Preguntas y respuestas del Equipo de Desarrollo

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En esta sección, se muestra una serie de preguntas y respuestas que los desarrolladores del equipo de Ghostship Games han dado a comentarios y sugerencias de la comunidad durante algunos de los streams abiertos que han dado (tanto a través de Twitch como de YouTube). Todos los enlaces incluyen las fechas asociadas.

Nota: recuerda que las respuestas dadas a continuación no son información 100 % precisa y cierta.

  • Los desarrolladores que hacen streaming del juego no saben (o a veces no pueden dar detalles al respecto) acerca de todos los detalles del estado de elementos en desarrollo, para lo cual han dado respuestas basadas en sus suposiciones u opiniones.
  • El proceso de desarrollo de GSG es lo suficientemente flexible para que cualquier decisión tomada esté sujeta a nuevos cambios. Los planes comentados pueden cambiar conforme lo hace el juego, y lo que se ha comunicado en fechas anteriores a la actual podría verse modificado por eventos más recientes.
  • El equipo de "streaming" divide su atención entre jugar al juego y responder a las preguntas que se van haciendo. Pueden darse casos de errores de comunicación, y a veces la gente incluso se olvida o mezcla datos, por lo que la información no escrita oficialmente está sujeta a imprecisiones.
  • Algunas de las respuestas que se dan son directamente bromas. Aprende a distinguir entre un tipo y otro de información.

En esta lista no podrás encontrar:

  • Questions along the lines of "When is the next update?" or "Is the next update going to have X?" You can view the latest roadmap here.
  • Questions like "What is your favorite weapon?" and other open-ended questions not phrased as suggestions or ideas for Deep Rock Galactic.
  • Questions about adding features that are already in the game and that the question asker wasn't aware of.
  • Questions which nobody could really comment on.

Para agrupar los duplicados, haz clic en el encabezado de "Categoría", si no, las respuestas se mostrarán de más reciente a más antigua. Pulsa [Ctrl] + [F] para buscar palabras específicas.

Categoría Sugerencia Comentario Fecha Fuente
Miscellaneous - Franchise Secuela para DRG No están trabajando en otros proyectos por el momento 17.12.2021 Dev Stream 17.12.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Stop players from being on top of the Caretaker No plans 17.12.2021 Dev Stream 17.12.2021
UI "Mark all as seen" button That would be nice to have 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Enemies - Bosses A new boss or a new robot to save There could be, who knows? 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Advanced controller settings for console Not planned as such, but they've made some improvements there, so maybe in the future? 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Ammo count for the revolver matching the overclock Not impossible, but a ton of work 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-compatibility No plans currently; it's not as simple as it sounds, plus there are version differences and implications for their pipeline 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS No plans, last time they looked at it, the conclusion was that it wouldn't bring much to the game 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG dating spin-off That's something you'll have to take on yourself (Jacob would back that on Kickstarter) 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades and new perks They used to have flare upgrades, but they didn't work to make the game better, so they were rolled into the base flare 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Give Lok-1 more mod variety If some things are overwhelmingly preferred, there will be balance changes 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Enemies Macteras coming out of a nest It's not that easy to make everything make sense in a procedurally-generated environment 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Enemies - Variants Magma Core praetorian No plans to add any variations right now 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Progression - Endgame Make Machine Events give blank cores MEs still give you an XP boost so they're still worthwhile even without blank cores; they'll have to talk about it though 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Space Rig - Beer More beers Probably 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Progression - Endgame More control of which overclock is dropped Not immediately, but entirely possible; as more overclocks are released, there will have to be a way to skew the odds 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Space Rig - Activities More dances to the jukebox Yeah, maybe 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Missions - Mutators More mutators There are plans, you'll have to wait and see 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Soundtrack New OST No plans at the moment 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for utility equipment It's come up a few times, they want utility items to have consistent expectations as to how they behave 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Gameplay Red Sugar addiction mechanic While thematically appopriate, punishing some people for needing more health than others sounds horrible 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - EPC Remove mineral scatter from EPC mining Not going to happen, one class isn't supposed to be that good at a mining task (or any task) 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. 3 No plans currently 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Split-screen for PS5/XBox Unlikely, being able to render several parts at the same time is usually something games have to be designed for from the ground up 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Technical Sync progress between Steam and PSN Currently not planned 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Biomes - Appearance Update to the old biomes Would be nice, but not working on it right now; it's something they do when they can 16.12.2021 Dev Stream 16.12.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Buff Nitroglycerine Rounds Not in season 1, and it's not going back to its initial release state, it was adjusted for a reason 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Technical Controller button to turn off HUD They're kind of running low on buttons on the controller, maybe Microsoft should add more 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
UI - Loadouts Copy/paste for equipment loadouts They know it's a requested feature, but it's not as simple as people want it to be 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Equipment Give players on ziplines more speed You still have to be vulnerable while riding it, can't let the player get out of a sticky situation too fast 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Missions Infested Space Rig mission Aside from messing with the lore, that would more or less remove terrain management, which is a big part of the gameplay 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More clues as to what happened to Karl Maybe; Jacob wants to know too 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives/events like Hack-C New events will likely come with new seasons, but no plans for more secondaries as of now 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Biomes New biomes Maybe at some point 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Enemies Randomized enemy size They used to have that, but it proved too troublesome to sync between host and client, too much traffic to send 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Missions - Salvage Operation Randomized number of legs to fix the mini-M.U.L.E. It'd be a nice fictional detail, but probably not the first thing they'd do if they wanted to liven up Salvage Operation 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range on the Space Rig No plans for that; the mod is cool though 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Technical - VR VR They've released a plugin that enables modders to tinker around with it, but they're not going to do it themselves 10.12.2021 Dev Stream 10.12.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Customization to class tertiaries They've talked about it, there's been at least some desire to do it 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Classes - Engineer Engineer repairing things faster Do you really want to be repairing everything for everyone because you do it faster? "What is my purpose?" - "You hold E." 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Progression - Seasons Increase the reward for 100+ levels of the S1 track It's worth it for the sense of pride and accomplishment 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines for solo mode Would be nice, but not a priority 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
UI Morkite counter going above the quota It used to be like that, but some players felt compelled to scour the cave for every last bit of Morkite, it took way too long 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Move industrial face mask to the beard slot Not sure; it's a hat, but it's a weird hat 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Mugs based on in-game models The in-game models aren't all that good to drink out of, you can print it on a shirt and pour your beer on the shirt 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Pondering victory move By the time they'd add it, it would already be a dead meme 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turret variations Not a definite "no", but no plans for now 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Technical - Engine Unreal 5 upgrade They might not upgrade at all, they don't know 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Upgrade tree for Doretta No plans 09.12.2021 Dev Stream 09.12.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events A choice of three minerals for mineral containers They haven't considered that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cigar cosmetic for Gunner Would be cool, but there was a reason it didn't make it into the game 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks - Points Convert perk points into credits They don't really want people to view perk points as a currency like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks - Points Convert perk points into scrip They don't really want perk points to function like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Enemies - Bosses Dreadnought final evolution They're also curious to see what its final form is 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Miscellaneous DRG museum to showcase the game's development Probably not going to do anything like that 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Classes - 5th Class Fifth class They'd rather expand on the existing classes - and the more they expand, the bigger task it becomes to add a new class 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fourth Relic armor set Who knows? It's not impossible 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Technical - Platform GameBoy Color release Nintendo will have to send them some GameBoy Colors first 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Gameplay - Beer More buffs or mechanics for the beers The gag beers will stay on the Space Rig 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Enemies More major-threat-type enemies Hopefully 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives If they do new mission types, new objectives will likely follow, but they will always stay as minor things 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Perks New perks The reason there are more points than necessary is to provide different routes to unlocking all perks; more perks would be cool 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Revisit older overclocks It's an on-going process; interactions between combat elements might change, and overclocks will have to change in turn 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Features - Economy Trade/convert beer ingredients No plans 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment Two traversal tools for each class Classes are defined by their equipment, especially traversal tools, they want to keep those roles clearly delineated 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment Water or milk at the bar with no effect It's a beer-only kind of bar 03.12.2021 Dev Stream 03.12.2021
Equipment A gun like the Flak Cannon from Unreal Tournament No plans 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for saving 100 Doretta heads No, no external rewards for saving Doretta 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Equipment Armors with different stats Would make sense if the armors weren't purely cosmetic; it's not impossible, but there's a lot of stuff they'd rather make instead 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Features - Campaign Campaign missions While potentially cool, it's really not the strength of this game; season themes are probably the closest to it DRG will have 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between XBox and PS Not likely, it's very complicated, expensive, and not something you can squeeze into a game that's already made 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG Christmas-themes sweater merch Only if they're ugly DRG Christmas-themed sweaters 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise DRG collectibles or figurines The board game is going to have some cool miniatures; check out Scorched Steel Studio too 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG feature film with OST, merch & anime spinoff Yes, they're hoping to start and finish tomorrow, but if it's not done by the weekend they'll probably scrap the whole thing 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Expand lore The plan is to keep doing it like they have been, no explicit storytelling 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare modifications No, they took them off, actually 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Enemies - Humanoid Humanoid enemies Enemies that don't conform to the terrain are really hard to make for DRG 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Enemies - Bosses Mactera Dreadnought Johan would like it 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Missions Mini-M.U.L.E. in all mission types No, their point is that they follow the M.U.L.E. and not the player 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Space Rig - Activities More activities in the Space Rig Nothing specific planned, but they wouldn't say they're done with the Space Rig 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Progression - Promotions More cosmetics for promotions Scale Brigade might've been intended as that, but ended up being locked by rank (maybe a bit too high) 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Classes - Voice Lines New voice sets for dwarves There are a lot of voice lines to record 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans; they're not sure it would even improve the game beyond just making it look different 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
Space Rig Smackable leaf-lover bobble-head But what does a leaf-lover look like? 02.12.2021 Dev Stream 02.12.2021
UI - Class Icons Customizable class portraits They considered paper doll models, but felt like the portraits have to be distinct at a glance, so the portraits are static 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Features Kicking by vote It would feel kind of weird in a 4-player team; indeed some hosts kick at the drop of a hat, but we'll just have to deal with them 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Biomes - Water Liquids They already know that implementing liquid physics in DRG would be too much work to be worth it 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment More weapons Yeah, probably more secondaries 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks for existing weapons Yes? Not sure when though 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for support tools Unlikely, at this point if they add even more knobs to tune how the classes play, Mike wouldn't do anything but balance them 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Technical - Platform Switch port Sadly, the Switch isn't beefy enough to handle DRG (not even the OLED version) 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch plugins like enemy spawners and such They don't have any plans and also aren't super keen on having Twitch-drops-only cosmetics; some modders are working on it 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Technical - VR VR mode They added a plugin that enables basic VR functionality for modders, and there are some prototypes out there 26.11.2021 Dev Stream 26.11.2021
Missions - Escort Duty A single solar panel on Doretta That sounds like something DRG would do, an empty gesture just for show 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Carriable healing items Between Red Sugar, resupplies, perks and the shield they feel like there are enough ways to replenish health 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous Do something with all the fan art A stream segment could be possible, in-game - not so much, could potentially get them into copyright trouble 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Dystrum in more mission types They'd like to spread out secondaries somewhat; not sure how fun Dystrum would be in Escort Duty or Mining Expedition 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous Easter eggs to other games There are already references to movies and comics, but they prefer subtle references 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Edible flora with special effects They've been toying around with an idea like that, it's not off the table 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay Emotes/dances in the caves Same as drinking in the caves, there's a line beyond which silliness can get disruptive 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Missions Endless survival mode There's definitely a technical challenge with RAM management, parts of the cave would have to be dynamically (un)loaded 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Enemies Hiding enemy that blends with the background There prototyped one at some point 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee secondary weapon No comments 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Features - Modding Mod support for consoles Not in the plans, but one of the reasons they chose is to have that option available if the plans change 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More complex objectives for experienced players Define "complex"; something can be complex but also linear, there has to be some room for open-ended approach 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous More developer vlogs Never say never, but now it makes more sense to do anniversary streams and have more to talk about 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Space Rig - Beer New beers for new seasons Would be fun to make; the biggest issue is prioritizing it, they already have way more ideas than they can manage to make 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Perks New perks How it works is developers add new perks when they themselves run out of perks to upgrade 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Open-world DRG with crafting So, like Deep Rock Valheim? 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Gameplay - Beer Portable bar in the caves As silly as the game already is, they'd like to keep leisure activities limited to the Space Rig 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Tame praetorians Would be pretty sweet 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Tool overclocks No plans at the moment; each tool is as much a team resource as your own, crazy modifications would turn into friction points 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Treasure with minerals at the end of Deep Dives They don't want experienced players to play just the Deep Dives, it's supposed to be something you can't farm for minerals 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch drops They talked about it, haven't had the time to look into it; no promises, but they see that it's a requested feature 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Enemies Visual update to old monsters Generally they'd rather make new enemies; the moment they change old models there'll be people asking to change them back 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore War between DRG and the rival corporation Who's to say they aren't already at war? 25.11.2021 Dev Stream 25.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform Not currently, it's not that simple a task 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Minerals in Deep Dives Deep Dives don't change for an entire week, they don't want people farming them for crafting minerals 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Overclock for Lok-1 bullets to turn sharper corners Not out of the question, maybe? 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Gameplay Upgrades for Molly or Doretta There are issues with that pat h, like whose upgrades do you take into the mission 19.11.2021 Dev Stream 19.11.2021
