Plantilla:Pirateos Tabla Lanzagranadas Deepcore 40mm

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Lanzagranadas Deepcore 40mm
Tipo Pirateo Efecto Descripción Precio
Icon Upgrade Area.png
Clean Sweep
+10 al daño en área
+0.5 al radio de efecto
Increases the explosion radius and damage without any unwanted effects. Credit.png 8100 créditos

Umanite 135 de umanita
Enor pearl 70 perlas enor
Bismor 105 de bismor

Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Pack Rat
+2 a la munición máxima You found a way to pack away two more rounds somewhere Credit.png 7950 créditos

Magnite 120 de magnita
Bismor 80 de bismor
Enor pearl 105 perlas enor

Icon Upgrade Ammo.png
Compact Rounds
+4 a la munición máxima
-10 al daño en área
-0.5 al radio de efecto
Smaller and lighter rounds means more rounds in the pocket at the cost of the explosion's effective radius and damage Credit.png 7900 créditos

Bismor 120 de bismor
Umanite 70 de umanita
Enor pearl 100 perlas enor

Icon Overclock ExplosionJump.png
RJ250 Compound
+RJ250 Compound
-25 Area Damage
Trade raw damage for the ability to use explosions to move yourself and your teammates. Credit.png 8800 créditos

Umanite 120 de umanita
Bismor 65 de bismor
Enor pearl 110 perlas enor

Icon Upgrade Area Damage.png
Fat Boy
+330 al daño en área
+1 al radio de efecto
x0.3 Max Ammo
x0.7 Projectile Velocity
Big and deadly and dirty. Too bad plutonium is so heavy that you can only take a few rounds with you. And remember to take care with the fallout. Credit.png 8300 créditos

Bismor 120 de bismor
Enor pearl 70 perlas enor
Magnite 105 de magnita

Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed.png
Hyper Propellant
+250 al daño directo
+350 % de velocidad de proyectiles
Multiplicador x0.3 al radio de efecto
New super-high velocity projectiles trade explosive range for raw damage in a tight area. The larger rounds also limit the total amount you can carry. Credit.png 8950 créditos

Magnite 130 de magnita
Jadiz 70 de jadiz
Croppa 90 de croppa