Development Q&A/Archive Season 4

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Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Cosmetics Add back time-sensitive cosmetics As anti-FOMO as they are, there will always be a few cosmetics which you had to be there to obtain, that's the plan 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Creatures Add a concussion/drunk effect to the Stalker Nah, the Stalker is already dangerous enough 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Creatures Other types of Corespawn Not in Deep Rock, but in Rogue Core 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Equipment New weapons Nuh-uh (but there will be new overclocks in Season 5) 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Bring back Manual Guidance Cutoff Aaron hasn't heard any discussion about it; not out of the question, but we shouldn't hold our breaths 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Gameplay More funny interactive things in the caves They did introduce one in the experimental branch: the Core Stone crashes the game if disturbed, so that's cool 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Gameplay - Minerals Give Error Cubes a use They have a use - they're a collectible 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC More DLCs Not at the moment, they usually release DLCs along with a season launch 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC Supporter III DLC Not for now, mostly because releasing them that often feels like patting themselves on the back too much 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collaboration with Helldivers Yeah, they collaborated to release Season 5 on the same say as their new HD warbond (just kidding) 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Progression - Matrix Cores More options to get overcloak What are we, a vampire? (they added more overclocks and one rework, so there's that) 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Space Rig Customizable rooms on the Space Rig No plans 07.06.2024 Dev Stream 07.06.2024
Classes - 5th Class New classes No 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Expand the voice cast No, the plan is still to keep inviting Javier for future voice lines 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Creatures Expand the crawler family of enemies That's mostly going to be explored in Rogue Core; Season 5 is a tie-in, but they want it to stand on its own too 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Creatures - Humanoid Enemy elves or cave trolls No 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Equipment More weapon mods Too early to speculate about, work on Season 6 won't start until they get Rogue Core out the door 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Equipment More weapons Not something they'll look at anytime soon; maybe, maybe not 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Equipment - Engineer New dances in the L.U.R.E. Not sure how many dances are in the L.U.R.E., but even if they don't add it, it can't be long until modders do 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Utility overclocks No, it's important for game design purposes to keep utility and traversal tools consistent 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Events No plans - maybe one day 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Gameplay - Minerals A use for Error Cubes What? what are we even talking about? we sound insane 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise Features and concepts from DRG: Survivor If something appears in DRG:S, it's neither a hint nor a guarantee it will appear in DRG; these are two different games 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve upgrades or updates They're upgrading our ability to love Steeve, and if we can't love Steeve more that's an us-problem 06.06.2024 Dev Stream 06.06.2024
Classes - Voice Lines More spammable ping lines in Season 5 No, why would we need more? also, the last time they added those, they didn't tell anyone from the stream team 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Mk7 armor Not in the making, no 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Cosmetics - Machinery Customizable Drop Pod options No, not something they're going to do 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Creatures Update Rival Tech or Lithophage Never say never, but they usually explore a theme while it's the current theme and then move on to the next one 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Drinks More (mission-relevant) beers More beers are likely at some point, not sure how mission-relevant they'll be though 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Equipment Balance changes in Season 5 Mike says "no" 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Equipment More mining equipment other than the pickaxe Nope, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it (but there will be new pickaxe cosmetics in Season 5) 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Equipment - Melee Dwarven steel two-handed maul for every class Ask Vermintide when that happens, wrong game 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Equipment - Melee New ex Not sure if typo or not, but there are two new pickaxe cosmetic sets coming 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Changes to Reatomizer No plans, they'd need feedback on what's wrong with it before deciding whether or not to change it 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Features - Competitive PvP mode No 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Features - Economy Transfer minerals to other players Never, they want to avoid systems that have the potential to spill out into real-money trading 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Gameplay - Bosco Upgrades or overclocks for Bosco No, but there will be a cape for Bosco in the new Order of the Deep DLC 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 5+ for lower hazards See yesterday's stream; haz 5+ is a repsonse to long-time players, for lower difficulties there's value in being able to share experiences 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collaborations We shouldn't hold our breaths for anything like a DLC pack - silly little references would be a more realistic expectation 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Perks New perks or rework to perks Not in Season 5, maybe in a future season; discussion has happened 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Perks Perk changes No plans - it's on the wishlist, but not in Season 5; check back for a more elaborate answer in yesterday's stream 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Soundtrack New soundtrack Apparently the Core Stone event will have a new track to itself, and maybe something else is coming 31.05.2024 Dev Stream 31.05.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Character interaction voice lines like in Vermintide We can get some responses if we ping other players; having interactions when entering a cave is tricky due to DRG's procedural generation 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Cosmetics - Machinery Skins for the M.U.L.E. It's a very old discussion; they couldn't reach a good consensus on who gets to contribute to/control what the M.U.L.E. looks like 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Creatures Add mini-Bulks Those are just Exploders - there, job done, easy 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Creatures - Variants Nuclear Bulk Detonator No plans; it would add flavor, but it wouldn't change what the enemy does or what the players have to do; REZ exploders are a bit different 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Equipment - Gunner 2-round-burst or both-barrel mod for AC No, but there is a 3-round-burst overclock coming for the GK2 in Season 5 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Equipment - Melee Other melee weapons No; they don't want to pivot to melee combat in a gun-heavy game, a power attack is enough and fits well 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard -1 Sorry, what? 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC Release DLC skins earlier No 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Missions - Deep Scan Pet the elevator No, it's not a sentient machine 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Perks Perk system update Not in Season 5; more perks to spend points on will affect only a small portion of players, better solutions are very time-consuming 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No, partly due to coding reasons, partly because the powers that be would rather have players test builds in missions 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Technical - Accessibility Auto-sprint No; ultimately DRG is a game about taking our time and enjoying the finer pleasures in life, like holding down Shift 30.05.2024 Dev Stream 30.05.2024
Classes - 5th Class New classes Not in DRG, no; but in Rogue Core? who knows 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Classes - Voice Lines More MC interactions with pings Not really planned, these kinds of things should happen organically as a response to a community meme 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment More unique pickaxe sets like the Chillaxe There are two new pickaxe sets in Season 5 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Creatures - Bosses New dreadnought fights They thought about it, but it's not going to be considered for a long time with Rogue Core taking the stage 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Equipment Weapon or OC balance updates For Season 5 it's one Stubby OC reworked and a bunch of new ones; not much in the way of weapon balance 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades No; there used to be in an early version of the game, but they ended up not being fun choices compared to weapon upgrades 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Gameplay Emotes that use existing animations This is something they specifically decided not to do; it's important to keep the pickaxe salute as the form of acknowledgement 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Miscellaneous Add rewards to other DRG games Would be cool eventually, but they're nowhere near the point when it's time to make that call 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG movie They like the idea, but ensuring that it stays true to the source material would take so much time that it'd interfere with making the game 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Perks Perk rework Not in Season 5, and they won't start planning content for Season 6 for a while, so - not anytime soon 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Soundtrack - Jukebox New jukebox tunes No plans 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Space Rig - Activities More games on the Space Rig Nothing planned, and there are none in Season 5, which means it's going to be a long while before any new ones 17.05.2024 Dev Stream 17.05.2024
Classes - 5th Class New dwarf and new weapons Hard "no" for a new dwarf, not looking into new weapons either right now 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Classes - 5th Class Ninja / stealth class No, they're not going to add one 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Classes - 5th Class Samurai / ninja class No 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines with dwarves interacting for storytelling No plans; Vermintide/Darktide do it in a cool way, but it works well because their characters are way more defined than those of DRG 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Move the bandana to the eyebrow category No 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Old weapon models as anniversary frameworks It was considered at some point (Aaron likes this idea) 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Traversal tool cosmetics No, traversal tools are on-screen for, like, 0.25 of a second, development-wise there's a lot more bang-for-buck in weapon cosmetics 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Weapon color rework No granular pick-and-choose systems are on the way, but they are introducing several new paintjobs in Season 5 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Creatures More elite enemies Any of the new ones could potentially be elite, probably? 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Creatures - Bosses New Dreadnought species It would be cool, but it's not in Season 5, and they're not going to start planning Season 6 until they get Rogue Core out the door 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Drinks Upgrade dwarven livers Nope, they're just as God intended 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Equipment - Driller Increase C4 explosion radius No, it's right where it should be 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Equipment - Gunner Autocannon rebalance Autocannon slaps, it's our skill that needs a rebalance 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Features - Modding Mod access on XBox Sorry, there's basically no chance of that happening 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Features - Modding Mods for consoles Mods are not coming to consoles 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Features - Modding Weekly mod showcase No plans right now, but they might come back to this idea once they move offices 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Features - Team Size Allow missions with more than 7 players That sounds like a mod issue 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay Button to dance in the middle of a mission No, dancing takes place on the dance floor, not a work site (unless the devs are making a clip for social media) 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay Mechas or power suits That'll probably never happen, unfortunately (although early concept art of Driller had him in a power suit) 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Haz+ difficulty modifiers on lower hazards They decided not to do that, check the "On the Horizon" stream for exactly why 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Rename Haz 5+ to Haz 6 They didn't do that because the "6" key fell out of their keyboard - otherwise a very good idea 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Depositing prioritizes Nitra first No 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay - Machine Events A more efficient way to find Machine Events No, you gotta look around and get lucky - those are the two steps 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Gameplay - Minerals Do something with Error Cubes What does that mean? 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous Interview Javier on a stream Maybe not before they move, but it'd be a super fun thing to do; Javier has a real job though, he's kind of busy 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC New DLC for Season 5 Yes, a new DLC has been announced for Season 5 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC Supporter Pack III They don't want to put them out too often or it'll feel like they're tooting their own horn too much 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers 2 collab They're throwing around ideas with Arrowhead Games, but it's definitely not going to be anything as big as a mission pack or a DLC 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Various crossovers They're talking with Helldivers 2 devs, but we shouldn't expect anything more than a little fun reference 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Beer collab with a brewery There's actually a microbrewery in the office building they're moving into in July, so that's a good opportunity 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise More board game expansions It's not their call to make, Mood Publishing decides that sort of thing 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Physical beer mugs as merch They don't really have the bandwidth to develop a game and seek out contractors and suppliers; check out Scorched Steel Studio 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Perks Perk for better control when drunk There is a perk like that and it's called "being born in Wisconsin" 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Progression - Seasons Rainbow season with all events active Unseasoned mode is going to have a very low but equal chance for all seasonal events 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay They are not looking at that and it will very likely not happen, sorry 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not coming, sorry 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Technical - Rendering FRS3 support There are some issues with implementing it into DRG 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
