Granada de Alta Carga Explosiva (ACE)

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Una granada estándar altamente explosiva con un radio de efecto medio. Se puede utilizar para eliminar la suciedad, los insectos o ambos.
~ Descripción del juego

La granada de alta carga explosiva (o granada ACE) es una de las armas arrojadizas desbloqueables para el perforador en Deep Rock Galactic


It is a traditional hand grenade - just pull the pin and throw. By far the Driller's simplest throwable and likely the simplest in the whole game. The HE Grenade will detonate once it lands on the ground after a brief delay. With high damage, a wide blast radius, very strong armor breaking and fear capabilities, the HE Grenade is every bit powerful as it is simple. It can be used in a variety of situations and its simple function allows it to fit comfortably in any kind of weapon modification build for the Driller.

The HE Grenade's simplicity, however, can also be its downfall. A lack of specialization can leave the HE Grenade feeling underwhelming in most situations. It lacks the extreme single-target damage of the Impact Axe or the unique two-stage damage dealing of the Neurotoxin Grenade. Couple that fact with the low amount carried and the slightly finnicky nature of the grenade's explosion delay, and the HE frag may seem like it underperforms in some situations. Nevertheless it is still a wholly capable grenade, and a great choice for new players.

Level Unlocked through a level cap.
Requiere Level 5 de perforador

Se compra con:
Credit.png 1200 créditos
Jadiz 10 de jadiz

Estadísticas iniciales
Daño en área 130
Carried Amount 4
Armor Break 400%
Fear Factor 100%

Uso y estrategias

  • Esta granada es muy útil para eliminar grandes grupos de enemigos, pero también puede usarse contra enemigos grandes (como los pretores glífidos, gracias a sus estadísticas de ruptura de blindaje y su factor de miedo.
  • Para peleas a corto alcance, es mejor lanzar esta granada rodando por el suelo, lo cual puede hacerse lanzándola contra el suelo con un ángulo. Esto reducirá el tiempo de espera y podría aumentar la precisión de la explosión resultante.

Información adicional

  • High Explosive Grenades used to be called Frag Grenades and were also used by Engineer and Gunner prior to Update 24.