Perks - Points Add more perks to spend all the points on It's intentional that there are more points than necessary so that there's no single path to buying them all 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI Allow late-joining as a duplicate class in the pod Would be nice to fix, but it's not a critical thing to fix 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI - Class Icons Customize player avatar They're supposed to communicate the class very quickly and easily, customization would hurt that 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Soundtrack Expand OST Not currently 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Probably not going to happen until Deep Rock Galactic 3, which itself can only come after Deep Rock Galactic 2: Episode 2 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Fool's gold that's actually worthless So, disappointment as a game mechanic? (also, some players already argue that gold is worthless) 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Gunner cigar Would be cool, but there are issues with the age rating in some countries; plus, there's no accessory slot so it'd have to a "beard" 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Lok-1 tilting in the target's direction like in Overwatch That might not work given that the Lok-1 can lock onto a dozen targets at a time, the gun would look like it's having a seizure 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Make the Caretaker fight harder If it's too easy for a specific class, it's that class that should be tuned, not the Caretaker 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment More secondary guns They are on the horizon, and they'll come as a part of a new season 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, they'd rather expand on the ones that they have 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment New grenades No plans yet, but they're open to the idea 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Biomes Non-Hoxxes-IV locations Theoretically possible, but with how the game is structured there isn't really a good reason to go outside of Hoxxes IV 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Power Drills OC for the twin drills mining minerals Absolutely not 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Soundtrack OST on Apple Music No plans 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Perks Perk that lets us use bugs as guns That sounds like a crazy perk 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI Quick command menu They're not planning on adding it 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
UI Show ping number in the lobby search menu There's nothing to show, the game doesn't actually ping every lobby on the list due to its p2p nature, the game just approximates 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Six Shooter model showing six bullets It would be nice and Rabert wants to do it, but it's complicated and probably not going to happen 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Square platforms They used to have prototypes of different shapes, they decided they didn't add very much 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Tone down waves during the hacking phase Not sure, it's sort of intended to be difficult 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Turn Driller into a melee class No intentions to do that 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Turret interaction for Lok-1 They prototyped something like Turret Whip but it wasn't very fun; maybe they'll come up with something in the future 18.11.2021 Dev Stream 18.11.2021
Enemies - Variants Biome-oriented Dreadnoughts Maybe? currently not in the plans 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Bob Ross beard For licensing purposes it'd have to be something only similar (Bob Rocks) 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Bring back rocket riding as an overclock It's almost certain it won't happen, it was removed for causing larger gameplay balance issues 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Gameplay First-person spectator mode while downed Would be cool, but that could be a lot of extra data to exchange that isn't set up right now 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Enemies - Bosses Mactera Dreadnought Would be pretty cool 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements More achievements It's not 100% up to them; for consoles Microsoft has a score system, ans assigning those scores is another task on its own 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Enemies - Variants More Bulk Detonator variants They might do it if there's a good idea for it, and it'd be cool for them to be more different than "it's a Bulk, but cold" 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Biomes More hostile flora They don't see why not 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Gameplay - Beer Nitra beer Most likely no plans 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Features - Competitive Playable Glyphids There won't be any PvP in DRG, that mode might fit into a different game 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Technical - Engine Switch to Unreal 5 No plans, and many of Unreal 5's new features are more aimed at open-world games anyway 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Tattoo cosmetics Would be cool 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration app No plans (maybe the Twitch integration mod can do it?) 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Biomes - Appearance Update to the older biomes They want to go back and touch them up a bit, but there are no solid plans for it 12.11.2021 Dev Stream 12.11.2021
Features - Economy Add cryptocurrency to trade for minerals No 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
UI - Loadouts Copy-paste for loadouts They talked about it, maybe in the future 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Steam Deck Hopefully, there's an assumption that it'll work 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Switch It's got RAM issues, probably not going to happen 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Hurricane Enemy-seeking overclock for the Hurricane They've just added this weapon, no plans for a new round of overclocks for it 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Gameplay Expand the move set (dodge, dash, etc.) They're pretty happy with the current move set, no plans to expand it 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC Fantasy-themed DLC Probably not 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee secondary weapons DRG is a game about guns first and foremost; it's generally better to stick to what they know how to do 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Mono-brow cosmetic Strong maybe 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC More cosmetic DLC packs It seems like a tradition by now to do a DLC pack for an update 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment More effects on armor They're pretty happy with how every class moves at the same speed unless they take perks for that 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Soundtrack More music It's not ruled out, but it's quite a big task; no planned release date 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment More secondary weapons They have prototypes and a willingness to develop them, but no promises it's going to happen in season 2 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Biomes - Appearance More stuff for older biomes There's definitely a want to touch up some of them, but no plans 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Features - Economy NFT rewards or other real-money rewards They're not going to go there, the whole idea sounds icky 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Gameplay Pettable turrets If you grow too attached to them, you'll never want to leave them behind 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Revisit flares modification No plans as far as they know 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Reward for saving Doretta's head No, they don't want people to feel like they have to save the head, it's just for the sense of pride and accomplishment 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Soundtrack Selectable jukebox tunes They decided not to do it that way 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Perks - Points Something to do with excess perk points The plan is to leave them as they are, the excess allows multiple paths to upgrading all perks 11.11.2021 Dev Stream 11.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cape cosmetics Possible, but cloth physics is painful 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Enemies Different sizes of glyphids There might've been variance early on in the game, but there were technical issues; plus, consistent size helps visual clarity 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on the Steam Deck They've put in a request for a dev kit, haven't gotten it yet 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
UI Forge list based on rarity There's no rarity system, Machine Events are the only way to tip the scales; for a full list, the wiki is an option 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Green range circle around the Hack-C pod Maybe? 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Classes - Gender Lady dwarf cosmetics Wouldn't they have to add lady dwarves first? (a kilt would be awesome though) 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical LAN multiplayer support No plans 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Soundtrack More Sophos music Not currently planned, but more music is always nice 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Perks Perk system rework/tweak No plans; would be fun to revisit it at some point though 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Reload animation: turning the pump side handle There was a version like that, but it was too long; the animations are done before all of the weapon stats are finalized 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Technical Report bugs from within the game It might be that people submit more consistent bug reports if it's not from the game 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Perks Rework perks to make more of them useful No current plans, but it would be cool to revisit them at some point 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Classes - Gender Women dwarves On the wishlist, but not in the plans 05.11.2021 Dev Stream 05.11.2021
Missions Abandoned space station mission Most of the game's content will revolve around caves, because that's what the game does well 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Grappling Hook Ammo for the grappling hook Due to the Scout's role in the team, it must be second nature for him to move around, and adding ammo opposes that idea 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes Class expansion beyond guns & overclocks No plans, no things like class-exclusive passive abilities 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes Class specializations like in Vermintide 2 DRG has weapon upgrades for that purpose, so no 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Cosmetics for utility items They want to do it, just haven't gotten around to prioritizing it high enough 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features - Economy Credit/mineral sinks for old-time players If the new weapons and overclocks don't sink enough, keep promoting and tipping Lloyd 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform compatibility No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and GamePass No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and XBox No plans, it's too big of a task 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Space Rig - Beer Dark Morkite affecting Nitra as well It's more or less fine as it is; more beers would be nice though 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Different Steeve names depending on class Nah, it's always been Steeve 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Platform DRG for smart fridges They're waiting for Skyrim to do it first; a lot of design goes into it, like does opening the door start the game or close it? 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions Endless survival mission No plans currently, although it was something they prototyped very early on; there are a lot of things to consider with game modes 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's something they want to do, it's just hard to prioritize it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They felt the upgrades they had didn't add anything to the game and just made the new player experience worse 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Crossplay GamePass/XBox/Steam crossplay It's too big a task and there are no plans to do it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment Healing tools They like the way health restoration is set up right now and would rather not delve too deeply into healing 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Gameplay Heavy machinery or mechs piloted by dwarves Can't say that it definitely won't happen, but there's nothing like that planned 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Gameplay - Beer Holiday-themed beers It would be cool, but it's also time spent developing something that's only rarely available in the game 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Gameplay - Beer Longer state of drunkenness on missions No, there's a reason you can't bring beer to missions 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Enemies - Bosses Lootbug boss Noone could handle a reward this big 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Soundtrack More music for the jukebox Hopefully 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Progression - Endgame More things to grind for late-game The season system is designed to give something to work towards for both old and new players alike 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment More weapons and game modes Not every season, but they've got some prototypes that have potential 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Making a new class is a lot of work at this point; plus, a 4-player team is never missing out on any functionality 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Don't think so 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class New dwarf class No plans 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment New set of tools for existing classes Not in the plans, unfortunately 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment New utility items No plans, they don't want people picking favorites and not having their expectations met when someone brings a different tool 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical Option to merge regular & sandbox saves You can copy it one-way, but you won't be able to carry sandbox progress over into a verified save 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for tools Currently not planned, it would change how you interact with them a bit too much 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Personal pod for downed dwarves in Deep Dives That sounds like a funny idea, they should steal it 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Physical mugs from the game & dwarf figurines They have regular mugs for sale, but if you look at the in-game mugs you'll see they won't be very comfortable as real objects 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly No 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features - Competitive PvP Not going to happen, they're making a co-op game 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Enemies - Variants Radioactive Bulk Detonator Not impossible (and wouldn't even be all that much work), but they'd rather do something new and fresh instead of a color-swap 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Enemies - Bosses Raid boss What is a raid boss? What makes it a raid boss? Does it raid you? The player count is staying at 4 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Space Rig - Beer Rework Morkite Expedition to be more elaborate They're probably keep it as is, there's a place for a more chill mission type too 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Rideable Steeve mount If you don't expect it, you definitely won't be disappointed 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions - Industrial Sabotage Robots and glyphids fighting each other It's complicated: performance issues, harder to balance, messes with mission pacing (or maybe everyone just hates dwarves) 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features Scrapped/cut gameplay options as mods No, there's usually a good reason why they were scrapped (like crashing the game); besides, they might continue working on it later 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Progression - Seasons Scrip carrying over between seasons It'll reset, seasons are supposed to give everyone something new to unlock, and that doesn't work as well if you can save up 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Technical - Assets Sounds from DRG for use outside of the game It's more a question of whether they want to do it than whether they can 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Space Rig Space Rig for everyone, like the Nexus in NMS No, it's not intended to be a MMO-style hub 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Missions - Mutators Two anomalies in one mission That could tip the scales in favor of the player too much 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Unibrow cosmetic Hopefully 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points They'd love more perks, but none are planned; the excess is intentional so you're not forced to do milestones you don't like 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Visual customization for utility items Could happen; initially they decided against frameworks to keep classes easily recognizable at a glance 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Weapon-specific voice lines Maybe 04.11.2021 Dev Stream 04.11.2021
