Ballesta Nishanka Boltshark X-80

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Icons Campaign.png Unlocked through an assignment
Requires Scout Level 21

Purchased for:
Plantilla:Price table

Initial Stats
Daño 105 Piercing + 60 Radial
Tamaño de cargador 1
Ammo máx. 20
Cadencia de tiro
(por segundo)
Tiempo de recarga 1.6s
An extremely versatile, modern crossbow designed for large game and built especially to fire a wide selection of bolts. Electric bolts, fire bolts, triple bolts, bolts that make enemies blow up, you name it! A fresh, deadly spin on a tried and tested classic.
~ Item Description

The Ballesta Nishanka Boltshark X-80 is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Scout. It is a modernized compact crossbow with a lightweight framework and an adjustable stock. In the center, a single bolt is loaded and drawn by an orange bowstring, which requires a reload after every shot. With certain modifications and overclocks, the Boltshark is capable of firing a wide range of bolt variants that each possesses a unique effect.

The Boltshark features a secondary ammo pool consisting of specialized bolts which can be swapped to by pressing the Reload button ("R" by default). These bolts are obtained exclusively in the first tier of the weapon's modifications and does not affect the primary ammo pool. Using a resupply pod will replenish both ammo pools separately.

The Boltshark also features the ability to retrieve ammo in a similar fashion as the Driller's Impact Axes, where most bolt variants that do not strike enemies can be returned to its respective ammo pool by pressing the Use button ("E" by default). Retrievable bolts will produce a small amount of light in order for players to locate them more easily and will completely despawn after a certain amount of time.


Plantilla:Mod notice

Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Mod Effect In Game Description Price
Tier 1 Status Pheromones.png
Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart
+Special Bolt: Pheromone
+9 Special Ammo
"A bolt filled with a mixture of pheromones which releases in contact with targets, making its allies turn against it and increases the chance of a fight breaking out." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion
+Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion
+9 Special Ammo
"A bolt filled with a volatile chemical that is injected into the target's bloodstream and causes a chemical reaction when they die, turning them into ticking time bombs." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Special Bolt: Taser
+Special Bolt: Taser
+12 Special Ammo
"A bolt fitted with small generators that electrify targets and are able to connect to other nearby Taser Bolts through an electric arc. The electric surge renders the bolts unretrievable after use." Plantilla:Price table
Tier 2
Level 6
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Broadhead Bolts
+25 Damage
+15 Radial Damage
"More mass, greater impact and able to dig just a tad deeper into enemies, increasing the overall damage." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Increased Quiver Capacity
+7 Max Ammo "It took a bit of rearranging, but you can now carry more bolts." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade Special.png
Expanded Special Quiver
+4 Special Ammo (Pheromone)
+4 Special Ammo (Chemical Explosion)
+5 Special Ammo (Taser)
"It's a bit on the heavier side, but your total special bolt capacity is increased." Plantilla:Price table
Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade Speed.png
Stabilizing Arm Brace
-0.4 Reload Time "R&D has fitted you with an arm brace that stabilizes your arm, which enables flawless motion allowing you to reload and switch ammo types faster, without risk of injuries." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png
Reinforced String
+50% Projectile Velocity "A reinforced synthetic fiber string that increases the velocity of your bolts, making them travel faster and further." Plantilla:Price table
Tier 4
Level 14
Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
Battle Frenzy
+Battle Frenzy "Move faster for a short time after killing an enemy." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade EMPTY.png
Radio Transmitter Module
+Radio Transmitter Module "All Bolts and your crossbow are fitted with a small radio transmitter that allows calling back retrievable bolts from a distance by hovering your crosshair over them." Plantilla:Price table
Tier 5
Level 18
Icon Upgrade Duration V2.png
Potent Special Bolts
+2.5 Special Effect Duration (Pheromone)
+3.5 Special Effect Duration (Chemical Explosion)
+3 Special Effect Duration (Taser)
"A more potent version of your special bolt that increases its duration." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade Electricity.png
Magnetic Shafts
+Magnetic Shafts "Bolt shafts made of a magnetic material that is attracted by electricity, pulling them towards electrified enemies or enemies affected by an electric field. The magnetic pull causes them to deal more damage on impact." Plantilla:Price table
Icon Upgrade ScareEnemies.png
Banshee Module
+33% Fear Chance "Tiny devices are attached to your bolts that emit a fear inducing high pitched noise for a limited time. Can be reset and reused if picked up." Plantilla:Price table