UI Better UI for weapon cosmetics No changes coming for the weapon framework/paintjob UI 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
UI Stylized Cyrillic font That's definitely in the "fan-made" territory, font options are not something they would do 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
UI - Quick Message Better comms system (similar to SoT) No, we've got the chat window and we've got the laser pointer, and if that ain't enough, that's a skill issue 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
UI - Quick Message Voice commands for utility tools No, the best thing we can do is ping more and keep pinging; hope this helps! 16.05.2024 Dev Stream 16.05.2024
Biomes Alien cities or towns No, Glyphids don't seem like the city-building type of critters 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Biomes New biomes Not currently working on new biomes 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Drinks - Buff New buff beer No plans 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Equipment Add more movement In terms of movement tools - no, they're pretty happy with how the class mobility works now 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Equipment Other weapons Maybe, but we shouldn't expect it anytime soon 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Gameplay Introduce snacks They're not going to do snacks 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Gameplay - Bosco Ability to pet Bosco We can't because Bosco is working and we would be interrupting Bosco doing his job 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG dating sim Very unlikely, except maybe as a fan creation 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise Small animated series They never considered it seriously; the amount of supervision required to ensure they like it would take time away from the actual game 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Perks Perk rework Not coming in Season 5; they considered it, but it didn't make the final cut 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Perks - Beastmaster More tamable Glyphids No, nothing like that is on the table, and we won't be able to tame a Stalker 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Space Rig - Activities DRG boardgame minigame in the Space Rig That's probably not going to happen, but we can play the boardgame in Tabletop Simulator 03.05.2024 Dev Stream 03.05.2024
Biomes New biomes No plans at the moment; there was a concept called Caustic Mire, but it was deemed too similar to Fungus Bogs 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Random chance for a dwarf to scream for no reason Sounds hilarious, great idea 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Toggle beard on armor Not planned, but would be cool 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Drinks - Buff New buff beers for Season 5 No plans 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Equipment Base weapon stats rebalance No discussion right now, Mike will look at it if time allows 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Equipment More mobility items like jetty boots There's a more powerful version of the jet boots in the new mission in Season 5 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Equipment - Melee Expansion to melee combat No plans 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Jumping OCs for Driller and Gunner Noone has been talking about it, and giving every class a mobility OC could probably lead to too much mobility 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for finishing Deep Scan without jet boots It's a really fun idea, but unfortunately they're not adding any more achievements 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Missions - Escort Duty Player survival bonus for Doretta's head No, because that's not why we're supposed to save Doretta's head - it's the shopping cart test 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Space Rig - Prop Hunt Prop beer puts a black screen for a while They considered that and a number of other options, but ultimately everything was either annoying or conducive to griefing 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
UI - Load-Outs More slots for weapon builds No plans 02.05.2024 Dev Stream 02.05.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Unique voice lines for the Vampire perk No plans, maybe at some point 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Cosmetics New items in Lost Packs / Cargo Crates Coming in Season 5 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Dark Future paintjob for pickaxes No plans, but the random loot pools are going to get some new pickaxe paintjobs 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Creatures Add other scrapped enemies Not for Season 5; the Stalker wasn't scrapped, it was postponed because it wasn't visually up to snuff 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Creatures - Bosses More dreads Mike would love to, but they take a lot of time to design 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Creatures - Variants Ebonite Bulk Detonator No 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Equipment Equipment tweaks in Season 5 A big "maybe"; traditionally Mike has done some rebalancing for major updates 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Equipment - Engineer LOK-1 / Stubby mods interacting with turrets Not mods, but overclocks for those were considered at one point 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Equipment - Engineer Upgrade for turrets to slowly traverse terrain No, they have not considered it; that is not the point of turrets in Deep Rock Galactic 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Equipment overclocks No, tools define classes in a big way, and they want everyone to be able to have a reliable expectation of what a class can do 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Features First-person spectating If we mean joining a game and flying around in first person, then no plans 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Cheaper resupplies / more Nitra for Haz 5+ No plans for either; they don't want to touch too many of the systems with Haz 5+ 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Difficulty options for Deep Dives No, the point of the Deep Dives is to have a set difficulty 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Crossover with Subnautica Doubtful 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise OST vinyl available in Europe All European stock is sold out, if they ever do a rerun they'll let us know 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Missions - Deep Scan Elevator music for Deep Scan No, the elevator causes a swarm so there will be combat music playing 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Progression - Seasons Reroll season challenges for credits Probably not 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Soundtrack More soundtrack Even less likely now that Troels has left Ghost Ship Games 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Space Rig Petting zoo No 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Space Rig - Activities More arcade machines Nothing planned, and something like that is more likely to come spontaneously without being planned 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Space Rig - Prop Hunt More props for the prop hunt game Yes, there will be more props 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range We should test our weapons in the missions 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Technical FSR 3.0 Most likely not, because integrating FSR with Unreal Engine 4 is looking like a lot of work; DLSS 3.0 is likely to come in Season 5 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
UI Filter for unseasoned cosmetics only Sounds like a good idea, but even the filters coming in Season 5 took a tremendous amount of work; shout-out to Amanda 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
UI Search field for cosmetics No; a filter checkbox is a good example of something that seems simple from the outside, but actually takes quite a lot of work 26.04.2024 Dev Stream 26.04.2024
Creatures - Variants New Ebonite enemies e.g. Mactera No, just the existing two; an Ebonite Mactera would be especially horrible since it's a ranged enemy that can only be damaged with melee 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Gameplay - Hazard Level Plus settings for hazards below 5 They considered it, but they want to be able to talk about a hazard level with everyone knowing what it means; plus settings blur the lines 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Miscellaneous - Achievements New achievements in Season 5 No 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise New merchandise They have been talking with some partners about possible collaboration, but it's a completely different and complicated business 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Missions - Deep Dives Elite Deep Dive + No plans; DDs are specifically locked in layout and difficulty to allow learning them and having a shared experience of beating them 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Perks - Points Perk rework Not in Season 5; they're aware of the perk point surplus, and we're going to have even more with the new mission type and warnings 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Space Rig Expansion of the Space Rig If they do it, it'll happen organically when something new needs space, they don't expand for the sake of expanding 25.04.2024 Dev Stream 25.04.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines of MC being fed up with the freighter pilot It's becoming a tradition at this point 21.03.2024 Dev Stream 21.03.2024
Creatures - Humanoid Humanoid enemies It seems there are humanoid enemies in the DRG universe, but they're not announcing anything for DRG 21.03.2024 Dev Stream 21.03.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers collab They're emailing each other, but Arrowhead are too busy putting out fires 21.03.2024 Dev Stream 21.03.2024
Perks More perks Not in Season 5 21.03.2024 Dev Stream 21.03.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Hackable Hulk from HD2 in DRG That would be cool 08.03.2024 Dev Stream 08.03.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay It's pretty close to "out of the question", although it could happen in some distant universe 08.03.2024 Dev Stream 08.03.2024
Biomes Caustic Mire It's just a visual concept, they'll sit on it until they figure out how to make it more interesting than Fungus Bogs 2 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Classes - 5th Class More class No 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Bring back anniversary hats Those are one of the few examples of hats that are not coming back 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal tools Unlikely to happen, there are too many things with a higher priority 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Creatures Glyphid Stalker for Season 5 It's likely 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Equipment New weapons No work is being made on that, they are only going to add guns if they are confident they feel distinct from the existing set 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Features - Streaming Twitch game engine plugins It would be cool to have it natively, but there's a mod for exactly that, and it's so fleshed out that they could hardly compete with it 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers 2 collab No plans, but the more we ask, the more screenshots they can show to their bosses as proof of interest 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Perks Update to the perk system Addressed during the most recent anniversary stream 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Progression - Matrix Cores Improve overclock grind It takes a while to get all overclocks - that's intentional; we should try out the overclocks that did drop 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Progression - Seasons Fix Double PP trophies being useless The trophies aren't meant to be rewarding for someone who's finished the pass; as for the extra spawns, they're unsure it's intentional 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Very likely not, it requires a lot of technical stuff - refer to the first dev stream of 2024 for a detailed explanation 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
UI - Load-Outs Ability to name load-outs No plans, but as a heads-up: there's an option to assign icons to load-outs 07.03.2024 Dev Stream 07.03.2024
Biomes New biomes They'd prefer adding new biomes over updating old ones, players generally don't reward updates to old content as much as new content 29.02.2024 Anniversary Stream '24
Equipment - Overclocks OCs from DRG: Survivor in DRG Some ideas might spill over as inspiration, but there probably won't ever be anything carried over one-to-one 29.02.2024 Anniversary Stream '24
