mods for grenades They'd rather make more types of grenades, gives more creative freedom and makes balancing easier 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Equipment New things for the utility slot Very unlikely, utilities define classes as much as, if not more than the weapons, they'd like to keep the classes' identities 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Equipment - Crossbow Retrieve bolts from dwarves No, because then you'll keep "accidentally" shooting them 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Features - Competitive More promotions and scoreboards They made the dancing time leaderboard to see if players would cheat it (they did); more promotions are possible, but not planned 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Features - Competitive PvP elements No plans 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Features - Streaming Mixer controls for Twitch Unlikely to happen, the Twitch integration mod is probably just the better alternative at this point 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch drops It's a cool idea, the tricky part is implementing it in a way that's accessible by all viewers 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Gameplay Sandwiches When the refrigerator opens, probably 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Digital art book There is some desire but no plans as of yet 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Industrial Sabotage in assignments & Deep Dives They don't know yet, they'll see how much of it can be repurposed and in which way 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Perks More perks There are certainly more milestones entering the game, so they'll have to look into it; not in season 2 though 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Perks Perk to deal and take more friendly fire That sounds terrible, they love it 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Perks - Beastmaster More names for Steeve Steeve is Steeve 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Soundtrack More music Would be cool, but not in the plans 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No plans, it's been put on hold - there's a super cool mod by Banagement, though (still a WIP) 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Technical Access PS saves from a computer Not sure, that might be against Sony's Terms of Service for PlayStation 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Technical Mute the game when it's not in focus Seems like a reasonable request 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between consoles and PC Most likely not 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Technical - Engine DRG in UE5 Possible one day, but no plans; you can't just switch engine and expect it to work 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
UI Lobby filter to set a minimum rank for joiners No plans 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
UI Ready check system Could be a "yes/no" pop-up, but no voting 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
UI - Crosshair Crosshair customization No plans 27.01.2022 Dev Stream 27.01.2022
Classes - 5th Class More classes No plans to add more classes, they'd sooner add stuff to the classes they have 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's something they'd like to do at some point, but first they'll have to figure out how to do it right 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fish cosmetics Fish ears maybe 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pride cosmetics Probably not, but there are mods (hey, they used one of those during Pride Month and only got one angry tweet about politics) 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Flame decal paintjob Possible 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they competed with guns upgrades, and players who didn't pick flare upgrades had a bad time 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Equipment - Melee Primary melee weapon No, they're not going to add any more melee to the game; it's a shooting game 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Traversal tool overclocks Not going to happen, overclocks change how equipment works, and traversal tools have to be predicatble to benefit the team 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Utility tool overclocks Same as traversal tools; overclocks are probably only going to pertain to weapons 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Equipment - Pickaxe Turning the pickaxe into a sword Definitely no plans for that 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch integration There's a mod for that, it does its job, they're not planning on implementing it natively 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events More modules for the O.M.E.N. They might be more interested in making new Machine Events, but adding modules shouldn't be super difficult 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Progression - Promotions More rewards for promoting No plans, promotions are mostly for your sense of accomplishment 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Progression - Promotions Tweak/change the promotion system No plans, what would you like changed? 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Space Rig Expand Space Rig It's possible 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Space Rig NPCs No plans besides Lloyd 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Gun range There's a mod in the works that does what people want, but they have no plans of adding a gun range natively (not anymore) 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Technical Cross-progress Would be nice, but would probably require a dedicated server that isn't there right now; probably doable between PlayStations 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Technical - Accessibility Arachnophobia mode Not planned 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind mode The art director has been looking at options to do it, so - hopefully yes, but no promises 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Technical - Platform Xbox Series X update Not planned; would be nice, but it's also one more version to maintain 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Technical - Rendering RTX support No plans, their materials might not even be designed to benefit from RTX; no idea how DRG will run on the Steam Deck 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
UI Ore/resource compendium Would be cool to add into the Miner's Manual 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