Features - Competitive Asymmetric PvP like in Evolve Evolve had good ideas, but doing that in DRG would be like making an entirely different game 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Space Rig - Activities Glyphid-based card game on the Space Rig One of the founders of GSG is into Magic: The Gathering, he shoudn't be too hard to convince 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Space Rig - Beer Halloween Beer to improve pumpkin yield Maybe next Halloween 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 Lok-1 showing the point of bullet impact Lok-1 aims at the center of mass, if you want it to hit a weak spot, you have to angle it yourself 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 More ammo for Lok-1 It might need more ammo, it might need something else, it might be that players are using up ammo too fast; more data is needed 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Enemies More enemy types/species Definitely a possibility 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Progression - Promotions More prestige tiers Maybe eventually, but it's also something very very few players will ever see 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Missions More XP for Escort and Sabotage They'll keep looking at stats (also, if you don't like them after the buff, you must've hated them before) 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Perks New perks No plans currently, they might add more in the future; the excess of perk points is intentional 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Lok-1 OC for the Lok-1 that interacts with the turrets They prototyped one, but it didn't feel right and didn't offer much 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Technical Official save transfer between MS and Steam You can move the save files manually between folders and it should work; someone even made an (unofficial) app just for that 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs Other drops for Nitra They had those, but they were cut; something like summonable lights don't make much sense in the current design 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Overclock for a continuous sludge stream That would make it too similar to the flamethrower 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly Hasn't been considered 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class Playable Molly What would you even do as Molly? Follow other players around and get deposited into? 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Features - Competitive PvP The company's focus is co-op first, so no PvP 29.10.2021 Dev Stream 29.10.2021
Features - Competitive 2v2 race for materials They want to keep DRG a co-op game 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Space Rig A list of supporters from EA in the Memorial Hall That would be a really long list to gather and manage, it's pretty bloated as it is from pre-EA supporters 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Features - Economy Endgame money sinks Keep promoting, promotions get very expensive (plus you could tip Lloyd a thousand times) 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Equipment - Melee Full melee weapons No 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mug models as actual mugs Hopefully someday, but it's not an easy process, and many of them wouldn't feel good to drink from in the first place 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Missions Large multi-stage massive bug queen mission Could be cool 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - Platform Mac version No plans, no thoughts 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class New character They're not going to add more classes 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - VR Official VR mode No, but they added a plug-in that a group of modders was asking for so that this group can make an unofficial VR mode 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Technical - Rendering RTX ray-tracing Would be cool, but not sure it's possible 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points The excess exists to offer freedom of which milestones to skip, and giving them a purpose would compel players to finish all of them 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Utility overclocks They don't want to create friction because someone didn't take a specific overclock that's considered the best 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual rework for older biomes It's something they want to do, the question is when 28.10.2021 Dev Stream 28.10.2021
Enemies More Naedocyte-family enemies Not impossible 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal tools They've talked about it, it's possible 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Miscellaneous Start verification for XBox two weeks earlier It's released on Steam when it's ready, waiting for the MS verification would just mean withholding the update from Steam users 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Equipment - Sludge Pump Toxic sludge dissolving platforms similar to fire No, with the flamethrower you have more control over where the fire goes, and the sludge can get everywhere unintentionally 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Technical - Crossplay Xbox & Steam crossplay Sadly not planned 26.10.2021 Dev Stream 26.10.2021
Space Rig Access to the upper areas of the Space Rig Definitely not impossible 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Technical - Rendering AMD's FSR Last time they checked it, it didn't seem like it would add anything to the game 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Miscellaneous Art book Not sure 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Cosmetics Crossover cosmetics from other games They have some nods here and there, but probably not anything official 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Progression Different things to do for assignments The assignment system is staying as it is for now 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Features - Modding Exclude Verified mods from the 25-mod limit They're working on a solution 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Space Rig Fanart on the fridge in the Abyss bar It's a case of it never getting high enough priority to get implemented; they do think it would be a cool feature, though 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They used to have them, but the upgrades ended up being not very interesting and, if missed, made the new player experience worse 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Frameworks & paintjobs for traversal tools They're discussing it, but no decision yet 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Classes - Gender Hot female dwarves If you have to ask whether the female dwarves are going to be hot, you'll probably be disappointed 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Enemies Mactera spawning animation Maybe it's time to do something about that 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class More classes They're going to stick to four dwarves 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More modules for the OMEN The OMEN was designed with the idea that they could add more modules if they decided to 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives New secondary objectives Maybe 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe Pickaxe overclocks Haven't been considered 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Platforms that force dancing for April's Fools No, then people wouldn't stop asking to be able to dance during missions 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Missions Roguelike mission type Could work in theory, but nothing like that is planned 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC Tentacle-themed DLC Maybe when they do the Cthulhu patch (no) 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Progression Titles tied to achievements Maybe, but not likely, it sounds like more of an MMO thing where you want to show off what you've achieved 22.10.2021 Dev Stream 22.10.2021
Soundtrack "Queen" in the jukebox Not unless they want to get sued 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Equipment Crossbow-like weapon They prototyped something like that, so it's not impossible, but it's not decided either 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Enemies - Bosses Holiday boss Probably not, it's a lot of work for content that's only available for several days a year 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Features Leaderboards No, they'd be easily cheatable - just take a look at the "Dancing Time" leaderboard on Steam 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More machine events Everyone agrees more MEs would be cool, but they're not coming with Update 35 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Enemies More mobile grappler enemies Johan would be down for an enemy that just yeets you 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives More secondary objectives They added new secondaries a while back, maybe a time will come to add some more 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Events Not soon 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay - Objectives Regular missions with two primary objectives Not in the plans 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Space Rig Screen that shows stats from the previous mission The med bay screen shows a bit, but a full stat page wouldn't be very consistent since players can join and leave between missions 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Technical - Crossplay Steam/XBox crossplay Not currently planned 21.10.2021 Dev Stream 21.10.2021
Gameplay Interactions between the dwarves Beyond pressing V? probably not 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They usually just add details here and there; they're not really looking to create a whole story 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Equipment New grenade types Not in update 35, but maybe after that 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Biomes New planets It wouldn't bring much to the game; Hoxxes biomes are so diverse that they can put anything there 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Soundtrack OST of Spotify They were talking to someone about it a while ago, not sure what the status on that is right now; they want to, in any case 15.10.2021 Dev Stream 15.10.2021
Gameplay Animation for taking a resupply Would be cool 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Space Rig - Activities Expand the Space Rig with stuff Expanding with stuff would definitely be cool 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Features - Campaign Game story Not more than they already sprinkle in with each update 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Gameplay Sitting in the Drop Pod seats Nah, dwarves don't sit (or maybe they have such steady feet they don't need to sit) 14.10.2021 Dev Stream 14.10.2021
Enemies Mother of all bugs Hopefully QA will catch it and fix it before release 08.10.2021 Dev Stream 08.10.2021
Features More features for the Miner's Union It's on-hold for now; it was an experiment to begin with, and a passion project of one developer who's no longer with GhostShip Games 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks for old guns Not in update 35; they wanted to fit them in there, but had to prioritize differently 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Enemies - Variants More types of Haunted Cave ghosts Could be fun, although it's not like it's everyone's favorite warning 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes Off the table, at least for the foreseeable future; the more content they add to the existing classes, the more work it'd be to create a new one 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal & support tools Would be cool 07.10.2021 Dev Stream 07.10.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise A comic series like for TF2 Would be cool, but TF2 characters have more personality to them and thus lend themselves better to the comic format 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They had those, but they kind of made the game worse for starting players while not adding anything for experienced players 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC New cosmetic DLC Fairly likely 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Enemies Random elite enemies in all missions A lot of people don't miss them though 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Not impossible, but also an hour of new music is a ton of work for two people (check out TRJ Audio on YouTube) 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Space Rig Update the promotion terminal Not planned 01.10.2021 Dev Stream 01.10.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Different phases for the Ommoran Hearthstone It would be really nice, but no concrete plans 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Features - Team Size Higher player count They're pretty happy with 4-player lobbies 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Gameplay Mod to slap the dwarves' butts Up to the modders 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
UI - Loadouts More loadout slots You can definitely ask for more loadout slots 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Features Photo booth It was discussed a while ago, and it's not off the table, but the table has been occupied by Update 35 stuff for a long time 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Features - Competitive Versus mode like in Left 4 Dead Probably not going to happen 30.09.2021 Dev Stream 30.09.2021
Equipment Grenade upgrades They'd rather make new grenades instead 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class Probably not 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Paintjobs for traversal & utility tools They're on some of the developers' wishlist 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Technical - Platform PlayStation port No announcements 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Progression - Promotions Promotion tiers beyond Legendary No plans so far 24.09.2021 Dev Stream 24.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise DRG TV series You’re asking the wrong people, they're game developers, not TV producers 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Progression - Endgame More cosmetics for Lost Pack and Machine Events Probably 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous More goodies on the Steam Points shop Hopefully 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They try to include bits and pieces with every update, but don't want to flesh it out 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise New merch The stuff on ForFansByFans might stay as is, but there will be new merch at some point, just not related to any specific update 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration Someone made a good mod for that, feel free to use it 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Technical - Platform Upgrade for next-gen consoles There's always a chance, always 23.09.2021 Dev Stream 23.09.2021
Features - Modding Adding popular mods to the base game They could in theory take inspiration from particularly good mods, but there's no intention to just take them and paste them into the game 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
UI Building a set of pickaxe parts with one button Would be nice to have, not sure if it's planned (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Cooperate with modders to improve the vanilla game No plans, they'll do their thing and let the modders do their own thing 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Equipment - Cryo Cannon Cryo weapons cooling hot terrain Probably not planned (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features Decouple the Union stuff from Discord No plans as of now, it's still an experiment, they might do something else with it 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Modding tutorial The DRG modding Discord has some guides, also check and Steam guides 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Features - Modding Mods for consoles They neither confirm nor deny that; was chosen in part because of its capability to support console mods (doesn't mean it's planned) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner More options for the laser pointer No, they're pretty satisfied with how it is, the context of the pings should usually be enough to communicate 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans (mod it in) 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
UI Unsubscribe from several mods at once Perhaps, might be working on some UI changes to add that functionality 14.09.2021 Dev Stream 14.09.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they all got rolled into the base flare 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Technical LAN or local multiplayer Neither split-screen nor LAN are planned for the game 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
UI - Loadouts More loadout slots Every time we ask, Mike removes one loadout slot 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More perks/overclocks Overclocks - yes, perks - not planned but not impossible either 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe More pickaxe customization It's a pretty safe bet that there will be 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment New utility or traversal tools No new traversal tools, it's a tremendous task and they're happy with the current setup (grenades aren't out of the question though) 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Enemies Player-controlled enemies No, they want the game to promote cooperation, and it was a fairly early decision 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Subata Subata doing extra damage to goo'ed enemies Not planned 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Variable C4 throwing distance a-la chunks No (but there are some tricks like throwing it while jumping and moving forward) 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Visible throw arc for the C4 like for grenades Sounds reasonable, although with the shorter distance accuracy doesn't matter as much as with grenades 10.09.2021 Dev Stream 10.09.2021