Plantilla:OC Notice

Crossbow.png Nishanka Boltshark X-80 [Expand/Collapse]
Pirateo Efecto Descripción del juego Precio
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade FireRate.png

Pos.svg -0.2 s de tiempo de recarga
Pos.svg Velocidad del proyectil x 2

"I+D ha mejorado el mecanismo de recarga de la ballesta, recolocando la cuerda más rápidamente en posición para colocar un nuevo virote en la cámara. También se ha reforzado la cuerda sin coste adicional, permitiendo que el arma dispare los virotes con casi nula pérdida de fuerza." Plantilla:Price table
Frame Overclock Clean.png
Icon Upgrade Special.png

Pos.svg Munición especial x 1.25
Pos.svg 1.3x Duración de efectos especiales x 1.3

"Permite cargar más virotes especiales y más potentes. ¿Qué más se podría pedir?" Plantilla:Price table
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Pos.svg Los virotes enfriarán a los enemigos y su efecto se acumulará
Neg.svg Ya no podrás recuperar los virotes.
Neg.svg Daño infligido disminuido.

"Se ha añadido un pequeño módulo a tus virotes que actúa de forma similar a las granadas criogénicas, permitiéndote enfriar y congelar a los enemigos. Lánzalos al terreno o en la mismísima cara de los enemigos para convertir a los bichos cercanos en polos de hielo. El frío intenso afecta a los virotes, reduciendo su daño directo y destruyéndolos después de usarlos." Plantilla:Price table
Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Pos.svg Bolts ignite enemies. Effect stacks.
Neg.svg Ya no podrás recuperar los virotes.
Neg.svg Daño infligido disminuido.

"Estos virotes vienen equipados con un elemento altamente tecnológico: un frasco lleno de compuestos químicos volátiles, capaces de desprender gran cantidad de calor. Se activarán al dispararlos contra enemigos o contra el terreno. Sin embargo, genenar tan altas temperaturas tiene un coste, ya que se reducirá el daño general infligido y hará que el virote quede inservible tras impactar." Plantilla:Price table
Frame Overclock Unstable.png
Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png

Pos.svg Los virotes rebotarán en los enemigos hasta 2 veces
Neg.svg -75 puntos de daño directo
Neg.svg Tiempo de recarga x 1.5

"La ballesta ha sido modificada para que pueda disparar un virote punzante y más fino, que tiene la habilidad de perforar a sus objetivos y rebotar hacia el objetivo más cercano. Su forma más fina hace que inflija menos daño y que el arma necesite más tiempo para recargar. Esto no afectará a los virotes especiales." Plantilla:Price table

Pos.svg 3 x Cantidad de proyectiles
Pos.svg 20 % de aumento de la capacidad de munición
Neg.svg Ya no podrás recuperar los virotes
Neg.svg 15 % menos de daño infligido por proyectil
Neg.svg Tiempo de recarga x 1.5

"Con un par de ajustes en el mecanismo de disparo y en la cuerda, podrás cargar una andanada de hasta tres virotes en la cámara. Los virotes infligirán mucho menos daño, pero vendrán tan compactados que podrás llevar más munición de este tipo. Las modificaciones y el tamaño de los virotes hace que la recarga sea también más lenta, y los virotes se romperán tras dispararlos, por lo que no podrás recuperarlos. Esto no afectará a los virotes especiales." Plantilla:Price table

Stats Breakdown

The Boltshark deals Piercing rather than Kinetic damage, which Oppressors (50%) and Praetorians (30%) have some resistance to.

Unique Modifications

Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart

Icon Upgrade Pheromones.png

Pheromone Bolts cause enemies struck by the bolt to become affected by its own unique version of the Pheromones status effect.


  • Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 10 Piercing
  • Retrievable: True


  • Maximum Aggroed Targets: 12
  • Move Speed: 0.7x

Special Bolt: Chemical Explosion

Icon Upgrade Explosion.png

Chemical Explosion Bolts cause a Poison DoT to affect any enemy they strike. Should the enemy die while affected by the Poison DoT it will have a unique death effect that causes an explosion that can damage nearby creatures.


  • Direct Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 12 Piercing
  • Retrievable: True

Poison DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Poison
  • Tick Rate: 0.2s

Death Explosion:

  • Damage: 140 Poison
  • Damage Radius: 4m
  • Max Damage Radius: 2.5m
  • Minimum Damage: 30%
  • Fear Factor: 100%
  • Armor Break: 300%
  • Stun Chance: 100%
  • Stun Duration: 1s
  • Friendly Fire Modifier: 25%

Special Bolt: Taser

Icon Upgrade Electricity.png

Taser Bolts are able to create a beam of electricity when placed within a certain distance of one another. The electric beam will connect the Taser Bolts together, and if it passes through an enemy it will deal electricity damage over time for as long as the enemy is touching the beam. The Taser Bolts are also able to individually deal elecicity damage over time to enemies they are in close proximity with. The two DoT effects are separate from one another.


  • Direct Damage: 15 Piercing
  • Area Damage: 10 Piercing
  • Retrievable: False

Proximity DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Electric
  • Tick Rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Move Speed: 0.5x
  • Radius: 0.35m
  • Stackable: True

Electric Beam:

  • Damage: 6 Electric
  • Tick Rate: 0.2s
  • Move Speed: 0.2x
  • Stackable: True
  • Stack Limit: 2

Electric Beam vs Players:

  • Damage: 1 Electric
  • Move Speed: 1x

The Proximity DoT will stack with itself should two or more arrows be touching the same enemy. This will cause the damage to add together for every arrow affecting an enemy, and the move speed modifiers will multiply together for each arrow touching the enemy.

The Electric Beam is able to stack with exactly one additional copy of itself for a total of 12 damage every 0.2 seconds. It is also able to stack unconditionally with the similar effects caused by the Engineer's Turret Arc overclock and the Electric Crystals of the Crystal Caverns.

Unique Overclocks


Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Cold.png

Cryo Bolt causes the normal bolts to apply Cold damage both to the struck target and within an area around the bolt itself in exchange for reducing the normal bolts' damage output. The Area Cold damage does not apply to a target that has been stuck directly with the Cryo Bolt unless there is another bolt stuck into another enemy or a surface that is nearby. Both the direct and area Cold damage is applied as a Damage over Time effect, and each of these DoTs will stack with both themselves and each other.

Direct Cold DoT:

  • Damage: 2.25 Cold
  • Tick Rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True

Area Cold DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Cold
  • Tick Rate: 0.1s
  • Damage Radius: 2m
  • Max Damage Radius: 2m
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True

Fire Bolt

Frame Overclock Balanced.png
Icon Upgrade Heat.png

Fire Bolt causes the normal bolts to apply Heat damage both to the struck target and within an area around the bolt itself in exchange for reducing the normal bolts' damage output. The Area Heat damage does not apply to a target that has been stuck directly with the Fire Bolt unless there is another bolt stuck into another enemy or a surface that is nearby. Both the direct and area Heat damage is applied as a Damage over Time effect, and each of these DoTs will stack with both themselves and each other.

Direct Heat DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Heat
  • Tick Rate: 0.1-0.15s
  • Duration: 6s
  • Stackable: True

Area Heat DoT:

  • Damage: 2 Heat
  • Tick Rate: 0.1s
  • Damage Radius: 2m
  • Max Damage Radius: 2m
  • Duration: 5s
  • Stackable: True


Each modification that is purchased advances a mastery bar by one unit.

Mastery unlocks:

  • Three modifications – First Stripe Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin First Stripe.png
  • Seven modifications – Deepcore Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin Deepcore.png
  • All (13) modifications – The Company Special Weapon Paintjob Icon Skin The Company Special.png


Full gallery of skins can be seen at Weapon Skins.


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