UI - Quick Message Emote wheel There are different opinions on that, but it's probably not going to be added, the ping is supposed to work in context 21.01.2022 Dev Stream 21.01.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Fish skin for all guns and a fish beard Jacob.exe has stopped responding 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Creatures Update enemies' designs It wouldn't make sense for all of the enemies to change looks all of a sudden, this is what you're getting 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Creatures - Mini-Bosses Take Bet-C into the drop pod or pet her Retrieval of Bet-C should be done by someone equipped for that, we just get rid of the charge-sucker 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Equipment - Lok-1 Improve Lok-1 ammo economy You have to approach and use it differently; it's not a foregone conclusion that the gun lacks ammo 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Equipment - Sentry Turret New turret/machine for the Engineer No plans; not impossible though 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Gameplay - Bosco Duo mode with two Bosco drones Hasn't been considered, Bosco was always meant just for solo play 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events Do more with the Kursite infection It's possible, but no plans currently 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events More Machine Events Would be cool 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned; not saying it's not going to happen, but they're not working on it at the moment, it's too much 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
UI - Quick Message Communication wheel Probably not going to happen 20.01.2022 Dev Stream 20.01.2022
Biomes - Water Water mechanics It was briefly considered, but it creates a whole lot of design problems with enemies and destructible terrain 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Saiki K's glasses Maybe they'll license them 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Shiny/glowing beards Might be a bit too crazy? There could probably be beards with shiny bits in them 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Creatures Active camo for enemies No plans, but it's a cool possibility 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Creatures - Mini-Bosses More hard unique enemies Elites are going to stay confined to their own warning; more stuff like Korlok, Bet-C would be cool 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Drinks More beers It's a prioritization issue more than anything, there's content to be made that's more engaging 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Gameplay Change class mid-mission No, you have to commit to a class if you start a mission; plus, balancing the depleted ammo sounds like a nightmare 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Gameplay Petting teammates Not sure the Internet can handle dwarves petting other dwarves 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC Non-cosmetic DLC They don't really want to split the playerbase by locking content behind DLCs 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG anime If Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher can get an anime, why can't DRG get one? 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Figurines or mugs as merch It's possible - no plans, though; even if that happens, the mugs won't look like in-game mugs 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Missions More XP for bigger enemies No, missions are supposed to be about the objectives, they don't want to incentivize people to go for more kills 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Perks More perks Maybe 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Soundtrack Expand soundtrack Not a "no", but a full hour of new OST is a lot of work, don't expect it in any near future 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Soundtrack OST on Spotify Not being worked on right now, but would be nice 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Space Rig Additions to the hub zone Maybe, it's not out of the question 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Technical Save progress to continue a mission later There would first have to be a system for saving the randomly-generated cave, not sure if this is a part of the vision for DRG 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Currently not planned due to complexity 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Don't think so, there are many caveats for their workflow on top of just being an huge technical challenge 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
UI - Class Icons Customizable class portraits No - for readability reasons, it's very easy to make a dwarf look like another class or no class in particular 13.01.2022 Dev Stream 13.01.2022
Missions - Mutators Drunk modifier to missions No, it has a good chance of not actually being fun, and it induces motion sickness in some players 07.01.2022 Dev Stream 07.01.2022
Soundtrack OST on Spotify Maybe, it's possible 07.01.2022 Dev Stream 07.01.2022
Technical 360 degrees FOV Not anytime soon 07.01.2022 Dev Stream 07.01.2022
Technical Cross-save between Steam and PS Not something we should be waiting for, that would require a dedicated account system for DRG that doesn't exist yet 07.01.2022 Dev Stream 07.01.2022
UI Blacklist victory moves Would be cool 07.01.2022 Dev Stream 07.01.2022
Classes - 5th Class More playable characters No plans 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves More lizard/dragon-themed armor Don't see why not 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Creatures More enemy types Most likely 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Features - Competitive PvP arena It's not something they want to add to the game 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Features - Modding Expand modding options They didn't put any arbitrary limitations on modding; if something can't be done with mods, it's probably due to technical limitations 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Gameplay Ability to pet your friends They don't think they want to go there 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Gameplay Double jump It used to be in the game for all of several days before they realized it changed everything about traversal and pulled it back 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Missions Gold mining mission as a seasonal event The reason people don't mine gold might be that