Pistola de enganche

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The ultimate explorer's tool - this self-recharging grappling hook will get you out of any sticky situation, and onto any distant ledge. Handle with care - ending up dangling from the ceiling and then dropping 60 feet onto the floor is not covered by the employee insurance.
~ Item Description


La pistola de enganche es una de las herramientas que tiene el explorador. Se trata de una herramienta de mano que lanza un gancho ajustado sobre el cable de una bobina enrollada en el arma. Al desplegarse, se instalará un agarre que el enano puede usar para engancharse a él.

El enganche se usa generalmente para acceder a ubicaciones que son inaccesibles para el resto del equipo. Al dispararlo, hay un pequeño retraso antes de que el enano sea impulsado bruscamente hacia la zona donde el gancho se ha anclado. Si mantienes pulsado el gatillo, el enano se quedará colgando de la zona de enganche; sin embargo, si lo sueltas, el explorador caerá siguiendo una trayectoria de gravedad. reiniciándose el enfriamiento del arma (4 s por defecto) antes de poder volver a disparar. Un indicador en el arma te mostrará el tiempo restante hasta que esté recargada, y un sonido de clic te permitirá saber cuándo puedes volver a usarla.

The Grappling Hook is by far the most powerful mobility tool in the game, and is crucial to the Scout's role. It provides him with unparalleled flexibility, letting him get to whichever location he pleases, so long as it is within range. It pairs really well with the Engineer's Platform Gun, taking advantage of the platform projectiles to stand on cave walls and extract resources that are normally out of reach. The Hook is also a useful combat utility; it allows the Scout to zip in and out of tight situations. Considering his poor crowd control, it is helpful for him to have a quick and easy escape. One can also grapple to a downed teammate to quickly revive them.

However, the Hook is not perfect. As reflected in its statistics it is very easy for one to get carried away with the hook and use it to fly around the entire map; this can lead to taking a lot of fall damage if extra care is not taken while using the device. The Hook's recharge time means that there will be moments where the Scout is vulnerable while in combat without his quick escape plan. Finally, the wind up time while waiting for the hook to fire can sometimes be detrimental if the user is already in flight.

Initial Stats
Alcance máximo 20m
Enfriamiento 4s
Velocidad máxima 1500
Wind up time 0.4
Riesgo de muerte accidental Alto


  • Momentum is preserved when releasing the Grappling Hook while mid flight. One can exploit this by releasing the hook at the apex of their height, though flying this way can be extremely dangerous if one does not have a dedicated landing spot.
    • En las misiones con el mutador "Baja gravedad", el uso de la pistola de enganche hará que el explorador pueda recorrer enormes distancias y con un peligro mucho menor de sufrir grandes daños por caída.
    • This momentum can be detrimental when playing on laggy servers, as releasing the hook too early can cause the Scout to slip off ledges and platforms before the server can catch up. To prevent this from happening, hold the trigger for a second longer than you need when grappling to a spot to ensure you will stop safely.
  • Try not to go too far with the Hook. It may be fun, but getting too far ahead of your teammates may result in you ending up in a troublesome situation and not having allied help to bail you out. Cave Leeches are especially good at stopping grapple-happy Scouts in their tracks.


There's four tiers and each tier has up to three upgrades, only one upgrade can be equipped per tier.

Scout Upgrades
Mod Effect Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Improved Recharger
-0.5 Cooldown Spend less time waiting and more time swinging Credit.png 420 Credits

Jadiz 10 Jadiz

Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Longer Cable
+5 Max Range Increased range Credit.png 420 Credits

Enor pearl 10 Enor Pearl

Tier 2
Level 5
Icon Upgrade Distance.png
Greater Cable Stretch
+5 Max Range Increased range Credit.png 780 Credits

Bismor 22 Bismor

Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png
High Velocity Ejection System
-0.2 Wind up time Hook shoots out at a higher speed Credit.png 960 Credits

Croppa 12 Croppa
Enor pearl 16 Enor Pearl

Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
Overcharged Winch
+750 Max Speed Faster hook retraction means a faster dwarf. Survival not guaranteed. Credit.png 960 Credits

Umanite 12 Umanite
Jadiz 16 Jadiz

Tier 4
Level 15
Icon Upgrade Resistance.png
Safety First
+33% fall damage reduction for 3 seconds Temporary fall damage reduction bonus after releasing the Grappling Hook Credit.png 1100 Credits

Magnite 18 Magnite
Croppa 24 Croppa

Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png
+50% movement speed for 3 seconds Temporary movement speed bonus after releasing the Grappling Hook Credit.png 1100 Credits

Croppa 18 Croppa
Bismor 24 Bismor

Icon Upgrade ChargeUp.png
Bypassed Integrity Check
-1 Cooldown Faster cooldown and a voided warranty Credit.png 1100 Credits

Enor pearl 18 Enor Pearl
Magnite 24 Magnite

Mods exclusivos


Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.png

Momentum gives the scout a 50% movement speed increase for three seconds after the Grappling Hook fire button is released. The Grappling Hook does not need to connect with a surface or move the scout to activate this bonus, but it does have to be aimed at a surface in range in order to be fired. The Scout does not have to have the tool out to keep the speed bonus in effect. The speed bonus will stack with all other speed bonuses, except itself, and Deepcore GK2's Icon Upgrade MovementSpeed.pngBattle Frenzy upgrade. Using either of these two will simply reset the timer.

Información adicional

  • En el mundo real, una pistola de enganche como esta sería extremadamente peligrosa de usar. El impulso cinético originado desde la posición estática a la de movimiento muy probablemente arrancaría el brazo del usuario.

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