Development Q&A/Archive Update 34

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Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly Hasn't been considered 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly What would you even do as Molly? Follow other players around and get deposited into? 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Creatures More enemy types/species Definitely a possibility 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Drinks - Buff Halloween Beer to improve pumpkin yield Maybe next Halloween 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Lok-1 showing the point of bullet impact Lok-1 aims at the center of mass, if you want it to hit a weak spot, you have to angle it yourself 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 More ammo for Lok-1 It might need more ammo, it might need something else, it might be that players are using up ammo too fast; more data is needed 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 OC for the Lok-1 that interacts with the turrets They prototyped one, but it didn't feel right and didn't offer much 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Overclock for a continuous sludge stream That would make it too similar to the flamethrower 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Features - Competitive Asymmetric PvP like in Evolve Evolve had good ideas, but doing that in DRG would be like making an entirely different game 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Features - Competitive PvP The company's focus is co-op first, so no PvP 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs Other drops for Nitra They had those, but they were cut; something like summonable lights don't make much sense in the current design 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Missions More XP for Escort and Sabotage They'll keep looking at stats (also, if you don't like them after the buff, you must've hated them before) 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Perks New perks No plans currently, they might add more in the future; the excess of perk points is intentional 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Progression - Promotions More prestige tiers Maybe eventually, but it's also something very very few players will ever see 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Space Rig - Activities Glyphid-based card game on the Space Rig One of the founders of GSG is into Magic: The Gathering, he shoudn't be too hard to convince 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Technical Official save transfer between MS and Steam You can move the save files manually between folders and it should work; someone even made an (unofficial) app just for that 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual rework for older biomes It's something they want to do, the question is when 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class New character They're not going to add more classes 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Equipment - Melee Full melee weapons No 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Utility overclocks They don't want to create friction because someone didn't take a specific overclock that's considered the best 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Features - Competitive 2v2 race for materials They want to keep DRG a co-op game 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Features - Economy Endgame money sinks Keep promoting, promotions get very expensive (plus you could tip Lloyd a thousand times) 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mug models as actual mugs Hopefully someday, but it's not an easy process, and many of them wouldn't feel good to drink from in the first place 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Missions Large multi-stage massive bug queen mission Could be cool 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points The excess exists to offer freedom of which milestones to skip, and giving them a purpose would compel players to finish all of them 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Space Rig A list of supporters from EA in the Memorial Hall That would be a really long list to gather and manage, it's pretty bloated as it is from pre-EA supporters 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - Platform Mac version No plans, no thoughts 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - Rendering RTX ray-tracing Would be cool, but not sure it's possible 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - VR Official VR mode No, but they added a plug-in that a group of modders was asking for so that this group can make an unofficial VR mode 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal tools They've talked about it, it's possible 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Creatures More Naedocyte-family enemies Not impossible 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Toxic sludge dissolving platforms similar to fire No, with the flamethrower you have more control over where the fire goes, and the sludge can get everywhere unintentionally 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Miscellaneous Start verification for XBox two weeks earlier It's released on Steam when it's ready, waiting for the MS verification would just mean withholding the update from Steam users 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Technical - Crossplay Xbox & Steam crossplay Sadly not planned 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class More classes They're going to stick to four dwarves 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Classes - Gender Hot female dwarves If you have to ask whether the female dwarves are going to be hot, you'll probably be disappointed 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Frameworks & paintjobs for traversal tools They're discussing it, but no decision yet 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Creatures Mactera spawning animation Maybe it's time to do something about that 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They used to have them, but the upgrades ended up being not very interesting and, if missed, made the new player experience worse 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe Pickaxe overclocks Haven't been considered 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Platforms that force dancing for April's Fools No, then people wouldn't stop asking to be able to dance during missions 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Features - Modding Exclude Verified mods from the 25-mod limit They're working on a solution 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More modules for the OMEN The OMEN was designed with the idea that they could add more modules if they decided to 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives New secondary objectives Maybe 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC Tentacle-themed DLC Maybe when they do the Cthulhu patch (no) 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Collabs Crossover cosmetics from other games They have some nods here and there, but probably not anything official 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Art book Not sure 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Missions Roguelike mission type Could work in theory, but nothing like that is planned 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Progression - Assignments Different things to do for assignments The assignment system is staying as it is for now 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Progression Titles tied