Template:Overclock table breach cutter

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Breach cutter.png Breach Cutter [Expand/Collapse]
Overclock Effect In Game Description Price
Light-Weight Cases
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png

Pos.svg +3 Max Ammo
Pos.svg -0.2s Reload Time

"Bring more ammo with you and slam those cases in faster!"
Credit.png 8700 Credits
Croppa 100 Croppa
Jadiz 80 Jadiz
Bismor 130 Bismor
Roll Control
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Overclock Spinning Linecutter.png

Pos.svg +0.5s Projectile Lifetime
Pos.svg +Projectile can be steered while trigger is held
Pos.svg +Projectile rotates (x axis, 3 + 1/3 rotations per second)

"A few tweaks to the launcher cause it to add roll to the projectile after it is ejected thus covering a larger area as it travels. Holding down the trigger as the line leaves the gun activates a remote connection which lets you steer the projectile as long as the trigger is held down. On the release of the trigger the connection is broken and the projectile continues in a straight line. The projectile is also able to travel further before collapsing."
Credit.png 8150 Credits
Croppa 95 Croppa
Magnite 80 Magnite
Umanite 135 Umanite
Stronger Plasma Current
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png

Pos.svg +50 Beam DPS
Pos.svg +0.5s Projectile Lifetime

"By improving the node's efficiency you can up the raw damage without too much fuss and it lasts a bit longer too!"
Credit.png 8650 Credits
Croppa 100 Croppa
Jadiz 140 Jadiz
Magnite 75 Magnite
Return to Sender
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Overclock ForthAndBack Linecutter.png

Pos.svg +Return to Sender
Neg.svg -6 Max Ammo

"Holding down the trigger after the line leaves the gun activates a remote connection which on the release of the trigger causes the line to change direction and move back towards the gun."
Credit.png 7950 Credits
Umanite 80 Umanite
Enor Pearl 100 Enor Pearl
Bismor 140 Bismor
High Voltage Crossover
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png

Pos.svg +High Voltage Crossover
Neg.svg x0.6 Magazine Size

"By passing an electric current through the plasma, the beam electrocutes anything it touches but the bulky hardware limits magazine capacity."
Credit.png 8250 Credits
Magnite 100 Magnite
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Bismor 120 Bismor
Spinning Death
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg +Spinning Death
Pos.svg x2.5 Projectile Lifetime
Pos.svg +1.5m Beam width
Neg.svg x0.24 Beam DPS
Neg.svg x0.65 Max Ammo
Neg.svg x0.3 Magazine Size

"These modified plasma nodes convert most of the forward momentum into angular momentum stretching out the beam and continuously doing damage to the immediate area where it was launched. The nodes run for a longer duration but deal less damage every second. Due to the weight both magazine and total capacity is greatly reduced."
Credit.png 7300 Credits
Magnite 95 Magnite
Umanite 120 Umanite
Bismor 75 Bismor
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Pos.svg +Inferno
Neg.svg -175 Beam DPS
Neg.svg x0.25 Armor Breaking

"Turn your Breach Cutter into a tool of burning death and destruction at the cost of direct damage and armor breaking. As a bonus the extreme internal heating keeps the targets burning for an extended period."
Credit.png 7550 Credits
Croppa 70 Croppa
Jadiz 90 Jadiz
Magnite 135 Magnite