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers collaboration They're not even trying to approach HD devs right now, Arrowhead are busy trying to wrangle their success under control 29.02.2024 Anniversary Stream '24
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Merch There's always hope, but nothint definite to say at this point; they want to solve this problem, but can't promise they will 29.02.2024 Anniversary Stream '24
Perks Revisit the perk system It's on their wishlist; they've been discussing it, but haven't decided on the scope and the approach 29.02.2024 Anniversary Stream '24
Cosmetics - Equipment Stat boosts from weapon frameworks They want to keep gameplay advantages separate from cosmetics 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Cosmetics - Machinery Molly cosmetics Might not be something they'd work on themselves, but there was a mod for that called "Fabulous Molly" 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Creatures - Variants Radioactive bulk detonator They decided against it to make the regular Bulk more special; besides, a radioactive big boom isn't all that different from a regular one 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Drinks - Buff New buff beers Not a hard "no", but buff beers take a surprisingly long time to make, so it depends on what else they're doing 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Equipment - Melee Lightsabers When Disney calls them 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Equipment - Melee Lightsabers They don't think they'll ever put one in the game 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Equipment - Overclocks New mobility overclocks Maybe? it mostly depends on whether they can come up with something that creates fun gameplay and doesn't break it 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Equipment - Overclocks New OCs or OC changes Right now the plan is to add one new overclock for each of the 12 primaries in Season 5 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Features - Modding Modding support for consoles Based on how everything looks now, it's not a definite "no", but it's close to a definite "no" 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers 2 crossover Neither of them called each other; plus, Helldivers 2 devs might be a little busy right now 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Perks Perk changes It's something they're thinking about, but not something they're actively working on; it's on the internal wishlist 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Space Rig Changes to the Space Rig layout Nothing major planned, we shouldn't expect any radical changes 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Space Rig - Activities Among Us beer Might be a little too complicated for DRG (and a bit redundant now that prop hunt is live) 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Still very, very, very likely not going to happen 23.02.2024 Dev Stream 23.02.2024
Creatures Glyphid Stalker Anyone who follows them on Steam will be the first to know if/when the Stalker will appear in either DRG or RC 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Creatures - Humanoid Primate-inspired enemy It's likely they'll always keep them bug-themed, but you never know what lurks on Hoxxes 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Equipment Fourth weapon for each dwarf Not off the table, but also not something they're actively working on 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous Fan enemy design contest Not sometihng they considered hosting 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Achievements New achievements If they add any, the total won't be 69 (also, there's nothing that QA loves more than spending a hundred hours to test an achivement) 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with another game It's mostly a question of "do they have the time for that, and if yes, what does that mean for all the other things they do?" 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Helldivers 2 crossover If Helldivers devs approach GSG, at least some at GSG are going to be very annoyingly advocating that they should make it happen 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise Mission Control idle game Would be cool 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore about the DRG universe There won't ever be an official complete lore compendium 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Missions - Mutators New anomalies in Season 5 Likely 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Perks Perk system rework Still in the same place: they'd like to improve it, but haven't looked at it yet 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Space Rig - Prop Hunt Add a time limit to Prop Hunt The decision for no time limit was deliberate; if some groups want a shorter round, they can coordinate via chat 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Space Rig - Prop Hunt Change props during holiday season It's something they want to do, the question is whether they have the time to implement that 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Space Rig - Prop Hunt Holiday props for Prop Hunt If the game isn't currently set up like this, they can hopefully enable turning into holiday props when the corresponding holiday is live 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Space Rig - Activities Tag minigame beer No plans, but there's a vibrant modding community with a very active Discord server 22.02.2024 Dev Stream 22.02.2024
Creatures - Mini-Bosses Ability to pet Bet-C Never going to happen, Bet-C has been down in the caves for a long time, it's covered in germs and dirt 16.02.2024 Dev Stream 16.02.2024
Creatures New special enemy Possibly 02.02.2024 Dev Stream 02.02.2024
Equipment New weapons/tools Probably not in Season 5 or 6, but maybe after that 02.02.2024 Dev Stream 02.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Lore Expand lore The plan is to continue as they have been doing it - with general worldbuilding; Season 5 will have some lore tie-in with Rogue Core 02.02.2024 Dev Stream 02.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Lore Stuff for the future of Karl They probably aren't going to expand on that, the team is pretty happy with the vagueness of it 02.02.2024 Dev Stream 02.02.2024
Soundtrack "Journey of the Prospector" on Spotify Someone's probably working on it 02.02.2024 Dev Stream 02.02.2024
Classes - 5th Class Add Duke Nukem New characters aren't going to happen, but Rogue Core is going to have characters who sound more like they're military 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for support items Not a hard "never, no", but there are about 300 things they'd rather work on and improve before that 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment Pink paintjob for weapons It's the kind of thing that could happen as a seasonal weapon maintenance reward 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Multiple OCs on one weapon Not something we'll see in Deep Rock Galactic, but in DRG: Survivor we can 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Features - Modding Fundamental changes to the game based on mods They don't have telemetry on all mods that are being made, but they keep an eye on mods to weapon balance 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Gameplay Dwarf-controlled machinery Nothing like mechs planned (but an early prototype of Doretta was driveable) 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Miscellaneous - DLC Steampunk DLC No, because it's not 2006 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Merch store A merch store is unlikely, but they're looking at a few limited but cool merch options 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Progression - Endgame Make the cosmetic grind more tolerable No specific plans; last time it was discussed, they convinced the game director to have promotions grant matrix cores 01.02.2024 Dev Stream 01.02.2024
Drinks Hold one beer in each hand in Season 5 Probably not 26.01.2024 Dev Stream 26.01.2024
Gameplay - Objectives Voice line for collecting above the quota No, they don't want to encourage players to stay in the mission for longer than it takes to complete the objective 26.01.2024 Dev Stream 26.01.2024
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with other games They're unlikely to do any straight-up collabs, the game director is understandably protective of the IP 26.01.2024 Dev Stream 26.01.2024
Missions New mission type or biome A new mission type is probably happening in Season 5 26.01.2024 Dev Stream 26.01.2024
Perks Perk to throw the pickaxe like a boomerang No plans 26.01.2024 Dev Stream 26.01.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Dubs for other languages They rely on fan translations for text, but they're not going to commit to localized voice lines; maybe fans or AI can solve that 18.01.2024 Dev Stream 18.01.2024
Creatures - Board Game Add Rammer from the board game Strong "no", it's redundant in the video game since the Shellback already fills the "strong armored guy that pushes you around" niche 18.01.2024 Dev Stream 18.01.2024
Creatures Remove Bulk Detonators That's going to be filed under "Skill Issue", sorry 18.01.2024 Dev Stream 18.01.2024
Features - Modding Mods added into vanilla game The angle indicator for the power drills was initially a mod, they thought it made sense to have it in the base game 18.01.2024 Dev Stream 18.01.2024
Missions New mission types In the works for Season 5 18.01.2024 Dev Stream 18.01.2024
Cosmetics - Equipment New weapons Possible at some point, but a new set is a tremendous amount of work 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Cosmetics - Machinery Update to Molly, skins No plans for Molly skins 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Drinks - Buff Buff beer for Season 5 Possibly; they're not yet done planning what's going to go in Season 5, maybe they can squeeze something in 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks Yes, planned for Season 5 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG 2 At some point, maybe? hopefully not like Overwatch 2; or maybe they'll just keep going with DRG 1 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Miscellaneous - Lore Other mining corporations They'd probably have to make an entire new game for each (plus, Rivals are already one example) 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Missions - Mutators Rework the "Low Oxygen" warning No plans 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Perks - Beastmaster Perk for more Steeves No, they're pretty comfortable with the current number of Steeves 12.01.2024 Dev Stream 12.01.2024
Biomes New biomes It's on the table of options for Season 5, but not something anyone is actively working on 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Classes - Voice Lines Add a "I love miners!" voice line Nice try, pal 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Hats based on fanart They don't really do that, but a long while ago they took some inspiration from beards found in fanart 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades or cosmetics Not going to happen; in early versions flares used to be upgradable, but they distracted players from more interesting upgrades 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Equipment - Gunner Increase speed on a zipline No, the speed is fine as it is 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Equipment - Gunner Ridiculously fast zipline on April Fool's Day Would be funny, and it'd be so fast the dwarf takes and deals damage impacting on the other end 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks Unlikely; if they ever decide to add more variety to grenades, they'll just add more grenades 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Gameplay Friendly fire reduction after the objective is done It sucks that this kind of griefing happens, but it's not a frequent enough occurrence to warrant an intervention like that 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Missions Survival-type mission Unlikely; missions should have a predictable duration, plus classes work better when there's something beyond just shooting 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Missions - Escort Duty Aim assist for mining minerals and oil shale The small bits around the edge can be left unmined, they don't really matter (unless they bother us) 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Perks - Beastmaster More tamable enemy types No, that would make the perk too powerful; a post-release bug with the coil gun made everything tamable, and it was a mess 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Space Rig Lootbug pet at the Space Rig That's probably more likely that a Steeve (which is basically never); also a lootbug could be trained to be a Roomba 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
UI - Missions Commendations at the end of a mission A lack thereof is an intentional decision to not encourage people to compete for titles and stats 05.01.2024 Dev Stream 05.01.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Furry armor & helmet A remarkably frequent suggestion, someone emails them every once in a while; no, they already have bunny ears 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Cosmetics - Dwarves Red Dead Redemption 2 hat Aaron and Jacob spent an hour trying to convince Mike to do this, but no luck so far 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Cosmetics - Machinery Drop pod skins No, you can't do better than the color red 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Equipment LithoVac scares the ghost Bulk Detonator They considered making the LithoVac the only way to kill the ghost, but didn't have time to flesh out the idea 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Features - Team Size Native support for bigger teams No, that invites too many balance concerns 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Gameplay - Objectives Random events as mandatory objectives in Deep Dives No plans for that probably 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Miscellaneous Podcast Would be cool; would also be more convenient once they move offices so that interviews don't take place in an open space 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Missions New missions It's something they're working on for Season 5, it's intended to be one of the things in the update 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Space Rig - Activities Cave-Leech-themed crane machine That's a good idea 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Space Rig - Activities Claw machine next to the bar That would be great 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform That would require an account system and a whole lot of data wrangling, too big a coding task, no plans 04.01.2024 Dev Stream 04.01.2024