they think they already have enough credits 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Missions - Escort Duty Fix MC announcing waves on Escort Duty They're aware of it 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Perks More passive/active abilities Not against the idea, but not in the works right now 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Progression - Endgame More stuff for Lost Packs Something will be added; will it be the unclaimed season 1 cosmetics? Maybe, they don't know yet 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores Rework the core drop system They're aware that adding more things makes hunting for OCs more difficult; there have been internal conversations about it 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Space Rig Elf NPCs to point at and laugh No elves 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range Would be nice, but not something they're working on; the WIP mod looks cool 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans; they'd have to write their own connector for all of the platforms' back-ends; it'd affect cave generation and release dates too 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned, sadly 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between PS and Steam Not something they're planning to implement 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Technical - Platform Mac OS support No Mac OS support 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Technical - Rendering Volumetric fog/light Unsure how much it would add to the game; sounds expensive in terms of performance 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
UI - Missions Chat messages when players push buttons Sounds like it could potentially be a lot of messages, they'd rather not flood the chat like that 06.01.2022 Dev Stream 06.01.2022
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG sequel They're not working on any other projects currently 17.12.2021 Dev Stream 17.12.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Stop players from being on top of the Caretaker No plans 17.12.2021 Dev Stream 17.12.2021
Biomes - Appearance Update to the old biomes Would be nice, but not working on it right now; it's something they do when they can 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Creatures Macteras coming out of a nest It's not that easy to make everything make sense in a procedurally-generated enviironment 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Creatures - Bosses A new boss or a new robot to save There could be, who knows? 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Creatures - Variants Magma Core praetorian No plans to add any variations right now 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Drinks More beers Probably 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - EPC Remove mineral scatter from EPC mining Not going to happen, one class isn't supposed to be that good at a mining task (or any task) 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades and new perks They used to have flare upgrades, but they didn't work to make the game better, so they were rolled into the base flare 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Give Lok-1 more mod variety If some things are overwhelmingly preferred, there will be balance changes 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Ammo count for the revolver matching the overclock Not impossible, but a ton of work 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for utility equipment It's come up a few times, they want utility items to have consistent expectations as to how they behave 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Gameplay Red Sugar addiction mechanic While thematically appopriate, punishing some people for needing more health than others sounds horrible 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG dating spin-off That's something you'll have to take on yourself (Jacob would back that on Kickstarter) 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Missions - Mutators More mutators There are plans, you'll have to wait and see 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Progression - Endgame More control of which overclock is dropped Not immediately, but entirely possible; as more overclocks are released, there will have to be a way to skew the odds 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Progression - Matrix Cores Make Machine Events give blank cores MEs still give you an XP boost so they're still worthwhile even without blank cores; they'll have to talk about it though 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Soundtrack New OST No plans at the moment 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. 3 No plans currently 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Space Rig - Activities More dances to the jukebox Yeah, maybe 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Advanced controller settings for console Not planned as such, but they've made some improvements there, so maybe in the future? 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Split-screen for PS5/XBox Unlikely, being able to render several parts at the same time is usually something games have to be designed for from the ground up 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Sync progress between Steam and PSN Currently not planned 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-compatibility No plans currently; it's not as simple as it sounds, plus there are version differences and implications for their pipeline 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS No plans, last time they looked at it, the conclusion was that it wouldn't bring much to the game 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
