Development Q&A/Archive Season 2

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Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Equipment - Flares Upgrades or changes to flares No plans currently 28.10.2022 Dev Stream 28.10.2022
Features Proximity chat Not likely; it's not the kind of game that would benefit from such a feature 28.10.2022 Dev Stream 28.10.2022
Space Rig Expansion of the Space Rig They'd like to add more stuff, but it's a time issue 28.10.2022 Dev Stream 28.10.2022
Biomes - Water Liquid physics No, that won't be a thing 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Classes - 5th Class Fifth dwarf No plans 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Classes - 5th Class New class No, four players and four classes work fine 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Creatures Buff to bulk detonators Aren't they threatening enough? 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Drinks Cheese beer Hey, if you can put sausages in beer, why not cheese? 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Equipment Jump boots Those existed as aperk once, and they really messed up with the teamwork aspect of cave generation 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Equipment More utility or traversal tools They're not doing any more of those, they want players to be certain what utility each player can bring to the team 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They had upgrades, but people spent resources elsewhere and missed out on flares; no plans to reintroduce them 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Features - Competitive PvP in the form of competing teams It has been discussed a while back 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Features - Modding Roblox integration No plans 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Features - Streaming Stream integration (e.g. Mixer) No plans to return to that, the mod that's out there is probably better than whatever execution they could come up with 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Miscellaneous Donate to GSG They don't want to do direct donations, just buy the game for someone else 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Progression - Promotions New honor badges No plans; there are different opinions about it 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Space Rig - Activities Photobooth in the Rig Probably hasn't been worked on by anyone since the last time it was mentioned 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not any more than there already is 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
UI A button to clear new item notifications They discussed it internally and decided against adding it; there were different opinions about that 27.10.2022 Dev Stream 27.10.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines for Cave Leeches What do we want the leeches to say? Whisper sweet things in our ears? Do a stand-up routine? 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for grenades No 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Equipment - Springloaded Ripper Lower Ripper friendly fire What did we expect? It's a Driller weapon (seriously though, they'll tone it down if it's very very bad) 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Features Daily challenges No plans to expand on that beyond the seasonal challenges 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Gameplay Emotes like dancing Unlikely, they want to keep the mission gameplay free of too much goofiness 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Perks New perks or a perk rework Hopefully they can get to that, but it's not planned when 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores More ways to earn overclocks They're pretty happy with the overclock acquisition system right now, no plans to add to it 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Space Rig Skip the forging animation Probably not going to happen; there's a mod for it though 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Sadly, no 26.10.2022 Dev Stream 26.10.2022
Classes - 5th Class New class Nope 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice line of MC being offended by the mask Would be funny, but it's too late to add that; plus, it would be the only mask to have its own voice line, that's a bit too much 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Creatures Remove swarmers from the game Just shoot them and they're gone 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Drinks - Buff Lootbug beer Maybe 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Equipment Different mobility options for each class Not planning on adding more, it's a pretty fine balance as it is 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Features - Modding Increase modding support Chances are low; changing fundamental aspects means giving more access than they're comfortable giving 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Features - Team Size 6-player gameplay No plans, they're sticking to four 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Missions Building-focused mission type Could be neat, maybe 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Missions Endless mission about just killing bugs They don't really want a mission focused on just shooting - it's not that fun and it doesn't work well with all classes 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Perks A perk that reduces stun Not sure, but if they wanted to have that effect, Unstoppable would probably do it 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Perks Overhaul / additions to the perk system They hope to at least get to adding a few perks in the future, but no immediate plans 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Progression - Endgame Something worth farming besides vanity There are upgrades and overclocks; they don't want dwarves to keep growing in power because that divides players 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Space Rig Orange juice for the bar Probably not, not unless it can exist in a beer-juice form 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Technical - Rendering Vulkan support No immediate plans 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
UI - Class Icons Class icons reflecting cosmetics They kind of want to keep the icons recognizable 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
UI - Load-Outs More icons for load-out slots All for it, it's just something they have to prioritize and slot time and resources for 21.10.2022 Dev Stream 21.10.2022
Biomes - Water Water physics Not happening 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Classes - 5th Class New class No, they're not going that route 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Exclude "Stock and rock" from the voice lines They don't have that kind of restriction, it's random 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Creatures - Bosses Glyphid queen Maybe 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Creatures - Mini-Bosses Make Nemesis spawns more likely by end of Season 2 No, the increased rate was unintended 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Creatures - Neutral Pick up lootbugs No, we'd just bring them home if we could do that 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment More equipment per class Maybe at some point in the future; it's a lot of work, and adds even more work to the balancing puzzle 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment Secondary traversal equipment They're not going to change the traversal tools 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment - Melee Melee weapon with a ranged attack Isn't that just a gun? (the sledgehammer-shotgun from Killing Floor is cool) 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons They considered it, but they're focusing the game on the gunplay 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Tweak underwhelming overclocks They are tweaking them (no specifics though) 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Equipment - Zipline Launcher Attach large objects to ziplines Could be cool 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Features - Economy Rework the resources used for drinks No plans, it seems okay 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Features - Modding Accept user-submitted content like in TF2 No plans; make cool mods instead, they might get inspired and make something similar 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Gameplay Bring jukebox on the drop pod Nope, they