Biomes - Appearance Sufficiently big explosions in sand create glass They don't have a system which takes the size of the explosion into account - each biome has one "explosion material" and that's it 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Chillaxe parts changing color No plans; it's set to blue because it's "made of" ice 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Drinks - Buff Permanently available Dark Morkite No, buff beers are supposed to be on a rotation 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Equipment More upgrades for the pickaxe and Bosco There's room for them, but they're not in the plans 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Equipment - Driller Cryo Cannon cooling down hot rock It's something they discussed very early in development but never pulled the trigger on; doable in theory 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Equipment - Scout Sonar grenade that scouts the cave The Scout himself is the sonar grenade, he flings himself into a cave and scouts it 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Progression - Assignments Progressing different assignments in a team If we decide to help someone with an assignment, they want it to be a conscious choice that has a cost (not progressing our assignment) 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Space Rig - Activities Poker table in Season 8 That would be cool 22.12.2023 Dev Stream 22.12.2023
Creatures - Board Game Board game enemies in the video game No plans to update the Nexus model - it looks awesome in the board game, but if they do, other old models will look even older in comparison 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Equipment More pickaxe upgrades No plans, but there's space for it - it's a question of priorities 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Features - Campaign Story mode Doubtful 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Would be cool to explore in the future 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG graphic novel or comic A lot of them think it'd be awesome, but no plans to make anything like that 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Missions - Escort Duty Mining laser kills swarmers No; it would be hilarious if they chased the laser instead like cats, but "no" to that as well, that's too funny 21.12.2023 Dev Stream 21.12.2023
Classes Make Scout less explodable No plans 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Creatures - Bosses New Dreadnoughts Maybe not in Season 5, but not out of the question in general 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Creatures - Variants Lootbug variations Not sure what they could put in them, crafting minerals maybe? a mini-boss that has to be fed minerals would be neat 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for traversal tools No plans, traversal tools require a very fine balance, and OCs could easily throw it out of whack 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Gameplay - Call-Downs Bring back call-downs other than resupplies One of the reasons they were scrapped is that they encroached too much on class roles 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Missions Dancing missions When they worked on an accessibility option for mashing A+D, they had a DDR-like minigame, but it was ultimately scrapped 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Missions New mission type Their hope is to add another mission type not too long from now 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Technical - Platform Switch port Probably never, it doesn't have the memory required to handle caves without a major rework of the cavegen algorithm 15.12.2023 Dev Stream 15.12.2023
Classes - Voice Lines Unique shouts when downed by a Cave Leech Cool idea, although it might be too much of a tell that there's a Cave Leech involved, they don't want it to be too obvious 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves More cosmetics like armor sets "Yes" to more cosmetics, and it's all but certain there will be another DLC for Season 5; they're also workshopping another tier for armors 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Equipment Revive pistol They've said "no" to a medic class before, and anyone with a revive pistol would effectively become a medic class 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Gameplay Auto-sprint option No, the game director doesn't want that 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 Extremely likely not - it's not a very smart use of their time to develop something that appeals to less than 10% of their audience 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Ability to pet Molly It's a UI thing, the interact button is reserved for depositing, adding pets to that would be confusing 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Molly upgrades & attachments No, in all likelyhood Molly is going to stay in her present state 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Miscellaneous - DLC More cosmetic DLCs They'd like to at some point, but no active designing is being done right now 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Perks - Beastmaster Dwarven cosmetics on Steeve The game can be silly, but Steeve cosmetics are too silly for the game's direction 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No plans, the conclusion they arrived to is that it wouldn't be much faster or more convenient than loading into a mission 08.12.2023 Dev Stream 08.12.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Gilded moustache It's an ambition rather than a plan; would be cool as part of another Supporter DLC or something like that 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Make the Steam Awards hat available Probably not; Jacob will make the case for it again if DRG wins Labor of Love this year 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Creatures Mammal- or non-bug-type enemies Probably not in DRG, but possibly in Rogue Core 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Creatures - Variants Fire-breathing Praetorian They're hesitant to add more variants of existing monsters if they don't require different tactics from the players 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Drinks - On Missions Broken fridge pod to find during missions They aren't going to add that because that sounds like a fun idea and they don't do fun (not that kind) 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Equipment - Gunner Shoot zipline up and swing on it like Tarzan No plans for more traversal modes; it's a cool idea, but might not fit Gunner's intentionally lower mobility 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Features - Economy Trade resources between players Trade economy requires a lot of really complex systems to support it, so they decided against that early on 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Gameplay Add meth So many good ideas from the community today 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Gameplay Option to have jet boots spawn in every mission No, that would make traversal tools more or less obsolete and remove a lot of what makes the classes distinct 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Gameplay - Minerals Add iron No plans (but there was a prototype resource like that back when they were creating crafting minerals) 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Miscellaneous - Lore In-depth lore (story DLC, comic book, etc.) For the game they deliberately leave the lore vague to foster speculation 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Missions New locations or new objectives It's their hope that Season 5 has at least one of those two; there's a prototype of a new mission type 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Perks "It's a Bug Thing" auto-collects lootbug drops Absolutely not 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Perks Perk system rework It's no secret that the system could use a rework, a lot of people want that internally, but there are no active plans 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Progression Progress carry-over from DRG to RC Not planned; part of why they made RC into its own thing was to get away from all the systems they'd have to support were it a part of DRG 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Progression - Matrix Cores Reduce the OC grind for new players No plans to adjust that right now 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
UI Option to have jet boot UI always on-screen That's a good idea, might go a long way to solve the issue of forgetting you have jet boots at all 01.12.2023 Dev Stream 01.12.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves More armors It's something they're looking at for Season 5 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Creatures More bug enemies in future seasons Hopefully the Stalker will be refined enough by Season 5 to add it in 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks and weapons for Season 5 There's an overclock planned for every primary in the works for Season 5, but a "no" for new weapons 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Features - Modding Mods as official additions They're not against the concept of it, but noone's working on that either; maybe some time later 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Gameplay Health running out for downed players like in L4D That would probably be a bit more hardcore than what the game is intended to be 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard levels higher than 5 Probably not going to happen - not enough population on haz 5; we can use mods though 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Crossover with other games and shows That's definitely an idea, someone should do something about that 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Perks - Points A way to spend unused perk points There are certainly parts of the perk system that could be reworked; maybe it'll get looked at for spring maintenance, but no guarantees 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Progression - Endgame Endgame stuff Deep Dives are endgame content, as is Hazard 5 (only 4 were planned originally), they'd rather avoid making content for a small minority 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Space Rig - Activities Remove the glare on the Jetty Boot machine There are some lens flare settings in the November maintenance update, those might help 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Sorry, the answer on that is still "no" 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
UI - Missions Show minerals in pouch in "no HUD" mode That sounds like a classic case of "have your HUD and eat it too" (not very likely to happen, maybe there's a mod for it) 30.11.2023 Dev Stream 30.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cigar cosmetic for Gunner They can't have both alcohol and smoking without bumping the age rating up 24.11.2023 Dev Stream 24.11.2023
Classes - 5th Class Add Bardin Goreksson from Vermintide If we want to play as Bardin Goreksson, they know of a game where we can do exactly that, and that game is Vermintide 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Classes - 5th Class More classes Nope 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Comically tall Doug Dimmadome hat That would be good 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Old-school diver helmet There's kind of something like that if the Supporter DLC (Skeleton Crew helmet) 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Release no-longer-available cosmetics Probably not, no plans (and the streamer armor is still available, just only to streamers) 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Release streamer armor for consoles It's not possible on consoles; Steam can have non-public DLCs that cost $0, consoles don't allow that kind of shenanigans 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Creatures Bigger glyphids No, due to the procedural nature of the caves, anything bigger than a bulk looks weird when turning a sharp corner 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Creatures Stingtail swarm That would be a fun mod 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Creatures - Bosses Mactera boss An early idea of that eventually evolved into the Glyphid Menace we have today 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Equipment - Gunner Button to stop on a zipline Would be kind of cool 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Equipment - Gunner Deploy ziplines in meters instead of shots Probably not, this might overcomplicate the tool and lead to a situation where you can't use a zipline because not enough meters are left 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons No, DRG is a first-person shooter, not a first-person sworder 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Boomstick OC that allows using the grappling hook Sounds cool, but would probably clash with too many existing mechanics 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Features Proximity voice chat It's a bit too hardcore a feature, it doesn't quite fit the vision for DRG; besides, people use Discord for chatting anyway 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Features - Team Size Raids for 6-8 players Cool idea, but very likely not going to happen due to technical reasons 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans, Hazard 5 population is roughly 10% of the players, and probably less than half of them would want to move to Hazard 6 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Achievements More achievements No plans, the game is currently at 69 achievements, and GSG is basically just a room full of 12-year-olds 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore about Karl It's not folklore if it only comes from one source; in some sense it's not their story to tell 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Perks Perk system rework They're aware the perk system needs a rework; not a focus right now, but hopefully one day 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Progression Beer that boosts cargo crate spawn rate Aaron thinks it's a neat idea 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay A popular questions, and no, it's not going to happen - that'd be a ton of work 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans to implement that, it would change lighting too much, and lighting is an essential element of DRG 17.11.2023 Dev Stream 17.11.2023