UI - Class Icons Custom character icons They want to keep the classes recognizable with a quick glance, so the portraits are kept static 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Equipment - Flares Custom flare colors No plans, but we'll be able to mod it in ourselves soon 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Equipment More secondary weapons That's the intention, but it's up in the air when 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Enemies New Q'ronar enemies No, not right now 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Story arc No plans, they're going for "vague enough that the community fills in the blanks" 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Story of how the dwarves joined DRG No, they'll just keep adding small details here and there; beyond voice lines, adding personality to the classes is up to the players 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Ways to earn specific overclocks There was a discussion to add something like that with new overclocks, but no decision was reached; probably not with update 35 09.09.2021 Dev Stream 09.09.2021
Enemies Acid Spitter queen It was an old prototype that evolved into the Menace 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Biomes Bigger caves It's a balance; they used to have bigger caves but had to tone them down due to performance, especially for consoles 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Progression - Promotions Change the promotion process Some aspects of it might be changed at some point (like having to be in a solo game), and they can probably add confetti or something 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Miscellaneous Discord bot announcing current missions Sounds like it's going to type a lot of things 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Space Rig - Activities More lobby mini-games Would be fun, but will be worked on when they have time (which is not right now) 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Gameplay More radiation damage/effects Maybe with the new overclocks, who knows? 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Space Rig - Activities More Space Rig activities Would be cool, Monster Hunter does arm-wrestling in a fun way 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines Yes, dwarves will be saying things in Update 35 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Gameplay New types of damage No plans, not until it makes sense for a new weapon to deal a new type of damage 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Technical Split-screen for local co-op No plans, it's not simple to add if the game hasn't been built with that in mind from the ground up 03.09.2021 Dev Stream 03.09.2021
Gameplay - Beer Beer dispenser during missions No plans, the Space Rig is for fun and games and the caves are for work 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Enemies - Variants Biome-specific enemy variants The designers want variants to add something to the gameplay rather than making variants for the sake of biome variety 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Perks Expansion of the perk system The point is that there are too many points so you can skip the milestones you don't like 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
UI - Loadouts More loadout slots They're looking into it 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Features - Competitive PvP They kind of want to keep this a co-op game and aren't really interested in PvP 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Biomes - Appearance Refine the older biomes They definitely want to, but it'll happen when there's time for it, and the scale of the touch-up is not defined either 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Features - Campaign Story mode Not something they're going to do, not in this game 02.09.2021 Dev Stream 02.09.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and MS store Possible, but involves many things that are hard to do, so they're not working on right now (and it changes the development process, too) 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Enemies More bug types The ones they have are fine, but more types means more fun, so hopefully yes 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Equipment More grenade types No plans to add any more currently, but they'd like to revisit the idea in the future 27.08.2021 Dev Stream 27.08.2021
Enemies - Variants Ghost Grabber for the Haunted Cave warning Something like this was drawn, but that was probably just an artistic rendition 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Enemies More advanced elite versions of enemies Expanding how elites work requires systems that the game can't do yet, and that's part of the reason they're left as is 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Gameplay More treasure hunts (e.g. Crates or Packs) Not soon and not before they think of something new to put in them, the item pools in those treasure hunts are separate 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Soundtrack New music They're sticking with what they have for now; it's not impossible but it's also a lot of work 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Spin-off games in the DRG universe They thought about it, sure, but they're not currently working on any other titles and plan to continue working on DRG 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Technical - Water physics Water physics Probably out of scope for DRG, plus liquid physics being synced over computers online is its own whole problem 26.08.2021 Dev Stream 26.08.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Crafting materials in Deep Dives No, you'd be able to farm them due to the Deep Dives being the same for a week 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Equipment - Flare Gun More damage to the flare gun People might start using it as a weapon instead of a lighting tool, and that's not the intended design 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves More hair colors There might be, not sure when 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans of adding it, it's quite resource-intensive 20.08.2021 Dev Stream 20.08.2021
Equipment A gun that shoots beer Good, but maybe encouraging friendly fire isn't very nice 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Plasma Carbine Charged shot overclock for the plasma carbine Nope, that's the EPC's thing 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
UI Disable MC text boxes while keeping his voice That sounds like a reasonable request 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Classes - 5th Class Fifth class No, that'd put the baseline balance between classes at risk 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades Flares used to have them, but later they were rolled into the base flare, bringing them back would require a redesign 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Lore about the DRG universe Not explicitly, they'd rather players piece it together themselves 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Enemies - Mini-Bosses More mini-boss encounters Would be cool 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Native version of the Fabulous Molly mod for Lost Packs It's a very impressive mod, but they'll probably let it stay a mod 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Biomes New biome They've just added two, don't be so greedy (but seriously though - probably at some undefined point in the future) 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
UI - Loadouts New preset/loadout slots They might be looking into a solution 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment New traversal tools Not planned, that'd jeopardize the co-op interaction; they don't want people getting mad at each other for picking the "right" tool 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Second overclock slot Yeah, not sure that's in the cards 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Not out of the question, but they're not making any new music now 19.08.2021 Dev Stream 19.08.2021
Perks New perks They're not working on anything like that right now, but it's not improbable 06.08.2021 Dev Stream 06.08.2021
Technical - Platform PlayStation port No plans at this point 06.08.2021 Dev Stream 06.08.2021
UI 3rd-person mode Probably not 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical Aim assist on controllers Currently on controllers the sensitivity should become lower when you're aiming at something that is an enemy 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
UI Chat before and after the mission Some technical limitations got in the way a while back; they're open to trying again, but not sure when 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between the Steam and the MS versions Not in the pipeline; it's something they'd like to do but don't really have the resources to do 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore They'll probably continue to add little tidbits with each update, but they're not interested in fleshing out a complete story 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Technical - VR VR support Not in the works; they had an internal test plug-in that allowed looking around, but it'd be a ton of work to get from there to a VR mode 05.08.2021 Dev Stream 05.08.2021
Progression - Endgame Less randomness in overclock drops They discussed it a lot and settled on "no"; if you play the game regularly you can deplete the pool pretty fast 09.07.2021 Dev Stream 09.07.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Pipes as Deep Dive secondary objectives Doubtful, they don't mix well with missions that need/have Molly 09.07.2021 Dev Stream 09.07.2021
UI - Missions "Damage done" stat for the mission end screen They aren't looking for this kind of granularity, it's not a competition like that 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Customizable Drop pod Isn't there a mod for that? (doesn't mean they won't do it, it's a matter of prioritization) 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather make more grenades than grenade overclocks 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Equipment - PGL Melee bonus for the RJ250 compound That might lead to a lot of people doing nothing but rocket-jumping, not really intended 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins & overclocks for utility tools Skins aren't planned, overclocks are a "no" 08.07.2021 Dev Stream 08.07.2021
UI - Class Icons Custom dwarf profile pictures They'd rather keep them as they are for clarity's sake 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Technical Discord integration with the Win10 version of DRG The MS store version has to be consistent with the XBox version, and integrating Discord with XBox is harder than it sounds 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They're not sure if they're going to bring them back 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Space Rig Growing breather plants in the Space Rig Would that be like the Zen Garden from Plants vs. Zombies? 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Improvised/scavenged-themed cosmetics That sounds like something they would do 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Mugs from the game as real merch Mugs are kind of hard to produce, and besides the in-game models are prettier than they are functional, they wouldn't make great mugs 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment Multi-class weapons Probably not 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise New merch There might be some cool stuff in the future 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Remake movement overclocks as mods instead They can see the appeal, but those are made as overclocks for a reason; mods and overclocks fill different niches 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Special voice lines for elite enemies If they'd decided to allow them to spawn anywhere - yes, but now that they're contained in their own warning - not sure, maybe later 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration Not at the moment, but they'll see what the future brings 25.06.2021 Dev Stream 25.06.2021
Biomes Explosions in the sand biome leaving glass behind If you wanted to put realism into this, it'd have to be a very hot explosion, like from a Fat Boy maybe 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Technical Mute while in background Probably something that can be done? 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Gameplay Walking on walls & ceilings That would kind of go against the whole concept of traversal tools the classes are built around 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Equipment Weapon appearance that changes with modifications They thought about it, but making weapon cosmetics is a big enough task as it is, expanding it would slow down weapon development 24.06.2021 Dev Stream 24.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster More types of glyphids to tame Probably not, they want to avoid making taming a bigger part of the game than other perks 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Progression - Endgame More ways to get matrix cores They'll see; it might be worthwhile with more overclocks entering the pool with U35 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Equipment Stats on armors They'd rather keep armors purely cosmetic 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface missions The current cave generation system isn't fit to create surface maps 18.06.2021 Dev Stream 18.06.2021
Equipment - Grappling Hook Add fall damage when grappling down to the ground No, that's not something they're going to change 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Voice acting in different languages Not planned, they only employed one voice actor for the dwarves, and MC is voiced by the art director, Robert 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Enemies Wall leeches They tried those, put they just felt like an inferior version of the regular cave leech - easier to spot 17.06.2021 Dev Stream 17.06.2021
Equipment Alternate traversal tools They want players to be able to rely on a certain class bringing predictable tools to their missions 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - Molly Beer dispenser on Molly Mission Control wouldn't approve, drink before the mission if you have to 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Missions - Mutators Bulk infestation mutator That already exists as a mod (or via Twitch spawns mod) 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics Cosmetics locked behind challenging tasks No, there are many players of different skill levels 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Miscellaneous Cross-promotion armors with other games like Halo Not sure how that would work; "hi Microsoft, we are a small studio from Denmark, give us your IP license" 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay Different types of ammo As a blanket system where any gun can have any type of ammo - no, that's not how they decided to make weapons for this game 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Enemies Elite lootbugs It is an opportunity they chose not to take 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Enemies - Bosses Flying Dreadnought There's space for a hypothetical Mactera boss, but nothing planned; maybe one day 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Enemies - Variants Frozen/radioactive variants for Oppressors and Bulks They'd rather make new enemies; besides, those variations don't sound like they'd meaningfully change how you fight those enemies 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 Not planned, modders can probably do a better job 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Lore Lore/stories for each character No, but they try to add little world-building details here and there 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Missions - Mutators Mode with no Nitra but a lot more lootbugs That'd force players to kill lootbugs, which is not the point of lootbugs 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Progression - Endgame More endgame things, e.g. raids They'd like to keep exploring things like mission types and mini-bosses 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More overclocks for existing weapons Yes 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Perks More perks Maybe, not planned but not out of the question either 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Progression - Promotions More promotion tiers It's just a number with a tiara anyway 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Features - Team Size More than 4 players in a session No plans 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Gameplay - Bosco Multiple drone options along with Bosco Nope; that's what Bosco modification for 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, they are happy with the four they have 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics New cosmetics Yes 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins/paintjobs for traversal tools It is possible to do, but it'd be quite a lot of work, and other things take priority 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve customization No, it's a perk, and as such must stay on the same scope as the rest of the perks, lest it becomes mandatory 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface environment Would be cool, but no 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Biomes - Appearance Touch up older biomes to match newer ones They plan to do that, but it's not scheduled; new features often take priority 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Utility overclocks They've considered it, but there are no plans for those and they'd like to focus on weapon OCs instead (maybe in the future) 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Biomes - Water Water No, it raises too many design issues with terrain, enemy behavior, etc. 10.06.2021 Dev Stream 10.06.2021
Technical Dedicated servers Probably not going to happen 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Classes First-person body model It can be done, but it's tricky to make it look good and not clip into terrain 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Gameplay Prevent enemies from attacking through the Mine Head Possible, but might have complications involving AI pathfinding 04.06.2021 Dev Stream 04.06.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for saving Doretta's head They discussed it and decided against it, you should only do it if you truly care about Doretta 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Classes - Engineer Deployable limited version of Bosco for the Engineer If they replace the turret? dislike 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS 2.0 and ray-tracing They tried ray-tracing; the reflections were cool but it made the caves look weird 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Missions - Escort Duty Endless escort mission The way the caves are currently generated, truly endless missions would cause RAM issues 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment - Melee Expanding the melee gameplay No plans 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Progression - Endgame Extending the endgame with more overclocks, etc. They'll keep adding stuff to the game, but more OCs generate power creep and increase the workload to develop new weapons 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment Grenade upgrades They'd rather make new grenades than upgrades for existing ones 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Features - Modding Incorporating popular fan mods into the base game They won't simply add a fan mod wholesale, but make something inspired by it 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment More frameworks They're fairly sure that's a given 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Enemies - Mini-Bosses New minibosses Not out of the question 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Gameplay - Bosco Playable Bosco Probably never, they prototyped it and it really didn't work with the way the game is built now 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Steeve upgrades No upgrade or customizations, but there's space for improvement in making Steeve not get shot by teammates (accidentally) 03.06.2021 Dev Stream 03.06.2021
