Template:Overclock table cryo cannon

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Cryo cannon.png Cryo Cannon [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Improved Thermal Efficiency
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png

Pos.svg +25 Tank Capacity
Pos.svg x0.75 Pressure Drop Rate

"Get all you can from your fuel and lose pressure slower from the main chamber."
Credit.png 8350 Credits
Croppa 125 Croppa
Magnite 110 Magnite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Tuned Cooler
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Pos.svg +1 Freezing Power
Pos.svg +0.8 Flow Rate
Neg.svg +0.2 Chargeup Time
Neg.svg x0.5 Pressure Gain Rate

"Freeze things faster at the cost of a slower pump and turbine."
Credit.png 8750 Credits
Magnite 65 Magnite
Umanite 130 Umanite
Bismor 110 Bismor
Flow Rate Expansion
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Duration.png

Pos.svg x2.7 Pressure Gain Rate
Pos.svg +0.8 Flow Rate
Neg.svg x2.25 Pressure Drop Rate

"A low volume high pressure chamber paired with a high power pump increase the flow rate and repressurization speed but lower the max duration of sustained flow."
Credit.png 8900 Credits
Jadiz 100 Jadiz
Magnite 125 Magnite
Enor Pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Ice Spear
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png

Pos.svg + Ice Spear
Neg.svg +1s Repressurization Delay

"Pressing the reload button dumps all the fluid in the chamber directly into the turbine, flash freezing it and launching an ice projectile. Side effects include an increased recharge delay and of course the large amount of fuel used."
Credit.png 8950 Credits
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
Umanite 110 Umanite
Enor Pearl 60 Enor Pearl
Ice Storm
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg x2 Damage
Pos.svg +100% Damage (as Kinetic damage) to Frozen Targets
Neg.svg -3 Freezing Power
Neg.svg -75 Tank Capacity
Neg.svg x1.5 Pressure Drop Rate

"A change in the fuel mixture along with some heavy cooler unit tweaks means a lot more damage especially to frozen targets. However, freezing takes longer and the capacity of the pressure chamber is reduced."
Credit.png 7200 Credits
Magnite 105 Magnite
Umanite 75 Umanite
Enor Pearl 130 Enor Pearl
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Area.png

Pos.svg +Snowball
Neg.svg -100 Tank Capacity
Neg.svg +1s Repressurization Delay

"Pressing the reload button shoots all the cryofuel in the chamber at once as an AoE cryo-projectile. Besides the very large amount of fuel consumed, the operation overloads the whole system resulting in a much longer delay before regaining pressure and the modifications restrict the total amount of fuel you can carry."
Credit.png 8400 Credits
Jadiz 90 Jadiz
Magnite 70 Magnite
Umanite 130 Umanite