Revólver pesado "Bulldog"

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Un revólver personalizado que es capaz de disparar balas de un calibre tan alto que solo puede llevar 4 balas. No hay casi nada que pueda resistir un golpe directo de estas monstruosidades de 26 mm.
~ Descripción del objeto

El revólver pesado "Bulldog" es el arma secundaria por defecto del artillero.


It is a revolver handgun with a huge foregrip that never gets used. Its 26mm bullets are so huge that only four can be held in the cylinder at once, though the Gunner does have the good sense to use a speedloader to instantly refill an empty cylinder.

The Revolver deals some of the highest single-shot damage in the game, rivaling weapons like the M1000 Classic in sheer power. Aiming for weak spots with this gun is guaranteed to kill most enemies in one shot, and anything that somehow survives is likely to be stunned with the weapon's high stun chance. The weapon is laser-accurate when standing still and has considerable range for a sidearm pistol.

For newer players, the Bulldog rarely sees use outside of emergencies when the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun has overheated, though its use extends far beyond a mere sidearm. It's excellent for damaging distant stationary enemies such as Spawners, Spitball Infectors and Leeches who are helpless against its high damage and accuracy. It can also be used to get the drop on any patrolling Glyphids or Mactera who may not be aware of the Dwarves' position by dropping a couple of them before the whole group notices.

The Revolver's most obvious flaw is its small cylinder capacity, carrying only four shots to get the job done – and while the standing accuracy is good, the weapon's spread growth is highly pronounced, requiring almost a full second of waiting before it returns to standard accuracy. Because of these traits the Bulldog demands accuracy of its wielder, though those with a steady hand will be able to reap its rewards.

Initial Stats
Daño 50
Duración de Stun 1.5s
Tamaño de cargador 4
Ammo máx. 28
Cadencia de tiro
(por segundo)
Tiempo de recarga 2s
Prob. de Stun 50%
Bonif. de Weakpoint Damage 15%


There are five tiers and each tier has up to three upgrades, only one upgrade can be equipped per tier.

Gunner Upgrades
Mod Efecto Description Precio
Nivel 1 Icon Upgrade Speed.png
Quickfire Ejector
-0.7 Reload Time Experience, training, and a couple of under-the-table design "adjustments" means your gun can be reloaded significantly faster. Credit.png 1000 Credits

Bismor 20 Bismor

Icon Upgrade Aim.png
Perfect Weight Balance
-70% Base Spread Improved Accuracy Credit.png 1000 Credits

Enor pearl 20 Enor Pearl

Tier 2
Level 6
Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
Increased Caliber Rounds
+15 Damage The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased. Credit.png 1800 Credits

Jadiz 12 Jadiz
Croppa 18 Croppa

Icon Upgrade Aim.png
Floating Barrel
×0.75 recoil

-80% spread per shot

Sweet, sweet optimization. We called in a few friends and managed to significantly improve the stability of this gun. Credit.png 1800 Credits

Enor pearl 12 Enor Pearl
Bismor 18 Bismor

Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+12 Max Ammo Expanded Ammo Bags Credit.png 1800 Credits

Enor pearl 12 Enor Pearl
Jadiz 18 Jadiz

Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade BulletPenetration.png
Super Blowthrough Rounds
+3 Max Penetrations Shaped projectiles capable to over-penetrate targets with a mininal loss of energy. In other words: Fire straight through several enemies at once! Credit.png 2200 Credits

Croppa 20 Croppa
Jadiz 30 Jadiz

Icon Upgrade Explosion.png
Explosive Rounds
+30 Area Damage
x0.5 Damage
Bullet detonates creating a radius of damage but deals less direct damage. Credit.png ? Credits

Croppa ? Croppa
Jadiz ? Jadiz

Icon Upgrade Weakspot.png
Hollow-Point Bullets
+50% Weakpoint Damage Bonus Hit 'em where it hurts! Literally! We've upped the damage you'll be able to do to any creature's fleshy bits. You're welcome. Credit.png ? Credits

Croppa ? Croppa
Jadiz ? Jadiz

Tier 4
Level 14
Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Expanded Ammo Bags
+12 Max Ammo You had to give up some sandwich-storage, but your total ammo capacity is increased! Credit.png 3800 Credits

Magnite 15 Magnite
Jadiz 25 Jadiz
Enor pearl 36 Enor Pearl

Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
High Velocity Rounds
+15 Damage The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased. Credit.png 3800 Credits

Magnite 15 Magnite
Enor pearl 25 Enor Pearl
Bismor 36 Bismor

Tier 5
Level 18
Icon Upgrade Aim.png
+Dead-Eye No aim penalty while moving Credit.png 4400 Credits

Bismor 40 Bismor
Enor pearl 60 Enor Pearl
Umanite 110 Umanite

Icon Upgrade Special.png
Glyphid Neurotoxin Coating
+Neurotoxin Coating (50% Chance) Chance to poison your target. Affected creatures move slower and take damage over time. Credit.png 4400 Credits

Croppa 40 Croppa
Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Magnite 110 Magnite


"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Tipo Pirateo Efecto Descripción Precio
Icon Overclock ChangeOfHigherDamage.png
+Randomized Damage
(between x0.8 and x1.4 damage)
Infligirá más daño en general, pero el arma será algo más inconsistente. Credit.png 7350 Credits

Croppa 135 de croppa
Magnite 70 de magnita
Enor pearl 105 perlas enor

Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png
+33% Ricochet chance on bullets Cualquier disparo que impacte en un punto débil tiene una probabilidad de rebotar hacia un enemigo cercano. Credit.png 7300 créditos

Magnite 120 de magnita
Enor pearl 80 perlas enor
Jadiz 110 de jadiz

Icon Upgrade ClipSize.png
+1 al tamaño del cargador
+5 a la munición máxima
+15 % de dispersión base
Al mejorar el diseño de la carcasa, se consigue añadir dos rondas más en cada cilindro y varias rondas más en el arma, lo que por otro lado resulta en una menor precisión del arma y un mayor tiempo de recarga. Credit.png 7750 créditos

Bismor 120 de bismor
Croppa 60 de croppa
Magnite 100 de magnita

Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral.png
x2 al daño
-12 a la munición máxima
+150 % de retroceso
+100 % de dispersión por disparo
Mediante varios ajustes avanzados, hemos conseguido integrar la munición del cañón automático... ¡en tu revólver! El daño infligido es impresionante, pero también lo es el retroceso del arma. No podrás cargar muchas rondas de este tipo. Además, solo caben 3 rondas en el arma y el tiempo de recarga es mayor, pero la precisión base será mayor. Credit.png 7300 créditos

Enor pearl 140 perlas enor
Umanite 65 de umanita
Magnite 90 de magnita

Icon Upgrade Ricoshet.png
+Balas mágicas
+8 Max Ammo
-20 al daño
Estas balas pequeñas y de impacto plástico rebotarán en superficies duras, golpeando a los enemigos cercanos como por arte de magia. En general, el daño del arma se verá reducido, pero podrás llevar más munición debido a su tamaño más compacto. Credit.png 8750 créditos

Magnite 130 de magnita
Umanite 75 de umanita
Croppa 105 de croppa


Para ver todos los aspectos disponibles para el revólver pesado "Bulldog", echa un vistazo a la sección "Aspectos para armas".


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