want to keep stuff like that on the Space Rig 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Throw large objects into Molly or grinders Johan thinks it sounds fun 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC where you play in the old times of fantasy Probably no 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Missions Base upgrade defense mode against hordes Could be cool 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Missions - Mutators Inverted gravity mutator The idea was considered - it sounds fun, but that doesn't mean it is fun; might not work with half the mission types 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Perks Changes/additions to perks Not right now, but hopefully in the future 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Perks New perks Hopefully 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Perks Rework perks into talent trees for each class They're not going to make talent trees, the perk system is going to stay largely intact with some changes; no specific plans 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Small percent chance to tame a Praetorian They don't think they want people to take that risk 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Technical Official FlickStick/Gyro support for controllers It's a mess to navigate and might not contribute much to the experience, but they could look into it maybe? 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans, sorry 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Technical - Platform Steam Deck version Probably not going to happen, they're busy enough supporting platforms they're already on 20.10.2022 Dev Stream 20.10.2022
Creatures Demons Eh, why not? 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Creatures New race of enemies They added robots, so never say never 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Creatures - Humanoid Hostile dwarves It's sort of always been about bugs, enemies that navigate terrain like humanoids are harder to do 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Gameplay Generate caves from a seed to replay Their cavegen isn't deterministic, plus it changes with updates, so a seed from a few updates ago wouldn't create the same cave 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Make gold one-hit There have been many arguments about it in the dev team a while ago; change is unlikely 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Miscellaneous DRG artist/modeller live stream It would be very spoiler'y, the stuff tey make usually isn't immediately ready to be shown 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Miscellaneous New game The future will tell 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Missions - Mutators Rich Atmosphere affecting voice chat Would be funny, but a bit of a waste considering everyone uses Discord anyway 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Petting zoo and shooting range in one Jacob likes it 14.10.2022 Dev Stream 14.10.2022
Equipment Secondary minigun for everyone That sounds like something a mod could achieve 13.10.2022 Dev Stream 13.10.2022
Equipment - Pickaxe Animated pickaxe parts Probably possible, not sure if the system is set up for it though 13.10.2022 Dev Stream 13.10.2022
Soundtrack New music Would be cool, but no plans for that 13.10.2022 Dev Stream 13.10.2022
Technical Cross-progression with consoles No plans, it would require a lot of work 13.10.2022 Dev Stream 13.10.2022
Technical Press instead of hold interactions for consoles No plans; there's probably going to be a minimum duration due to how the game works 13.10.2022 Dev Stream 13.10.2022
Biomes Living biome It's a cool idea that would take a lot of work to implement 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Cosmetics Cigarette-like cosmetics Not good for age ratings; can have either alcohol or tobacco, both can affect the game's rating 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Prestige cosmetics for long-term players It's hard to allocate a lot of time for that, put them far enough and they're irrelevant; the focus remains on the season model 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Creatures - Humanoid Dwarf, elf, kobold or goblin opponents They aren't enthusiastic abouit bipedal enemies, it's hard to make them look good with their terrain generation 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Creatures - Variants Bulk Detonator version for different biomes Maybe not bulks but smaller enemies; a radioactive bulk detonator might not be very fun gameplay-wise 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Drinks - Buff More event-themed beer Hopefully 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Equipment A grenade that drills in a direction Not as a grenade, but they have considered auto-carvers as traversal tools; it was decided to keep them to what we have now 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Equipment A Rival-based push-back grenade for Gunner The reason DRG has no push-backs, shoving or kicking is because it would not mesh well with their AI's navigation at a swarm scale 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Equipment Fancy animations on weapons Would be cool, but the art team is occupied with other things; every feature they make means something else doesn't get made 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Equipment Inter-class weapons Mike_GSG joined the voice chat just to say "Nope" and immediately disconnect 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for grenades No current plans, maybe one day 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Features - Competitive PvP it is a conscious decision on their part to have no competitive gameplay in the game, the most "PvP" thing in DRG is the Unions 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Gameplay Aim down sights The game's not really designed for it, so chances are low 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Ping Molly to go to a location They can see why we'd want that, but no plans 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Gameplay - Objectives More side objectives like the Best Wurst mug The mug was pretty well-liked, so maybe? why not 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Combat function for the laser pointer No plans - if they were to add it, it could be an active perk, but not an inherent feature of the laser pointer 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Missions - Escort Duty Vertical escort mission It sounds like a cool idea; no plans right now 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Perks New perks Hopefully some day, they'd like to 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Perks - Points Purpose for the perk point surplus The surplus will always be there by design; its current size is a little ridiculous though, they'd like to add more perks at some point 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Soundtrack New music Making new music is a lot of work, no plans for that 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No, they're not adding one 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range It has been so far on the backburner for so long as to be essentially scrapped; there's a very cool mod though 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Technical Aim assist for XBox They already have some of that; no plans to expand that, but they've discussed other options 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Technical - Platform Linux support They don't plan to officially support it, but it should work well enough on Proton 07.10.2022 Dev Stream 07.10.2022
