Development Q&A/Archive Update 33

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Category Suggestion Comment Date Source
Features - Modding Dev-sanctioned mods They probably aren't going to do any whitelisting of the community mods 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Features - Modding Modding tools It's not set in stone yet 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration There's a mod for that (is that going to be the answer from now on?) 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Biomes More planets Nothing planned 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Classes - 5th Class More races Definitely not playable ones 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Drinks - On Missions Beer effects during missions The intention is to keep the gag beers confined to the Space Rig 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Turret overclocks Not planned 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch drops They don't know, maybe? 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Taming elite glyphids They tested it and elite glyphids were so blatantly OP that keeping them wasn't a good idea 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Perks - Points More uses for perk points Probably not, there's a surplus by design - so that you don't have to do all the milestones 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Features - Modding Community mods being made part of the base game They're not going to just lift community mods and put them in, but if they get inspired they might make something themselves 14.04.2021 Dev Stream 14.04.2021
Cosmetics New cosmetics Might not be in Update 34 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Drinks Placing beer in AFK teammates' hands The real issue here is having teammates who are AFK 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks New guns & overclocks New guns in Update 35, and they'll come with their overclocks; not sure about new overclocks for old guns though 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Soundtrack DRG OST on Spotify Possible 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Space Rig More Abyss Bar tip animations Not on the list of immediate things that the game needs 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment RGB flares Unlikely 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they felt a bit weird and didn't make a whole lot of sense 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Ban Molly from walking up walls during extraction That's no fun 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Customizable name for tamable glyphids No, their names are all Steeve 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Space Rig Steeves on the Space Rig The Space Rig is a no-glyphid zone 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range It'd be hard to get any consistent results, and it'd take time to load, so it'd not be much better than loading a mission 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
UI - Missions Display an icon for the Fear status It's something along the lines of "there's no icon because you can see the effect by looking at the enemy behavior" 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Previous Deep Dives playable again No plans (and even if the seeds are saved somewhere, updates can change what those seeds generate) 26.03.2021 Dev Stream 26.03.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 25.03.2021 Dev Stream 25.03.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans 25.03.2021 Dev Stream 25.03.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Steeve voice lines There are already a bunch of them, not sure about more 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Molly skins Not in the works, maybe in the future there could be stickers that each dwarf places or something like that 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Equipment - Power Drills Twin Drills being able to mine minerals All classes are miners, none of them should be better at it (otherwise that class will be urged to be the only one who mines) 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Features - Modding Modding API For update 34 - no API, just the separation of modded and vanilla lobbies/save-files; helping modders comes later 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Missions - Mutators Mutator that doubles enemy spawn amounts They might not be able to do double spawns due to performance reasons, but feel free to mod the game at your own risk 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Technical Cross-save There's no cross-save between MS and Steam versions, but there are guides out there on how to carry over save files 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Cosmetics More cosmetics More cosmetics are coming, but it's a question where to put them (crates, matrix cores, etc.) 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements New achievements Not planned 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
UI - Keybinds Different rebind profiles No plans 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
Classes - 5th Class Melee class The game's made to be a shooter; some parts of them experimenting with melee weapons turned into the Impact Axe 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Add Viking armor from Valheim If they add Lootbugs to Valheim 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They're technically already fully-upgraded 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather make more grenades than add overclocks to existing ones 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration for mods That's the plan, but definitely not on the first iteration 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Features - Team Size Lobby for more than 4 players No plans 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs More things to call down They want to keep it simple; Nitra is for ammo and that's it 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Deep Rock Galactic 2 They're not even done with the first one yet 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Perks More perks Not in the works, but maybe some day 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Progression Level requirement for Hazard 4 Level-gating it feels wrong; maybe players could see a warning when they try to join a H4 mission without upgrades 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Progression - Promotions New promotion banners Probably? 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Soundtrack More music for the OST Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Technical - Platform Switch port They've looked into it, the Switch has some hardware limitations they won't be able to work around 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS Someone looked into it, but it was only for research purposes 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
UI - Missions Teammates' Iron Will visible on your HUD Would be nice (and that should probably include the instant revive too) 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Equipment - Melee Class-specific melee weapons No melee weapons planned 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Events Would be cool, but not currently on the roadmap 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Perks - Points Something to spend excess perk point on No, excess points are by design, so that players don't have to do every milestone to level all perks 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Perks - Points Spend perk points to reroll buff beers That'd be kind of counter-intuitive 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