Classes - Voice Lines Voice lines in other languages Not from GSG officially, but maybe some fan projects could fill that niche 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for gadgets Very, very unlikely - noone runs around with their Zipline Launcher out, so it's always more worthwhile to add skins for other equipment 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Creatures - Neutral Kissable lootbugs We can already pat them, but someone could make a mod with a smooching sound of something 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Creatures - Neutral Lootbugs pouncing at the laser pointer like cats That's a good idea for a mod 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Equipment Laser thrower Shard Diffractor, DRAK and the laser pointer could all be argued to be laser throwers 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Equipment More weaponry Not a hard "no", just not on the priority list right now, definitely not going to happen in Season 5 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They rolled all of those into the base flare because they created competing priorities for new players, and not in a good way 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Gameplay Sprint by default Not a native feature, as decided by the game director 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Miscellaneous Bioengineer real lootbugs They can neither confirm nor deny the existence of such a program 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Miscellaneous Dwarf v-tuber avatars They hope to have a dedicated streaming room in the new office, maybe they'll have cameras pointed at them; avatars are also an option 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Technical - Assets Release models for fan animations No plans, although it's still possible to extract them; they have an unofficial "official" STL collection on Thingiverse 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Progression Ability to pick any of the earned rank titles That's a good QoL idea, we should leave it in any of the channels for game suggestions 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Progression - Seasons Turn off seasons before pass level 100 They set it to 100 and it's going to stay there; being tired of Rockpox is understandable, but there's still the rest of the game to play 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Space Rig - Activities Kiss homies in the Abyss bar No, but we could kiss our homies in a real-life bar and pretend that we're dwarves 16.11.2023 Dev Stream 16.11.2023
Gameplay Utilize lithopage tools to counter other hazards Every single day Jacob asks for one very specific use for the vacuum, and the answer is "no" every day 10.11.2023 Dev Stream 10.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Shirtless hairy dwarf cosmetics First we'd need to convince the game director for that to happen 09.11.2023 Dev Stream 09.11.2023
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Variations with less stations for Sabotage They made a conscious choice to not have 0 or 1 hackable generators, it makes the mission flow lopsided and doesn't make sense 09.11.2023 Dev Stream 09.11.2023
Perks New perks A full rework of the system is more likely than new perks, but for now - no plans 09.11.2023 Dev Stream 09.11.2023
Creatures Nerf Bulk Detonators No, get better at the game 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Equipment - Flares Shorter flare cooldown for solo Probably not, they don't really want solo and co-op to be different in that sense 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Equipment - Flares Upgradable flares They used to be at one point; players bought weapon upgrades over flare upgrades, which made their games unintentionally darker 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Gameplay Spray dwarves with foam as protection against rockpox They're looking at ways to make Rockpox less annoying for the November maintenance update, hopefully it'll address that 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Events Thanksgiving or Shark Week events "No" to Thanksgiving since it doesn't mean anything outside the US, "no" to Shark Week because they are not the Discovery Channel 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with other indie games If they did, it wouldn't be in-game content, it'd stay on social media and stuff like that 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Missions Raid for Mission Control's room Good heavens, no, what an inappropriate thing to suggest 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Perks New perks or cosmetics for perk points They're aware the perk system is wonky and they'd like to fix it at some point, but it's not the focus right now 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Space Rig Airlock so that people stop trying to clip outside They will still do that even if an airlock is available, breaking the rules is the fun 03.11.2023 Dev Stream 03.11.2023
Equipment - Engineer Auto-built turrets No; DRG is actually a psy-op to teach lazy millenials the value of hard work 02.11.2023 Dev Stream 02.11.2023
Features - Streaming Twitch emotes That requires affiliate status with Twitch, which they don't have 02.11.2023 Dev Stream 02.11.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collabs with other games They're talking about some stuff, but it's not going to be in-game content either way 02.11.2023 Dev Stream 02.11.2023
Soundtrack DRG OST on Apple Music They're aware of the demand, they need to get in contact with a company that handles it 02.11.2023 Dev Stream 02.11.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Probably nerer going to happen 02.11.2023 Dev Stream 02.11.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves More free armor cosmetics That's planned, they're cooking something; not sure if it'll go into Season 5 or a later update 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Color the drillls to match the armor Would be cool; it's not off the table, but the table it's on is in another room 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Neurotoxin grenade skin, a can of surströmming Definitely coming next Season; it's actually the default look in the Swedish version of DRG 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Drinks Holiday-themed beers Aaron really likes eggnog IRL 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks affecting how the weapon looks Would be awesome, but an OC should do so for every framework, so they're looking at hundreds of models to modify, which is too many 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Features - Modding Add mods to vanilla DRG It's a matter of someone finding the time to sit down and add them; it's not something they plan for 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Animation for depositing large objects into Molly It's always been such an instant action that it might be weird to change that now; maybe they could make it a "mash A&D" minigame 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG show or mini-series They'd have to think about this, having a bad show for your IP is worse than having none 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise Real-life DRG beer & liquor The short of it is, selling alcohol internationally is really complicated; plus, none of them know how it works 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Steeve plushie or dwarf plushie They're still researching options for storefronts since ForFansByFans shut down 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Missions New dwarves or missions or weapons No new dwarves; new mission is probably on the list relatively high; guns are possibly further ahead in the future 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Progression More control for cosmetics from Cargo Crates Nah, no plans; they discussed an option to narrow it down to a specific season, but no concrete decision 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Soundtrack Journey of the Prospector on Spotify They want to do it, it's just not at the top of their to-do list 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay for the Steam version TL;DR: not planned, a lot of work 27.10.2023 Dev Stream 27.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Gilded moustaches & sideburns That'd be crazy, but probably noone's looking at that at the moment 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pacific-Rim-themed helmet What would that look like? 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for the movement gadgets Nope, they've got other stuff they're focusing on for the time being 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Miscellaneous Forklift certification in DRG Why would they add that? 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Missions - Mutators Shellback stampede event That's an evil idea, we're lucky Mike didn't hear that; would be pretty funny 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Progression Higher spawn rate for Cargo Crates Probably not planned 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Space Rig A way to skip the forging cutscene No plans currently, but there's a mod for that 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Technical - Crossplay PS/XBox/Steam crossplay Would be cool, but it's a big task that would hold them back from releasing anything new for a long time 26.10.2023 Dev Stream 26.10.2023
Classes - Gender Dwarfettes For DRG - almost a 100% chance of not happening, for Rogue Core - still up in the air 20.10.2023 Dev Stream 20.10.2023
Drinks Non-alcoholic drinks to attract Gen Z players There's already Leaf-Lover's special, what more do we want? 20.10.2023 Dev Stream 20.10.2023
Miscellaneous Boiler room explosion update If anyone has a lot of free time and wants to mod one of the grenades to look like a tiny locomotive, that'd be pretty fun 20.10.2023 Dev Stream 20.10.2023
Biomes New biome based on the Huuli Hoarder They're looking at biomes for Season 5, but not specifically Huuli-Hoarder-based (what would that even look like?) 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Biomes Sponge biome A bouncy biome sounds hella fun 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Classes - 5th Class New dwarves or new guns No new dwarves, but maybe new guns 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cigar cosmetic for Gunner Unlikely, the Gunner doesn't have it in the actual game because of age ratings 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves More outfits in the store (not event-based) Very likely at some point 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pirate hats They're surprised they don't have any yet, seems like an oversight 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment New guns Probably not in Season 5 or 6, and they don't plan farther ahead; not a "no", not a "yes" 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Drinks - Buff Choosable buff beer Probably not happening 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Drinks - On Missions Portable Abyss bar to drink during combat No; next question 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous Add farts to Rogue Core Bug off, go outside, drink some water, touch grass, sniff farts 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise Karl origin story anime or live action show No, they're saving that for "Deep Rock Galactic On Ice", which is debuting at Madison Square Garden in 2030 (tickets start at $480) 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise MMORPG It's pretty safe to say they are too small a studio to develop and maintain an MMORPG 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Snow White crossover/reference No plans 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Merch toys like a plastic pickaxe They used to have merch until ForFansByFans exploded, they're looking into alternative options 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Nerf guns that are DRG weapons Fortnite got some; they wonder how big a franchise has to be for Nerf to consider them not small fries 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Tutorial 30% chance for a Bulk Detonator in the tutorial As funny as it might be, it wouldn't be in the spirit of the tutotial 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Missions New mission type (or Deep-Dive-exclusive) Probably not re: Deep Dives, a new regular mission is one of the candidates for Season 5 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Missions - Deep Dives Mission type exclusive to Deep Dives Probably not, Deep Dives are supposed to be just a longer set of regular missions 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve cosmetics They've said "no" to that in the past 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Technical Cross-save Quite unlikely; we can move the save files manually between XBox and MS Store, but their QA hates it and it we goof it up we're on our own 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Technical - Crossplay XBox/PlayStation crossplay No plans 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Technical - Platform DRG on Switch Not going to happen, not enough memory 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
UI Categories/sorting for the wardrobe Yeah, the wardrobe is cluttered, this game has too many hats 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
UI Chat function on XBox We can plug in a physical keyboard, although not sure how it's activated 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
UI - Quick Message Emote like in TF2 Not a thing we should expect from this game, they value the rich nature of the V button, emotes could dilute that 19.10.2023 Dev Stream 19.10.2023
