Template:Survivor Creature Infobox Cargo

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Survivor Creature Infobox Cargo is an infobox to use on DRG:S creature pages.


Transclude {{Survivor Creature Infobox Cargo}} to the top of a creature article to display an automatically filled-out infobox on the creature.


1 (optional)
creature override

Cargo Data

A table of creature statistics can be viewed at Special:CargoTables/SurvivorCreaturesStats.

Data can be edited on a creature's respective /Data subpage (See Category:Survivor Creature Data Pages).

Currently Unused Statistics

  • gameName
  • XPValue
  • avoidancePriority
  • poolSize
  • poolType
  • keepDistance
  • fleeDistance
  • fleeTrigger
  • targetable
  • catchUpMoveSpeed
  • massive
