Template:Overclock table drak25 plasma carbine

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Drak.png DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Aggressive Venting
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg Burn AoE on overheat
Pos.svg x0.8 Overheat Duration

"Directional vents burn everything around you and send enemies running when the weapon overheats. They also reduce the overheat recovery time."
Credit.png 8 000 Credits
Croppa 95 Croppa
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Bismor 130 Bismor
Thermal Liquid Coolant
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade TemperatureCoolDown.png

Pos.svg x1.25 Cooling Rate
Pos.svg x0.85 Heat per Shot

"With a liquid coolant fitted to the weapons thermal system it transfers heat more efficiently, accelerating its cooling rate and reducing heat per shot."
Credit.png 8 100 Credits
Umanite 130 Umanite
Enor Pearl 105 Enor Pearl
Bismor 75 Bismor
Impact Deflection
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Pos.svg Projectiles will bounce 1 time, either off of terrain or enemies
Neg.svg -2 Rate of Fire

"Tinkering with the particle density makes your projectiles react on impact with armor and surfaces, making them bounce up to 2 times! However the rate of fire needs to be reduced to keep the gun from exploding in your hands."
Credit.png 7 950 Credits
Croppa 60 Croppa
Jadiz 140 Jadiz
Umanite 105 Umanite
Conductive Thermals
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Temperature.png

Pos.svg Applies temporary buff to Fire, Ice and Electric damage on hit

Pos.svg Applies temporary burn and freeze threshold debuff on hit

Neg.svg -3 Damage
Neg.svg +37% (+0.0165) Heat Per Shot

"ElectroCryoThermic™ technology makes the plasma projectiles increase enemies' sensitivity to temperature changes and shock. However, the volatile plasma reaction does less direct damage, and generates more heat per shot."
Credit.png 7 600 Credits
Magnite 140 Magnite
Enor Pearl 110 Enor Pearl
Bismor 70 Bismor
Rewiring Mod
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png

Pos.svg Regenerate Ammo while Overheated
Neg.svg x1.3 Overheat Duration
Neg.svg x0.7 Battery Capacity

"By rewiring the thermal systems into a secondary cell and connecting it to the primary battery, your weapon can convert the energy from overheating into ammo. However this reduces the maximum capacity of the primary battery significantly."
Credit.png 8 200 Credits
Croppa 65 Croppa
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
Bismor 130 Bismor
Overtuned Particle Accelerator
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg +8 Direct Damage
Neg.svg x0.8 Battery Capacity
Neg.svg x1.5 Heat per Shot
Neg.svg Increased Base Spread

"The particle accelerator has been tuned way over safety standards to push the damage output to the limit! The modifications comes with a price to overall stability of the weapon and increased heat generation."
Credit.png 7 200 Credits
Jadiz 65 Jadiz
Magnite 120 Magnite
Bismor 100 Bismor
Shield Battery Booster
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Resistance.png

Pos.svg Increased Damage and Projectile Speed while shield is full
Pos.svg +1 Rate of Fire
Pos.svg +100 Battery Capacity
Pos.svg -5 Shield Regeneration Delay
Neg.svg x0.5 Cooling Rate
Neg.svg x1.5 Heat per Shot
Neg.svg Overheating Disables shield

"Plugging your shield directly into the weapon battery boosts the plasma feed and density significantly while at full shield and improves total ammo and rate of fire at all times. However the extra energy generates more heat and overheating the weapon will short circuit your shield."
Credit.png 8 850 Credits
Jadiz 120 Jadiz
Magnite 105 Magnite
Bismor 65 Bismor
Thermal Exhaust Feedback
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Pos.svg Up to +12 Fire Damage/Heat per Shot when over 50% Heat
Neg.svg +0.8s Overheat Duration
Neg.svg x1.2 Heat per Shot

"Feeding the thermal exhaust back into the system transfers the heat generated after a 50% threshold to the plasma, making it increasingly hot. The modifications means more heat generated and it takes longer to get rid of during overheat."
Credit.png 7 500 Credits
Jadiz 100 Jadiz
Umanite 75 Umanite
Bismor 140 Bismor