UI "Mark all as seen" button That would be nice to have 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Biomes New biomes Maybe at some point 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Creatures Randomized enemy size They used to have that, but it proved too troublesome to sync between host and client, too much traffic to send 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Buff Nitroglycerine Rounds Not in season 1, and it's not going back to its initial release state, it was adjusted for a reason 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Equipment - Zipline Launcher Give players on ziplines more speed You still have to be vulnerable while riding it, can't let the player get out of a sticky situation too fast 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives/events like Hack-C New events will likely come with new seasons, but no plans for more secondaries as of now 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More clues as to what happened to Karl Maybe; Jacob wants to know too 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Missions Infested Space Rig mission Aside from messing with the lore, that would more or less remove terrain management, which is a big part of the gameplay 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Missions - Salvage Operation Randomized number of legs to fix the mini-M.U.L.E. It'd be a nice fictional detail, but probably not the first thing they'd do if they wanted to liven up Salvage Operation 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range on the Space Rig No plans for that; the mod is cool though 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Technical Controller button to turn off HUD They're kind of running low on buttons on the controller, maybe Microsoft should add more 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Technical - VR VR They've released a plugin that enables modders to tinker around with it, but they're not going to do it themselves 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
UI - Load-Outs Copy/paste for equipment load-outs They know it's a requested feature, but it's not as simple as people want it to be 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Classes - Engineer Engineer repairing things faster Do you really want to be repairing everything for everyone because you do it faster? "What is my purpose?" - "You hold E." 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines for solo mode Would be nice, but not a priority 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Move industrial face mask to the beard slot Not sure; it's a hat, but it's a weird hat 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Customization to class tertiaries They've talked about it, there's been at least some desire to do it 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Cosmetics - Victory Moves Pondering victory move By the time they'd add it, it would already be a dead meme 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turret variations Not a definite "no", but no plans for now 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Mugs based on in-game models The in-game models aren't all that good to drink out of, you can print it on a shirt and pour your beer on the shirt 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Upgrade tree for Doretta No plans 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Progression - Seasons Increase the reward for 100+ levels of the S1 track It's worth it for the sense of pride and accomplishment 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Technical - Engine Unreal 5 upgrade They might not upgrade at all, they don't know 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
UI - Missions Morkite counter going above the quota It used to be like that, but some players felt compelled to scour the cave for every last bit of Morkite, it took way too long 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Classes - 5th Class Fifth class They'd rather expand on the existing classes - and the more they expand, the bigger task it becomes to add a new class 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cigar cosmetic for Gunner Would be cool, but there was a reason it didn't make it into the game 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fourth Relic armor set Who knows? It's not impossible 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Creatures More major-threat-type enemies Hopefully 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Creatures - Bosses Dreadnought final evolution They're also curious to see what its final form is 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Drinks - Buff More buffs or mechanics for the beers The gag beers will stay on the Space Rig 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment Two traversal tools for each class Classes are defined by their equipment, especially traversal tools, they want to keep those roles clearly delineated 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment Water or milk at the bar with no effect It's a beer-only kind of bar 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Revisit oloder overclocks It's an on-going process; interactions between combat elements might change, and overclocks will have to change in turn 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Features - Economy Trade/convert beer ingredients No plans 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events A choice of three minerals for mineral containers They haven't considered that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives If they do new mission types, new objectives will likely follow, but they will always stay as minor things 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Miscellaneous DRG museum to showcase the game's development Probably not going to do anything like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks New perks The reason there are more points than necessary is to provide different routes to unlocking all perks; more perks would be cool 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks - Points Convert perk points into credits They don't really want people to view perk points as a currency like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks - Points Convert perk points into scrip They don't really want perk points to function like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Technical - Platform GameBoy Color release Nintendo will have to send them some GameBoy Colors first 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Classes - Voice Lines New voice sets for dwarves There are a lot of voice lines to record 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Creatures - Bosses Mactera Dreadnought Johan would like it 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Creatures - Humanoid Humanoid enemies Enemies that don't conform to the terrain are really hard to make for DRG 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Equipment A gun like the Flak Cannon from Unreal Tournament No plans 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Equipment Armors with different stats Would make sense if the armors weren't purely cosmetic; it's not impossible, but there's a lot of stuff they'd rather make instead 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare modifications No, they took them off, actually 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Features - Campaign Campaign missions While