to achievements Maybe, but not likely, it sounds like more of an MMO thing where you want to show off what you've achieved 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Space Rig Access to the upper areas of the Space Rig Definitely not impossible 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Space Rig Fanart on the fridge in the Abyss bar It's a case of it never getting high enough priority to get implemented; they do think it would be a cool feature, though 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Technical - Rendering AMD's FSR Last time they checked it, it didn't seem like it would add anything to the game 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Creatures More mobile grappler enemies Johan would be down for an enemy that just yeets you 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Creatures - Bosses Holiday boss Probably not, it's a lot of work for content that's only available for several days a year 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Equipment Crossbow-like weapon They prototyped something like that, so it's not impossible, but it's not decided either 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Features Leaderboards No, they'd be easily cheatable - just take a look at the "Dancing Time" leaderboard on Steam 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More machine events Everyone agrees more MEs would be cool, but they're not coming with Update 35 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Events Not soon 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives They added new secondaries a while back, maybe a time will come to add some more 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives Regular missions with two primary objectives Not in the plans 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Soundtrack - Jukebox "Queen" in the jukebox Not unless they want to get sued 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Space Rig Screen that shows stats from the previous mission The med bay screen shows a bit, but a full stat page wouldn't be very consistent since players can join and leave between missions 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Technical - Crossplay Steam/XBox crossplay Not currently planned 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Biomes New planets It wouldn't bring much to the game; Hoxxes biomes are so diverse that they can put anything there 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Equipment New grenade types Not in update 35, but maybe after that 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Gameplay Interactions between the dwarves Beyond pressing V? probably not 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They usually just add details here and there; they're not really looking to create a whole story 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Soundtrack OST of Spotify They were talking to someone about it a while ago, not sure what the status on that is right now; they want to, in any case 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Features - Campaign Game story Not more than they already sprinkle in with each update 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Gameplay Animation for taking a resupply Would be cool 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Gameplay Sitting in the Drop Pod seats Nah, dwarves don't sit (or maybe they have such steady feet they don't need to sit) 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Space Rig - Activities Expand the Space Rig with stuff Expanding with stuff would definitely be cool 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Creatures Mother of all bugs Hopefully QA will catch it and fix it before release 08.10.2021 Dev Stream 08.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes Off the table, at least for the foreseeable future; the more content they add to the existing classes, the more work it'd be to create a new one 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal & support tools Would be cool 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Creatures - Variants More types of Haunted Cave ghosts Could be fun, although it's not like it's everyone's favorite warning 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks for old guns Not in update 35; they wanted to fit them in there, but had to prioritize differently 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Features - Miners' Union More features for the Miner's Union It's on-hold for now; it was an experiment to begin with, and a passion project of one developer who's no longer with GhostShip Games 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Creatures Random elite enemies in all missions A lot of people don't miss them though 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They had those, but they kind of made the game worse for starting players while not adding anything for experienced players 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC New cosmetic DLC Fairly likely 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise A comic series like for TF2 Would be cool, but TF2 characters have more personality to them and thus lend themselves better to the comic format 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Not impossible, but also an hour of new music is a ton of work for two people (check out TRJ Audio on YouTube) 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Space Rig Update the promotion terminal Not planned 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Features - Competitive Versus mode like in Left 4 Dead Probably not going to happen 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Features - Team Size Higher player count They're pretty happy with 4-player lobbies 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Gameplay Mod to slap the dwarves' butts Up to the modders 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Different phases for the Ommoran Hearthstone It would be really nice, but no concrete plans 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Space Rig - Activities Photo booth It was discussed a while ago, and it's not off the table, but the table has been occupied by Update 35 stuff for a long time 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
UI - Load-Outs More load-out slots You can definitely ask for more load-out slots 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Probably not 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Paintjobs for traversal & utility tools They're on some of the developers' wishlist 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Equipment Grenade upgrades They'd rather make new grenades instead 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Progression - Promotions Promotion tiers beyond Legendary No plans so far 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Technical - Platform PlayStation port No announcements 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration Someone made a good mod for that, feel free to use it 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous More goodies on the Steam Points shop Hopefully 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG TV series You’re asking the wrong people, they're game developers, not TV producers 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They try to include bits and pieces with every update, but don't want to flesh it out 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise New merch The stuff on ForFansByFans might stay as is, but there will be new merch at some point, just not related to any specific update 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Progression - Endgame More cosmetics for Lost Pack and Machine Events Probably 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Technical - Platform Upgrade for next-gen consoles There's always a chance, always 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Equipment - Cryo Cannon Cryo weapons cooling hot terrain Probably not planned (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Miners' Union Decouple the Union stuff from Discord No plans as of now, it's still an experiment, they might do something else with it 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Adding popular mods to the base game They could in theory take inspiration from particularly good mods, but there's no intention to just take them and paste them into the game 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Cooperate with modders to improve the vanilla game No plans, they'll do their thing and let the modders do their own thing 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Modding tutorial The DRG modding Discord has some guides, also check and Steam guides 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Mods for consoles They neither confirm nor deny that; was chosen in part because of its capability to support console mods (doesn't mean it's planned) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner More options for the laser pointer No, they're pretty satisfied with how it is, the context of the pings should usually be enough to communicate 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
UI Building a set of pickaxe parts with one button Would be nice to have, not sure if it's planned (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
UI Unsubscribe from several mods at once Perhaps, might be working on some UI changes to add that functionality 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Equipment New utility or traversal tools No new traversal tools, it's a tremendous task and they're happy with the current setup (grenades aren't out of the question though) 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they all got rolled into the base flare 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More perks/overclocks Overclocks - yes, perks - not planned but not impossible either 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe More pickaxe customization It's a pretty safe bet that there will be 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Variable C4 throwing distance a-la chunks No (but there are some tricks like throwing it while jumping and moving forward) 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Visible throw arc for the C4 like for grenades Sounds reasonable, although with the shorter distance accuracy doesn't matter as much as with grenades 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Subata Subata doing extra damage to goo'ed enemies Not planned 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Features - Competitive Player-controlled enemies No, they want the game to promote cooperation, and it was a fairly early decision 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Technical LAN or local multiplayer Neither split-screen nor LAN are planned for the game 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
UI - Load-Outs More load-out slots Every time we ask, Mike removes one load-out slot 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Custom flare colors No plans, but we'll be able to mod it in ourselves soon 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Creatures New Q'ronar enemies No, not right now 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Equipment More secondary weapons That's the intention, but it's up in the air when 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Ways to earn specific overclocks There was a discussion to add something like that with new overclocks, but no decision was reached; probably not with update 35 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Story arc No plans, they're going for "vague enough that the community fills in the blanks" 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Story of how the dwarves joined DRG No, they'll just keep adding small details here and there; beyond voice lines, adding personality to the classes is up to the players 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
UI - Class Icons Custom character icons They want to keep the classes recognizable with a quick glance, so the portraits are kept static 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Biomes - Cavegen Bigger caves It's a balance; they used to have bigger caves but had to tone them down due to performance, especially for consoles 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines Yes, dwarves will be saying things in Update 35 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Creatures Acid Spitter queen It was an old prototype that evolved into the Menace 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Gameplay More radiation damage/effects Maybe with the new overclocks, who knows? 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Gameplay New types of damage No plans, not until it makes sense for a new weapon to deal a new type of damage 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Miscellaneous Discord bot announcing current missions Sounds like it's going to type a lot of things 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Progression - Promotions Change the promotion process Some aspects of it might be changed at some point (like having to be in a solo game), and they can probably add confetti or something 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Space Rig - Activities More lobby mini-games Would be fun, but will be worked on when they have time (which is not right now) 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Space Rig - Activities More Space Rig activities Would be cool, Monster Hunter does arm-wrestling in a fun way 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Technical Split-screen for local co-op No plans, it's not simple to add if the game hasn't been built with that in mind from the ground up 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Biomes - Appearance Refine the older biomes They definitely want to, but it'll happen when there's time for it, and the scale of the touch-up is not defined either 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Creatures - Variants Biome-specific enemy variants The designers want variants to add something to the gameplay rather than making variants for the sake of biome variety 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Drinks - On Missions Beer dispenser during missions No plans, the Space Rig is for fun and games and the caves are for work 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Features - Campaign Story mode Not something they're going to do, not in this game 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Features - Competitive PvP They kind of want to keep this a co-op game and aren't really interested in PvP 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Perks Expansion of the perk system The point is that there are too many points so you can skip the milestones you don't like 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