Biomes New regions It would not come as a surprise if they added a new biome - but no concrete plans 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Biomes - Water Liquids No progress made, no progress attempted 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Audio in different languages No plans 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for tools Currently not, maybe in the future 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks Maybe not in the near future, but at some point 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Gameplay Damage bugs by landing on them That would turn the game into Super Mario (Jacob would play that if that was a mod) 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Gameplay - Minerals New minerals If there's a need for a new one - yes, otherwise no 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs Ask Valve to make a TF2 DLC pack for DRG Possible, but the one guy working on TF2 is probably not responding to emails 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with Games Workshop They'd discuss it if Games Workshop approached them about it, can't do it on their own because of copyright 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs Crossover with games like Satisfactory etc. Maybe, who knows? 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Miscellaneous - Lore More DRG lore We always get more lore with new seasons (just maybe not the lore we want) 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Technical Performance pass (to improve performance) They keep an eye out for it continuously, but every new system they add is probably going to have some kind of impact 06.10.2022 Dev Stream 06.10.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Unique VA for each dwarf No, having one person voice them all is incredibly convenient resource-wise 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Huuli Hoarder hat You never know Simone will do if you give him ideas 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves More gilded beards Not out of the question 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Creatures More types of bugs We'll have to wait and see 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Equipment Grenade rework Can't say "no", can't say "yes"; one grenade got balanced last season 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for grenades Currently not planned, although not entirely out of the question 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for support tools They don't have any plans for those, since overclocks would change tools too much 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks with comedic visual effects No, they don't joke around with overclocks, this is a serious game 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Downed during DDs having to be revived next stage The downed player would have to wait around until found and revived, that's not fun 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Steevify Web Spitters They've decided against it 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Progression - Promotions Promote without leaving multiplayer It's something they'd like to do, but they've said that so many times that it's probably going to stay the way it is (it's complicated) 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans for crossplay; it's not just the initial work, but also upkeep and maintenance 30.09.2022 Dev Stream 30.09.2022
Classes - 5th Class Another class No intention to make any new classes 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Change Harvester ping lines from hostile to friendly Possible, but low-priority 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines More funny voice lines There should be some in Season 3, yes 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines for pinging Steeve other than default Well, maybe your dwarf says "Kill it! Kill it now!" in a loving way 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Color schemes for traversal tools That's something they'd like to do at some point 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Creatures Unique enemies for each biome Maybe 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Equipment Weapon balance pass There might not have been time for that for Season 3 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New OCs for old weapons They worked on some, but they got put on-hold due to priorities and are not currently planned for Season 3 or 4 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Gameplay Buying elements of objectives like in Payday 2 Possible, but no plans; missions in DRG aren't really designed to have their parts skipped like that 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Miscellaneous - Events April Fool's content They've considered it, but that sounds like a lot of resources to put into content that's live for one day 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Official physical merchandise store They're partnered with and that's going to stay that way for a while (better shipping for Europe would be nice) 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Missions - Mutators Add mutators from the randomizer mod Unlikely, it's a lot of work to pick what would make sense; it's cool that modders don't have to follow the same design principles 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Perks More perks They might overhaul perks at some point, it's on their wishlist 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Progression - Seasons Scrip catch-up mechanic past season rank 100 No plans, but they're starting to think the randomness might be a problem; they've discussed options 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No, it's a bit more complicated that saying "we're gonna do crossplay" 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Technical - VR Official VR support Probably not going to happen 29.09.2022 Dev Stream 29.09.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Customization slot for eyewear It's one of the things they'd like to have, but not planned right now 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Supporter edition gold medical gown No 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Traversal tool cosmetics Maybe one day 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Creatures - Variants More bulk detonator variants No plans, but could be fun 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Equipment Grenade full of bees Technically the new Engi grenade is that 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks for old weapons Possible, but not in season 3; they have some prototypes 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Tool overclocks No, they want tools to be uniform across the multiplayer experience 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch integration There is one with mods 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Gameplay - Hazard Level Elite Elite Deep Dive or hazard 6 missions No plans 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Gameplay - Hazard Level Increase difficulty past haz 5 The subset of people who play haz 5 is comparable to that of haz 1 players, so not current plans (you can mod it, though) 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Missions - Deep Dives Deep Dive archive Unlikely, partly because Deep Dives aren't supposed to play that big of a role, but also because seed generation changes too 23.09.2022 Dev Stream 23.09.2022
Creatures Elite cave leech Think of the consequences! 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Equipment More equipment for each class They don't intend to make any more traversal tools 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare variants/mods They had those, but decided it wasn't a good idea, players don't prioritize flares early on and have a worse time because of it 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Doretta's head visible on the terrain scanner It's not mission-critical - if we want to keep track of it, it's our job 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Miscellaneous Lunch box If your dwarf stopped forgetting to bring it, you'd have it 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Missions Endless missions No current plans 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Missions - Escort Duty XP for saving Doretta There will be no reward for Doretta's head except the sense of accomplishment 22.09.2022 Dev Stream 22.09.2022
Progression - Seasons Increase PP payout for Deep Dives They kind of don't want people to go into Deep Dives to farm XP, so probably not 16.09.2022 Dev Stream 16.09.2022
Soundtrack DRG soundtrack on CD Does anyone listen to CDs anymore? We can burn a CD if we buy the OST on Steam, the FLACs come with it 16.09.2022 Dev Stream 16.09.2022
UI Button to mark all cosmetics as read The idea has been discussed internally and vetoed 16.09.2022 Dev Stream 16.09.2022