potentially cool, it's really not the strength of this game; season themes are probably the closest to it DRG will have 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Mini-M.U.L.E. in all mission types No, their point is that they follow the M.U.L.E. and not the player 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for saving 100 Doretta heads No, no external rewards for saving Doretta 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG feature film with OST, merch & anime spinoff Yes, they're hoping to start and finish tomorrow, but if it's not done by the weekend they'll probably scrap the whole thing 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Expand lore The plan is to keep doing it like they have been, no explicit storytelling 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG Christmas-themes sweater merch Only if they're ugly DRG Christmas-themed sweaters 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG collectibles or figurines The board game is going to have some cool miniatures; check out Scorched Steel Studio too 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Progression - Promotions More cosmetics for promotions Scale Brigade might've been intended as that, but ended up being locked by rank (maybe a bit too high) 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Space Rig Smackable leaf-lover bobble-head But what does a leaf-lover look like? 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Space Rig - Activities More activities in the Space Rig Nothing specific planned, but they wouldn't say they're done with the Space Rig 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between XBox and PS Not likely, it's very complicated, expensive, and not something you can squeeze into a game that's already made 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans; they're not sure it would even improve the game beyond just making it look different 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Biomes - Water Liquids They already know that implementing liquid physics in DRG would be too much work to be worth it 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment More weapons Yeah, probably more secondaries 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks for existing weapons Yes? Not sure when though 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for support tools Unlikely, at this point if they add even more knobs to tune how the classes play, Mike wouldn't do anything but balance them 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch plugins like enemy spawners and such They don't have any plans and also aren't super keen on having Twitch-drops-only cosmetics; some modders are working on it 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Gameplay - Disputes Kicking by vote It would feel kind of weird in a 4-player team; indeed some hosts kick at the drop of a hat, but we'll just have to deal with them 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Technical - Platform Switch port Sadly, the Switch isn't beefy enough to handle DRG (not even the OLED version) 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Technical - VR VR mode They added a plugin that enables basic VR functionality for modders, and there are some prototypes out there 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
UI - Class Icons Customizable class portraits They considered paper doll models, but felt like the portraits have to be distinct at a glance, so the portraits are static 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Creatures Hiding enemy that blends with the background They prototyped one at some point 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Creatures Visual update to old monsters Generally they'd rather make new enemies; the moment they change old models there'll be people asking to change them back 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Drinks New beers for new seasons Would be fun to make; the biggest issue is prioritizing it, they already have way more ideas than they can manage to make 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Drinks - On Missions Portable bar in the caves As silly as the game already is, they'd like to keep leisure activities limited to the Space Rig 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee secondary weapon No comments 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Tool overclocks No plans at the moment; each tool is as much a team resource as your own, crazy modifications would turn into friction points 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Features - Modding Mod support for consoles Not in the plans, but one of the reasons they chose is to have that option available if the plans change 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch drops They talked about it, haven't had the time to look into it; no promises, but they see that it's a requested feature 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Carriable healing items Between Red Sugar, resupplies, perks and the shield they feel like there are enough ways to replenish health 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Dystrum in more mission types They'd like to spread out secondaries somewhat; not sure how fun Dystrum would be in Escort Duty or Mining Expedition 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Edible flora with special effects They've been toying around with an idea like that, it's not off the table 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Emotes/dances in the caves Same as drinking in the caves, there's a line beyond which silliness can get disruptive 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More complex objectives for experienced players Define "complex"; something can be complex but also linear, there has to be some room for open-ended approach 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous Do something with all the fan art A stream segment could be possible, in-game - not so much, could potentially get them into copyright trouble 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous Easter eggs to other games There are already references to movies and comics, but they prefer subtle references 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous More developer vlogs Never say never, but now it makes more sense to do anniversary streams and have more to talk about 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Open-world DRG with crafting So, like Deep Rock Valheim? 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore War between DRG and the rival corporation Who's to say they aren't already at war? 