UI - Load-Outs More load-out slots They're looking into it 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Creatures More bug types The ones they have are fine, but more types means more fun, so hopefully yes 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Equipment More grenade types No plans to add any more currently, but they'd like to revisit the idea in the future 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and MS store Possible, but involves many things that are hard to do, so they're not working on right now (and it changes the development process, too) 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Creatures More advanced elite versions of enemies Expanding how elites work requires systems that the game can't do yet, and that's part of the reason they're left as is 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Creatures - Variants Ghost Grabber for the Haunted Cave warning Something like this was drawn, but that was probably just an artistic rendition 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Gameplay More treasure hunts (e.g. Crates or Packs) Not soon and not before they think of something new to put in them, the item pools in those treasure hunts are separate 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Spin-off games in the DRG universe They thought about it, sure, but they're not currently working on any other titles and plan to continue working on DRG 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Soundtrack New music They're sticking with what they have for now; it's not impossible but it's also a lot of work 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Technical - Water Physics Water physics Probably out of scope for DRG, plus liquid physics being synced over computers online is its own whole problem 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves More hair colors There might be, not sure when 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Equipment - Flare Gun More damage to the flare gun People might start using it as a weapon instead of a lighting tool, and that's not the intended design 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Crafting materials in Deep Dives No, you'd be able to farm them due to the Deep Dives being the same for a week 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans of adding it, it's quite resource-intensive 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Biomes New biome They've just added two, don't be so greedy (but seriously though - probably at some undefined point in the future) 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Classes - 5th Class Fifth class No, that'd put the baseline balance between classes at risk 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Native version of the Fabulous Molly mod for Lost Packs It's a very impressive mod, but they'll probably let it stay a mod 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Creatures - Mini-Bosses More mini-boss encounters Would be cool 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment A gun that shoots beer Good, but maybe encouraging friendly fire isn't very nice 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment New traversal tools Not planned, that'd jeopardize the co-op interaction; they don't want people getting mad at each other for picking the "right" tool 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Flares used to have them, but later they were rolled into the base flare, bringing them back would require a redesign 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Second overclock slot Yeah, not sure that's in the cards 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Plasma Carbine Charged shot overclock for the plasma carbine Nope, that's the EPC's thing 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Lore about the DRG universe Not explicitly, they'd rather players piece it together themselves 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Not out of the question, but they're not making any new music now 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
UI - Load-Outs New preset/load-out slots They might be looking into a solution 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
UI - Missions Disable MC text boxes while keeping his voice That sounds like a reasonable request 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Perks New perks They're not working on anything like that right now, but it's not improbable 06.08.2021 Dev Stream 06.08.2021
Technical - Platform PlayStation port No plans at this point 06.08.2021 Dev Stream 06.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They'll probably continue to add little tidbits with each update, but they're not interested in fleshing out a complete story 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical Aim assist on controllers Currently on controllers the sensitivity should become lower when you're aiming at something that is an enemy 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between the Steam and the MS versions Not in the pipeline; it's something they'd like to do but don't really have the resources to do 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical - VR VR support Not in the works; they had an internal test plug-in that allowed looking around, but it'd be a ton of work to get from there to a VR mode 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
UI 3rd-person mode Probably not 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
UI Chat before and after the mission Some technical limitations got in the way a while back; they're open to trying again, but not sure when 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Pipes as Deep Dive secondary objectives Doubtful, they don't mix well with missions that need/have Molly 09.07.2021 Dev Stream 09.07.2021
Progression - Endgame Less randomness in overclock drops They discussed it a lot and settled on "no"; if you play the game regularly you can deplete the pool pretty fast 09.07.2021 Dev Stream 09.07.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins & overclocks for utility tools Skins aren't planned, overclocks are a "no" 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Customizable Drop pod Isn't there a mod for that? (doesn't mean they won't do it, it's a matter of prioritization) 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather make more grenades than grenade overclocks 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Equipment - PGL Melee bonus for the RJ250 compound That might lead to a lot of people doing nothing but rocket-jumping, not really intended 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
UI - Missions "Damage done" stat for the mission end screen They aren't looking for this kind of granularity, it's not a competition like that 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Special voice lines for elite enemies If they'd decided to allow them to spawn anywhere - yes, but now that they're contained in their own warning - not sure, maybe later 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Improvised/scavenged-themed cosmetics That sounds like something they would do 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment Multi-class weapons Probably not 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They're not sure if they're going to bring them back 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Remake movement overclocks as mods instead They can see the appeal, but those are made as overclocks for a reason; mods and overclocks fill different niches 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration Not at the moment, but they'll see what the future brings 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Mugs from the game as real merch Mugs are kind of hard to produce, and besides the in-game models are prettier than they are functional, they wouldn't make great mugs 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise New merch There might be some cool stuff in the future 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Space Rig Growing breather plants in the Space Rig Would that be like the Zen Garden from Plants vs. Zombies? 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Technical Discord integration with the Win10 version of DRG The MS store version has to be consistent with the XBox version, and integrating Discord with XBox is harder than it sounds 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