UI - Missions End-of-match stats like friendly fire done They don't particularly want people to have more statistics, especially those that promote unwanted behaviors 16.09.2022 Dev Stream 16.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines for pinging Tyrant shards No plans, but maybe? 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks Not right now 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Features - Modding Include QoL mods in base game No plans, not at this point anyway 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Features - Modding Integrate UI mods like damage numbers into base game They settled on not showing damage numbers long before any mods for DRG existed, the mod is unlikely to change that 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Deposit large chunks by throwing them into Molly They don't hate the idea, but it could lead to some unintended behavior 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC Fantasy DLC No plans 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Progression - Promotions More promotion borders Maybe at some point, not planned for now 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Soundtrack New music Currently no plans 15.09.2022 Dev Stream 15.09.2022
Biomes Add France No, but maybe they'll add the entire state of Ohio like in that Skyrim mod 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Biomes - Cavegen More template rooms Yes, piece by piece 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines for pinging resupply pods No plans, but it's a candidate for getting new voice lines 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves More beard/skin colors According to a streamer, they add one per update, so - yes 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Creatures - Neutral Pettable maggots Don't think so, some of them hurt when touched 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Equipment Gunsling animation for the wave cooker Probably not; like any weapon that has a function for the R button, that function replaces the animation 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Miscellaneous - Franchise Mobile DRG game Definitely not in the plans now 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Perks Remake the perk system They want to add to it and/or tweak it at some point, but there are no plans to rebuild it 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores A way to target specific matrix cores No plans 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores More options to get blank matrix cores Nothing planned, the extra choice at the Forge is the extent by which they're willing to make it easier for now 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Space Rig More content for the Space Rig Not for season 3, but they've had some conversations internally that might or might not bear fruit 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Technical - Engine Transition to Unreal Engine 5 No plans, switching engine versions is far from trivial, there need to be new features worth the trouble (plus compalibility issues) 09.09.2022 Dev Stream 09.09.2022
Biomes - Cavegen More complex caves They're going to add a few more basic rooms, but they're generally happy with how complex the caves are 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Classes - 5th Class 5th class It's not something they're going to add 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Drinks Add unused drinks It's been so long that if they add more drinks it's probably going to be something new (maybe for Oktoberfest?) 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Equipment - Deepcore GK2 Buff GK2 No plans for any changes there, but then again, they didn't have any plans the previous time they did a round of balancing 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Equipment - Melee Add melee to the combat system No plans for any melee weapons 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Pickaxe overclocks No plans at the moment, they're busy as is balancing the existing overclocks 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Special Powder overclock for all weapons No plans, only Scout gets to swoosh 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Equipment - Satchel Charge Make C4 magnetic to the nearest Scout Now that is a good idea 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Features - Competitive PvP mode No 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Features - Modding Increase the mod limit above 50 Not sure; it's not a limit that they set themselves, it might have to do with engine limitations or Steam limitations 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Features - Team Size 128 player support Sadly, they could only do 127 players, so they dropped it entirely and will also be removing Driller for Season 3 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Gameplay Shield-gating mechanic like in Warframe No plans to add anything like that 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Make gold more worthwhile to mine There are different opinions about it within the team, but nothing conclusive; it's not as simple as increasing the value of gold 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Gameplay - Minerals One hit to mine gold It was discussed a lot along time ago, and they decided against that 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Missions Monorail defense mission No plans, but could be cool? It would need to be distince enough from Escort Duty 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores Trading matrix cores for resources That'd probably require a server-based economy system, since it's possible to cheat yourself arbitrary amounts of resources 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Space Rig The rest of the Space Rig They hope they can add more stuff to the Rig over time, no spefici plans right now 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Technical Cross-save between consoles and PC Probably not; while a positive change, it'd also be a radical one from what they have, since it requires an account system 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Technical - Accessibility Something to help the fear of buzzing It's a good idea to add something for the popular phobias, but it's not at the top of their to-do list 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No, they only have limited crossplay within the same ecosystems (Microsoft, Sony) 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Technical - Platform Nintendo Switch port The Switch's RAM can't fit DRG without some major restructuring of the game, so - no 08.09.2022 Dev Stream 08.09.2022
Classes - Gender Female playable dwarves Sadly, addressing this properly requires an extensive update of their rigging system, so the chances are slim 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Creatures In-fighting between bots and bugs They could've tried to balance the Rivals around in-fighting, but it would also make combat more expensive performance-wise 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Creatures - Variants Radioactive Bulk Detonator No plans right now 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Equipment Unlimited ammo weapon It would have to have some serious drawbacks (also, the pickaxe has "unlimited ammo") 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Features - Streaming Tools for stream chat to affect the game Probably not going to happen; there's a mod for that though 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Gameplay Dwarf kissing mechanic Why would the dwarves kiss mechanic? Is that a new class suggestion? 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Gameplay Dwarves tossing each other slightly Nobody tosses a dwarf 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Gameplay Fix cheats that multiply resources We can revert to an earlier save if we played in a cheated lobby, the game keeps backups (on PC and XBox, PS is a bit trickier) 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Gameplay - Call-Downs Equipment that can be called down like resupplies They had prototypes way back in alpha, but they felt it took away from the cooperative aspect (e.g. when anyone could put sentries) 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Perks New perks Not in season 3, and beyond that - who knows? 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Soundtrack Soundtrack on Spotify It's still being discussed 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Space Rig Unlockable Space Rig decorations Not something they've discussed, and they're pretty far away from planning a feature like this 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing For a game that's so based on light and darkness, ray-tracing would change it up too much for it to make sense 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
UI Report system They are working on something, but it won't be a system where you report to them, they don't have the resources to investigate 02.09.2022 Dev Stream 02.09.2022
Biomes New biomes Not a "no", but no plans for the foreseeable future 01.09.2022 Dev Stream 01.09.2022