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Missions Endless survival mode There's definitely a technical challenge with RAM management, parts of the cave would have to be dynamically (un)loaded 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Treasure with minerals at the end of Deep Dives They don't want experienced players to play just the Deep Dives, it's supposed to be something you can't farm for minerals 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Missions - Escort Duty A single solar panel on Doretta That sounds like something DRG would do, an empty gesture just for show 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Perks New perks How it works is developers add new perks when they themselves run out of perks to upgrade 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Tame praetorians Would be pretty sweet 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Overclock for Lok-1 bullets to turn sharper corners Not out of the question, maybe? 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Gameplay Upgrades for Molly or Doretta There are issues with that pat h, like whose upgrades do you take into the mission 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Minerals in Deep Dives Deep Dives don't change for an entire week, they don't want people farming them for crafting minerals 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform Not currently, it's not that simple a task 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Biomes Non-Hoxxes-IV locations Theoretically possible, but with how the game is structured there isn't really a good reason to go outside of Hoxxes IV 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, they'd rather expand on the ones that they have 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Gunner cigar Would be cool, but there are issues with the age rating in some countries; plus, there's no accessory slot so it'd have to a "beard" 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment More secondary guns They are on the horizon, and they'll come as a part of a new season 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment New grenades No plans yet, but they're open to the idea 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Probably not going to happen until Deep Rock Galactic 3, which itself can only come after Deep Rock Galactic 2: Episode 2 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Lok-1 tilting in the target's direction like in Overwatch That might not work given that the Lok-1 can lock onto a dozen targets at a time, the gun would look like it's having a seizure 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Turret interaction for Lok-1 They prototyped something like Turret Whip but it wasn't very fun; maybe they'll come up with something in the future 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Turn Driller into a melee class No intentions to do that 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Six Shooter model showing six bullets It would be nice and Rabert wants to do it, but it's complicated and probably not going to happen 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Square platforms They used to have prototypes of different shapes, they decided they didn't add very much 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Power Drills OC for the twin drills mining minerals Absolutely not 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Fool's gold that's actually worthless So, disappointment as a game mechanic? (also, some players already argue that gold is worthless) 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Make the Caretaker fight harder If it's too easy for a specific class, it's that class that should be tuned, not the Caretaker 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Tone down waves during the hacking phase Not sure, it's sort of intended to be difficult 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Perks Perk that lets us use bugs as guns That sounds like a crazy perk 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Perks - Points Add more perks to spend all the points on It's intentional that there are more points than necessary so that there's no single path to buying them all 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Soundtrack Expand OST Not currently 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Soundtrack OST on Apple Music No plans 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI Allow late-joining as a duplicate class in the pod Would be nice to fix, but it's not a critical thing to fix 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI Show ping number in the lobby search menu There's nothing to show, the game doesn't actually ping every lobby on the list due to its p2p nature, the game just approximates 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI - Class Icons Customize player avatar They're supposed to communicate the class very quickly and easily, customization would hurt that 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI - Quick Message Quick command menu They're not planning on adding it 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Biomes More hostile flora They don't see why not 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Biomes - Appearance Update to the older biomes They want to go back and touch them up a bit, but there are no solid plans for it 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Bob Ross beard For licensing purposes it'd have to be something only similar (Bob Rocks) 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Tattoo cosmetics Would be cool 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Creatures - Bosses Mactera Dreadnought Would be pretty cool 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Creatures - Variants Biome-oriented Dreadnoughts Maybe? currently not in the plans 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Creatures - Variants More Bulk Detonator variants They might do it if there's a good idea for it, and it'd be cool for them to be more different than "it's a Bulk, but cold" 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Drinks - Buff Nitra beer Most likely no plans 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Bring back rocket riding as an overclock It's almost certain it won't happen, it was removed for causing larger gameplay balance issues 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Features - Competitive Playable Glyphids There won't be any PvP in DRG, that mode might fit into a different game 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration app No plans (maybe the Twitch integration mod can do it?) 