Equipment - Flares New flare colors Probably no 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs Pay Nitra to buy rails Nitra is supposed to be a resource only for ammo, plus pipes in all missions could make the gameplay experience a bit same-y 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Technical - Water physics Water physics Too ambitious, would drive the minimum specs way up and require much of the game to be redesigned 28.05.2021 Dev Stream 28.05.2021
Equipment Classes upgrading each other's tools Sounds really dumb (seriously though, expecting someone to improve your tools might be too much co-op for DRG) 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind mode They try to design for redundancy (so it's not just color, but also shape and sound); if something doesn't work for you, let them know, 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between the MS and Steam versions Possible, but difficult to do for a number of reasons, so it's not on the roadmap 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Perks Expansion of the perk system No, you're supposed to have more perk points to spend than perks to buy them with 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's something that's been on their minds for a long time, but they haven't gotten around to do it yet 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range Not currently planned, the way the game is set up makes it almost as fast to simply load a mission and test a build 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Missions Mini-M.U.L.E.s in all mission types Unlikely, they seem to break down really easily 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Equipment - EPC Revert EPC changes They don't think that's going to happen 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual update to older biomes There's definitely an interest to do it 27.05.2021 Dev Stream 27.05.2021
Features - Modding Modding SDK Not in the first release of mod support at least 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Classes - 5th Class New dwarves They'd rather expand on the existing dwarves than add new ones 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Enemies - Mini-Bosses Rework the reward for the Korlok Tyrant Weed The Korlok is supposed to be kind of bad; they're not sure they want the reward to be something that drives you to always engage it 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turrets placeable on the Drilldozer Not likely, it's intentional that the Engineer can't place them on Doretta 20.05.2021 Dev Stream 20.05.2021
Technical - Accessibility Setting to reduce triggers for epilepsy That's something they try to do when they get specific feedback 07.05.2021 Dev Stream 07.05.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe Different types of power attack It would be pretty safe to play around with, but it won't happen anytime soon 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Biomes - Appearance Makeover for old biomes No concrete plans, but they talked about wanting to do it 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events More machine events They discussed it internally, no specifics yet 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Features Open world with building No 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for turrets, C4, drills, etc. Could happen, but no plans; the trick is that overclocks can't change a tool so much that it doesn't fulfill the basic role it was designed for 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Robot that follows the Engineer's and replaces turrets It's a cool idea; on the other hand, turrets are a part of Engineer's identity in DRG (plus it can't be that just one class gets an alt tool) 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Gameplay Slot machine for gambling nitra & gold Not sure any casinos have been on Hoxxes yet 29.04.2021 Dev Stream 29.04.2021
Enemies More mechanics for elites Not planned, they'd like to focus on new enemies instead 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Gameplay - Objectives New secondary objectives No plans at the moment, but they're not off the table 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration For now they're pretty happy with how the mod for that works 23.04.2021 Dev Stream 23.04.2021
Space Rig - Beer Change the Dark Morkite beer Probably no 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Equipment Crossbow with melee that procs the Vampire perk That's not how crossbows work 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Technical - Crossplay Cross-platform lobbies Probably not possible in the near future (they would've done it already if they could) 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Missions - Mutators Dwarves carrying O2 on them No, it's highly volatile, have you seen the amount of friendly fire in this game? 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Eyewear customization slot No plans, but maybe someday, who knows? 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
UI Filter to see only unmodded lobbies Yes, there will be such an option 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mugs as physical merch They'd love to and will look into it, but the mugs in the game are designed to look nice, drinking from them might not be pleasant 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Features - Modding Modded games just not giving any XP That's a way to solve the issue, but it doesn't work for all the mods that don't affect progression 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans (also read the stream FAQ) 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Equipment - Pickaxe New pickaxe parts Likely 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events OMEN lasers not destroying platforms No, that's on purpose 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Space Rig - Beer Pots of Gold increasing pouch size No 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Space Rig - Activities Spacewalk barrel collection minigame That sounds like a game in and of itself 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration They haven't decided on that yet, will look into it 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
UI - Missions Teammates' shields visible on the HUD They didn't want to clutter up the UI with information that isn't really important to see at all times 22.04.2021 Dev Stream 22.04.2021
Features - Modding Dev-sanctioned mods They probably aren't going to do any whitelisting of the community mods 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Features - Modding Modding tools It's not set in stone yet 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration There's a mod for that (is that going to be the answer from now on?) 16.04.2021 Dev Stream 16.04.2021
Gameplay - Beer Beer effects during missions The intention is to keep the gag beers confined to the Space Rig 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Biomes More planets Nothing planned 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Classes - 5th Class More races Definitely not playable ones 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Perks - Points More uses for perk points Probably not, there's a surplus by design - so that you don't have to do all the milestones 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Taming elite glyphids They tested it and elite glyphids were so blatantly OP that keeping them wasn't a good idea 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Turret overclocks Not planned 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch drops They don't know, maybe? 15.04.2021 Dev Stream 15.04.2021
Features - Modding Community mods being made part of the base game They're not going to just lift community mods and put them in, but if they get inspired they might make something themselves 14.04.2021 Dev Stream 14.04.2021
Soundtrack DRG OST on Spotify Possible 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Space Rig More Abyss Bar tip animations Not on the list of immediate things that the game needs 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Cosmetics New cosmetics Might not be in Update 34 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Equipment - Overclocks New guns & overclocks New guns in Update 35, and they'll come with their overclocks; not sure about new overclocks for old guns though 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Gameplay - Beer Placing beer in AFK teammates' hands The real issue here is having teammates who are AFK 09.04.2021 Dev Stream 09.04.2021
Gameplay - Molly Ban Molly from walking up walls during extraction That's no fun 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Customizable name for tamable glyphids No, their names are all Steeve 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
UI - Missions Display an icon for the Fear status It's something along the lines of "there's no icon because you can see the effect by looking at the enemy behavior" 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range It'd be hard to get any consistent results, and it'd take time to load, so it'd not be much better than loading a mission 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they felt a bit weird and didn't make a whole lot of sense 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Equipment - Flares RGB flares Unlikely 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Space Rig Steeves on the Space Rig The Space Rig is a no-glyphid zone 08.04.2021 Dev Stream 08.04.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Previous Deep Dives playable again No plans (and even if the seeds are saved somewhere, updates can change what those seeds generate) 26.03.2021 Dev Stream 26.03.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 25.03.2021 Dev Stream 25.03.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans 25.03.2021 Dev Stream 25.03.2021
Technical Cross-save There's no cross-save between MS and Steam versions, but there are guides out there on how to carry over save files 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Features - Modding Modding API For update 34 - no API, just the separation of modded and vanilla lobbies/save-files; helping modders comes later 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Molly skins Not in the works, maybe in the future there could be stickers that each dwarf places or something like that 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Missions - Mutators Mutator that doubles enemy spawn amounts They might not be able to do double spawns due to performance reasons, but feel free to mod the game at your own risk 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Steeve voice lines There are already a bunch of them, not sure about more 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
Equipment - Power Drills Twin Drills being able to mine minerals All classes are miners, none of them should be better at it (otherwise that class will be urged to be the only one who mines) 18.03.2021 Dev Stream 18.03.2021
UI Different rebind profiles No plans 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
Cosmetics More cosmetics More cosmetics are coming, but it's a question where to put them (crates, matrix cores, etc.) 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements New achievements Not planned 12.03.2021 Dev Stream 12.03.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Add Viking armor from Valheim If they add Lootbugs to Valheim 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Miscellaneous - Franchise Deep Rock Galactic 2 They're not even done with the first one yet 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Technical - Rendering DLSS Someone looked into it, but it was only for research purposes 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They're technically already fully-upgraded 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather make more grenades than add overclocks to existing ones 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Progression Level requirement for Hazard 4 Level-gating it feels wrong; maybe players could see a warning when they try to join a H4 mission without upgrades 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Features - Team Size Lobby for more than 4 players No plans 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Classes - 5th Class Melee class The game's made to be a shooter; some parts of them experimenting with melee weapons turned into the Impact Axe 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Soundtrack More music for the OST Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Perks More perks Not in the works, but maybe some day 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs More things to call down They want to keep it simple; Nitra is for ammo and that's it 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Progression - Promotions New promotion banners Probably? 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration for mods That's the plan, but definitely not on the first iteration 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
Technical - Platform Switch port They've looked into it, the Switch has some hardware limitations they won't be able to work around 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
UI - Missions Teammates' Iron Will visible on your HUD Would be nice (and that should probably include the instant revive too) 11.03.2021 Dev Stream 11.03.2021
UI Chat during loading/mission end screen It's something they wanted to add, but couldn't due to technical issues at the time; probably something they'll revisit at some point 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Equipment - Melee Class-specific melee weapons No melee weapons planned 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Gameplay - Machine Events New Machine Events Would be cool, but not currently on the roadmap 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Perks - Points Something to spend excess perk point on No, excess points are by design, so that players don't have to do every milestone to level all perks 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Perks - Points Spend perk points to reroll buff beers That'd be kind of counter-intuitive 05.03.2021 Dev Stream 05.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks A way to catch up on overclocks for new weapons They might tweak the RNG a bit once they get there, not sure 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Gameplay A way to know if a mission has ME/crates/lost packs That'd kind of ruin the point of randomly finding them (plus it might be that these features are generated only upon loading) 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig Animated Bosco to salute in the Space Rig Would be kind of cool 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
UI - Missions Cave Leech counter Probably not something they want in the game, but it would make a good mod/Twitch extention 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Doretta skins No 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Firing range Addressed during the anniversary Q&A 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Enemies Googly eyes for all enemies for April's Fools They wouldn't tell us even if that was the plan 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Gameplay - Hazard Level Make hazard 5 harder No, that'd make even less people play it 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Enemies - Variants More Bulk Detonator variants There's a chance 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More mods & overclocks for equipment Number tweaks on mods are possible, but no new mods are planned; overclocks are not off the table 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines and flavor text Most likely, they usually come with new stuff 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Enemies - Variants Nexus variant, but it's poo and leaves Mactera maggots What an awfully specific idea 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Space Rig Robo-Steeve Management probably doesn't acknowledge Steeves' existence 04.03.2021 Dev Stream 04.03.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class They'd rather expand on existing classes than add a new one 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Impact Axe Axes retrievable from fallen enemies That's how it used to be originally, the gameplay centered too much around collecting all of your axes 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Barrel armor It was almost added as a joke a long time ago, but they didn't feel the armor was good enough; they've nothing against the concept 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Enemies Bug turf wars Lore-wise they are territorial, but probably not like in Monster Hunter where they randomly fight each other 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI Chat during the mission-end screen There are some limitations with how the chat is currently implemented, but it's not a hard "no" 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind QoL options They're aware it's an issue for some people and keep an eye out 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Miscellaneous Creator program Not planned 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Darts game with Impact Axes That's a great idea 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Different gold types (e.g. pink gold) Is there pink gold in real life? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Missions Disconnect boxes showing up on the terrain scanner That's probably a candidate for being added 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Beer Drinking beer/dancing during missions They'd like to separate the tone of activities in the Space Rig and down in the caves, so - no 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Molly Drop Pod & Molly customization Some ideas have been thrown around (e.g. stickers) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI Emote/dance wheel There have been discussions about the emote wheel, but they were inconclusive ("no" to dances though) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions Endless mode There are technical limitations to that, not in the plans as of now 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Enemies - Bosses Evolved Dreadnought form The dwarves are too good at their job 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Classes - Gender Female dwarves It's mainly a production issue of how much things need to be done; it's neither on or off the roadmap 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fingernails for dwarves Why would you want fingernails for your dwarves? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but they were cut due to being unsatisfying 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather add new grenades than overclocks for existing ones 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Grenade overclocks They'd rather add new grenades than overclocks for existing ones 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Soundtrack Jukebox music added to the OST No; a lot of it is licensed, they can't just sell it in a soundtrack volume 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment Jump boots They were cut due to encroaching on traversal tools' territory; might come back as a mutator one day maybe 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions Larger mission selection It's a balancing act, maybe the system will get an update some time in the future 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features Loot & item/gear crafting DRG doesn't have to be a crafting game, and it doesn't have to appeal to everyone 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons Not something they're focusing on, there's more to good melee combat than just applying damage 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Beer More beers More gag beers are possible 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Progression - Endgame More endgame progression Deep Dives and Machine events work pretty well, it already takes hundreds of hours to unlocks everything 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Loadouts More load-out slots Makes sense to add more as the game offers more cosmetics, etc. 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Missions - Mutators More mutators Possible if an idea works well, but not many of them do 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes More planets They decided to stick with one, one planet can fit all the diversity they need 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI - Loadouts More preset slots They know it's a good idea to add more slots 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Team Size More than 4 players in a mission No plans, maybe through modders though (the host's machine needs to handle a lot of stuff) 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Progression More things to upgrade Not currently planned 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Enemies - Mini-Bosses More Xynarch-based enemies No plans, but maybe 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Minerals Oil Shale and Morkite in all mission types Probably not 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Old event hats available again "No" for anniversary hats, "probably yes" for seasonal event hats 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Perks Perk rebalance / new perks No current plans 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