Creatures Enemy like the hunter from Left 4 Dead Nothing like that planned 01.09.2022 Dev Stream 01.09.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Remove the "Die like your mother did!" voice line No (Steam players have access to a mod that removes it) 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Creatures New Rival enemies for season 3 No, but the ones that we have are staying 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Equipment More weapons If any new primaries/secondaries happen at all (which isn't a given), they won't happen for a long while 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks for old guns At some point, but not sure when 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for grenades At least for now they'd rather add more grenade types than modify the existing ones 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Equipment - Zipline Launcher Increase zipline speed One of the problems is that if it's too fast, it makes dodging projectiles too easy 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Features - Modding Implement / buy mods from the fans Probably not; they do take inspiration from stuff like the angle meter for the drills, but it was also a very old suggestion 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Gameplay - Minerals New ores Maybe - they added Phazyonite, after all 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Miscellaneous Music creator competition Johan likes it when they host competitions 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC More DLCs Probably; it happened alongside every major update in the recent past, so why break the tradition? 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Tame Acid Spitters It's all fun and games until it tries to lick your face 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Perks - Points Something to do with banked perk points They can see why it's confusing, but the excess is intentional to allow different milestone paths 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Progression - Assignments Prestige assignment past rank 100 for season 3 No 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Soundtrack More music Would be cool, but it's a lot of work 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Technical - Rendering New graphics settings like SSGI or FSR 2.0 They have something in the works 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing Not planned, it would completely change the setup they've built around how light and darkness interact in DRG 26.08.2022 Dev Stream 26.08.2022
Biomes Cave-ins with the ceiling coming down on players Technically possible, but there are some design problems with that 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Creatures - Bosses Glyphid queen No plans, but it's an option 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Features Salute in sign language Would be a cool easter egg, but not sure if the gestures are the same in all types of sign language 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Features - Modding Starship Troopers Elite for consoles as base content Probably not, consoles have enough trouble running DRG as is, that mod could kill the performance 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Hopefully some day; it probably won't be anything exclusive or time-bound though 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Gameplay Driveable vehicles Not a definite "no, never", but it's hard to make vehicles feel good to drive with the kind of terrain generation DRG has 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Technical - Accessibility Color-blind accessibility options It's something they definitely want to do 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Technical - Rendering Reduce minimum requirements or disable effects They're continuously trying to make things run smoother; no plans for specific options now, but they keep an eye on it 25.08.2022 Dev Stream 25.08.2022
Creatures Remove roly-polies No 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Creatures - Variants Color-coded grunts like skaven in Warhammer 40k To color-code grunts according to role, they'd have to give grunt different roles to begin with 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Equipment - Crossbow Crossbow bolt that creates small platforms That would hurt the cooperative aspect of the gameplay 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Features - Competitive Some kind of PvP mode No, it's a co-op game 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Digital or printed artbook They don't really have enough art to make a book out of it, it's mostly from the seasonal content 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Missions Missions longer than Deep Dives No plans currently 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Use Beastmaster to heal Steeve Technically possible, could be a good suggestion 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Progression - Assignments More weekly assignments They're wary of adding too many recurring assignments; no plans to change the weeklies system as of now 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Progression - Promotions More promotion ranks No plans, but it could maybe eventually happen 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Progression - Promotions Tiny perks for continued promotions No, they don't want promotions to be a power game where you'd have to find equally high-promoted players to play with 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
UI - Quick Message Quick-message voice lines They're aware those exist in other games, but they are hesitant to add specific commands to the laser pointer 19.08.2022 Dev Stream 19.08.2022
Biomes New biome No plans, probably not adding any in season 3 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Classes - 5th Class Mission Control class They're not considering any new classes 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Mods/overclocks for non-weapon equipment No plans, those are things they'd like to remain consistent across the board 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC themed after LotR / Warhammer fantasy Not sure; 4th Relic is sort of fantasy-ish, but it's still futuristic 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Perks Expand perk system and mutators They do want to add some perks at some point when makes sense with other content they release 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Technical Cross-progression between consoles To have that they'd need a global account system with save sync, and they currently don't have that 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not in the pipeline, it's just way too much work 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Still no 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
UI - Keybinds Separate key for calling Molly Not impossible, but not planned; probably has to do with how many buttons there are on a controller 18.08.2022 Dev Stream 18.08.2022
Biomes - Cavegen More random terrain They can definitely add more basic cave shapes, but even with the existing set you should see new combinations from time to time 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Biomes - Surface Missions on the surface of Hoxxes Technically possible, but a lot of work to make it look decent, it's quite different from cave interiors 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Classes Subclasses like in Vermintide 2 Not sure how it works in VT2, DRG's version of that is different weapons plus OCs; might be a good suggestion, depending 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Classes - 5th Class New classes They're not going to add a new class, 4 players and 4 classes work well together 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Creatures - Bosses Boss with multiple healthbars They might not have discussed it; they're generally happy with how Dreadnought healthbars work now 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Creatures - Variants Other mineral lootbugs Probably not 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Equipment More utility for utility tools Probably not, they're happy with the amount of utility the classes presently have 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Miscellaneous - Tutorial More tutorials / rework the tutorial Probably not, you can learn while playing, and also if the tutorial is too long, players start forgetting what had just been taught 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Missions New mission types No plans, but it would be surprising if they never added any new mission types ever; something shorter than Sabotage maybe 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Progression - Endgame New forms of endgame Probably not in the close future; most of the new content will be linked to the season framework 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Technical - Platform Fix Mac/Parallels crashes Maybe if it's easily identifiable and fixable, but as a rule they don't fix crashes for platforms they don't officially support 12.08.2022 Dev Stream 12.08.2022