UI Chat during loading/mission end screen It's something they wanted to add, but couldn't due to technical issues at the time; probably something they'll revisit at some point 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines and flavor text Most likely, they usually come with new stuff 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Doretta skins No 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Creatures Googly eyes for all enemies for April's Fools They wouldn't tell us even if that was the plan 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Creatures - Variants More Bulk Detonator variants There's a chance 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Creatures - Variants Nexus variant, but it's poo and leaves Mactera maggots What an awfully specific idea 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks A way to catch up on overclocks for new weapons They might tweak the RNG a bit once they get there, not sure 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More mods & overclocks for equipment Number tweaks on mods are possible, but no new mods are planned; overclocks are not off the table 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Gameplay A way to know if a mission has ME/crates/lost packs That'd kind of ruin the point of randomly finding them (plus it might be that these features are generated only upon loading) 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Make hazard 5 harder No, that'd make even less people play it 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig Animated Bosco to salute in the Space Rig Would be kind of cool 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig Robo-Steeve Management probably doesn't acknowledge Steeves' existence 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
UI - Missions Cave Leech counter Probably not something they want in the game, but it would make a good mod/Twitch extention 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Biomes More planets They decided to stick with one, one planet can fit all the diversity they need 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual improvements for older biomes No plans now, but it's on their wishlist 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Zero-gravity mission/biome Same as water biome: it interferes too much with how traversal tools work, and those are a big deal in the game 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water biome Not happening 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water level That'll probably never happen 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class They'd rather expand on existing classes than add a new one 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's mainly a production issue of how much things need to be done; it's neither on or off the roadmap 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Barrel armor It was almost added as a joke a long time ago, but they didn't feel the armor was good enough; they've nothing against the concept 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fingernails for dwarves Why would you want fingernails for your dwarves? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Old event hats available again "No" for anniversary hats, "probably yes" for seasonal event hats 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Creatures Bug turf wars Lore-wise they are territorial, but probably not like in Monster Hunter where they randomly fight each other 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Creatures Rideable sandsharks They already take you for a ride, don't they? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Creatures - Bosses Evolved Dreadnought form The dwarves are too good at their job 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Creatures - Mini-Bosses More Xynarch-based enemies No plans, but maybe 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Drinks More beers More gag beers are possible 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Drinks - On Missions Drinking beer/dancing during missions They'd like to separate the tone of activities in the Space Rig and down in the caves, so - no 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Drinks - On Missions Tiny/giant-dwarf effects from beers during missions No, the joke beers are strictly for the Space Rig 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment Jump boots They were cut due to encroaching on traversal tools' territory; might come back as a mutator one day maybe 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they were cut due to being unsatisfying 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Impact Axe Axes retrievable from fallen enemies That's how it used to be originally, the gameplay centered too much around collecting all of your axes 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons Not something they're focusing on, there's more to good melee combat than just applying damage 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather add new grenades than overclocks for existing ones 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather add new grenades than overclocks for existing ones 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Traversal tool overclocks Too many options could create friction between players, using someone's traversal tool should be predictable 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features Loot & item/gear crafting DRG doesn't have to be a crafting game, and it doesn't have to appeal to everyone 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Competitive PvPvE They already have friendly fire in the game 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch Prime rewards Maybe? Not sure how that would be set up 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Team Size More than 4 players in a mission No plans, maybe through modders though (the host's machine needs to handle a lot of stuff) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Drop Pod & Molly customization Some ideas have been thrown around (e.g. stickers) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Different gold types (e.g. pink gold) Is there pink gold in real life? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Oil Shale and Morkite in all mission types Probably not 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Miscellaneous Creator program Not planned 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions Endless mode There are technical limitations to that, not in the plans as of now 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions Larger mission selection It's a balancing act, maybe the system will get an update some time in the future 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions - Mutators More mutators Possible if an idea works well, but not many of them do 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Perks Perk rebalance / new perks No current plans 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Progression More things to upgrade Not currently planned 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Progression - Endgame More endgame progression Deep Dives and Machine events work pretty well, it already takes hundreds of hours to unlocks everything 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Soundtrack - Jukebox Jukebox music added to the OST No; a lot of it is licensed, they can't just sell it in a soundtrack volume 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Could happen in the future, but not something they're working on 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Darts game with Impact Axes That's a great idea 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Snowball game as a permanent addition Probably not 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No update on that as of now 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range The testing environment would get really complicated really fast, and wouldn't be much faster than loading up a mission anyway 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind QoL options They're aware it's an issue for some people and keep an eye out 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Technical - VR VR support Could be fun, but it's not on the roadmap either 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI Chat during the mission-end screen There are some limitations with how the chat is currently implemented, but it's not a hard "no" 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI Profanity filter for voice lines No immediate plans, but modders could probably make that happen pretty easily 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Load-Outs More load-out slots Makes sense to add more as the game offers more cosmetics, etc. 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Load-Outs More preset slots They know it's a good idea to add more slots 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Missions Disconnect boxes showing up on the terrain scanner That's probably a candidate for being added 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Quick Message Emote/dance wheel There have been discussions about the emote wheel, but they were inconclusive ("no" to dances though) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class They'd rather expand on existing classes than make a whole new class 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes They'd rather expand on existing classes than add a new one 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Alternate/custom voice lines There is a lot of voice lines to replace, that's something modders could do faster and more easily 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Cosmetics Steampunk-themed cosmetics The art director might not be a fan of steampunk 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Beards for hypothetical female dwarves It's very likely beards would be optional for everyone 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Creatures Parasite that takes control of a player's dwarf The existing AI wouldn't handle that very well 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment Alternate mobility tools There was a prototype of a climbing rope a long time ago, but it was cut because of reasons 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment More variety of gunslinging animations Would be pretty neat 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Reduce friendly fire of satchel charges No 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive Players controlling Dreadnoughts Not happening 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive PvP They don't really have any interest in PvP gameplay for Deep Rock Galactic 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive Small-scale guilds & competitive activities Nothing like that has been discussed recently 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Gameplay More detailed Compressed Granite texture Probably not, they want to avoid adding textures to the game 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Endless Deep Dive They like the limited time-scope of the current endgame (Deep Dives), plus endless mode would struggle with technical limitations 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Perks Perks/overclocks overhaul Less so perks, but they’ll take a look at overclocks in a future update 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Perks - Beastmaster More control options for Beastmaster Do you really need more control options for Steeve? The perk shouldn't become too complicated to use 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Progression More diverse use for upgrades No plans 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities More minigames for the Space Rig Hard to say; probably something they'll work on if they have extra time 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Technical - Platform Upgrade for XBox Series X They might look at it at some point 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
UI Kill counter for Maggots in the Manual They could add it, although kill counts for neutral creatures incentivize their needless slaughter 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
UI Preview for Forge cosmetics They want to add that, but it's not being worked on right now 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks changing the Bulldog's visuals Not planned; there might be issues with the alternate meshes, plus if the OC is ever rebalanced, that modeling work might be wasted 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Ammo counter for the C4 and the shield It's on the wishlist, they haven't had the time to do it yet 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Miscellaneous Separate updates and cosmetic DLCs The plan is to release them together, because a content update is a good time to add cosmetic DLC 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC with a 5th class They're not going to put a class behind a price tag 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Perks New perks or perk levels No plans at the moment 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
UI - Missions Health visible with the HUD off Probably not going to happen 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class No plans currently 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Classes - Gender Girl dwarves They want to make them too 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Gameplay - M.U.L.E. Destructible M.U.L.E. That must've been considered and rejected at some point 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Gameplay - Objectives Black box as a regular secondary objective Not sure that'd work, black boxes are an element of a primary objective 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical Cross-save between platforms If you own the game on one of them, you can manually move the save files 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and Microsoft Store They would do it if they could, but it's not currently in the plans 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and XBox/GamePass The reason it's not in yet is those ecosystems have completely different server back-ends that don't play nice with each other 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Biomes Minerals & secondaries more visible in Azure Weald They try to keep an eye on resource visibility, but in general it's fine if some resources are harder to see in some biomes 