Biomes More biomes It's one of the things they're looking into for Season 5 (no specific plans, no promises it'll be there) 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Biomes - Appearance Biome variation depending on depth It's more likely that a lower depth will be occupied by a different biome than a version of an existing biome 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Classes - 5th Class 5th class No, absolutely not 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Classes - 5th Class 6th class Now we're talking 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Armor like the dwarf is stuck in a wooden barrel That's a good idea, hopefully someone at GSG is listening so they can add this 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment More weapons Maybe? it's not front-and-center right now, and they won't add same-y guns just for the sake of having more guns 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Creatures New biome-specific bugs If they ever decided to add a new biome, they'd certainly consider some bugs specific to it 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Creatures Underground enemies Nothing in the works right now; they had a prototype of a Rockpox sandshark variant for Season 4, but it was scrapped because it sucked 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Creatures - Bosses Big Glyphid mama non-dreadnought boss File it under "would be cool, nobody's gotten around to it yet" 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Creatures - Bosses New dreadnoughts It's in the very big pile of things they think would be kickass but haven't found the time for; not likely for Season 5 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Creatures - Humanoid Humanoid non-player entities Probably not in Deep Rock Galactic; not off the table for Rogue Core 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Equipment New traversal tools, e.g. physics-based grappling hook No, traversal tools build most of the class identity (also, the grappling hook is physics-based, it's just that the physics are made-up) 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Equipment - Overclocks OC for M1000 for bonus damage after a 360 mid-air If there's one thing that DRG is missing, it's incentives to have MLG moments and a system for bugs to feel shame after being 360'd 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Features Watch past missions from any perspective There are all kinds of recording software for that, we don't need DRG to do that (plus the procedural nature of DRG caves is an obstacle) 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Features - Competitive PvP, even though it goes against the game Never going to happen, play another game for that 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Features - Modding Implement mods into the base game It's happened before with the angle meter of the drills, but it's not usually something they do 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Lore Expand DRG lore Indirectly, yes - but there probably won't ever be a complete lore codex for the world of DRG 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG cookbook with beer and sandwich recipes Sounds more like a licensed merch made by fans, that's a lot of work and they're busy playing video games 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Missions Mission based on the Starship Troopers mod You can just play that mod (they love it so much they wouldn't dare copy it) 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Space Rig Selectable tune in the jukebox Mikkel responded to that with a "no" once 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Space Rig - Activities Missions unavailable until Rockpox on the Rig is cleansed That's a really good idea, they're 100% going to do that 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Dummy grunt to test weapons A lot of work, not going to happen 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Technical Gyro controls Nothing to add since the last time it was addressed, please refer to the Q&A on the official wiki 13.10.2023 Dev Stream 13.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Bring back the viking helmet They don't intend to reintroduce items that were connected to specific past events 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Sombrero hat Maybe? 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for traversal and support tools Frameworks - almost certainly not happening; paintjobs is something they should look into (but haven't yet) 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Creatures - Bosses New dreads Jacob already went through his dreadlock phase, they talked him out of it ("You've talked me out of nothing, Aaron" - Jacob) 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Equipment BFG9000 in DRG The Fat Boy is sort of kind of there? 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Equipment - Engineer Nerf Fat Boy into the ground That's the sort of creative initiative they love to see in their fans (the lead game designer says "no") 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks Yes, there's a bunch they're considering for Season 5 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Features - Economy New uses for crafting minerals and beer hops No plans 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Features - Modding Steam Workshop support No plans, and probably no chance either 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Miscellaneous - DLC New DLC With the release of Season 5 probably 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise Medieval DRG with actual mules Definitely don't hold your breath 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore The lore of DRG grows bit by bit every season, and Rogue Core will add to that as well 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Lego Deep Rock Galactic Lego hasn't approached them about it, but you also have to be pretty huge to even get on Lego's radar 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Missions - Deep Dives Deep Dives as deep as in Rogue Core Unlikely; RC takes place so deep it's a different biome, plus it's thematically distinct 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Missions - Mutators New anomalies and warning They talked about adding a few more, although no hard plans for now; within the realm of possibility for Season 5 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Missions - Mutators Stingtail Cluster mutator That sounds like a great idea 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Weapon-testing firing range No plans, they made a decision to not add a firing range 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Technical Account system for cross-platform save transfer No plans, and Axel can't even think of a number for how much money he'd have to be paid to make that happen 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Technical - Accessibility Beer that highlights minerals for colorblind players Do the existing colorblind options not help at all? 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
UI Explicit stat changes for mods and OCs No plans; the nitty-gritty exact changes are not needed for the majority of players and should stay on external sources like a wiki 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
UI - Missions Less obstructive visual effect for goo and Rockpox Them obstructing the field of view is kind of the point 12.10.2023 Dev Stream 12.10.2023
Biomes - Cavegen New cave assets from Rogue Core in DRG They might move some things the other way around if it makes sense, like DRG biomes or enemies being introduced to RC 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Classes - 5th Class New class Not going to happen, they've gone way beyond the point of no return to add a whole new class to DRG 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Creatures Changes to the Stingtail Those are planned for the maintenance update, they'll need to discuss it with the designer 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Creatures - Board Game Rammer from the board game added to DRG While the concept is cool for the board game, they tried it for the video game a long time ago, and the result was the Shellback 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Creatures Rival activity in DRG or Rogue Core Might happen if it makes sense, if they have some mechanics they want to play around with and the Rivals fit those mechanics 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Creatures - Bosses More dreadnought types There are no concrete plans, but there are some designs 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Creatures - Neutral More friendly critters None planned, but they're always cool 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Equipment New guns or new biomes for Season 5 As valuable as they might be, new guns definitely aren't happening in Season 5 (and probably not in Season 6 either) 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Equipment Weapon rework for maintenance updates Not the main purpose of those updates, but possible; full-on reworks like with the Subata are less likely, smaller tweaks are more likely 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks Some new OCs are past the "initial prototype" phase; they plan to add some in Season 5 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Gameplay - Bosco Work on solo mode for Season 5 They talked about changing how Bosco can provide light, but so far there haven't been concrete plans 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Miscellaneous Hire modders to help with content creation Mods are awesome and inspiring, but modding should be approached as a hobby; modders are not a workforce to be exploited 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Miscellaneous New infographic with stats They like those too, it's a matter of someone actually sitting down, gathering the data and making the infographic 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collaboration with another IP They had one with Powerwash Simulator; DRG has a very distinct style, not sure Mario would look very good when put into the game 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Missions New mission type They've been prototyping something more free-form; no promises for Season 5, but it's one of the things on the table 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Perks Update the perk system for Season 5 They haven't made a list of what's going into Season 5 yet, but a perk overhaul is one of the candidates for that list 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Progression - Seasons Option to choose which season to play until Season 5 The goal of the maintenance update is to mitigate some of the biggest pains, not add new mechanics at the risk of falling behind schedule 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Progression - Seasons Seasonless period Seasonless is off the table, as there are new players coming in; they're looking for a solution for old players, like an opt-out feature 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Space Rig Lootbug pet system No; is this the petting zoo suggestion again? 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Technical QoL changes in the maintenance updates Might be included 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
UI - Load-Outs More load-out slots They keep adding them and we keep asking for more (maybe?) 06.10.2023 Dev Stream 06.10.2023
Biomes New biome It's something they're looking at, but not a guarantee 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Biomes New biome, less complex than the last ones If the caves are too complex, we may like a simpler game where blocks have to be put through the right-sized holes, and work up from that 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Plague Doctor with the hat inheriting paintjob color They could pester one of their artists about it, although if the item doesn't already do that it might be intentional 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses 4th dreadnought Yes, they're going to be implementing one of those white dogs with crusty shit in its eyes 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Equipment New weapons Maybe at some point in the future; they have some overclocks coming up, but they've been coming up for a few seasons by now 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Perks More perks They agree the perk system is weird in some spots and it's on their to-do list, but they're working on other stuff right now 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Soundtrack New soundtrack No plans; already, there's a ton of mods for alternate soundtrack 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range The idea was scrapped, they didn't feel like they could make something that we couldn't have by just launching a mission 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay They'd like that to happen, but it's too big an endeavor for the bandwidth they currently have, and it'd also be a huge strain on their QA 29.09.2023 Dev Stream 29.09.2023
Biomes Candy biome That would be fun; if there's someone out there who's a skilled modder and also unemployed, make that 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Biomes New biomes They don't know if it's slated for the next update, and if they knew they wouldn't tell 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Biomes - Water Aquatic biome with its own Glyphid species Sounds cool, but it's too much of a technical undertaking (also it's in the stream FAQ which we should've read) 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class Engine class They were working on a steam locomotive engine, but an unfortunate boiler explosion put a stop to that 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Features - Streaming Twitch drops They talked about it, but they're hesitant about locking in-game items behind Twitch drops like that 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Miscellaneous Visible dwarf feet in first person There's a mod for that 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG Lego There's a fan-made set on Lego Ideas that's pretty popular, keep voting on it 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Progression - Seasons A season focused on balance changes and QoL Those things are likely to always be packaged alongside content; many players would not consider it a "real" season without new content 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Some sort of shooting range Not happening due to tech reasons 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Technical - VR VR Deep Rock drinking simulator We can already do that at our local bar, and the only piece of technology we need for that is a liver dialysis machine 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
UI UI changes No plans, but they've talked about some wardrobe UI improvements many times - sort or search or group 28.09.2023 Dev Stream 28.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class Fifth dwarf No, that's not going to happen 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Armor that isn't part of a DLC There might be some designs for that in the works 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Creatures A bug that creates a black hole around it They prototyped a flare-eating creature at some point, but it didn't make it into the game for one reason or another 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Creatures - Board Game Add Rammer from the DRG board game No, the Shellback already fills the niche of a disruptive enemy that bonks players around by charging into them 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Creatures Enemies larger than the Bulk Detonator Creatures larger than that start looking very weird when traversing and taking the same angle as the ground 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses Fully-grown Dreadnought It looks like one of those little white dogs that always has shit in its eyes, and they can't render that without upping the game's rating 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Drinks Add Pepsi No, no Pepsi, not yet 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Equipment - Engineer Nail gun for Engineer No plans, but would be cool 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Gameplay New crap Always nothing but crap 21.09.2023 Dev Stream 21.09.2023
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Sell the PS special edition goodies without the game Very likely not, otherwise it wouldn't be special and would just be Deep Rock Galactic: The Edition 15.09.2023 Dev Stream 15.09.2023