Classes - 5th Class More classes No, 4 players and 4 classes fit well; they try to avoid giving players more reasons to say: "Hey, why didn't you take X instead of Y?" 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Classes - Gender Models and voices for female dwarves Not a "no", but unlikely; they've made a mistake of building a system around only one model, and it costs a lot of work to fix it 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines for the resupply pod What would the resupply pod say? 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Cosmetics More stuff for Cargo Crates No plans; something new might appear some day, but for now it's a destination for some of the expired seasonal cosmetics 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Cosmetics - Victory Moves Victory move to play the pickaxe like a guitar Good suggestion; maybe they'll add it, maybe they won't 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Creatures Vegan season of invasive plant monsters Could be fun 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Creatures - Bosses A dreadnought that has finished cooking If the playerbase collectively stops doing Elimination missions, Jacob will go to the game director and suggest that to be added 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Creatures - Variants Bring back the magma Goo Bomber No plans - besides, some early designs got remade into existing enemies 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks Eventualy, but probably not in season 3 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Gameplay Mode without flares With light being such a central thing in the gameplay, that would be changing too much (there's probably a mod for that, though) 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Miscellaneous Localization pass Localizations are community-driven, you can sign up and contribute if you feel it's not up to snuff 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Missions Horde mode No plans to do any straight-up horde mode missions, but it's not a hard "no" either 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Missions - Mutators New warnings, maybe exclusive to mission types They'll probably add some more at some point 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Perks New perks or a perk rework Maybe a rework is due, but the excess is intentional to allow flexibility in which milestones players want to engage with 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Progression Cosmetics for players above rank 100 Probably not (and even if they do, it wouldn't be a lot), rank 100 is already asking a lot of time to be invested 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores A way to farm matrix cores Part of their design is that they're not supposed to be farmable by putting in more hours 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Progression - Matrix Cores More matrix cores If we mean more obtainable each week, then no 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
UI Move DDs and EDDs into the map terminal Players don't get access to DDs/EDDs before they promote, so it felt like they deserve their own terminal 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
UI Randomize among specific selected cosmetics The wardrobe will likely need to get some kind of sorting option or a set of categories, it's only going to get more crowded 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
UI - Missions Indicator that the shield will run out soon Would be cool 11.08.2022 Dev Stream 11.08.2022
Biomes Biomes changing into one another in a cave Not planned, but could be cool 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Cosmetics Higher-level cosmetics They might eventually add something like Dragon Scale armor, but there's no intention to move the goalpost every update 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks They've had prototypes for a while, but it's not their focus; they'll put some in if they absolutely run out of things to add to the game 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Features - Economy Gambling with minerals Probably not; that complicates things like game rating depending on region 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Gameplay QoL / bug fix update instead of content updates That sounds like every developer who's not a programmer would sit around doing nothing for a few months, which is kind of wasteful 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Space Rig Upgrade Space Rig It's an ongoing process; who knows? there might be more things to do in the Space Rig in the future 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Space Rig - Activities Minigames like in Warframe If they add any, it's likely to be social minigames 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Technical - VR Incorporate the VR mod into the game No plans to do anything with VR, and the mod is indeed cool 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
UI - Crosshair Crosshair options People could make some static alternatives as PNGs; dynamic crosshairs would be tricky though 04.08.2022 Dev Stream 04.08.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Dev armor Would be fun 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Man thong No, we'll have to mod that in ourselves 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for utility / traversal tools Possibly, hopefully 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Equipment More primary weapons Not planned 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events More Machine Events They'd like to have more, but no plans (no one is working on it right now) 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Giving commands with the laser pointer No plans currently, they kind of want the laser pointer to be context-sensitive 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Grappling hook as lasso for Steeve If Scout gets it, then everyone will want a lasso for Steeve, so probably no 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Technical Host migration Possible, but not necessarily planned 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned, it requires a lot of work 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Technical - Rendering No-particles or less-particles setting Probably not "no particles", but maybe? there are mods that remove particles though 23.06.2022 Dev Stream 23.06.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Clown-based cosmetics Maybe? They don't want to make it too Fortnite, though 17.06.2022 Dev Stream 17.06.2022
Perks - Beastmaster Tame other types of glyphids No plans to add any new types to tame 17.06.2022 Dev Stream 17.06.2022
Features - Modding Mods for XBox While possible, there's no guarantee it will happen; as a platform supports it, which was one of the reasons they chose it 16.06.2022 Dev Stream 16.06.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Make gold take one hit to mine [Noncommittal sigh] 16.06.2022 Dev Stream 16.06.2022
Progression More ways to get weapon skins Can't say for certain about more ways, but new skins will probably go into performance passes 16.06.2022 Dev Stream 16.06.2022
Progression - Promotions New badges beyond Legendary III No plans, maybe someday 16.06.2022 Dev Stream 16.06.2022
UI Sorting for the wardrobe Jacob agrees 16.06.2022 Dev Stream 16.06.2022