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Gameplay First-person spectator mode while downed Would be cool, but that could be a lot of extra data to exchange that isn't set up right now 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements More achievements It's not 100% up to them; for consoles Microsoft has a score system, ans assigning those scores is another task on its own 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Technical - Engine Switch to Unreal 5 No plans, and many of Unreal 5's new features are more aimed at open-world games anyway 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Biomes - Appearance More stuff for older biomes There's definitely a want to touch up some of them, but no plans 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Mono-brow cosmetic Strong maybe 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment More effects on armor They're pretty happy with how every class moves at the same speed unless they take perks for that 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment More secondary weapons They have prototypes and a willingness to develop them, but no promises it's going to happen in season 2 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Revisit flares modification No plans as far as they know 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Enemy-seeking overclock for the Hurricane They've just added this weapon, no plans for a new round of overclocks for it 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee secondary weapons DRG is a game about guns first and foremost; it's generally better to stick to what they know how to do 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Features - Economy Add cryptocurrency to trade for minerals No 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Features - Economy NFT rewards or other real-money rewards They're not going to go there, the whole idea sounds icky 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Gameplay Expand the move set (dodge, dash, etc.) They're pretty happy with the current move set, no plans to expand it 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Gameplay Pettable turrets If you grow too attached to them, you'll never want to leave them behind 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC Fantasy-themed DLC Probably not 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC More cosmetic DLC packs It seems like a tradition by now to do a DLC pack for an update 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Reward for saving Doretta's head No, they don't want people to feel like they have to save the head, it's just for the sense of pride and accomplishment 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Perks - Points Something to do with excess perk points The plan is to leave them as they are, the excess allows multiple paths to upgrading all perks 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Soundtrack More music It's not ruled out, but it's quite a big task; no planned release date 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Soundtrack - Jukebox Selectable jukebox tunes They decided not to do it that way 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Steam Deck Hopefully, there's an assumption that it'll work 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Switch It's got RAM issues, probably not going to happen 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
UI - Load-Outs Copy-paste for load-outs They talked about it, maybe in the future 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Classes - Gender Lady dwarf cosmetics Wouldn't they have to add lady dwarves first? (a kilt would be awesome though) 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Classes - Gender Women dwarves On the wishlist, but not in the plans 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cape cosmetics Possible, but cloth physics is painful 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Creatures Different sizes of glyphids There might've been variance early on in the game, but there were technical issues; plus, consistent size helps visual clarity 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Reload animation: turning the pump side handle There was a version like that, but it was too long; the animations are done before all of the weapon stats are finalized 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Green range circle around the Hack-C pod Maybe? 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Perks Perk system rework/tweak No plans; would be fun to revisit it at some point though 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Perks Rework perks to make more of them useful No current plans, but it would be cool to revisit them at some point 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Soundtrack More Sophos music Not currently planned, but more music is always nice 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical LAN multiplayer support No plans 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical Report bugs from within the game It might be that people submit more consistent bug reports if it's not from the game 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Steam Deck They've put in a request for a dev kit, haven't gotten it yet 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
UI Forge list based on rarity There's no rarity system, Machine Events are the only way to tip the scales; for a full list, the wiki is an option 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Classes Class expansion beyond guns & overclocks No plans, no things like class-exclusive passive abilities 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes Class specializations like in Vermintide 2 DRG has weapon upgrades for that purpose, so no 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Making a new class is a lot of work at this point; plus, a 4-player team is never missing out on any functionality 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Don't think so 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New dwarf class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly No 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's something they want to do, it's just hard to prioritize it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Weapon-specific voice lines Maybe 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Unibrow cosmetic Hopefully 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for utility items They want to do it, just haven't gotten around to prioritizing it high enough 