Missions - Deep Dives 50-missions-long Deep Dives Sounds like something MCR can do; an endless sequence of missions was actually one of the options when they were designing Deep Dives 15.09.2023 Dev Stream 15.09.2023
Progression Another pool to earn cosmetics like Cargo Crates No plans 15.09.2023 Dev Stream 15.09.2023
Biomes Stalagmite biome Stalagmites sound like a pretty generic formation, not sure how to make a biome out of them 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Gun skins on traversal tools They kind of want to make paintjobs for traversal tools happen, but it's never been high enough on the priority list to get done 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Very unlikely; the flare UI in the equipment menu is a vestigial organ from pre-1.0 builds, they'll remove it if it starts hurting a lot 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Features - Competitive Competitive PvP mission type Not going to happen, PvP's not their thing 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Gameplay Option to randomize which class to play We could roll a 4-sided die for that 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Progression - Seasons Drop the seasonal update format They do not intend to drop the seasonal update format 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Progression - Seasons Season 5 sausage expansion Aaron can't think of a single joke to make about sausage expansion, so he's saving this question for later 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Space Rig More musical instruments They hope they'll add more 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Technical Introduce anti-cheat DRG probably won't ever have anti-cheat unless it becomes a really big problem 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
UI - Keybinds Toggle to show keyboard/controller prompts on the HUD It should update automatically depending on the input device 14.09.2023 Dev Stream 14.09.2023
Biomes A second planet to mine Sure, as soon as we finish the first one, so we should get back to work 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class Healer-like class No, they're sticking with four classes 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, read the FAQ below the stream 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Barrel armor Fight the art director about this, his promise - his problem 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Creatures New enemies, e.g. Rammer or Stalker Rammer isn't coming since it's redundant with Shellbacks already in the game, Stalker needs more work and might come in Season 5 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses Adult dreadnought mission type 18+ missions? that's not going to happen, but there's a subreddit for that 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses Another boss like the Caretaker No current plans, but would be cool 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses New dreadnoughts No plans; nobody's opposed to the idea, they're just busy with other stuff; plus, they can't really talk about Season 5 stuff yet 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Equipment - Melee Other melee weapons Probably not going to happen 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Equipment - Pickaxe Add a shovel pickaxe There's an option for that as a back-blade 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Gameplay - Machine Events Nerf O.M.E.N. No; if the devs can beat it, so can we 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Miscellaneous More transparency with the community That's fair, and more frequent communication was also one of the reasons Aaron was taken onboard Ghost Ship Games 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Missions - Escort Duty Equip Doretta's head like a backpack It's only possible to appreciate the satisfaction of seeing Doretta's glowing expressionless eyes if you put in the labor of holding her 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Technical - Accessibility Add slider for the shield break effect It's kind of hard to address that with so little information; the nausea could be caused by the shield break effect or some other reason 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay No plans; would be cool, but they don't have the manpower for that kind of task 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Technical - Crossplay XBox/Steam crossplay Would be cool, but probably won't happen - it's a ton of work 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
UI - Missions Full no-HUD mode with all ammo counts They're aware that some tools don't show ammo counts without a HUD, and it would be nice to change that 08.09.2023 Dev Stream 08.09.2023
Biomes - Water Caves filled with water or any other thicker fluid It's just too hard to program this water thing 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Creatures - Board Game Add creatures from the board game into DRG The Rammer is probably not coming to the game, and the Stingtail is actually an idea they borrowed/stole from the board game 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Creatures - Board Game Add Rammer from the board game No plans, as it would be redundant with the Shellback already in the game (we have Rammer at home) 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Creatures Deep-Dive-exclusive bugs No, Deep Dives are intended to be the same content but in a different package 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Creatures - Bosses New dreads Jacob's going to the hairdresser next month 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Equipment - Gunner Speed up ziplines (part 1) No; it's a physics thing, if you go literally any faster you'll reach a singularity and die 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Equipment - Gunner Speed up ziplines (part 2) The zipline is quick to deploy, but slow to use and limited in angle; without those limitations it starts overshadowing the other tools 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Features - Competitive PvP Never going to happen, GSG make co-op games; besides, Driller is already in the game 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Gameplay Improve mic audio The game uses the built-in Unreal Engine option so it hasn't gotten a lot of focus; on PC most people are talking in Discord anyway 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Higher difficulty than hazard 5 There is a wealth of mods to make the game as punishing as we want 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Gameplay - Objectives Ready check emote or ping Some people at GSG agree that it would be a nice feature, it's not out of the question 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Miscellaneous - Events Rename Oktoberfest to Rocktoberfest Addressed in the Steam post 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Perks Perk to walk on walls like the bugs Anything that makes traversal tools redundant has gotta be a "no" from them; also it might be very disorienting 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Soundtrack Add OST to AppleMusic Possible 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Technical Gyro controls DRG doesn't support it natively and there may be an issue with Sony supplying a Windows API for it; keep asking 07.09.2023 Dev Stream 07.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class Lucio from Overwatch as 5th character Sure, dual rollerskates that heal is just what Deep Rock needs 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cosmetic option to remove shoes Aaron is taking this suggestion to the top immediately (also bare feet are visible in the hospital gown) 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Option to remove eyebrows They'll do it if 1000 fans wax their eyebrows in real-life and send GSG pictures and the waxed eyebrows 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Stereotypical national clothing from real world Who knows? Probably not though, would be tricky to make it so that it's not just racist armor 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Equipment - Driller C4 as a traversal tool It is a traversal tool, it's used to send Scouts to hell 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Features Add sex to the game They actually already added it, but the question asker doesn't know what sex looks like so they couldn't notice 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Features Subway Surfers playing on the drop pod screen They're working on an mandatory mode where 1/2 of the screen is DRG, 1/4 is Subway Surfers and 1/4 is Family Guy greatest clips 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Gameplay See the dwarf's beard and belly in first-person They realized early that making it look good in first-person would take a lot of work 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Missions - Escort Duty Recover other parts of Doretta They're going to make it so that we'll have to drag the whole drilldozer, but only by mashing A & D 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Perks - Beastmaster Change the name of the tamed beetle No, Steeve is always Steeve - it's like the Witcher always calling his horse Roach 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Technical - Crossplay Add crossplay Technically possible but not feasible; they don't have the resources to properly maintain crossplay 01.09.2023 Dev Stream 01.09.2023
Classes - 5th Class Medic class They considered it and decided not to add a healing class 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Features - Modding Add popular QoL mods into the game They don't intentionally look for mods to add; as for the crosshair heat UI for the minigun, the designers don't like it, so no deal 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 They're not going to make new hazards; a very generous estimate is that no more than 5% of players would play them 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Crossover with Starfield Doubtful 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Progression - Endgame New missions & more endgame content No plans currently; if they make content, it's likely to be aimed at everyone, not just endgame players 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Technical Fix server connection issues They still need more data to figure out why they're happening, it's a weird problem 31.08.2023 Dev Stream 31.08.2023
Cosmetics - Victory Moves Wrestling-themed victory moves Would be cool 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Features - Economy Trade brewing ingredients Not going to happen 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Gameplay 3rd-person view They decided very early it's off the table; too much work fighting with clipping and weird camera angles in procedural caves 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Gameplay S.O.S. flare to ask other people to join and help out Aaron likes this idea 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG movie This has become one of the recurring requests on streams 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Perks - Beastmaster Tame a flying glyphid There are no flying glyphids; also taming one would be like trying to tame a wasp 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Perks - Points Something to do with 200 perk points Would be great if there was something, but they've got bigger fish to fry 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Soundtrack Journey of the Prospector on Spotify Not sure if it's even planned 25.08.2023 Dev Stream 25.08.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with other games They're working on a collab with the game called "chess"; they don't know who's behind it though, some lazy devs probably 24.08.2023 Dev Stream 24.08.2023
Perks - Points More uses for spare perk points No plans; they want to revisit the perk system at some point, but on the other hand they've been saying that for two years 24.08.2023 Dev Stream 24.08.2023
Soundtrack - Jukebox More music for the jukebox They thought about it, but couldn't think of anything to add, DRG's jukebox already has every possible song in existence 24.08.2023 Dev Stream 24.08.2023
Space Rig Petting zoo It's the one single suggestion they take seriously (evidently it's progressing really well) 18.08.2023 Dev Stream 18.08.2023
Space Rig - Activities Add income tax Best idea; based on the immense popularity of Jetty Boots they're adding a tax-filing minigame 18.08.2023 Dev Stream 18.08.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range That's a silly suggestion; Aaron's getting a big headache simply trying to imagine it 18.08.2023 Dev Stream 18.08.2023
Technical - Platform Verified status on the Steam Deck There's an issue with fonts that makes DRG ineligible for "Verified", but the game is playable on the Deck as is 18.08.2023 Dev Stream 18.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves LotR/fantasy-inspired cosmetics Not going to happen, Mikkel doesn't like LotR (although Embracer Group owns the LotR IP) 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves More Mk armors Not unlikely 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for traversal tools No; overclocks are supposed to change how equipment works, and traversal tools are supposed to be predictable 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Gameplay Auto-sprint setting The game director says "no" 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Miscellaneous - Tutorial Update the tutorial It got updated fairly recently; some omissions (like what Nitra is) are intentional, they want people to explore on their own 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Missions - Mutators Mactera Plague but it's Stingtails instead Anders: "Sounds fun, I'll make it" 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Space Rig Sandwiches on the Space Rig They're still figuring out the recipe for a sandwich, and the mayo keeps clipping 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Technical Restore option for PlayStation Apparently PlayStation isn't able to use GSG's own cloud storage, so it has to back up some other way 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
UI Browse through cosmetics as sets Jacob would like seasonal cosmetics to have a tag like DLC cosmetics do, maybe some sorting options too 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
UI Customize the pool of victory poses to play That would be a nice QoL addition 17.08.2023 Dev Stream 17.08.2023
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Guns on Molly and mini-M.U.L.E.s like Bet-C has Bet-C kind of murders dwarves 11.08.2023 Dev Stream 11.08.2023
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Mini-M.U.L.E.s in Point Extraction If there's one lesson we should take from DRG, it's that mini-M.U.L.E.s break really easily 11.08.2023 Dev Stream 11.08.2023
Space Rig Lootbug petting zoo Mike is hard at work on that (editor's note: it's a running gag, Mike hates the idea) 11.08.2023 Dev Stream 11.08.2023