Creatures Enemies requiring more complex tactics There are some enemies in DRG that require tactics beyond "strafe and shoot" 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Creatures - Bosses Flying dreadnought Would be sick (but would suck to make it work in small caves though) 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Creatures - Bosses Rival dreadnought that summons shredders They're probably not going to add more Rival enemies 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Creatures - Variants Praetorian variant / reskin There's the Oppressor; no concrete plans, but more enemies is always cool 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Equipment Healing weapon Things change, but how healing works now is pretty central to the gameplay loop, so a healing gun is unlikely 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Equipment New support weapons Unlikely, those tools are the staples of each class 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They used to have those back in the days, but it ended being an unnecessary feature, so it was removed 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Would be awesome, but they haven't looked into it much 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Miscellaneous - Franchise Sequel It's all about DRG for now; if we stop buying it, they'll stop making it 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Rival missions as part of assignments First they'd have to find a solution to Sabotage needing an assignment of its own to unlock it 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Perks - Beastmaster More than one Steeve at once Probably not 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Progression - Promotions Memorial statues changing texture with promotion tiers Mark thinks it's cool 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Technical - Rendering Full HDR support Something about HDR support might be causing trouble in Unreal Engine with menus and terminals, haven't looked at it in a while 10.06.2022 Dev Stream 10.06.2022
Cosmetics Animated colors Not sure (Johan generally isn't a fan) 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
Drinks - Buff More daily special beers No definite answer; hopefully yes 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Kickstarter for real beer mugs from the game You can already print them so a Kickstarter isn't happening; besides, they're not good as mugs for actual drinks 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
Soundtrack - Jukebox More jukebox tracks Probably not, the recent expansion was made because of stream copyright strikes due to messy regional licensing of older tracks 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
Technical - Rendering Ray-traced shadows and lighting Not a definite "no", but not planned; they'd have to remake all of their materials for this feature anyway 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
UI Clear all exclamation marks in the inventory There's some resistance to the idea 03.06.2022 Dev Stream 03.06.2022
Biomes A way to remove goo in Fungus Bogs We can cover it up with platforms 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Add voice lines to other Rival bots Probably not planned 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Classes - Voice Lines More new voice lines Yes 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Classes - Voice Lines Voice line about dipping things in liquid Morkite That'd require Jacob to explain to the game director what this is about, and he's simply not paid enough to do that 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Bring back old seasonal hats Holiday hats should return, old anniversary hats won't; sucks for PlayStation, but it doesn't make sense to give them out 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves More complex hair colors They might have some ideas about how to spice up the beards 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Creatures New glyphid enemy types Probably 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Creatures Zombie aliens Who said we don't already have zombie aliens? 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Creatures - Variants Biome lootbug variants / Nitra lootbugs Could be cool, variety is nice 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Creatures - Variants More elemental enemies The idea is cool, but let's see what Season 3 brings first 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Equipment Unique inspect animations for old guns Would be cool but their animators are probably working on something else 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Equipment - Flares Resource used for flare upgrades No plans 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Features Leaderboards No, the issue with leaderboards is that the top will be filled with cheaters 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Features - Competitive Versus mode Not sometihng they want to do, they'd like to keep the game cooperative 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Gameplay - Hazard Level Extra difficulty No plans (at least right now) 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Highlight terrain changes on the map Not sure, might be hard to do 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Soundtrack New music No plans so far 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Technical - Crossplay PC & PlayStation crossplay Probably not happening, it's quite a task to undertake 02.06.2022 Dev Stream 02.06.2022
Biomes New biome No specific plans now, but they wouldn't be surprised if a new one was added 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Creatures - Bosses New dreadnoughts How about two Nemeses holding hands, and if one dies, the other uses it as a club? 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Progression Titles unlockable through hard challenges Could be cool, but nothing like that planned 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Technical Cross-progression No plans; would be cool, but it requires a setup different from what they have 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Technical Improve console performance It's something they're constantly looking at, although it's getting harder with old-gen consoles 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Technical - Crossplay PC and consoles playing together Not in the plans at all, sadly 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Technical - Engine Unreal 5 update It always risks stability, so as long there's nothing in UE5 they need, they'll stay on UE4 (more engine talk follows) 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Technical - Platform Changes for the Steam Deck They don't plan to do anything with the Steam Deck for now 20.05.2022 Dev Stream 20.05.2022
Creatures Other types of bugs Possibly 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Equipment Additional class tools No, they want every class to have a unique tool, having options just messes with expectations in a team 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for sentry guns Probably not, no plans at least 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Features - Modding Mods on console No plans right now 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Features - Streaming Twitch follower emotes For that they'd need to be Twitch affiliates, which come with restrictions they're not interested in right now 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Gameplay Third-person-view emotes on missions No, they'd like to keep most of the goofiness in the Space Rig 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Gameplay - Minerals A use for Error Cubes They'd have to come up with something cool, people have been building up their expectations for cubes for years 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Perks More perks Would be sweet to add more at some point 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Perks Nerf "It's A Bug Thing" Never, everyone should be running that perk 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Perks New perks Hopefully some time, no concrete plans 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Perks Rework Iron Will to be more reactive They might look at it if they decide to do a perk system overhaul at some point, but no plans right now 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Progression Choice of minerals for an assignment reward Minerals aren't as hard to obtain as overclocks, given that one can just play in a specific biome to get it 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Space Rig - Activities Trampoline room on the Space Rig Why not? trampolines for everyone 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No plans, sorry 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Technical Make it easier to fight toxic people Would be nice if they could solve that issue in the future, for now kick and move on 19.05.2022 Dev Stream 19.05.2022