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Creatures - Bosses Dragon-type enemy Maybe if they find a really big pile of gold down there 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Miscellaneous - Stores 4-pack bundles on Steam They would if they could, but Valve discontinued those, it's not possible to sell packs of several copies anymore 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Crafting materials in Deep Dives The fact that Deeps Dives are seeded could lead to exploits like people farming DDs for minerals; plus, it'd split the playerbase 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Perks New perks No plans currently 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface of Hoxxes Just look out the window on the Space Rig (but it'll probably not happen, the game's about caves) 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment New weapon frameworks Very likely 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They were taken out; flare upgrades were something that new players needed the most, and yet something only they didn't have 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They were removed earlier and there are no plans to bring them back at this point 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Equipment - Power Drills Vertical angle indicator for the twin drills Jacob wants it 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs More uses for Nitra There used to be more calldowns in the alpha version, but they were cut 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mugs as actual merch It has been discussed 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Progression Rewards for player ranks above 100 Nothing planned, they'd rather not put rewards too far from where progression starts because of how few people get to them 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Technical - Engine Upgrade to Unreal 5 Even if they did upgrade, the game would probably look largely the same, while new bugs are almost certain 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines for objects in old biomes They want to go back to older biomes, but no timelines or anything concrete, new content takes priority 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Custom color palettes for armors It was discussed internally, they want to maintain a certain level of creative control over how the dwarves look 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Non-RNG-reliant way to unlock weapon cosmetics No plans right now, they might reconsider the rate at which cores can be unlocked after they add a new batch of weapons 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for support tools The idea was initially turned down because of the workload, maybe they'll come back to it 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment More ways to upgrade weapons No things like a new mod tier are planned, balancing against power creep is a hard task 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They used to have them, but it didn't make sense in terms of player progression, now everyone has good flares 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks being more game-changing Currently there are no plans to make them alter weapon behavior more than they do 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for class items They have considered it and decided not to do it 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for traversal tools The idea was considered and ultimately rejected 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Platforms always being normal to the surface Consistency is also nice, and they way it works now you'll always be able to stand on a platform without sliding off 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Features - Modding Modding features It'll be very simple in the beginning, like separating modded & non-modded games, then they'll add more stuff it it's needed 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration For now they're pretty happy with how the unofficial mod for that works 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Gameplay Aiming down sights They don't intend to have an aim-down-sights mechanic 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Gameplay Rideable vehicles No plans for any vehicles (you can ride a Cave Angel though) 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Gameplay Thin terrain should block enemy attacks They thought about fixing it, just haven't gotten around to ityet 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Miscellaneous Voting system for suggestions If there was a feature like that, they'd rather vet the ideas themselves rather than go along with pure popularity vote 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Perks More perks Not planned right now, but could potentially happen 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Perks Perk that allows using enemies as weapons That sounds absolutely crazy, not sure whether in a good or a bad way 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig Cosmetic pets in lobbies No plans 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Whack-a-mole with little bugs Anything's possible, but they're not planning to add such a game now 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range Currently on-hold 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Technical - Engine Transition to Unreal Engine 5 Unreal claims it's going to be as easy as updating within UE4, but even that can sometimes completely break your game, so it depends 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Technical - VR VR support Not planned 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface missions No, because then it'd be just Rock Galactic; this is a game about going down into caves 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water There are technical limitations when it comes to liquid physics in procedurally generated environments 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Classes - Gender Option to change gender They'd need more than one gender in the game in the first place, and they want to do it right 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Creatures More enemy types/mythical creatures Probably more alien species, but not humanoid enemies, as it's much more challenging to make an AI that acts humanoid 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Drinks - Goofy Beer that turns you into a bug Probably not, but a fun suggestion 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee weapon They'd thought about it, and that's how Impact Axe came to be 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Features - Campaign Story mode No plans 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Gameplay Limb dismemberment This is partly present - when enemies explode, their limbs can fly away 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Missions Wave mode No plans 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Different players' Steeves having different # of "e"s This has been discussed internally, not sure if they reached any decision 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points No plans; maybe if they decide to add more perks, they'll cross that bridge once they get to it 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Technical - Platform PS4 port No news 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021