Modèle:Resource infobox

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Type Inconnu
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Template-info.svg Documentation

This infobox is used to create a summary of some key details about resources.


{{resource infobox
| name     = //Name of the resource
| image    = //Image to use
| size     = //Optional, default is 250px
| type     = //Type of resource. See guide below for info.
| hardness = //Hardness. How many pickaxe hits it takes to mine. See guide below for info.
| rarity   = //How rare a resource is. See guide below for info.
| credits  = //Optional. Credit value for a single unit of a resource.
| xp       = //Optional. XP value for a single unit of a resource.
| health   = //Optional. HP value (or range of values) restored by resource.


Type Consumable
Dureté 5 (Extrêmement dur)
Rareté Extrènement rare
Valeur Credit.png 999 /unité
Experience Points 999 /unité
Gain de santé Health Points 1–999
{{resource infobox
| name     = Digonium
| image    = Icon-dig.png
| size     = 50px
| type     = Consumable
| hardness = 5
| rarity   = 5
| credits  = 999
| xp       = 999
| health   = 1–999

Resource Type Guide

This field will display whatever you type. Some examples are provided below:

  • Primary Objective — Appears as a primary objective in missions.
  • Secondary Objective — Appears as a secondary objective in missions.
  • Crafting Material — Any non-essential resource that persists outside of missions.
  • Beer Ingredient — Any non-essential resource that persists outside of missions used specifically for beers.
  • Consumable — Non-essential resources that either provide an effect when mined, or are spent during a mission.
  • Bonus — Non-essential resources that provide bonus credits/XP when collected.
  • Miscellaneous — Anything that does not fit into one of the above categories.

Hardness Guide

How many pickaxe hits it takes to mine a single chunk of the resource.
Simply pass the corresponding number, and the template will handle the rest.

  • 0 — Not mined directly (e.g. embedded resources)
  • 1 — Brittle
  • 2 — Medium
  • 3 — Hard
  • 4 — Very Hard
  • 5 — Extremely Hard
  • -1 — Cannot be mined
  • Nothing — Unknown

Rarity Guide

How frequently a resource may appear in any given mission.
As with Hardness, simply pass the corresponding number and the template will handle the rest.

  • 0 — Preset amount (e.g. Mini-MULE legs)
  • 1 — Common (Virtually all primary—and some secondary—objectives will have this rarity)
  • 2 — Uncommon
  • 3 — Rare (Most crafting materials will have this rarity)
  • 4 — Very Rare
  • 5 — Extremely Rare
  • Nothing — Unknown
  • Other — Will print whatever you entered