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Visual customization for utility items Could happen; initially they decided against frameworks to keep classes easily recognizable at a glance 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Creatures Robots and glyphids fighting each other It's complicated: performance issues, harder to balance, messes with mission pacing (or maybe everyone just hates dwarves) 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Creatures - Bosses Lootbug boss Noone could handle a reward this big 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Creatures - Bosses Raid boss What is a raid boss? What makes it a raid boss? Does it raid you? The player count is staying at 4 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Creatures - Variants Radioactive Bulk Detonator Not impossible (and wouldn't even be all that much work), but they'd rather do something new and fresh instead of a color-swap 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Drinks Holiday-themed beers It would be cool, but it's also time spent developing something that's only rarely available in the game 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Drinks Longer state of drunkenness on missions No, there's a reason you can't bring beer to missions 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Drinks - Buff Dark Morkite affecting Nitra as well It's more or less fine as it is; more beers would be nice though 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment Healing tools They like the way health restoration is set up right now and would rather not delve too deeply into healing 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment More weapons and game modes Not every season, but they've got some prototypes that have potential 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment New set of tools for existing classes Not in the plans, unfortunately 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment New utility items No plans, they don't want people picking favorites and not having their expectations met when someone brings a different tool 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They felt the upgrades they had didn't add anything to the game and just made the new player experience worse 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Grappling Hook Ammo for the grappling hook Due to the Scout's role in the team, it must be second nature for him to move around, and adding ammo opposes that idea 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for tools Currently not planned, it would change how you interact with them a bit too much 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features Scrapped/cut gameplay options as mods No, there's usually a good reason why they were scrapped (like crashing the game); besides, they might continue working on it later 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features - Competitive PvP Not going to happen, they're making a co-op game 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features - Economy Credit/mineral sinks for old-time players If the new weapons and overclocks don't sink enough, keep promoting and tipping Lloyd 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Gameplay Heavy machinery or mechs piloted by dwarves Can't say that it definitely won't happen, but there's nothing like that planned 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Physical mugs from the game & dwarf figurines They have regular mugs for sale, but if you look at the in-game mugs you'll see they won't be very comfortable as real objects 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions Abandoned space station mission Most of the game's content will revolve around caves, because that's what the game does well 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions Endless survival mission No plans currently, although it was something they prototyped very early on; there are a lot of things to consider with game modes 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions Rework Morkite Expedition to be more elaborate They're probably keep it as is, there's a place for a more chill mission type too 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Personal pod for downed dwarves in Deep Dives That sounds like a funny idea, they should steal it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions - Mutators Two anomalies in one mission That could tip the scales in favor of the player too much 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Different Steeve names depending on class Nah, it's always been Steeve 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Rideable Steeve mount If you don't expect it, you definitely won't be disappointed 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points They'd love more perks, but none are planned; the excess is intentional so you're not forced to do milestones you don't like 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Progression - Endgame More things to grind for late-game The season system is designed to give something to work towards for both old and new players alike 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Progression - Seasons Scrip carrying over between seasons It'll reset, seasons are supposed to give everyone something new to unlock, and that doesn't work as well if you can save up 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Soundtrack - Jukebox More music for the jukebox Hopefully 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Space Rig Space Rig for everyone, like the Nexus in NMS No, it's not intended to be a MMO-style hub 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical Option to merge regular & sandbox saves You can copy it one-way, but you won't be able to carry sandbox progress over into a verified save 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Assets Sounds from DRG for use outside of the game It's more a question of whether they want to do it than whether they can 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform compatibility No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and GamePass No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and XBox No plans, it's too big of a task 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay GamePass/XBox/Steam crossplay It's too big a task and there are no plans to do it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG for smart fridges They're waiting for Skyrim to do it first; a lot of design goes into it, like does opening the door start the game or close it? 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021