Biomes Another planet No plans; Hoxxes IV can be as diverse as it needs to be to fit any biome 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Biomes Make blizzards in Glacial Strata harsher It's more or less fine as it is 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Biomes - Cavegen More map variety Even just rooms and tunnels can provide a lot of variety in how much they intersect 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Biomes New biomes Possible, but nothing planned right now 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Biomes - Appearance Rework Dense Biozone to be denser No concrete plans, but some of the older biomers could use a touch-up 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Classes - 5th Class New characters Probably never 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Cosmetics - Dwarves Wear medical gown after jumping into the hoop They'd like to keep access to it relatively limited; you have to "earn" it - it's a consolation prize, not an idiot trophy 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Creatures - Variants More versions of enemies More variants would be cool 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Equipment - Cryo Cannon Buff Cryo Cannon Probably not, it's already many people's weapon of choice 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Equipment - Flares Upgrade flares No plans 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Equipment - Overclocks Revisit old weapons and add new overclocks At some point, probably 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Equipment - Shard Diffractor Oil shale breakable with the shard laser Technically possible, but highly unlikely 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Features - Modding Modding for console versions It's not an easy thing to do, but having the option to do it was one of the reasons they chose 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Features - Modding Mods in the Steam Workshop Unlikely - at least not in the near future 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Gameplay - Minerals Increase the value of gold It's doubtful that they will, but maybe it's something worth discussing internally 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Miscellaneous - DLC Boxer shorts DLC for medical gowns Definitely 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Miscellaneous - Collabs Marvel/DC crossover content Yeah, sure, would be fun; Marvel, hit them up 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Perks Do things with the perk system Currently not; even if there's a rework in the future, they're not going to let us spend excess points 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Perks - Points Something to do with excess perk points No; they might do something with it at some point, but we're supposed to have more points than we need 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Progression - Assignments Individual assignments progressing with host's Maybe they'll look at it one day? the assignment system's not perfect, but the issue might lay deeper 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range It's been discussed a lot, but not planned 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Technical Facial animation for dwarves There was a test of that, but it didn't go far and probably won't 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Technical - Accessibility Accessibility setting for tryphophobia A good idea (and for color too), although they'd need to sit down and comb through the game to see what needs changing 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
UI - Crosshair Crosshair colors No plans, but sounds good 05.05.2022 Dev Stream 05.05.2022
Classes - 5th Class New class They'd rather expand on existing classes, and the more they expand, the more work it would be to make a new class 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Drinks More beers They hope they can add more in the future 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Equipment - Crossbow Separate ammo switch/no ammo animations It is the way it is to keep weapon behavior consistent, the Cryo Cannon has similar interactions 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Gameplay QoL additions Depends on the QoL addition, typically only critical issues are fixed during a season 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Gameplay - Disputes Majority vote for drop pod Majority vote is tricky to do in a game for 1-4 players 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Perks More perks They'll probably do something with the perk system as some point, but there's a reason we have so many points 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned, it's a lot more complicated than people think, plus it'd change their entire development pipeline 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Technical - Rendering AMD FSR for consoles They haven't looked at it 29.04.2022 Dev Stream 29.04.2022
Biomes - Cavegen New caves types / cave generation Probably yes, but when is undecided 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Classes - Gender Female dwarves They wanted to do it initially, but the way their models are set up makes adding a new body type a tremendous task; lesson learned 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for utility tools Would be cool 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Cosmetics - Machinery Molly or Bosco customizations No plans for Molly customizations as of now 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Drinks - Goofy More gag beers They hope they can make time for some more of those, it's a matter of prioritization 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Equipment More modification for support tools No plans to expand; maybe one day, they don't want to mess too much with how they work 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Equipment New grenades Would be cool; one day, hopefully 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Equipment New traversal tools It was considered and decided against; no alternatives for traversal tools mean no conflicts around choosing the "meta" tool 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Maybe in the future; they used to have them, but new players picked weapon upgrades over flare upgrades and that was bad 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Gameplay Loadout change drop pods "No" to changing load-out mid-mission 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Gameplay - Machine Events ME rewards when out of blank cores No plans for any extra rewards for that scenario, you get XP anyway 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Miscellaneous - Tutorial Add sounds to the bestiary No plans 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Missions - Escort Duty New boss for Escort Some changes have been considered - might not be a new boss though 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Missions - Escort Duty Reward for saving Doretta They don't want to introduce any; you should save Doretta because you want to, not because there's a reward for it 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Missions - Mutators Replace the haunted bulk model with something else Never say "never", but it's not planned and it would entail more changes than just the model 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points No plans; there might or might not be new perks or a perk rework in the future, the excess is intentional 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Space Rig - Shooting Range Training room They kind of starting making one, but it turned out harder than anticipated and not very worth it, so they moved on to other things 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between XBox and Steam Probably not something they're going to do (and crossplay between Sony & Microsoft isn't any easier) 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
UI More detailed stats like "flares thrown" They don't track that number, but it's not impossible for the KPI terminal; the mission end screen's probably not getting more stats 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
UI - Class Icons Class portraits reflecting cosmetics No, for exactly the same reason there is now a colored border there: quick class identification regardless of cosmetics 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
UI - Keybinds Remap Hover Boots and Molly to different keys No plans, but it might happen if we keep requesting it 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022
UI - Load-Outs Separate weapon and cosmetic load-outs Would be nice to expand that system; it's a dream of Johan's 28.04.2022 Dev Stream 28.04.2022