UI Profanity filter for voice lines No immediate plans, but modders could probably make that happen pretty easily 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Competitive PvPvE They already have friendly fire in the game 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Enemies Rideable sandsharks They already take you for a ride, don't they? 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range No update on that as of now 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range The testing environment would get really complicated really fast, and wouldn't be much faster than loading up a mission anyway 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Snowball game as a permanent addition Probably not 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Soundtrack Soundtrack Vol. III Could happen in the future, but not something they're working on 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Gameplay - Beer Tiny/giant-dwarf effects from beers during missions No, the joke beers are strictly for the Space Rig 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Traversal tool overclocks Too many options could create friction between players, using someone's traversal tool should be predictable 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch Prime rewards Maybe? Not sure how that would be set up 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Appearance Visual improvements for older biomes No plans now, but it's on their wishlist 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Technical - VR VR support Could be fun, but it's not on the roadmap either 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water biome Not happening 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water level That'll probably never happen 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Zero-gravity mission/biome Same as water biome: it interferes too much with how traversal tools work, and those are a big deal in the game 26.02.2021 Dev Stream 26.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class They'd rather expand on existing classes than make a whole new class 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment Alternate mobility tools There was a prototype of a climbing rope a long time ago, but it was cut because of reasons 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Classes - Voice Lines Alternate/custom voice lines There is a lot of voice lines to replace, that's something modders could do faster and more easily 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Beards for hypothetical female dwarves It's very likely beards would be optional for everyone 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Endless Deep Dive They like the limited time-scope of the current endgame (Deep Dives), plus endless mode would struggle with technical limitations 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
UI Kill counter for Maggots in the Manual They could add it, although kill counts for neutral creatures incentivize their needless slaughter 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Perks - Beastmaster More control options for Beastmaster Do you really need more control options for Steeve? The perk shouldn't become too complicated to use 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Gameplay More detailed Compressed Granite texture Probably not, they want to avoid adding textures to the game 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Progression More diverse use for upgrades No plans 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities More minigames for the Space Rig Hard to say; probably something they'll work on if they have extra time 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment More variety of gunslinging animations Would be pretty neat 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes They'd rather expand on existing classes than add a new one 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Enemies Parasite that takes control of a player's dwarf The existing AI wouldn't handle that very well 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Perks Perks/overclocks overhaul Less so perks, but they’ll take a look at overclocks in a future update 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive Players controlling Dreadnoughts Not happening 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
UI Preview for Forge cosmetics They want to add that, but it's not being worked on right now 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive PvP They don't really have any interest in PvP gameplay for Deep Rock Galactic 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Reduce friendly fire of satchel charges No 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Features - Competitive Small-scale guilds & competitive activities Nothing like that has been discussed recently 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Cosmetics Steampunk-themed cosmetics The art director might not be a fan of steampunk 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Technical - Platform Upgrade for XBox Series X They might look at it at some point 25.02.2021 Dev Stream 25.02.2021
Equipment - Satchel Charge Ammo counter for the C4 and the shield It's on the wishlist, they haven't had the time to do it yet 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC with a 5th class They're not going to put a class behind a price tag 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
UI - Missions Health visible with the HUD off Probably not going to happen 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Perks New perks or perk levels No plans at the moment 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks changing the Bulldog's visuals Not planned; there might be issues with the alternate meshes, plus if the OC is ever rebalanced, that modeling work might be wasted 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Miscellaneous Separate updates and cosmetic DLCs The plan is to release them together, because a content update is a good time to add cosmetic DLC 19.02.2021 Dev Stream 19.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class 5th class No plans currently 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Gameplay - Objectives Black box as a regular secondary objective Not sure that'd work, black boxes are an element of a primary objective 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and Microsoft Store They would do it if they could, but it's not currently in the plans 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and XBox/GamePass The reason it's not in yet is those ecosystems have completely different server back-ends that don't play nice with each other 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Technical Cross-save between platforms If you own the game on one of them, you can manually move the save files 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Gameplay - Molly Destructible M.U.L.E. That must've been considered and rejected at some point 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Classes - Gender Girl dwarves They want to make them too 18.02.2021 Dev Stream 18.02.2021
Miscellaneous - Stores 4-pack bundles on Steam They would if they could, but Valve discontinued those, it's not possible to sell packs of several copies anymore 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Missions - Deep Dives Crafting materials in Deep Dives The fact that Deeps Dives are seeded could lead to exploits like people farming DDs for minerals; plus, it'd split the playerbase 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Enemies - Bosses Dragon-type enemy Maybe if they find a really big pile of gold down there 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Biomes Minerals & secondaries more visible in Azure Weald They try to keep an eye on resource visibility, but in general it's fine if some resources are harder to see in some biomes 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Perks New perks No plans currently 12.02.2021 Dev Stream 12.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They were taken out; flare upgrades were something that new players needed the most, and yet something only they didn't have 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They were removed earlier and there are no plans to bring them back at this point 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Miscellaneous - Merchandise In-game mugs as actual merch It has been discussed 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Gameplay - Call-Downs More uses for Nitra There used to be more calldowns in the alpha version, but they were cut 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment New weapon frameworks Very likely 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Progression Rewards for player ranks above 100 Nothing planned, they'd rather not put rewards too far from where progression starts because of how few people get to them 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface of Hoxxes Just look out the window on the Space Rig (but it'll probably not happen, the game's about caves) 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Technical - Engine Upgrade to Unreal 5 Even if they did upgrade, the game would probably look largely the same, while new bugs are almost certain 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Equipment - Power Drills Vertical angle indicator for the twin drills Jacob wants it 11.02.2021 Dev Stream 11.02.2021
Gameplay Aiming down sights They don't intend to have an aim-down-sights mechanic 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig Cosmetic pets in lobbies No plans 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Custom color palettes for armors It was discussed internally, they want to maintain a certain level of creative control over how the dwarves look 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They used to have them, but it didn't make sense in terms of player progression, now everyone has good flares 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Features - Modding Modding features It'll be very simple in the beginning, like separating modded & non-modded games, then they'll add more stuff it it's needed 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Perks More perks Not planned right now, but could potentially happen 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Classes - Voice Lines More voice lines for objects in old biomes They want to go back to older biomes, but no timelines or anything concrete, new content takes priority 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment More ways to upgrade weapons No things like a new mod tier are planned, balancing against power creep is a hard task 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Non-RNG-reliant way to unlock weapon cosmetics No plans right now, they might reconsider the rate at which cores can be unlocked after they add a new batch of weapons 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks being more game-changing Currently there are no plans to make them alter weapon behavior more than they do 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for class items They have considered it and decided not to do it 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks for traversal tools The idea was considered and ultimately rejected 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Perks Perk that allows using enemies as weapons That sounds absolutely crazy, not sure whether in a good or a bad way 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Platforms always being normal to the surface Consistency is also nice, and they way it works now you'll always be able to stand on a platform without sliding off 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Gameplay Rideable vehicles No plans for any vehicles (you can ride a Cave Angel though) 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range Currently on-hold 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for support tools The idea was initially turned down because of the workload, maybe they'll come back to it 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Gameplay Thin terrain should block enemy attacks They thought about fixing it, just haven't gotten around to ityet 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Technical - Engine Transition to Unreal Engine 5 Unreal claims it's going to be as easy as updating within UE4, but even that can sometimes completely break your game, so it depends 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration For now they're pretty happy with how the unofficial mod for that works 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Miscellaneous Voting system for suggestions If there was a feature like that, they'd rather vet the ideas themselves rather than go along with pure popularity vote 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Technical - VR VR support Not planned 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig - Activities Whack-a-mole with little bugs Anything's possible, but they're not planning to add such a game now 05.02.2021 Dev Stream 05.02.2021
Space Rig - Beer Beer that turns you into a bug Probably not, but a fun suggestion 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Perks - Beastmaster Different players' Steeves having different # of "e"s This has been discussed internally, not sure if they reached any decision 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Gameplay Limb dismemberment This is partly present - when enemies explode, their limbs can fly away 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Equipment - Melee Melee weapon They'd thought about it, and that's how Impact Axe came to be 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Enemies More enemy types/mythical creatures Probably more alien species, but not humanoid enemies, as it's much more challenging to make an AI that acts humanoid 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Classes - Gender Option to change gender They'd need more than one gender in the game in the first place, and they want to do it right 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Technical - Platform PS4 port No news 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Features - Campaign Story mode No plans 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Biomes - Surface Surface missions No, because then it'd be just Rock Galactic; this is a game about going down into caves 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Perks - Points Uses for excess perk points No plans; maybe if they decide to add more perks, they'll cross that bridge once they get to it 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Biomes - Water Water There are technical limitations when it comes to liquid physics in procedurally generated environments 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Missions Wave mode No plans 04.02.2021 Dev Stream 04.02.2021
Features - Streaming In-game rewards for watching Twitch streams They've talked about it, not sure about the specifics 22.01.2021 Dev Stream 22.01.2021
Miscellaneous - Achievements New achievements Not planned, and they can't really add new achievements for consoles anyway 22.01.2021 Dev Stream 22.01.2021
Soundtrack OST on Spotify They've talked to someone who can make it happen 22.01.2021 Dev Stream 22.01.2021
Equipment - Sentry Turret Automatic turrets for Engineer No plans, but also probably won't happen 21.01.2021 Dev Stream 21.01.2021
Space Rig - Beer Beer for faster building speed Maybe, they have to be careful about how many things it would affect 21.01.2021 Dev Stream 21.01.2021
Cosmetics - Machinery Cosmetics for Molly Have been discussed, but they're not working on them for now 21.01.2021 Dev Stream 21.01.2021
Gameplay - Minerals More ores Not planned (at least not new types of crafting minerals) 21.01.2021 Dev Stream 21.01.2021
Biomes - Appearance More stuff for old biomes They're always on the lookout for that, but nothing concrete planned for now, ideas might get assigned to biomes as they appear 21.01.2021 Dev Stream 21.01.2021
Space Rig - Activities Darts board with an elf photo on it That would be cool 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Technical - Platform DRG on Switch They looked into it a while back and concluded that the console doesn't have enough memory 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Gameplay Dwarf shanties That would be very cool 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Enemies Enemy that mimics a lootbug They haven't discussed it 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare variants Not a definite "no", but it's not in the plans 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Equipment More weapons It's on the roadmap (that's a "yes") 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Features - Competitive Playing as a glyphid Probably not something they're interested in adding, doubly so if it means PvP 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Enemies - Variants Radioactive Bulk Detonator that leaves crystals How much work that'd be depends on how they want to implement it, probably not impossible 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing It's something they'd like to play around with, but no promises of implementation 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range It was planned, but got put on hold, and they can't say when or if it's going to get made 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Features - Modding Steam Workshop integration Baby steps, it's still undecided at the moment whether they want or can do it 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Technical - Crossplay Steam/console crossplay No plans at the moment 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch partnership Might cause issues with streaming to multiple platforms like they currently do, need to look into it 15.01.2021 Dev Stream 15.01.2021