UI - Class Icons Custom dwarf profile pictures They'd rather keep them as they are for clarity's sake 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Biomes Explosions in the sand biome leaving glass behind If you wanted to put realism into this, it'd have to be a very hot explosion, like from a Fat Boy maybe 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Equipment Weapon appearance that changes with modifications They thought about it, but making weapon cosmetics is a big enough task as it is, expanding it would slow down weapon development 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Gameplay Walking on walls & ceilings That would kind of go against the whole concept of traversal tools the classes are built around 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Technical Mute while in background Probably something that can be done? 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface missions The current cave generation system isn't fit to create surface maps 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Equipment Stats on armors They'd rather keep armors purely cosmetic 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster More types of glyphids to tame Probably not, they want to avoid making taming a bigger part of the game than other perks 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Progression - Matrix Cores More ways to get matrix cores They'll see; it might be worthwhile with more overclocks entering the pool with U35 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Voice acting in different languages Not planned, they only employed one voice actor for the dwarves, and MC is voiced by the art director, Robert 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Creatures Wall leeches They tried those, put they just felt like an inferior version of the regular cave leech - easier to spot 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Equipment - Grappling Hook Add fall damage when grappling down to the ground No, that's not something they're going to change 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Biomes - Appearance Touch up older biomes to match newer ones They plan to do that, but it's not scheduled; new features often take priority 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface environment Would be cool, but no 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Biomes - Water Water No, it raises too many design issues with terrain, enemy behavior, etc. 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, they are happy with the four they have 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics Cosmetics locked behind challenging tasks No, there are many players of different skill levels 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics New cosmetics Yes 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins/paintjobs for traversal tools It is possible to do, but it'd be quite a lot of work, and other things take priority 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Creatures - Bosses Flying Dreadnought There's space for a hypothetical Mactera boss, but nothing planned; maybe one day 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Creatures - Neutral Elite lootbugs It is an opportunity they chose not to take 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Creatures - Variants Frozen/radioactive variants for Oppressors and Bulks They'd rather make new enemies; besides, those variations don't sound like they'd meaningfully change how you fight those enemies 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Equipment Alternate traversal tools They want players to be able to rely on a certain class bringing predictable tools to their missions 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks for existing weapons Yes 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Utility overclocks They've considered it, but there are no plans for those and they'd like to focus on weapon OCs instead (maybe in the future) 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Features - Team Size More than 4 players in a session No plans 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay Different types of ammo As a blanket system where any gun can have any type of ammo - no, that's not how they decided to make weapons for this game 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - Bosco Multiple drone options along with Bosco Nope; that's what Bosco modification for 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 Not planned, modders can probably do a better job 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Beer dispenser on Molly Mission Control wouldn't approve, drink before the mission if you have to 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Miscellaneous Cross-promotion armors with other games like Halo Not sure how that would work; "hi Microsoft, we are a small studio from Denmark, give us your IP license" 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Lore/stories for each character No, but they try to add little world-building details here and there 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Missions - Mutators Bulk infestation mutator That already exists as a mod (or via Twitch spawns mod) 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Missions - Mutators Mode with no Nitra but a lot more lootbugs That'd force players to kill lootbugs, which is not the point of lootbugs 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Perks More perks Maybe, not planned but not out of the question either 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve customization No, it's a perk, and as such must stay on the same scope as the rest of the perks, lest it becomes mandatory 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Progression - Endgame More endgame things, e.g. raids They'd like to keep exploring things like mission types and mini-bosses 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Progression - Promotions More promotion tiers It's just a number with a tiara anyway 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Classes First-person body model It can be done, but it's tricky to make it look good and not clip into terrain 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Gameplay Prevent enemies from attacking through the Mine Head Possible, but might have complications involving AI pathfinding 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Technical Dedicated servers Probably not going to happen 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment More frameworks They're fairly sure that's a given 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Creatures - Mini-Bosses New minibosses Not out of the question 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment Deployable limited version of Bosco for the Engineer If they replace the turret? dislike 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment Grenade upgrades They'd rather make new grenades than upgrades for existing ones 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment - Melee Expanding the melee gameplay No plans 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Features - Modding Incorporating popular fan mods into the base game They won't simply add a fan mod wholesale, but