Classes - Gender Add female dwarves and make them breedable Shut down the computer and go meet some real people, 10-year-olds aren't supposed to be watching these streams 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Equipment Make every class have a cryo option It's intentional that some classes don't have certain elemental options 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Features - Miners' Union Expand the Union chapters, add guilds/clans No plans; Johan thinks it would be cool 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Missions New missions They want to make new missions, though no concrete plans as of now 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Features - Team Size Raid mission No plans to do anything with a teams above 4 players 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Technical Gyro camera control for PC Could work already if this feature is supported on PC, but unsure if it is 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Technical - Accessibility Accessibility escape option for ice/Rockpox They looked into that; it's tricky, because if it's too good, everyone just enables it and it's a plain timed stun 10.08.2023 Dev Stream 10.08.2023
Classes - Gender Female dwarves They'd like to, but they painted themselves into a corner where it's almost impossible, so no plans 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Equipment Rebalance more weapons It's not planned, but it'll probably happen anyway; Mike will never stop turning those dials 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Equipment - Scout Add a range meter for the Grapple Hook for HUDless play Possible 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Features Release the level editor like TF2 Releasing the room editor they use would be essentially releasing the game itself 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 Not likely 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Miscellaneous Add a duck They guess there's nothing preventing them from adding a duck to the game 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Miscellaneous - Collabs Collab with Minecraft (e.g. armor for Steve) They don't think they will, unless Microsoft comes in and drops a billion dollar bag on the table 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Missions Biome-specific mission types No, that would be too inflexible 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No plans 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Technical Add a magic reconnect button It's kind of there but it's fickle 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Technical More FOV options How much do we want? 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Technical - Platform DRG on Nintendo Switch Sorry, the Switch is too weak; we should tell Miyamoto that we want DRG on a stronger console 04.08.2023 Dev Stream 04.08.2023
Classes - 5th Class Medic class The mesh of the dwarf has, like, a trillion bones; their physiology is unknowable, and that's why there are no dwarven medics 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Add real eyes to the characters It's probably all the PTSD the dwarves have that gives them that blank stare 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Make anniversary hats from past years available No plans; anniversary hats are unique like that; it doesn't make sense to give out previous anniversary hats every year 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Make Steam Awards hats available Probably not going to happen, but they aren't as set on that as they are to not reintroduce the anniversary hats 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Scars as cosmetics They thought of that, as well as prosthetics too, but their cosmetic system is old and needs to be changed to support things like these 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Equipment - Driller Fix Explosive Roload on Subata when low on ammo They fixed it for Season 4, but the fix made Dreadnoughts take damage through armor, so it was reverted; might have to wait until Season 5 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Gameplay Add sandwiches It's one of the popular suggestions 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Gameplay Make all ranged enemies target the player's friends They probably could and they probably won't 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Gameplay Penalty for repairing something that's under attack They do that with the drilldozer (it's repair speed is lower when taking damage), but not anywhere else 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Gameplay Victory poses as emotes during the missions Too hard; besides, they want to keep the mission gameplay more serious than silly 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Missions - Escort Duty Add damage to mining lasers on Doretta's canisters No plans; when they started out with Escort Duty, they specifically didn't want that, but maybe they'll revisit that at some point 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Progression - Seasons Add Corruptor to the shower event Corruptors are supposed to come from shards that had time to grow (it's their angsty teenage phase) 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Space Rig Vanilla Space Rig with no season decorations They'll scale the Rockpox details down once it's over, but each season will probably have some thematic visual elements; who knows? 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Technical Optimize the game for potato PCs Optimization is something they do continuously along the way, but we shouldn't expect the performance to get a lot better going forward 03.08.2023 Dev Stream 03.08.2023
Classes - 5th Class Add Lucio as a 5th character It's been a while since Mark heard an Overwatch joke 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Mixing & matching armor parts Still on their wishlist, still no plans (new systems would have to be created for that to happen, it's a big task) 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Progression - Seasons Increase spawn chance for the Corruptor and jet boots Jet boots are roughly 1-in-6 chance, which is not the same as "you get it every 6th mission"; probability is weird 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Soundtrack New music track on Spotify The person who's handling that is on vacation, might take a couple of weeks 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Technical Smell-o-vision support We wouldn't want that, imagine the smell of a dwarf's armor after a day in Magma Core 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Technical - Water Physics Water No chance, no 06.07.2023 Dev Stream 06.07.2023
Cosmetics Cosmetic restriction remover as a base feature Probably not, it would kind of devalue the paintjob system as it is; we'll get more paintjobs in the future though 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Cosmetics - Machinery Skins for Molly No plans currently; it's not entirely out of the question, just tricky to design 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Equipment - Scout Rework boomerang They disagree that the boomerang is weak and ineffective 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Features - Streaming Twitch drops Would be cool to have, but noone's working on that right now 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Gameplay Alternative to A+D quick-time event They've been looking at it, but it's easy to fall into the trap where the alternative is so good everyone just uses the accessibility option 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Gameplay - Minerals Use for Error Cubes Who knows? 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Miscellaneous - Lore Lore update They are reluctant to expand too much on the lore, it's cool that we make up our own headcanons 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform No plans, that requires restructuring their network code; plus, for a small studio there are benefits to not releasing simultaneously 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
UI - Missions HUD Steeve indicator Maybe that's a good idea 29.06.2023 Dev Stream 29.06.2023
Cosmetics Helmet glow on every paintjob Might not be possible, it has to be applied with a glowing material which not all skins have 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pink paintjob The art director was known to jokingly veto pink and baby blue for armor colors 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Drinks A way to erase the Randoweisser effect They're aware it might have some trolling potential; maybe a sink to pour out beer could solve it 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Change stats on overclocks every month or so "Every month" is a bit optimistic, they don't have anyone doing weapon balance full-time; besides, number tweaks alone won't go very far 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Buff weapon overclocks If there's anything wrong with them, maybe; no concrete plans for specific buffs 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Equipment - Overclocks Visual changes to guns from overclocks They thought about it, but as soon as they start, it's just going to generate more work for each overclock they might want to add 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Equipment - Scout Swing on Scout's grapple They probably aren't going to change how it works 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Gameplay Option to sprint by default Some of them think it should be a thing, but in general the answer is "no" 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Gameplay More content next season Every season has more content, technically and literally 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Gameplay Salute while reviving downed dwarves Probably not planned, unfortunately (but keep asking) 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Gameplay Grab & throw maggots Probably never, because that'd be all we would be doing (Jacob wishes he was just kidding) 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Miscellaneous - Franchise More spin-off games like "Dance Dance DRG" Thanks for the free idea! 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Miscellaneous - Storefronts Animated avatars/backgrounds for Steam Points No work is being done on that 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Technical Fix poor performance Every time they optimize, someone says "the game is running perfectly now" and someone else says "the game is running much worse now" 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Technical Presets for graphics quality No plans beyond what's already there; you can only sacrifice so much visual fidelity before it starts hurting the impression of the game 22.06.2023 Dev Stream 22.06.2023
Biomes - Appearance Upgrade older biomes They're not going to add more stuff to older biomes, but they discuss touching up the visuals; simpler biomes also have better readability 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Biomes - Water Water- or underwater-related biomes No plans, Azure Weald is kind of their take on a water-related biome 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Cosmetics - Dwarves Barrel armor How much would we pay? 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Cosmetics - Equipment Paintjobs for traversal tools Possible, but not planned; the hard part isn't the paintjobs, it's creating/updating systems for acquiring, managing, displaying them, etc. 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Cosmetics - Machinery M.U.L.E. skins Different approaches have been discussed a little bit, but it always gets pushed down the priority list by other things 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Creatures More Rival- or Rockpox-themed enemies No plans 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Creatures - Variants More variants for Praetorians, Goo Bombers, etc. A fire praetorian was prototyped and cut due to being too similar to both the regular Praetorian and the OG Dreadnought 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Creatures - Variants Rockpox Bulk Detonator It was considered; it's not a bad idea, but it would have minimal difference in how to play against it: stay far away and shoot weak points 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Equipment - Driller Make C4 do double damage to Scout [exasperated sigh followed by the explanation of the meme's origin] 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Gameplay Disallow friendly fire They don't allow friendly fire, they tune friendly fire; the main reason it's there is to force the player to be aware of teammates 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Gameplay - Hazard Level More difficulty levels No plans; not only is the potential audience small, it's also very hard to scale hazard 5 up in a fair way and keep performance reasonable 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Perks Do something with perks No concrete plans, but they'll definitely look at them at some future point 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Perks - Beastmaster DRG hard-hat for Steeve Too unrealistic, breaks immersion (seriously though, they do try to keep a certain tone balance by confining silliness to the Space Rig) 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Perks - Points New perks or uses for perk points Eventually, yes 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Space Rig Add a button to call the elevator to the Memorial Hall Having to wait is an effect of which state the elevator starts when the Rig is loaded; maybe flipping that state would solve the problem 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Space Rig Take lootbugs to the Space Rig and give them hats Simone, is that you? 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Space Rig - Activities More mini-games for the arcade Possible; Johan's dream is a two-player fighting arcade 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Space Rig - Activities Petting zoo for Steeve on the Space Rig No, stop asking 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Space Rig - Activities Photo booth They can't recall talking about a photo booth, but it sounds fun 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Technical More performance settings for consoles and weak PCs They tweak some things, but not everything can be optimized (e.g. RAM requirement); minimum specs should be expected to creep up 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Technical - Platform Jetty Boot for mobile phones Mikkel would like that too 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing It's a cool technology, but DRG wasn't built with it in mind, and it would take a lot of work to get it to a place where it looks good 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023
UI Built-in ready check for consoles No plans, but they can see it being handy in a lot of situations 15.06.2023 Dev Stream 15.06.2023