Classes Asymmetry in health/speed between classes This is already accomplished with traversal tools, weapon design, and perks 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Cigar cosmetic Some countries' anti-smoking regulations would make it unacceptable to have in the game, and vaping is for elves 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Features Daily log-in bonus Probably not something they want to add; it's better for players to log in because they want to play, not because they feel they have to 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC with gameplay content Currently the plan is "no"; it splits the playerbase and makes it more expensive to enjoy the game fully 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Technical DX12 support You can opt-in for the experimental version of DX12 in the game's setting; there are still kinks to work out 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades There used to be, but not anymore; they want to be careful with a basic tool like this, keeping the caves lit should not be easy 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Cosmetics - Dwarves Fourth relic armor Would be cool, but not planned 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Enemies - Bosses Mactera boss A cool idea that'll might happen in the future, but it's not planned for now 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Features - Modding Modding API/SDK No announcements; the first step is separating modded & unmodded lobbies, then they’ll see what is most needed next 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Perks - Beastmaster More glyphid types to tame They want to keep it simple, the current options are relatively balanced and it's likely to stay that way 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Progression - Promotions More promotion tiers Not planned, but if people keep playing the game they'll probably have to make more at some point 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Miscellaneous More Steam emotes There are some in the point shop, more is possible but content updates are way more important 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Equipment - Overclocks More unique visuals/SFX for overclocks SFX are not off the table, but changing the looks is probably more work than it's worth, considering all the weapon mesh options 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Perks Move "It's a Bug Thing" to a beer effect It's meant to be a joke perk, they just put it there for laughs 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Classes - 5th Class New class No plans, the more the game is developed, the more workit becomes to add a new class 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Soundtrack OST on Spotify It's something they want to do, and there is some progress happening to make it happen 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Features - Economy Rebalance to mod/overclock prices There are no plans for a price overhaul 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Miscellaneous - Tutorial Tutorials for cargo crates & lost packs It's among the things they'd rather the players discover on their own, and there's already a lot of info to process for a fresh player 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch integration No plans currently, but there are mods that do that 14.01.2021 Dev Stream 14.01.2021
Equipment Alternative traversal items They like how the current set works, and new items could easily upset the balance of how much teamwork is required from each class 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Gameplay Better ledge-grabbing There were discussions about some netcode improvements, but it's not clear if they'll happen or not 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Miscellaneous Collabs with youtubers It's happened before 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Cosmetics Cosmetics for Steeve or the turret Probably not for Steeve as it's a piece of content too specific to have cosmetic options 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Equipment - Platform Gun Different kinds of platforms for the gun Not currently planned; there used to be upgrades that changed the shape, but the regular pancake turned out to be the most useful 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades The game used to have them, now they're all baked into the default flares 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment More frameworks Yes, but they're not sure when 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
UI - Loadouts More loadout slots Not sure, probably not impossible 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Perks More perks Not saying it won't happen, but currently there are no plans 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Cosmetics - Equipment More weapon paintjobs Most likely 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC New cosmetic DLCs Yes 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Biomes New planet Probably not a new planet, but new biomes on Hoxxes 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No plans to add it at this time, but it could be fun to experiment with it when they have time 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range They haven't forgotten about it, but it's on hold for as long as more important content is being developed 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Technical - Water physics Water physics No plans for any water physics 08.01.2021 Dev Stream 08.01.2021
Features - Campaign Campaign mode Not in this game, a hypothetical sequel could maybe have it; the gist of DRG's story is that you mine minerals 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Features Crouching The dwarves are permanently crouching, it's uncrouching you should be asking about 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Miscellaneous - DLC DLC like Dark Future DLC cosmetics are supposed to be distinct and different from each other, there's enough marine-esque armors already 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Features - Streaming Giveaway for watching partnered streamers It's probably something they want to experiment with in the future 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Classes - 5th Class New classes Currently not planned, 4 classes work pretty well for a 4-player co-op game (plus it's a lot of work) 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Classes - Voice Lines New voice lines Fairly sure the new biomes will come with new voice lines 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Equipment - Overclocks New weapon overclocks Not planned, maybe someday; they have to be very careful about power creep, and each overclock needs to serve a specific purpose 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
UI - Class Icons Portraits reflecting cosmetics Not sure - the static icons are there for class clarity and being able to quickly tell who's down and who's not 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Space Rig Space Rig improvement Probably not something they're going to promise - they want to do it, but it's not planned 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Classes - 5th Class Support healer class There's not going to be a healer class 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Features - Economy Tradable rare items Probably isn't going to happen, and blockchain sounds like a can of worms 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Features - Streaming Twitch voting for enemy spawns There's a mod for that, uses Bits or somesuch 07.01.2021 Dev Stream 07.01.2021
Gameplay - Molly Customizable M.U.L.E. Maybe like stickers or something along those lines, but nothing planned 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Enemies Enemy types that are not alien bugs Maybe, but they'll probably stick to bug-type creatures 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Features - Modding Mod tools for cave generator/custom caves While it's a natural progression of mod support functionality, they'll need to see just how complicated it'd be to develop those tools 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Gameplay - Bosco Playable Bosco mode No plans for Bosco (or any other drone) to be player-controlled 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins & paintjobs for support tools Not planned 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves Splattered versions of all the paintjobs Haven't thought about it 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
Enemies - Variants Visual variance within the same enemy type There was a discussion about glyphids missing limbs visually, but it didn't get into the game for one reason or another 14.12.2020 Dev Stream 14.12.2020
UI - Class Icons Class icons reflecting cosmetics They discussed it, but it runs the risk of hurting class recognition 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Features - Competitive Competitive mining/bug killing They want to keep the game as co-op focused as they can 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Gameplay - Beer Effects from joke beers as ingame mechanics They don't really want the silly beer effects to be present during missions 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Gameplay Glory kills Probably can't add glory kills 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Space Rig Locker room customization/DLC No plans 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Features - Modding Mod support When they say "basic mod support" they're aiming at "being able to tell modded and non-modded games apart" as the baseline 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Perks More perks Possible, but not planned 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Missions - Mutators More warnings & anomalies Not on the roadmap currently 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Perks Perk to pet lootbugs instead of killing them You never have to kill them anyway 10.12.2020 Dev Stream 10.12.2020
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and XBox Game Pass The two platforms have different back-ends that are not easy to bridge 04.12.2020 Dev Stream 04.12.2020
Technical Cross-save between platforms You can simply transfer the savefile from the MS Store version; there's a guide on their Discord and on the game's subreddit 04.12.2020 Dev Stream 04.12.2020
Equipment - Flare Gun Scout flares sticking to enemies There was a discussion about flares impaling bugs at some point; wouldn't be impossible in theory 03.12.2020 Dev Stream 03.12.2020
Technical - Crossplay Steam/XBox crossplay like in Sea of Thieves Not as easy as it sounds, Steam & XBox use different back-ends, crossplay would also require changing the development pipeline 03.12.2020 Dev Stream 03.12.2020
UI Communication wheel They discussed it, but ultimately decided against it 27.11.2020 Dev Stream 27.11.2020
Equipment More traversal tools They don't have any plans for adding more of those, they like how the current set works 27.11.2020 Dev Stream 27.11.2020
Technical - Platform PlayStation port There is a possibility 27.11.2020 Dev Stream 27.11.2020
Technical - Platform PlayStation port Even if they had anything in the works, they wouldn't be able to talk about it, there is a bunch of NDAs surrounding PlayStation 27.11.2020 Dev Stream 27.11.2020
Missions - Mutators Stacking mutators for Deep Dives Not sure; at the beginning DDs could have two warnings at the same time, but there were too many combos to balance them feasibly 27.11.2020 Dev Stream 27.11.2020
Soundtrack Add "Diggy Diggy Hole" to the jukebox No, that'd probably cost money, and there're enough issues with Twitch's and YouTube's copyright strikes already 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Enemies Bigger Bulk Detonator explosions Maybe that could be a veteran variant - blows up the whole cave and overheats your GPU 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and Microsoft Store Sorry, it's very hard to implement; Steam's and Microsoft's back-end architectures don't work with each other very well 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Gameplay - Minerals Higher spawn rates for Jadiz and Enor Pearl No 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class Melee class Probably not going to happen, the game is built around the idea of not being close to bugs 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Space Rig - Beer More drinks in the Abyss Bar It'll probably happen, but not planned right now 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Features - Streaming Native Twitch integration Something they'll probably look into once they get to mod support, for now they're happy with how 3rd-party mods do it 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Enemies New enemies New enemy types will come 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Enemies - Variants New Lootbug variants There is a golden lootbug, maybe there could be more 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class Playable Karl Maybe you're already Karl; maybe the real Karl was the friends you made along the way 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Features - Competitive PvP They want to keep the game centered on co-op 26.11.2020 Dev Stream 26.11.2020
Gameplay - Bosco Docking animation for Bosco Would be cool; maybe he can just float through space though 19.11.2020 Dev Stream 19.11.2020
Technical - Assets Exportable dwarf models for VRChat They can't really give away 3D models from the game 19.11.2020 Dev Stream 19.11.2020
Cosmetics More cosmetics There will be more cosmetics 19.11.2020 Dev Stream 19.11.2020
Technical - Platform PlayStation port Definitely possible, but they can't say when 19.11.2020 Dev Stream 19.11.2020
Features Gambling That's not a thing 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Classes - Gunner Helicopter backpack for Gunner Not in the plans; there is an old prototype of a jetpack, but if it ever gets added, it won't be for a specific class 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Enemies - Humanoid Humanoid enemies Probably not, the idea doesn't really work well with the AI climbing walls, and writing new AI is a lot of work 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Gameplay - Molly M.U.L.E. customization Not in the plans currently 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Gameplay Mechanics to escape being grabbed Existing grabber-type enemies are intended to promote teamwork, the point is to have someone watching your back 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Perks - Beastmaster More tameable enemy types Not like Steeve 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class New class Not planned, what is planned is to add stuff to existing classes 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Biomes - Surface Overworld/surface gameplay No plans, caves are pretty much half the gameplay, "deep" is in the game's name 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Features - Competitive PvP Not looking to add it, and besides - Driller's already in the game 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Features - Campaign Single-player campaign Maybe in Deep Rock 2 13.11.2020 Dev Stream 13.11.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves Beards on female dwarves DRG is a game about beards, so - hopefully; they could be knitted or even tattooed as an option maybe 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay Not planned beyond what is already supported - not because they don't want to, but because it's very tricky 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay between Steam and Xbox Possible, but also not an easy thing to do 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Miscellaneous - Tutorial Guide for weapon choices and playstyles They'd rather leave that to the better qualified content creators out there 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
UI - Missions Indication whether Steeve is alive or dead It's something they've been thinking about adding 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons The game isn't going to take the melee route 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Features - Modding Mods by fans for fans Might happen, you'll have to wait and see 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Equipment More support/traversal tools instead of more weapons Not likely, the designers seem to be pretty happy with where those tools currently are 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans, they'd prefer to expand on the existing four, and the more they expand, the more work it'd be to add a 5th class 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Technical - Platform Nintendo Switch release They looked into it and came to the conclusion that the device doesn't have enough memory 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Cosmetics - Equipment Skins for traversal tools Nothing in the works so far 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Equipment - Overclocks Support/traversal tool overclocks Would be cool, but overclocks would have to be more than just upgrades (like mods are), and could easily upset the teammate interaction 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Features - Streaming Viewer-spawned enemies Someday, maybe 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Technical - VR VR support Not currently planned 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Equipment - Overclocks Weapon models showing mod/overclock setup Would be nice, but it'd be an enormous task for every mesh of every weapon; they'd rather add new weapons than visual options 12.11.2020 Dev Stream 12.11.2020
Missions - On-Site Refinery Oxygen tanks on pumpjacks Sure feels useful when you're playing Low Oxygen Refinery 06.11.2020 Dev Stream 06.11.2020
Progression - Endgame Rewards from crates/packs when you have all items You still get resources with each cargo crate and lost pack; they'll likely add clearer indication for when you have every cosmetic part 06.11.2020 Dev Stream 06.11.2020
UI Setting which victory moves can play after a mission Would be kind of cool 06.11.2020 Dev Stream 06.11.2020
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turrets on Doretta No 06.11.2020 Dev Stream 06.11.2020
Gameplay Updates to mission balance/XP/cave generation There will probably be more shapes added to the cave generation pool as the development goes on, but not right now 06.11.2020 Dev Stream 06.11.2020