make something inspired by it 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Gameplay - Bosco Playable Bosco Probably never, they prototyped it and it really didn't work with the way the game is built now 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for saving Doretta's head They discussed it and decided against it, you should only do it if you truly care about Doretta 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Endless escort mission The way the caves are currently generated, truly endless missions would cause RAM issues 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve upgrades No upgrade or customizations, but there's space for improvement in making Steeve not get shot by teammates (accidentally) 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Progression - Endgame Extending the endgame with more overclocks, etc. They'll keep adding stuff to the game, but more OCs generate power creep and increase the workload to develop new weapons 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS 2.0 and ray-tracing They tried ray-tracing; the reflections were cool but it made the caves look weird 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment New flare colors Probably no 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs Pay Nitra to buy rails Nitra is supposed to be a resource only for ammo, plus pipes in all missions could make the gameplay experience a bit same-y 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Technical - Water Physics Water physics Too ambitious, would drive the minimum specs way up and require much of the game to be redesigned 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual update to older biomes There's definitely an interest to do it 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's something that's been on their minds for a long time, but they haven't gotten around to do it yet 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Equipment Classes upgrading each other's tools Sounds really dumb (seriously though, expecting someone to improve your tools might be too much co-op for DRG) 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Equipment - EPC Revert EPC changes They don't think that's going to happen 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Mini-M.U.L.E.s in all mission types Unlikely, they seem to break down really easily 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Perks Expansion of the perk system No, you're supposed to have more perk points to spend than perks to buy them with 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range Not currently planned, the way the game is set up makes it almost as fast to simply load a mission and test a build 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind mode They try to design for redundancy (so it's not just color, but also shape and sound); if something doesn't work for you, let them know, 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between the MS and Steam versions Possible, but difficult to do for a number of reasons, so it's not on the roadmap 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Classes - 5th Class New dwarves They'd rather expand on the existing dwarves than add new ones 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Creatures - Mini-Bosses Rework the reward for the Korlok Tyrant Weed The Korlok is supposed to be kind of bad; they're not sure they want the reward to be something that drives you to always engage it 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turrets placeable on the Drilldozer Not likely, it's intentional that the Engineer can't place them on Doretta 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Features - Modding Modding SDK Not in the first release of mod support at least 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Technical - Accessibility Setting to reduce triggers for epilepsy That's something they try to do when they get specific feedback 07.05.2021 Dev Stream 07.05.2021
Biomes - Appearance Makeover for old biomes No concrete plans, but they talked about wanting to do it 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for turrets, C4, drills, etc. Could happen, but no plans; the trick is that overclocks can't change a tool so much that it doesn't fulfill the basic role it was designed for 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe Different types of power attack It would be pretty safe to play around with, but it won't happen anytime soon 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Robot that follows the Engineer's and replaces turrets It's a cool idea; on the other hand, turrets are a part of Engineer's identity in DRG (plus it can't be that just one class gets an alt tool) 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Features Open world with building No 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Features - Economy Slot machine for gambling nitra & gold Not sure any casinos have been on Hoxxes yet 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More machine events They discussed it internally, no specifics yet 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Creatures More mechanics for elites Not planned, they'd like to focus on new enemies instead 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration For now they're pretty happy with how the mod for that works 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Gameplay - Objectives New secondary objectives No plans at the moment, but they're not off the table 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans (also read the stream FAQ) 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Eyewear customization slot No plans, but maybe someday, who knows? 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Drinks - Buff Change the Dark Morkite beer Probably no 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Drinks - Buff Pots of Gold increasing pouch size No 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Equipment Crossbow with melee that procs the Vampire perk That's not how crossbows work 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe New pickaxe parts Likely 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Features - Modding Modded games just not giving any XP That's a way to solve the issue, but it doesn't work for all the mods that don't affect progression 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration They haven't decided on that yet, will look into it 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events OMEN lasers not destroying platforms No, that's on purpose 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mugs as physical merch They'd love to and will look into it, but the mugs in the game are designed to look nice, drinking from them might not be pleasant 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Missions - Mutators Dwarves carrying O2 on them No, it's highly volatile, have you seen the amount of friendly fire in this game? 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Space Rig - Activities Spacewalk barrel collection minigame That sounds like a game in and of itself 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform lobbies Probably not possible in the near future (they would've done it already if they could) 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
UI Filter to see only unmodded lobbies Yes, there will be such an option 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
UI - Missions Teammates' shields visible on the HUD They didn't want to clutter up the UI with information that isn't really important to see at all times 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021