Features - Competitive 4v4 mode That would bring in all the cheaters, DRG is fine as a pure co-op game 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Features - Economy Beer hops in the trade terminal Probably not going to be a part of the Mineral Trade Network, but not a bad suggestion 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Features - Economy Credit sinks for veteran players No special plans, but it's possible 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Technical - Crossplay Crossplay There is between the Windows Store and XBox, no plans for those and Steam 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Equipment Equipping two primary or two secondary weapons Sounds overpowered 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades They were removed, the new flares are as good as old flares with all upgrades 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Classes - Voice Lines Fuel canister salute lines Equipment-specific voice lines probably won't happen 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Equipment Increase flashlight strength No plans, and being able to look around without throwing flares sounds like cheating 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Technical - Platform Linux support Not planned currently; people have said DRG works pretty well with Proton 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Enemies Long worm-type enemy Sounds like the Nayaka Trawler, but with carving 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Missions - Mutators Lootbug infestation You monster (but also just play refinery missions) 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Cosmetics Minecraft cosmetics Not likely 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class More classes Not out of the question, but probably not 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Miscellaneous - Tutorial More entries in the Miner's Manual Sure, new biomes and enemies will get their entries 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Cosmetics More victory moves They have some plans 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Progression - Endgame More ways to turn blank cores into overclocks No plans, keep fishing for machine events 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Classes - 5th Class New classes/weapons Probably no new classes, new weapons are more likely 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Space Rig - Beer New joke beers Not currently planned 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Gameplay - Molly New models for Molly & resupply pods The art team enjoys touching up older models, but it's usually at the bottom of the priority list 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Biomes New planets New biomes - yes, but an entire new planet - probably not 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
UI Pinging missions in a lobby as client A way to suggest missions would be a pretty useful QoL feature 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Features Replay editor A dedicated editor is probably out of scope, but some camera tools are a possibility; saving maps might be a lot of data to store 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Features Replay editor Not currently in the plans 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
UI Reporting cheaters There's no reporting system, it's a p2p game; if they ever decide to make a blacklist system for consoles, it'll probably arrive to Steam too 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Features - Modding Steam Workshop support Not sure how that'd work, still on the planning phases 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
UI UI to show when you're talking in voice chat It's already there, it shows when your teammates are talking, but not when you are 05.11.2020 Dev Stream 05.11.2020
Missions - Escort Duty Depositing minerals on Doretta No 30.10.2020 Dev Stream 30.10.2020
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6&7 They want to revisit hazard levels at some point; maybe tools for self-imposed challenge, but no time is being spent on that right now 30.10.2020 Dev Stream 30.10.2020
Enemies Lootbug mimics That sounds fun 30.10.2020 Dev Stream 30.10.2020
Enemies More enemy types They're working on some "veteran" versions of existing enemies 30.10.2020 Dev Stream 30.10.2020
Enemies - Mini-Bosses Flying BET-C DRG wouldn't invest in a redesign only for the dwarves to shoot BET-C anyway 29.10.2020 Dev Stream 29.10.2020
Missions - Escort Duty Make Doretta faster The drilldozer has to be slow enough for the bugs to keep up with it 29.10.2020 Dev Stream 29.10.2020
Classes - 5th Class Medic class Wow, that's a new suggestion that noone has heard before /s 29.10.2020 Dev Stream 29.10.2020
Progression More titles for player ranks past 75 What would those even be? Karl's Best Friend? 29.10.2020 Dev Stream 29.10.2020
Technical - Platform Optimization for XBox Series X No plans, but they're told it's gonna run 29.10.2020 Dev Stream 29.10.2020
Miscellaneous - Achievements Achievement for Legendary rank They get why people want it, but there's a line beyond which it's just too much to ask from players 23.10.2020 Dev Stream 23.10.2020
Space Rig - Beer More beer variants No plans 23.10.2020 Dev Stream 23.10.2020
Equipment - Sentry Turret Turrets sticking to Doretta No weapons on the machines 23.10.2020 Dev Stream 23.10.2020
Features - Team Size 8-player raids Management wouldn't pay for that big of a mining team 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Gameplay Ability to slap fester fleas Sounds like a very good idea 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves Blue hair color Pretty likely to happen, they want to expnad options for both hair and skin color 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Classes - Voice Lines Change character voices No plans 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Technical Controller rumble on/off toggle Coming for the Win10 and Xbox versions, probably possible for Steam 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Features Crouching No plans 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Missions - Escort Duty Different sounds for Doretta drilling and bosses digging Yeah, agreed 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Classes - Engineer Faster pipe repair for Engineer While it might make sense in-fiction, it might not be a good design decision 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Equipment - Cryo Cannon Freeze mactera goo into slippery ice Sounds like a lot of fun 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Equipment - Shield Gunner's shield customizations that change color Sould like a good idea, might get confusing though 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves Make old Halloween hats available There will be new themed cosmetics, but the witch hat and the pumpkin are not coming back 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Equipment - Pickaxe Mechanical effects for pickaxe parts No plans; it was discussed, and more than likely a META pickaxe would emerge and everyone would just use that 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Enemies - Variants More biome-themed monster variations Still undecided 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Equipment More class weapons No current plans. It's a big task with all the mods and overclocks and meshes that would need to accompany a new weapon 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Miscellaneous - Lore More lore/story Not sure how much they intend to expand what's there, not everything has to be told; freedom of interpretation is valuable 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Soundtrack More tunes in the jukebox Someone's working on something new, probably? 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Equipment - Overclocks New overclocks Not currently planned 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Technical - Crossplay PC-console crossplay There is between the Windows Store and XBox, but no plans beyond that (it's complicated) 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Miscellaneous - Merchandise Physical mugs as merch Would be epic 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Technical - Assets Release mug models for 3D-printing They can't just share game assets like that, copyright stuff 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Missions - Escort Duty Remove Doretta's head for extraction The dwarves don't bring wrenches big enough; maybe they will 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Set markers/waypoints directly the map Drawing on the map sounds cool, but would make the game not so family-friendly real fast 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Enemies Shellback should knock other bugs Not really possible with the way the game code is set up 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Miscellaneous - Stores Steam bundle/4-pack Steam disabled bundle purchases some time ago, the ones that you see are a legacy from an earlier time 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
UI Undo button for randomized cosmetics Not in the game yet, but they're aware it could be an issue 22.10.2020 Dev Stream 22.10.2020
Technical - Rendering DirectX 12 for the Steam version They're looking into it, but there are issues to be fixed 16.10.2020 Dev Stream 16.10.2020
Gameplay - Machine Events More machine events Nothing at this moment, maybe down the line 16.10.2020 Dev Stream 16.10.2020
Missions - Mutators Carriable oxygen tanks Can you imagine how big of a work hazard that would be? You bump into something and BOOM! 15.10.2020 Dev Stream 15.10.2020
Gameplay - Molly Fix Molly walking vertically up during escape The challenge of following Molly in that phase is a part of the game, no plans to change that (see link for tips) 15.10.2020 Dev Stream 15.10.2020
Equipment - Satchel Charge Add delay to C4 against accidental double-clicks If you accidentally blew yourself up with your own C4, you had it coming 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Features - Competitive Add PvP Why? Driller is already in the game (but even if it was added, it would be some sort of competition and not shooting each other) 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Miscellaneous - DLC Dwarfkini DLC No (but if there was, it'd be very, very expensive) 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Technical - Engine Graphics overhaul/engine switch The art team always tries to make the most of the engine and its updates, but remaking the game in a new one would be crazy 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Cosmetics - Equipment New models for weapons & tools Not planned, but not out of the question either 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Progression - Promotions New promotion ranks Not in Update 32 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Features - Modding Official mod support There's no clear way to separate modded and non-modded games 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing Not sure 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Cosmetics Skins or mods for Steeve or Molly No plans; it's highly doubtful that Steeve is going to get any upgrades 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Technical - Engine Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 It's never as easy as they advertise - even just a version upgrade within UE4 can introduce bugs that make it not worth upgrading 09.10.2020 Dev Stream 09.10.2020
Technical - Platform DRG on XBox GamePass No plans 08.10.2020 Dev Stream 08.10.2020
Technical Linking/progress transfer between MS and Steam You can manually carry progress data over by fiddling with files, but the game doesn't store it anywhere between platforms 08.10.2020 Dev Stream 08.10.2020
Equipment New weapons Not against the idea, but it's a huge task 08.10.2020 Dev Stream 08.10.2020
Space Rig Renting bays at the Space Rig Would be cool, but not anytime soon (if it happen at all) 08.10.2020 Dev Stream 08.10.2020
Gameplay - Beer Beer drops The joke beers are meant for the Space Rig 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Biomes Caves where two biomes intersect Possible in theory, could be a lot of work though 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Technical - Platform DRG on GamePass or NextGen No announcements yet 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Gameplay First-person spectator view while downed Possible, probably? depends on the networking code 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 Not in the current plans, they're pretty happy with Hazard 5 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Space Rig - Activities More activities for the Space Rig Not at the top of the list, but probably, as they go along 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Space Rig - Activities More stuff in the Space Rig They discussed it, but nothing major for now 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves New armor paintjobs Probably, at some point 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Soundtrack New music No plans right now 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Technical - Platform Nintendo Switch release The Switch doesn't have enough memory 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Cosmetics - Dwarves Old hats available again No decision yet, they were supposed to be a reward for supporting the game during early access 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Equipment - Overclocks Overclocks on tools & flares Not planned, the traversal tool balance is pretty delicate 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner Ping system expansion No plans currently 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Technical - VR VR support No immediate plans, maybe in the future 02.10.2020 Dev Stream 02.10.2020
Equipment - Satchel Charge C4 counter They want to do it, just super busy 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Technical - Accessibility Colorblind mode They're looking into it 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
UI Crosshair options Let them know if there's something wrong with the current ones; colors/opacity could be discussed 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Space Rig - Beer New beers Who knows? 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Classes - 5th Class New classes The focus is on expanding and improving the classes currently in the game 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Missions - Mutators New mutators Not for now, the focus is on the roadmap 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Miscellaneous Plans for advertisement Tell your friends about DRG 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
UI - Missions Teammates' shields in the UI It's noisy as a UI element and not very actionable for the player, so the devs removed it 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Biomes - Water Water biome When we stop asking for it 29.09.2020 Dev Stream 29.09.2020
Features - Team Size 5-player games No plans 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Missions Abandoned pipelines in the caves Nothing like that planned right now 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Perks Active perks refilled by resupply pods No, their limited use is what allows to make them strong 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Features - Competitive Competitive elements It's likely that Deep Dive speedruns are the closest the game will ever get to competitive 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
UI - Loadouts Copy-paste between loadouts/sets No plans so far, but sounds good 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
UI - Class Icons Cosmetics on class icons Not sure if it's a good idea 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Equipment - Cryo Cannon Cryo Cannon interaction with magma terrain Would be cool 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Features Daily missions No, people should be able to play only on certain days of the week and still finish all repeatable content 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Classes - Gender Female dwarves No immediate plans 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Equipment - Flares Flare upgrades No; there used to be, but they didn't feel impactful, especially for new players; the current flares are equal to fully-upgraded old flares 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Gameplay - Hazard Level Hazard 6 No plans, Haz 5 is meant to be the highest difficulty 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Features Leaderboards No, this is a p2p game and they'd be easily hackable 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Enemies - Bosses Mactera breeder enemy They have some thoughts for distant future 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Equipment - Melee Melee weapons No 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Perks Mission-specific perks No, maybe one for faster building in general 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Features - Modding Mod support Not officially, there's a fine line between that and cheating (but would be cool some day?) 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Gameplay - Terrain Scanner More specific pings Might seem like a good idea, but the current system has advantages that the team wants to keep 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Enemies New alien species/enemy types It's nice to have new monsters, but they're designed when the devs are looking for a specific type of gameplay or role to be filled 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Enemies New alien species/enemy types Probably; mechanics come before species/type 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Enemies New alien species/enemy types "Solid maybe" for Update 33 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Classes - 5th Class New classes No plans, there are plenty of things to do that would benefit the game more than a new class 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Gameplay - Minerals New minerals Only if there's some mechanical niche that's not filled by existing resources 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Missions - Mutators New mutators Enough for now, maybe later on 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Perks New perks Not currently planned 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Biomes New planets No, there's not really a reason for new biomes to exist outside of Hoxxes IV 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Progression - Promotions New promotion tiers Not in Update 32 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Equipment - Overclocks New weapons & overclocks At some point, yes, but not in the next months 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Technical - Rendering Ray-tracing No point to add it, wouldn't make a noticeable difference 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Miscellaneous Reddit & Discord The devs read them, and the things we say inspire them 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Enemies - Mini-Bosses Resource reward for beating BET-C Her alliance is supposed to be the reward 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Space Rig - Shooting Range Shooting range Not a "no", but on the backburner 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Space Rig Space Rig expansion No plans right now, but it'll happen if the devs need a new area 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020
Technical - Engine Unreal 5 transition Not anytime soon 25.09.2020 Dev Stream 25.09.2020

es:Preguntas y respuestas del Equipo de Desarrollo